Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

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March 2013


Dearest GEO and Sun Family,  

With great joy and love, we are so happy to greet you with the first edition of our new monthly team newsletter and to introduce you to the committed individuals who have answered the call to form our first GEO Council.    

After the great portal activation of 12:21, we all have felt a time of retreat and restructuring as we assimilate the new frequencies and the steady stream of light codes that we have been downloading. With the Equinox before us, we now stretch our wings and gingerly step from the nurturing womb to behold with wonder: "What shall 2013 bring?". Many of us are feeling a complete about face and shifting to new missions of service that, prior to this year, were unimaginable!    

We all share our deep love in service to the platform of Children of the Sun and the GEO program. As GEO leadership, you have individually, and with great dedication, served your own communities by uniting local team members to transmit upon the Unity Matrix each moon. With the renaming of the grid program to the Unity Transmissions, our GEO coordinators are being inspired to unite and network in new ways to support one another, answering the call to enter truly into group soul formation as we move towards the vision of a New Earth.    

The intent of this newsletter and our newly formed council is to facilitate this unifying process, allowing us to weave our passionate hearts across the planet.  

I have accepted the call to serve as your Communications Manager, deeply intending to serve all of you in a very hands on way; and with great pride, I introduce your GEO Council... 



In Loving Service,

  Gay Anne Liberty 

  GEO Communications Manager




Statement of Purpose

The Children of the Sun GEO Council has been established to provide support and liaison between the GEO Coordinators, the teams and the COS administration and to represent the interests, needs and aspirations of the GEO membership.  The Council aims to steer the initiatives of the GEO teams into manifestation and to support all challenges. As the GEO Council provides an interconnected central link to teams around the world, we achieve greater unification within our central field and raise the teams to their highest potential as envisioned by the Foundation.   

victoriaVictoria Cury

GEO RC: West Palm Beach Florida, USA

carla Carla Harren GEO Country Coordinator:  Netherlands European Continent Coordinator

Kaori Kaori Uchizono GEO Country Coordinator: Japan

Dek Dekyong Sun GEO RC: Mid North Coast, Australia Country Coordinator, Australia & New Zealand               


bob Bob (Xanu) Hodgson GEO RC: Sussex

British Isles        

Sarah Sarah  Rickards  GEO RC:  British Isles Country Coordinator British Isles & Ireland         





a monthly spotlight on strategies that

GEO Coordinators use to bring the message forth


markMark Trevis, Country Coordinator Canada, Sunshine Coast, British Columbia:

"I feel that it is indeed time for a much more hands on approach. Also perhaps an approach that encourages and supports more activities and engagement with the community people live in. Perhaps even taking our transmissions right to public venues - public parks, public buildings, etc etc.. Right now, we do meditation gatherings where we simply go to public areas and talking, no teaching, no leading...just meditate, chant a bit and then just I envision doing this with GEO team transmissions as well.. Take it to the people. We are planning to do the same  with our Song Circle I take part in."


Mia Aittola, GEO Country Coordinator Finland: "I feel called to share with you what I've done over the past year with our Finnish Team. We have met physically once a month since the spring equinox last year and integrated the astrological energy (sign) of the month into our transmissions. When I visited, physically, the  Temple in Luxor over Easter, I realized some new aspects to this work in relationship with the Ascension Flame.  As an outcome of these events, our monthly Geo meetings became an initiatory path through twelve astrological archetypes in collaboration with Master Serapis Bey and the Group Avatar of the Ascension Flame in Luxor. We have received and transmitted the crystalline codes according to the astrological sign of the month and transmuted the related karmic patterns into unity. This has been done as One Group Presence within the global COS Family."





