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Welcome back! June looks set to be a month of continued shift, ebb and flow as the cosmos weaves around and within each of us. The cosmic web seems to be gaining strength and momentum as shift after shift occurs; and, like a row of dominos, as one falls, the rest follows...

How we see this web is important for if we feel trapped and caught up in the web, then we are likely to feel restricted and unable to fully connect with the full essence of Universal shift. However, if we open up our hearts to the web and become a part of it as it becomes a part of us (as it always has been), then we become the flow and the shift.

June sees a myriad of events from a Partial Lunar Eclipse at the Full Moon and Neptune moving retrograde in Pisces on the 4th, to the Venus transit on the 5th and 6th. Jupiter enters Gemini on the 11th, Chiron moves retrograde in Pisces on the 12th and retrograde Venus enters Leo on the 20th. The Summer Solstice is on the 21st, and Ceres enters Gemini on the 23rd. Finally Saturn moves direct on the 25th, followed by Venus on the 27th. This plethora of shifts sees our focus being pushed and pulled in different directions. There is a powerful inner focus as we continue to explore the world within, but there is also a significant outer and global focus as we begin to see even more change all around.

We may feel a little overwhelmed during such tumultuous times, but it is important to remain centred in the flow as we become part of the cosmic web for this is a time to become empowered, strong and inspired in order to ride the wave and take yet another step closer to Heaven on Earth...


In many ways you seem stuck between two (or possibly three!) distinct ‘phases’ of your life; it is akin to standing at a crossroads, but choosing all of the directions, not just one. You no longer want to feel limited or confined in life; you want to feel free to grab life with both hands and an open heart. In short, you are no longer prepared to see brick walls or obstacles, only opportunities. This doesn’t make the brick walls vanish, but it does mean that you are open to finding solutions and resolutions in your life in order to live the life that you now know to be possible. Choosing one path to follow feels restricted and contained, and as your spirit soars free, you know that you need room to manoeuvre. Whilst you are a master at focusing and directing your energies, this seems to be a time of expanding your perspective and opening up to more, not less.

In your heart you know that you are ready to expand your consciousness and embrace a brand new way of living and being. Despite this expansion of focus, you are growing more focused than ever before, it’s just that you have now realised that life does not have to be about having one goal or one dream. In fact, it seems that having more than one focal point gives you more inspiration and energy than ever before, so rather than dissipating your reserves, it is fuelling the fire within! It is time now to stop seeing your Self standing at the crossroads, but the time has come to become the crossroads and absorb all of the choices and options into one beautiful and magnificent (and cohesive) whole...


You are standing in the midst of a somewhat confusing and heady mix of choices and options, pathways and directions at the current time. Courage, trust, self-belief, faith, determination, focus and inner knowing are all pulling you in different directions and you seem to be finding it rather hard to know which way to turn; you feel like you are at the centre of a whirling and swirling circular ball of ‘stuff’ and you seem to have no real idea what to do. Yet, feeling overwhelmed at the current time is understandable, for you are changing on so many levels; what felt right yesterday may feel outdated today as everything is changing. On one level you want to be free to embrace the change, for it feels destined and ‘right’, but on another level you are finding it hard to find any clarity for so much is happening at the same time.

June is a month to step back from the confusion, to unload some of the many burdens on your shoulders and to begin to acknowledge that as long as you stand powerless in the centre of this swirling ball of ‘stuff’, you are unlikely to regain your perspective or sense of Self. Having faith that ‘all will be well’ when you step beyond the confusion takes courage, but you have this in abundance. It also takes trust, self-belief, faith, determination, focus and inner knowing; it is time to realise that all of these are your friends not your foe. The ball is swirling for that is its natural state of being, you are dynamic, fluid and intuitive, and the time has come for you to conduct the swirls and the whirls in order to regain your perspective and to re-shape your life...


