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Quieting the mind, so I can hear my heart.

I often times catch myself caught in a negative mind loop.Before I know it my thoughts drift into what I call "a bad neighborhood."Often times these thoughts center around beliefs about myself.Apparently there are still issues of low self-esteem within me.My mind runs away with thoughts that are really not me anymore.Thoughts that seem to come up from deep within, the last remnants of fears, illusions and distortions that allowed me to go further and further away from my heart.Further behind the veil.So I could totally immerse myself in this world to experience that which my soul chose.Before I remembered that love is what created me and who I really am.It is during those times that I find the biggest difference in who I have become.For in the past those negative thoughts would have carried me deeper and deeper into anxiety, sleeplessness, and self doubt and hate.That's what the mind does.It has the power to cloud our ability to hear our heart speak.It can keep us caught in a loop of negativity for hours, sometimes days, months, years, lifetimes...But now am I aware that these thoughts are not who I am.So when it happens this is what I do...and yes I do talk to myself...a lotFirst I close my eyes and I take at least three deep breaths.I quiet my space.Imagine going into my heart.The center of my chest.Getting out of my head and into my heart.So I can hear Truth.I usually laugh at myself.I ask myself..."really you really think _________________?Laughter always raises my vibration so quickly.Then I look at what I am saying about myself.Really look at it.Is there any truth to it?For example, if I think I am a crappy friend, have I acted as a crappy friend?If the answer is no then I give thanks for the thoughts and let them go as they no longer serve my highest good .After all having the thoughts allowed me to inspect an aspect of myself...release an issue that no longer defines me.If the answer is yes...then I forgive myself.For I need to remember that I was doing the best I could with the information I had, at the time.Then I really look at myself.Make sure that I forgive myself in every aspect, so I can heal and move forward.I finish by giving thanks for the experience, for as I empty myself of distortions and illusions about myself, I fill myself with love and forgiveness and gratitude.Usually as I envision letting go, I also see myself surrounded in the white light that is Source, and I tell all energies which are not with the purest intentions from the heart ,to move along ...I send them off in light and love, but they are not welcome here...I imagine myself as a being of light, filled with the energy of love, healed and whole.Then I breathe again.If I distance myself from my feelings, look at the situation, forgive myself and give thanks for the experience, it helps me find my way back to my center, my heart, the inner peace that is my real state of being,I believe forgiveness of self and gratitude is the energy I need to keep expanding and moving forward.The fast track to healing myself.And the faster I release that which is not who I am, the faster I become the person which I am striving to be.I hope this helps others.Times are intense and it is very easy to get caught up in the chaos which is all around us as the world continues to awaken.Quieting the mind allows for the hearing of our hearts.Nature also can quickly help center and release as well.Mother Earth's healing properties are amazing.She has direct communication with our hearts it seems.When we can hear our heart, we connect to our Source.We don't need a middleman.When we connect to Source, our decisions are heart centered and this allows us to be in the flow of the Source energy, the energy which flows through all living things.And that is when good stuff really happens...when we live from our heart.That's when our lives become abundant, for abundance is a by product of being in the flow of Source.Thank you my light family for being here with me.Wouldn't want it any other way.Hope your mind is quiet today and your heart is singing.In light and lovemarie
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  • Thank you for your beautiful kindness in your replies.
    Makes my heart happy.
    In light and love
  • Thanks for sharing Marie

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