This is an in depth look into the lives of GEO Leaders

who are inspiring others and making a difference in their communities



Laura Pocket, Geo Regional Coordinator - Bristol, South West England

Greetings, fellow Children of the Sun! I am GEO Leader for South West England, also holding space for Wales. I work as a musician, performing artist & theatre practitioner as well as doing my spiritual work and energy healing. I use crystal skulls and sacred geometry to create effective energy fields from which to work. The channelling of sound vibrations through my vocal chords plays a huge part in all that I do... Whether it is working with individuals (both in person and distantly) or with group gatherings and ceremonies, sound inevitably comes into play.
Another major tool for me is what I call my 'mandala maps'. This is a kind of medicine wheel, an altar, a place where different energies can interact, weave together and be focused- especially when used in conjunction with crystals and crystal skulls. I have a giant mandala map, which I use to hold the centre when performing outdoor ceremonies and indoor group work. I use a smaller mandala map with crystal skulls, to hold the focus for unity transmissions every new and full moon, or when shepherding the sacred flames. Of course the sacred flames are also a major tool, used continuously in healing and woven into everyday life.

In 2009, I began my initiation into what I would call the 'Stargate' work, taking place on triple dates, as well as times of Solstice & Equinox. I discovered the great power and potential of connecting in group formation to hold and anchor the light at these times. I began to work outdoors at ancient sacred sites, such as stone circles, and learned how to assist with the clearing and reconnecting of the energy lines from these junctures on the Earth. In 2011, I was guided to coordinate a large scale ceremony at the little known but huge stone circle at Stanton Drew in South West England.
Many beautiful beings were magnetized to the site on this date and we created a formation of sacred sound & geometry with the movement of our bodies. Through the energy of this extraordinary gathering, I was then catapulted into a thirteen month project of 'Stargate Gatherings', where a group would meet for each double date of the month, beginning 12 December 2011 (12:12) and throughout 2012. In the winter months we stayed indoors, lit a fire and explored our 'Galactic Selves', creating some blissful soundscapes and noticing the different character and energy of each mini Stargate. From Spring, the focus went outdoors to various locations in South England and Wales... This featured both 'hands on' and 'off site' healing with the sacred flame for Avebury, and a sacred flame activation in Glastonbury.

Throughout the journey of following my own inner guidance, I have found consistent parallels within the activities of Children of the Sun. Whenever I have strayed off on my own adventures, I would check in with COS, only to discover that we are in complete alignment! It is evident that we are indeed working from a unified field, even without conscious intent- which is most affirming!  2760.jpg

The Rites of Passage program I found to be particularly helpful to my process of development, and I am grateful to have formed fond friendships and partnerships, through COS networking. January 2013, for me, was truly like floating in the void; and for the first time since I can remember, experiencing absolutely no agenda, no guidance for projects, no direction! This was a peculiar sensation indeed, and took a while to adjust to... 

With several year's healing work & spiritual development projects now complete, I find myself in a beautiful place of new beginnings. From here I am able to align more fully & conscientiously with the Children of The Sun collective endeavour. What this will be, from country to country, Geo team to Geo team, we are yet to create! It is very exciting indeed to have this network of support and potential, from which to go about serving Earth and humanity for the highest good. I have a more fluid approach to creating physical group gatherings this year. 

I look forward to sharing more and co-creating with others as the year ensues... In Britain we have begun to meet on Skype every new and full moon and take turns to lead a meditation. For Spring Equinox, I will be at Stanton Drew stone circle (near Bristol) to perform a simple ceremony for unity consciousness at noon. All are welcome to attend.

