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Spiritual crisis

"God" and I have had a very complicated relationship over the years.Growing up, I didn't even know the word agnostic.I thought everyone believed in God.My belief in God was very innocent.He was a little old man, kinda like Santa,but not with a belly...Sitting on a throne made of gold, with angels flying all about...That was my "catholic" god.But he could get angry too, and destroy things.That god could get very angry.And that is probably where my first spiritual crisis occurred.It never made sense to me that God would destroy.For a while I remember being confused about God.What I see now as spiritual crisis.For my idea of god could no longer be contained by the little old man sitting on the throne.So I decided in my head I didn't like that vengeful God.He wasn't mine.I had a different God, one that only loved.There must be different t gods, I figured...And my god became both male and female, for that made sense to me.The death of a loved one brought about my next spiritual crisis.I went through a phase where I hated god.Hate with a capital H.Yeah...tough time in my life.Another adjustment of who god was in my life.Expectations released.And so it continued through my life...growth, spiritual crisis, questioning,release, growth...Until I felt the Light go through my core.Then god became a WHOLE different ball game lol!God became Source.An endless sea of unconditional love.And I a drop from it.And today I see so many around me going through their own spiritual crisis.I also see it with many who have awakened...many lightworkers.For December 21 was a huge release for our world.And a huge disappointment for many.In the disappointment that has followed many are questioning deep within themselves as to what is their new spiritual reality.How they will go on forward from here when they expected to not have to worry about it...once again questioning and expanding...And by doing so, releasing the old ideas and paradigms as we all continue on our upward spiral.As we continue our return to SourceOne of those ideas is the idea of time.And dates.Needed to be let go, for time is a means of control...not needed in the higher dimensions.Going through a spiritual crisis is so difficult.For deep in our hearts we want to feel One with Source.That is our natural state.A state of peace.But to me a spiritual crisis, as difficult as it is, also means I am growing.I am expanding.I am letting go of ideas that are no longer for my highest good.Maybe because I was following ideas of others, instead of my listening to my heart.Maybe I was listening to what others thought instead of hearing my own truth.For it is through our hearts that we hear the truth.Our connection to our Source.And it is through our hearts that we heal and let go those things which no longer serve our highest good.So if these days have been difficult, I send healing and love.The energies have been very intense.Know that you are not alone.Try to spend as much time as possible doing things that bring you peace.Baby your body.Listen to your heart.And spend time outdoors if possible.For Mother Earth will show us beauty at every moment,every instant,and that beauty heals us.Her love for us is endless too.We are love.And we are so loved.And we are all so beautiful.Lets not forget.In light and lovemarie
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