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So I know I am not the only one when I say I like being alone.
Which is funny because I used to be a big party girl.
(Can you say Master Tequila Shot Drinker?)
Always a party somewhere...the more the merrier...people everywhere.

Life is a little different for me now.
I support those in the first stages of their awakening(mostly spontaneous awakenings which was my experience),they always find their way to me,often times in miraculous ways,often times while out in truly is an amazing process to experience.
I have met close to a hundred people in the last twelve months who are awakening.
I see it almost everyday.
The ways of how we connect to our Source is both humbling and creative.
The way of how we connect to our true selves and remember truly amazing.

I am deeply grateful for this gift, of knowing there are others who are awakening and I can actually "see" them.
(Somehow I know this first hand knowledge helps strengthen me, but then again I feel deeply in my heart this is one of my soul's missions.)
Sometimes they stay with me during the first weeks as they integrate the Light.
They ALL think they are going crazy.
Yet the really cool thing is that once they hear my "freaky deaky" Light story, they instantly relax.
They remember very quickly too.
And they all say they cannot be around other people.
All of them.
Telepathy is also very quickly increasing.

I think this is one of the biggest signs to me of those around me as they raise their vibration and begin to awaken and remember...when people tell me of their need to be alone.
They withdraw and disconnect from society.
They want to be alone at home in the quiet.
The thought of being in a large crowd of people makes them squirm.
They don't know anything except that they NEED to be alone.
The out side world has become too much...

I know alone.
Got that Hermit t-shirt.
For about the last three years.
At one point I could count on one hand the amount of people in my life in a month.

But that is the beauty of this incredible process.
One of the first gifts which seem to develop the strongest(this is my observation only) is empathy.
Happened to me too.
So being out with many people is like being blasted by constant waves of emotional energy because we feel everything.
This makes us search for respite, for quiet,for peace.
It makes us go within to quiet all the outside noise which has become unbearable.
Go within? VOILA!
You are now connected to SOURCE.

That guy you just walked by as you walked into the store and he walked out?
Just got fired and hates everything about his life.
Here's a helping of hate for you.
Feel that!!!!( WHY am I feeling so angry and hateful????)
As you get away from that guy... you feel a young couple who is very much in love...and love washes over you like a tidal wave and now you feel love.
Feel that!!!!(Love,Love,Love...)
A second ago you felt love...and that is just the first three people you have seen in the store...OMG there are hundreds of them in there... you are not even ten feet in!!!!!!!!

BY the time you leave the store...
a) you didn't buy anything because once in there you forgot what you needed due to the fog and confusion of feelings, thinking you are nuts.
b) you bought stuff but it is all wrong.
c) you got stuff but by the time you made it to the cashier to check just leave the buggy and can't bring yourself to buy anything as that requires to actually come into verbal contact with another human being and you are wiped out...Don't know what might come out of your to escape.
d) you walk in and feel all the weird crap and you can't even get your ass in you walk out after twelve feet in.
e) you go to pay for it but have lost your wallet,your glasses or your car keys...or forgot your debit code.

I used to go to the store at very odd hours.
Like 11 pm when there is no one there.
6 a.m. works well too.
On certain days I didn't even bother to go out.
Just couldn't find the energy to do so.
It wasn't worth it.
I was safe in Hermitland.
Free to feel the Light washing through me and bathing me in Love.

But now I am starting a new life and have realized that I need to come out of the cave.
So I have.
But just so you know I am bringing myself out of Hermitland kicking and screaming.
Grabbing myself by the cuff and pulling myself out, while cussing at myself to leave me alone.

But the next step for me is to find the balance of being spiritual AND physical.

Because now that I am connected to my Source, that is all I want to do.
I just want to Be.
Not necessarily doing anything.
Now that I have that peace within, I am finding it very difficult to leave it and step out into this new world we are all creating and clean up my own personal mess, so I can create too.

It is in times of this push and pull between the being in this world but not of it that makes it difficult for me to leave my beloved Hermitland.
But then I remember those first stages of my awakening...and I see how far I have come.
I understand and see the need to be alone.
That Divine aspect of Myself meeting Myself.
The need to be alone to remember how to reach within me to connect to my Source.
I know I can handle anything if I am connected to my Source.
Just have to go through the process.

It doesn't matter where each individual is in their path.
Our Creator loves all of us.
Every soul life experience.
Human or not.
Here or in another D.
Another realm.
Another time.
Doesn't matter.

It is all a Divine Process.
Know that this wish for being alone is just a natural,divine way in which your heart calls you back.
Reminds you how it is to feel...when you feel what your heart says to you, then Universal Truth from Our Creator will speak loud and clear.
Discernment develops.
The ability to see past the veil of illusion increases.
This process washes away everything that is not real.
Leaves behind the truth of who we are.

It is occurring for ALL on this amazing beautiful Mother Earth, and beyond...
A Divine Process that is always moving,expanding,creating and growing.
Different for all.
Deeply rooted and flowing from the Source that Created All That Is and Is not.

Shine bright my beautiful family.
Remember that once connected through our hearts to our Source of Love and Light, our Creator, anything is possible.
And if I have trouble getting out of Hermitland?
I am going to call on Buddha.
After all he did eventually come out of his cave.
When the time was right for him.
And look what happened afterwards...he met a dog.
Lucky him.

In Light and Love
: )

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