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Heavenletters #3902 A Blue Star Becomes Golden Light , August 1, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3902 A Blue Star Becomes Golden Light , August 1, 2011

God said:

How do you stay humble and walk on air? Get used to walking on air. As you get used to walking on air, heights and humility will balance out. When you are in Heaven, you are humble. All the love and beauty humbles you.

Another way to say humble is to say that you are in awe. Yes, being in awe is the same as being humble. You are meant to walk on air. You are meant to fly high. You are meant to soar. You are meant to be blessed and blessed again and to know only blessing. What else, really, is there to know? A blessing is love blown your way, and you drew it to you, and now blessing is yours. Blessing becomes you like rosiness on your cheeks.

As you are blessed, it is inevitable that you bless. It is natural. It is natural that you become a blessing. You were born to Earth as a blessing from God. I installed you on Earth. I installed you exactly as I installed the stars in the night sky. The stars are lights I turned on in Heaven, and you are a light that I turned on on Earth. Never is this light turned off. It is always on. This is the Truth. I know you can’t quite conceive it, yet that is how it is. You are bright light that I cast with My hand. You are Eternal Light made by God.

Believe it or not, you are a blue star on Earth. You have valor. You are valorous. You are a blue star who becomes golden light and shines your light mightily. What did you think you were? Do not answer. You have had enough of old thinking.

Let’s look at it another way.

Every time you are inspired, you also receive responsibility. Along with all the blessings you are given comes responsibility. The more you are given, the more you have to give and the more there is for you to give.

Please do not feel responsibility as a yoke you must carry. Responsibility is a blessing. A blessing is like light that you share. How do you not share light?

We are not speaking of responsibility that you assume. We are speaking of what is natural. Natural is easy. It doesn’t even require thought. When you have a boat that crosses the river, while you are at it, you take others across with you. It takes no special effort. It just takes noticing that there are others who also want to cross the river. And if you do have a boat, you have a hand, and you have a heart, and your heart carries others across the river.

When you get up now from wherever you are sitting, you will stand tall. You will walk the Earth from the height of love. You will dance across the Earth. You will be a ballerina of love. You will be an opera star of love who sings to her heart’s content. There will be stars but no divas. You will not need any pumping up. You will already be divine and know your Divinity the way I know your Divinity. You are an imprint of God. I imprinted you with My hand. I gave you My Name and asked you to be true to yourself and, so, true to Me, true to My vision, true to My love, true to My Vastness, true to the world and true to the state of your heart.

What else is there for you to do but to be the Truth that I designated you to be? This is My Will, and it is yours.

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Heavenletters #3906 Be God’s Stand-in Today , August 5, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3906 Be God’s Stand-in Today , August 5, 2011

God said:

Hello. Howdy. How are you today? How are you looking at the world today? What are you making of it? You are influencing the world. You are making something of it.

You are making today what it is. I know that sometimes you can only think a day is thrown at you the way a clown receives a pie in his face. You are sure you are innocent of this day and have nothing to do with it. And, yet, somewhere down the line, you contributed to it, or you asked for it or voted for it.
On the other hand, it could have been someone else’s order, and yet you received it.

It is not a question of deserve. You deserve only the very best. Accept a down day the same way as you accept a lucky day. It came to you. It is yours. And now it matters what you do with it. It matters how you treat your day.

If it is a heavy day, you do not have to compound it. The solution is to carry on with as light a step as you possibly can. Even as with a most joyous day, you do not want to be carried away with it. A day is a day. It is only a day. You have had thousands of them, and where are they now?

Where are you, beloved?

Wherever you are, you sit at My doorstep. Enter. Come in. Sit beside Me. All is well.

And life is life, and life is what you make of it. This day will never come again. This is your one chance to get this day right. And what does right mean? It means to tread lightly, and to go on from here. One day leads to another, and each day is like someone passing in a crowd.

Even if today cannot be a day meant for you, it came to you, and so it is your guest, and it is for you to be hospitable. If this is not an auspicious day for you, it is still your day, and it is for you to treat it right.

A day has gone to the trouble to come to you. A day did not come to assail you. It is not always up to the day what it will bring. The day is simply like the postman who brings you the mail. He has so many people all over the world to deliver mail to. Have some consideration for the mailman.

Ask him to sit down a while and take off his shoes and rest. Treat this day as you would wish to be treated. It may not be your best day, and, yet, still, you can be at your best. You do not yet know what your best is. Regardless of the day, be higher today than you were yesterday. You are not yet a rose in full bloom. You are, indeed, a rose.

You may not have had an immediate say in the day that came to you, and yet you are a rose, and you can do as roses do.

You can be an emblem of Me. Why not? Why not speak for Me and do for Me and serve the world on My behalf? Why not be My emissary? Why be at the mercy of the winds of the day when you can be an exponent of God and brighten your life and the lives of others? Why can’t you? Why don’t you? Will you?