June looks set to be a month of inspired and creative change and shift for you; you seem to have reached the pinnacle of self-realisation when it comes to a significant and important aspect of your life: your sense of Self. This may sound a little strange, but you have been searching for Truth in one form or another most of your life, and whilst this is unlikely to change (for that is your way) you have begun to acknowledge that the Truth you most need now is within you. You have been searching high and low for something that has always been with you; it may not have been obvious or waving at you to be noticed, but it has been with you nonetheless.

You may feel frustrated at this realisation, for you have been searching so hard and for so long, but frustration will not serve you well at this time, for realising that the answers are within is possibly the most significant realisation that you will ever have! Searching outside of your Self for the ‘answers’ and for meaning just takes you further and further away from your Self, and this has been the root cause of your confusion and disorientation over recent times; you have been looking for something to bring you a flash of insight, but it hasn’t materialised. As you move the focus back within, you will begin to see that these external ‘distractions’ were necessary as they have taught you that you already have the answers and the inner knowing that you need in order to embrace the inspiration and creativity to ride the wave of change toward a new place of knowing, contentment and bliss...


As you continue to embrace the moment and break free from the stagnancy in your life, you look set to see your life and your path from a new perspective this month. It seems that you have been looking at your life from a place of uncertainty, unknowing and fear and these have kept you locked at ground level looking up at the mightiness of your dreams and goals. However, you have failed to realise that you are not being ‘forced’ to stay in this position, for you have the freedom to lift up your head and take a far more wide-reaching view of the panorama of your life. In essence, this is all about perspective; if you feel restricted or in a place of lack, then this is what your life becomes. However, if you stand up high and see your life in a new light, then you can begin to see that you are free to move, flow and be fluid.

June therefore looks set to be a month of revelation, excitement, expansion and inspiration as you begin to see your life in a very different way. Obstacles melt away and you realise that your perception has been your biggest challenge in life! At the same time, you begin to reconnect to the sparkle and fizz of the inspired energy that is now beginning to flow freely, and this looks set to inject some adventure and creativity into your life as you start to think in terms of what you want to do next. In many ways, it seems that a new chapter is opening now, and this chapter is one where you have the pen, quill or keyboard to write your own story in your own unique way...


June looks set to be a month of empowerment and inspiration for you as you continue to de-clutter your life and break free from the tangles which have left you feeling confused and disorientated. Of course, you still have responsibilities and some of these are too important to deny, although you do need to explore honestly your motivations for keeping hold of these (just a double check that you have let go of those interminable ought’s and should’s!). You seem ready now to let go of the inessential in your life, and as this begins to melt away, your inner sun starts to shine bringing you a sense of joy and passion. Your sun has a new twinkle and vibrancy as you start to see your world and your life with fresh eyes; nothing seems the same anymore, and this feels amazing and awe-inspiring!

In many ways, you are simply re-connecting to the energy that has always been within you, but life has created thick clouds that have hidden your inner light from view. Clouds are not always a bad thing, for they bring rain to nourish and nurture your inner world, and they bring shade from the intensity of your sun. It therefore seems important not to ‘fight’ the clouds and eradicate them, but to welcome them as a part of who you are, but at the same time, you need to cut out the clutter in your life in order to have time to rest in the brilliant sunshine: balance is what you need now. You seem ready now to clear the decks, to re-focus and to tap into your solar powered life force to shine, to create and to boldly step forth towards a new way of living and being...


Doing. Being. Wanting. Getting. Creating. Manifesting. Trusting. Knowing. Trying to keep up with these movers and shakers in your life has proved somewhat exhausting over recent weeks and months as you have tried to formulate a path through the somewhat heady maze of choices currently before you. The maze has taken shape, but you have been trying to navigate through it without really knowing where you are heading or why; it seems that you have become so entrenched and focused on keeping on keeping on that you have lost sight of what you want, and this has left you caught up in a cycle of trying to find a path but having no real idea what the path even looks like, let alone where it may head! In short, you have been trying to make the ‘right’ choices and decisions, but have become lost in the dizzy world of ‘should’s’ and ‘ought’s’.