In joy and love,

Laura Pocket

Contact Laura



Seeking Country or Continent Coordinators
In the flow of Unity, we are in the process of unifying our regional GEO groups on the Center of Illumination and bringing in all the individual groups under Country or Continent groupings for more effective networking. We are also assigning Coordinators for each of these world regions and especially focusing to locate one or two persons to step up to the role of Country Coordinator for the USA. Others areas needing a Coordinator are Africa and Asia. If you enjoy networking and find assisting and motivating individuals and teams rewarding, please contact Gay at
Assigned Sacred Fire Shepherding
We have received requests to continue the Continental Sacred Fire Shepherding program that was begun during the Rites of Passage. Carla Harren has drawn up a chart for this and with gratitude to her efforts, we offer the continuation of assigned flames during the Unity Transmissions and special dates such as Equinox and Solstice. 
Children of the Sun Conference and Goodwill Benefit - Cuernavaca, Mexico
June 14 - 16: English Conference (June 13 optional day to Teotihuacan)
June 21 - 23: Spanish Conference (June 20 optional day to Teotihuacan)
Have you marked the dates on your calendar? We are so excited about our first conference and grand reunion. We are putting out the call for all GEO Leaders to attend the conference, if at all possible. Just imagine the joy of our reunion, in the physical, after all these years of transmitting in group soul upon the Grid! If funds are tight, do not forget that this is a charitable event and there are many creative ways to fundraise in your community to assist with travel expenses.  This conference is for US!  It is our time, our place, and we invite you to partake in this incredible experience!  For one of the most fabulous experiences of a lifetime, go to our website for all information about the location and our program. 
Details and Registration
Seeking YOUR Contributions to the GEO-CENTRIC TIMES!
Please feel free to submit a contribution to our Wayshower's Way or notify us if you would like to be featured in our GEO Team Leader Spotlight. We are also open to consider your small articles written about topics of interest and related to our mission of planetary service. You can submit these as well as listing details for any applicable GEO Events in your area to



British Isles

Bristol : Spring Equinox Unity Consciousness Ceremony

20th March at 12.00 Noon. Stanton Drew Stone Circle

London UK: Celebrating Oneness

Saturday, 30th March: 11:00 am until 6.00pm.

A heart centred gathering facilitated by Sandra Ferreira, Bob Hodgson and Sarah Rickards

Inspirational meditation, Expressive Soul Art and Deeksha Oneness Blessing Ceremony.


Belgium: Reunion of Heart

Sunday, March 28

This is a beautiful reunion at the Cultuurcentrum , Meerlaan 32 , 8300 Knokke

Please bring your skills such as Healing Techniques, Meditations, Compassion, Writing, Painting and Dance

Please contact Galia Hurley at:


Croatia: As Above so Below

May 4 until May 10 including the New Moon Solar Eclipse on Saturday

Locations: Durdevac Peksi Desert, Reservation River Kriznica, Vineyard Durdevac, Plitvice Lakes and Waterfalls. Gathering, activation, Tai Chi, initiation, galactic portal opening, multi-dimensional and physical travel in and through Croatia. Organized by Carla Harren with a team of several European GEO leaders.

Please contact: Carla at

France: Sacred Places South of France

June 17 until June 23 including Summer Solstice

Locations: Lake Montbel, Rennes le Chauteau and Monsegur.

A program of connectivity, yoga, multi-dimensional celestial and physical travel, meditation, activation and higher alignment facilitated by Carla Harren. Group location is at Ste Colombe sur l'Hers with availability to stay at the Loft in Piedmont Pyrenees Cathar.

Please contact: Carla at


Failford, Mid North Coast NSW: Equinox Gathering & Ceremony

March 20 at 6:30 pm - Unity Consciousness Transmissions followed by drumming and dance to send our intentions into the Earth and out to the Cosmos.  Bring food to share.

Elands, Mid North Coast NSW: Equinox GEO Women's Group

March 20 at Sunset, locaton: the Health Centre

Please contact Dekyong:

Skype Gatherings



NEW Skype Group for Geo Coordinators, participants of COS and anyone wishing to join us.

Sunday, March 24 at 22:00 hours

These are continuous on Sunday's, once a month from 22.00 until 23.00 hours Amsterdam time (GMT +1)

Theme is: The flow of Spring Equinox

Please contact: Carla at

GEO British Isles and Ireland:

Please Join with us in great heart- centered conversation and meditation for twice monthly gatherings on Skype

Monday, March 11th 9.00pm: Meditation lead by Colin Whitby and Sarah Rickards: Divine Masculine

                                                            and Feminine Alchemy

Sunday, March 24th 9.00pm: Meditation lead by Bob Hodgson: Activating The Divine Masculine

                                                            with Archangel Michael

Please contact:


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PLEASE SUPPORT OUR FORWARD MOVEMENT. All of our programs are dependent upon public donations. Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation, Inc. is a non profit public charitable organization, operating number  #27-0315891. All contribution is tax deductible in the USA.
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