Let Me see you reflect the light of the Sun today. Be My stand-in today.

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Heavenletters #3909 Have a Good Time Today, August 8, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3909 Have a Good Time Today, August 8, 2011

God said:

Have a good time today. Decide ahead of time that you will. Enough of this trying to figure everything out. Enough of trying to put everything in place. Life in the world does not stay in place. You may think it ought to, yet it doesn't. There is not a second on Earth that is not moving right along.

Have a good time today. Enjoy every microcosm of life today. It is your life to enjoy.

I don't mean that you have to have a rip-roaring time. I mean for you to take pleasure in the day.

Enjoy, enjoy. Enjoy the weather even when it rains. Would you deny the earth rain? Would you really insist only on sunshine? Would you really prefer that there were no hot or cold? Would you really prefer a world without snow or a world without deserts?

Would you not include forests and plains in the world?

You might say you would prefer a world without insects or wild animals or anything that might disturb your sleep.

Would you really want a world of only superlative books? A world of only wisdom? Would you really want a world of sure-fire events, a world predicated on your common sense? Responsibly, would you?

Would you demand your idea of perfection from the outer world? Would you insist on perfection from yourself? Why, dear ones, you would hardly be able to make a move. Better to embrace even folly or your tripping on the carpet. You may wish aspects of yourself to disappear, yet would you really?

Be glad for what you are glad. Be glad you are young or you are old. Be glad with whatever life puts before you. There is something good here. Even in a jungle there is a lot that is good. I will go so far as to say that it is all good. It is good for a jungle to be a jungle.

It is good for you to be a human being on Earth with all your foibles. Foibles have a place in life. Would you really keep them out? Would you eliminate them? Would you make everyone exactly the same in every area?

Where it matters, seen or unseen, everyone is the same. Love your idiosyncrasies. Love them ardently.

Don't try to be like everyone else, and don't try to make everyone else like you. Hands off.

There are many flavors of food and many styles of cooking. Rather than limit yourself, expand.

However, if you tend to be rigid, encourage yourself to be flexible. Do not get so set in your ways. Do not get so set in your thoughts. Do not get old before your time. Or do not get old at all. If something can be one way, it can be another. Keep your heart and mind open. Allow life in. Allow in every drop. Let in opportunity. Make opportunity your handmaiden.

As much as you think you may know, you do not know as much as you think. Rather be a discoverer than one who knows how everything has to be.

I tell you that life is as it is, and I tell you to enjoy, and I tell you to enjoy even your idiosyncrasies, and yet I tell you to expand. If life is ever-expanding, then you too must expand. Enjoy everything about you and keep growing. You are not meant to grow old. You are not meant to be set in your ways. Find a way to grow and so be ever young.

It is good to be who you are, and it is good to be growing. You can have both.

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Heavenletters #3913 (fr) As You Pour, So Will You Discover, August 12, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3913 (fr) As You Pour, So Will You Discover, August 12, 2011

God said:

Speak to Me of love. Leave off searching. Give up. Tell Me how many times you give love, love which is countless, and yet which can be gathered. Speak to Me of love, the indelible love in your heart. Sow it. Sow it bountifully and not even think of reaping.

You are a giver of love and nothing less. You are privileged to be able to give love, even where love seems to be not. Love is not one-way, and yet you are to be concerned only with love from your heart. That is clear, isn't it? Your concern is the love you give out, not what reaches you.

Love yourself enough so that you will give great love for the sake of giving what I ask you to do and what is yours to do for the sake of all. It is gratifying to give, so be glad that you can give. Your name is Giver. A giver carries grace. He delivers grace, and he delivers on My behalf. My behalf is also your behalf. All I have I give to you, and you give it back to Me through varied avenues. How many ways can you send love back to Me and through how many Earth ones can you do it?

In one fell swoop, you can send love to everyone on the planet Earth. You can do it right now. You can send your love out everywhere in one titanic wave of love. An ocean doesn't keep his love to himself. An ocean knows he is for all. An ocean gives his waves, and, so, many ride on him. You could say that those the ocean gives to are the ones who keep him afloat. The ocean gives, and his waves reach to Heaven.

Are you not the ocean? Are you not the water of love sparkling? And do you not lap the shores?

And do you not carry ships across? And do you not fill up the pails with water for the children? Are you not the mud-maker? And do you not let the sun shine on you and sparkle your waves?

Who would not like to be the ocean who gives himself so generously and tirelessly. You never saw an ocean get tired of giving, did you? The ocean, guided by the moon, pulls back on its arrow only to gather more of itself and then to burst forth, itself the shining sea, itself the bounding main, itself churning itself so that all may float on it.