Doing and being are two sides of the human penny of life; you need both. Wanting and getting take you away from your natural ability to manifest and create, and you need to re-connect to your true essence in order to balance this. Trusting and knowing are so hard when life feels so chaotic, but these are the foundations of your path to success; for it is trust and knowing that ultimately enable you to let go of fear and doubt, and inspire you to step into the unknown. None of these movers and shakers are ‘out to get you’, but you need to get back into prime position of being the conductor of the orchestra of your life in order to regain your perspective; work with these and they will work with you. Stay focused and the maze vanishes as clarity reigns...


June looks set to be a month of creative insight and amazing inspiration for you; it seems that you have allowed yourself to step beyond your mind in order to connect to the full and amazing power of your energy, intent and focus. Whilst being a mind person will never leave you, for that is part of your genetic design, you are allowing yourself some space to de-clutter your inner world in order to find clarity and vision when it comes to what’s next in your life. You have some big dreams and lofty aspirations, and there have been times when you have felt a million miles away from these, but it seems that as you now re-connect to your essence, you are realising that these dreams only feel a million miles away because you think they are a million miles away (your perception and belief).

As you start to see just how your mind shapes every single aspect of your life, you now have the opportunity to make some sweeping changes to your inner dialogue in order to embrace a more positive and life affirming approach to living. You are feeling the full awesomeness of your true power, and this feels incredible, mind-blowing, uncertain but wonderful all at the same time! This is your time to not only re-shape your thoughts and your life, but it is your chance to instil a deep, positive and lasting sense of shift and change into all aspects of your world. In order to make the most of this opportunity, it is important to remain centred and in balance; stay focused and keep believing in your Self as you create a brand new way of living, being, thinking, intending and manifesting...


‘Should you stay or should you go?’ seems like a pivotal question in your life at the current time. You seem to be standing at a doorway wondering whether to open the door and step beyond or to close the door and step back into the room. Your hand is poised over the handle in uncertainty and anticipation, but you just cannot bring yourself to make a decision as to which way to turn. You have touched the handle, turned it even, but keep pulling back like it is electrified. You have become so focused on the door being the ‘big obstacle’ that all of your energy is being channelled into making this important decision. The door has become a huge barrier that is keeping you locked in your current life and preventing you from stepping into the new terrain beyond.

Oh, the door, the door, the door, the door. What to do about the door? Your perception has allowed the idea of an obstacle to grow and the more focus you have given it, the bigger the door has become! June is a month to take a breath and to re-focus; take a small step back and you will see that there are no walls around the door, and if you want to, you can simply walk around it. At the same time, the door is not impenetrable, nor is it electrified, but you have reached a pivotal moment in your life when you need to decide if you truly want something new in your life or whether all of this has simply been a distraction technique to keep you occupied. Once you are clear, the door dissolves and you become free to follow the path of your choosing...


‘Oh, it’s dark, where’s the light?’ This might seem like a strange way of beginning your forecast for June, but it seems that you have been going through a kind of self-induced dark night of the soul. You have metaphorically turned off all the lights and then started to panic that you can no longer see! The lights in your case are dreams, opportunities and new pathways; you have been so focused on moving forward and making progress in life that you have lost sight of the fizz and whizz-bang that normally fills your heart with optimism, meaning and hope. In short, life has become pedestrian, and you do not like the feeling! So, what’s the answer? Well, you switched off the lights, so switch them back on again! It sounds simple and in many ways it is, for you have a choice as to how much you open yourself up to your dreams, creativity, inspiration, passion and creativity. It is undeniable that you can make great progress in the pedestrian world, but if this comes at a cost of your inner fire and light, then is it a price worth paying?

