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A little close for comfort! Kayakers stunned when 40ft whale rises from water just a few feet away from them

Casually minding their own business, the kayakers were paddling along trying to spot whales in the distance at Monterey Bay in California, USA

Yahoo! News UK – Thu, Aug 29, 2013

10900597489?profile=originalYahoo! News UK/GIANCARLO THOMAE/CATERS - Whale of a time: Kayakers are interrupted by the huge whale. (GIANCARLO THOMAE/CATERS)

Sperm whale causes a big splash in Norway

These kayakers were joined by an unexpected guest during a gentle paddle - when a 40ft whale rose from the water just a few feet away.

Casually minding their own business the kayakers were paddling along trying to spot whales in the distance at Monterey Bay in California, USA.

But suddenly the 80,000lb beast rose from the water almost within touching distance of the shocked pair, who couldn't believe their eyes as the once-in-a-lifetime scene unfolded.

Laws state that nobody can approach a whale within 100 yards of them, but the mammoth mammal decided to take them by surprise instead.

The incredible moment was captured by Giancarlo Thomae, a marine biologist from Moss Landing in California, while on a day trip whale watching last weekend.

10900598456?profile=originalA kayaker looks on as the once-in-a-lifetime moment unfolds. (GIANCARLO THOMAE/CATERS NEWS)

He said: 'We were kayak whale watching and the whales just came right up to us. For being some of the largest animals on the planet they were very graceful.

'The whole encounter that happened between Karen and I lasted about three-quarters of a second. The whale dove three-feet from her kayak and didn't get one drop of water in it.

'Humpback whales are very curious and playful animals and get very friendly with kayakers and boaters - although maybe sometimes a bit too friendly.'

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The Inner Plane Ascended Masters Want Us to Approach them Coming From A Place of EmpowermentSeptember 28th, 2011The inner plane Ascended Masters want us to approach the coming from a place of personal power and empowerment. They don’t want us to regard ourselves as lowly worms having no self-worth, looking at ourselves as being of lesser value than them. They don’t want us to put them on a pedestal! Not at all!They also don’t want us to wait for them to tell us what to do! They want us to use our own God-given mind and creativity to come up with plans and ideas ourselves! They want to communicate with an equal, with a master!Obviously they are here to help and guide us along the way; however, their main agenda is to help us become masters in our own right so we can step into their footsteps, and so they themselves can step into the footsteps of their own teachers!The Integrated Ascended Master is determined to serve the inner plane Ascended Masters with personal power and vision.So let it be written, So let it be done.© 2011, Dr Joshua David Stone and Gloria Excelsias,
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EU bans naked body scanners because of cancer risk, US continues to coerce travelers through them

(NaturalNews) The European Commission has issued new guidelines for the use of naked body scanners at European airports. Only scanners that use millimeter wave technology, a type of low-energy radio wave that does not cause radioactive damage, will be permitted for use in the EU -- the backscatter X-ray variety commonly used in the US will be off limits due to safety concerns.

Unlike the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which continues to insist that the backscatter machines are safe, EU regulators have admitted that this is not the case. Not only are these ionizing radiation machines now restricted throughout Europe, but the use of even millimeter wave machines also continues to remain optional for nation states that choose to use them.

"In order not to risk jeopardizing citizens' health and safety, only security scanners which do not use X-ray technology are added to the list of authorised methods for passenger screening at EU airports," says the commission's press release announcement. "All other technologies, such as that used for mobiles (sic) phones and others, can be used provided that they comply with EU security standards."

This approach to public safety is a far cry from the one US regulators are taking. Even though backscatter X-ray machines are not at all necessary, the TSA, under the umbrella of the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), continues to bend over backwards in support of the machines, even when this includes openly denying the fact that they can cause cancer (

One would think that the US, which is supposed to be the "land of the free," would be more likely than the EU, which is largely socialist, to protect its citizens from cancer-causing radioactive devices. But not only does the EU not force its citizens to go through naked body scanners like the US does, but it has also now taken a proactive approach to protecting citizens' health by banning these radioactive devices from airports.

Most Americans seem to have no problem complying with unconstitutional mandates to walk through radioactive naked body scanners -- in fact, many still think the procedure is done for their own safety.

And as long as the population at large continues to accept this tyranny in the name of safety and security, freedom and liberty will continue to rapidly disappear at the hands of the nation's rogue federal government.

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