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I love you my body...hang on!

Well at this point, I don't even know what to body is wigging out.
Here are some of the symptoms that I have been experiencing for about the last four weeks...(don't hold me to that exactly, for I have no sense of time...)But it seems like forever...

My sleeping is all over the place.
I either sleep for twelve hours or I sleep for two and can't stay asleep.
I am also starting to wake up again at 2:22 or 3:33...what's up with that???

When I wake up I am so foggy, it takes me forever to get myself going for the day.
I often feel exhausted.
It is hard for me to write, because sometimes I can't seem to string sentences together.
And yes,thank you for spell check...seem to have trouble spelling lately, which is tough when one is a writer lol!

Not remembering any of my dreams(am I even dreaming?),which is very unusual for me.

My body is doing weird things.
My hands and feet go through spells of either freezing or burning up.
Sometimes my entire body will be burning up or freezing.
Hot flashes are back...yay...
I cannot stand the cold, the temperature in my house is like 80 degrees!
And I cannot be out in the sun during the day,it has to be early morning or in the evening.
This is a huge thing for me, for I live at the beach and I am always out in the sun.

Sometimes it feels like my body is vibrating.
It is a very strange feeling.
Other times it feels like I am expanding from the inside out,I feel pressure inside of me and it feels like my energy cannot be contained within me.

My lower back is really hurting me at times.
I have severe pains that come and wrists, my knees,my feet.
It seems for now the headaches have stopped a bit(knock on wood), but the mental fogginess is still there.

Within the last two weeks my eyesight has gotten real bad.
My hair feels like dead hair,icky.
My eyes have gotten greener, where before they were more brown, green,hazel.
I still have emotional releases, but now they are fast and furious and done very quickly.
It seems the emotions are not mine so I just let them flow through me and accept that I am clearing for the collective.

I have difficulty ingesting foods,and there are days when my stomach is so upset...(yucky subject I know, it is what it is)
Sometimes I wake up and my stomach is so bloated.
I am back to seriously craving protein, but I cannot eat meat.
I can only eat small portions.
I get sudden waves of nausea,so severe it makes me gag.

I cannot be in large crowds,(again!)I need to be alone it seems to function at this time.
I also have intense DISGUST for lower energies,lower consciousness,and those people at that vibration.
I have to voice my anger and disgust over all things negative it seems.
I cannot put up with it, cannot look away,cannot accept it.
I have to speak up.
I cannot stand to see anyone being victimized.(Hello my divine masculine!)

Now for the yummy list...

When not experiencing these things,my body feels great,honestly lol!
I look younger.My body is shaping up and changing and I feel strong.
I feel at peace,an inner knowing that everything is exactly as it should be for my body and for myself,and for all of us
I have lost weight(on the scale)and I am the lightest I have ever been I think, but look very healthy.
I am happy and feel so loved.
Just walking around makes me happy.
I also feel full of hope.For me, my life and for this beautiful planet.
I am connecting to others who are awake and are like minded.

I have periods of extreme clarity,where I see what I need to do,and how I need to do it.
Things I didn't know I knew seem to pop up when I need the expansion of inner knowing.
I feel energy of people and words and places, discernment has become very easy for me, as I have learned to completely trust my inner knowing.
I love,love,love being in nature and it fills me up!

I instantly know when I am no longer in the flow and it is easy for me to get back to where I need to be.
I have no problem with letting people, issues, ideas go if they are not for the highest good.
Those that are in my life truly love me and accept me.

I feel awe and such deep gratitude for being here at this time to see this shift happening inside and outside of me.
I am also so grateful that my body is still hanging on and making this shift,as soooo many around me are crossing over.
I am sure there are more delightful symptoms,but this is what I can come up with now.

Yes certain aspects of this shift are very dark and very difficult, but the rewards are immense and incredible.
Best advice I can give?
Take care of your bodies, love,love,love yourselves,and talk to your bodies.
I do it out loud, telling my body thank you for hanging on,for still being here, and tell it that it is doing great and I love it...
I take a lot of salted baths and drink a lot of water.
(Lately I have been craving lemonade too)
I also tell it that just because it is a new experience,(these intense energies), it does not mean we are sick and things are not ok.

We are one-Me,my body... and all of us.
We are all connected through our hearts to our beautiful Source, and the love from within all of us is expanding to our world.
Is making and enormous difference in this shift.
We are SO loved and we ARE love, for love is all there is.

In Light and Love and in deep gratitude to be sharing this path with my beautiful light family.
We are doing this, there is no going back, AND we are doing a beautiful job!
Shine Bright!
Love Big!
Rock On!
: )

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