You are a free spirit; a passionate soul with a deep need for freedom and fluidity in your life. Whilst it is admirable that you have parked this in order to focus on doing more or being more; you have lost sight of the fact that in order to truly be more or do more then you have to be living from your heart! June is a month for you to move beyond the routine and to embrace the magic and whizz-bang once again. It is time for you to not only switch on the light but to throw open the curtains to allow the blazing sun to shine brightly into your world...


June looks set to be a month where your mountaineering skills of life are put to the test in an epic adventure of faith, self-belief and courage. As you now remove your heart from your mouth at the thought of such a prospect, you need to connect to the passion and the excitement of this wonderful and life-affirming opportunity for you to not only reach the peak of the mountain (your dreams), but to rest in awe at the spectacular sight that greets you at the summit as you gaze knowingly at the 360 degree vista around you. No one can ever truly be sure of what lies around the next corner in life, but you are now in a somewhat unique position to move beyond the fear and the uncertainty in order to step towards your dreams with strength and focus.

This epic adventure is but the next step on your life, and you now have a choice: you can either fear it or embrace it. Actions and choices made in the coming days and weeks will impact your life for years to come, and so wouldn’t you be wise to ride the wave with passion rather than stand back through fear? Change happens; it is inevitable, but how you handle change does come with a choice. Only you can know if you have it within you to keep on trekking up that mountainside towards the summit, but with it now in your line of sight, it may be hard to walk away. It seems important to remind you that you are a pioneer and an amazing soul, and as you continue to get to know the fullness of your essence, you will intuitively know what to do next...


June looks set to be a month of great significance for you as you make an important decision about your path ahead. You have been hovering in procrastination over recent weeks and months, feeling unsure whether to step boldly forth towards your dreams or erring on the side of caution and sticking with the comfortable and familiar. Both have good points and both have risks, for you know that nothing in life is certain, even the safe and familiar. So it seems that you now face a choice, do you want to keep wearing those safe, comfortable slippers or are you ready to step into a gleaming new pair of Jimmy Choo’s? A lot can be said for slippers, they are warming, relaxing and familiar, but the lure of the Jimmy Choo’s is adventure, excitement and the unknown. It seems clear that you need to address your inner procrastinator now, as hovering in indecision is exhausting.

Perhaps you need to look at your life from a new perspective and realise that there may be a way to keep the slippers and still step out in the Jimmy Choo’s? Maybe you can have both, or maybe you can throw both pairs away as you find a new pair of shoes that are not only comfortable but sassy and bold and the same time? In other words (and moving beyond the shoe analogy), why limit yourself to an ‘either, or’ scenario? Try expanding your somewhat awesome mind and start to see the different aspects of your life coming together into a perfect and amazing Whole. The biggest obstacle in your life now is your outlook; so embrace the fullness of your essence and move beyond limits...


June looks set to be a month of continued growth and expansion as you keep on unlocking those doors within that have been holding you back from being your Self. Life always finds a way of creating doors, whether it is through responsibilities, expectations, ‘failed’ dreams, dashed hopes or a lack of self-belief; it seems that over time, the doors build up creating a kind of hallway within where door after door is lined up hiding the treasures within leaving a somewhat empty corridor for you to wander and explore. You would be forgiven for feeling frustrated that so much of your Truth and your essence are locked away behind closed doors. Yet, if you take a moment to ponder this situation you will soon realise that no one else has access to your inner world, no one else has placed that row of doors within. So, if no one else did this, then who did?

Well, you! You may scoff at the thought that this is an inner world of your own making, but deep down you know it to be true. The biggest insight is yet to come though, for if you built all of these doors, then you can open them all up as well! The time has come for you to stop aimlessly wandering along the corridor of your life; it is time for you to meander, explore and re-connect to your passion and spark. As you open up your inner world, your outer world starts to change shape as you begin to see that inner shifts create outer shifts. This is your moment to re-shape your life from a very deep level; this is an amazing opportunity to heal, to release and to stop seeking out that external rainbow to bring you what you seek; it is time now to become the rainbow...

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