Does the great ocean, any more than any Great One, add numbers up? Does he keep credits and balances? Does he regulate the flow of himself? He is the ocean and he is the roar of it. Surf's up!

The ocean needs only himself and himself to give. The ocean never diminishes himself by giving. He replenishes himself by giving.

Give love generously. Tip well. Be a big spender of love. If you are not feeling love this minute, give it anyway. No longer analyze your love and how you don't feel it enough. Give it, and you will feel it.

Stop thinking about it, and you will have it. You are not meant to place your orders for love. You are meant to fill orders for love.

An ocean does not go dry. Perhaps you are fanning yourself too much. Give this mysterious love away, and you will know it. Get off the lounge chair you are lying in. Change your position.

When you take your money out of your purse, that is when you see it. Spill love out. You will never empty the bucket. As you pour, so will you discover.

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Heavenletters #3916 In Good Company, August 15, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3916 In Good Company, August 15, 2011

God said:

Will you accept Me as God? What if you did? What if you simply gave your allegiance to Me and gave up discomfort and all your questioning? Why must you prove Me and prove yourself? Let Us shake hands and close the deal once and for all. Let Us be One in Our hearts. Join your heart to Mine. Hold My hand forevermore. Let Us be happy that We are One and One for Eternity.

We have never been just on a short ride around the block. We have been on a great journey where length is not measured yet is never-ending. We are the swell of the Ocean Waves. We are One on land or sea. We are One Wonderful Self permeating in waves and waves that celebrate Our Oneness.

We merge as the Ocean merges with the waves, and the waves are never unmerged from the Ocean.

Ah, Oneness, as seen from Earth, is twofold. But, of course, One is One not two.

What did you think life was about?

Never mind the details. We travel Life together, and there is no getting off. We are pledged to One another even though there is no other. Other is only a manner of speech. It is a wording. In Oneness, there is no other. In Truth, there is no other. You can't have other and Oneness. You have Oneness and no other.

You are Oneness. Yes, you, who huffs and puffs in the world. Yes, you, who doesn't really know what you're doing from moment to moment even as there are no moments, only Eternity which is momentless. There is no roller coaster. You may think you're on it, yet you are singularly in My heart. If I am stillness, then you are too. We are as silent as a mountain, and We are as boundless as love, for We are one entwined love. We have grown to love, and Our Oneness loves and loves. Petals of Our love fall to Earth, and Our One Heart rises infinitely.

Nothing exists but Oneness. There is nothing in the whole wide world but Our Love, My love and your love that are One Supreme Love even when there is nothing to be supreme over. We are an ecstasy of Oneness. In stillness, there is a pulse, and We embrace Our Oneness like nothing else, for there is nothing else.

All the ramifications in life that you see are nothing but ramifications of Oneness, so Oneness can look at itself bemusedly. Life is a lot of display. It is merchandizing. It is a still life seeming to move. In the greatest activity, there is stillness. Water starts to boil, and there is bubbling of the still waters, yet water remains water. Even frozen, water is still water. There is a variation called ice, but ice is water. No doubt about that. Frozen water is still water.

No matter appearances, you and I, We are Oneness. I am Oneness. There is you then in that case. You are not separate from Me. Of course, you think you are, but that is only a thought. Thoughts are a dime a dozen. We, on the other hand, are One, One indivisible Love. That is the long and short of it.

That is all that there is. And what a Oneness that is. It is unforgettable, and yet it has been forgotten.

Forgotten, but not lost. Forgotten and yet remembered like a familiar sun or a star twinkling in the distance of which there is none either. No distance, no time in space, Oneness Alone, and, yet, in good company.

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Heavenletters #3936 When an Arrow Has Landed in Your Heart, September 4, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3936 When an Arrow Has Landed in Your Heart, September 4, 2011

God said:

On Earth, it is not that this one is right and that one is wrong. Of course, that's what you think. More often that the other is wrong and you are right. You are both right from individuated point of view. And you are both mistaken. You are not asked to be right. You are not asked to prove your rightness or anyone else's wrongness. You are asked to be gentle with your brothers and sisters. You are meant to be generous with the family of man on Earth. And all are your family.

So long as you take offense, so long as you read attack into another's words, it is unlikely that you can be generous and gentle. You take a military stance. You feel you are protecting your life's space. I once spoke of your being a lady or gentleman in all your interactions. It is not good manners to take offense at what is said around you. I am not asking you to fake good manners. I am asking you to come from a higher place than you may presently come from.

In all actions and reactions, people are revealing themselves. They are not revealing you. When others reveal hostility, they are directing it to themselves. Ultimately, this is how it is. They are trying to get rid of the hostility they carry by putting it on you. By the same token, when you see their swords of anger as directed at you, even as they evidently are pointed at you, then you also are revealing yourself and your own lack of self-love. Words do hurt you. When someone's words hurt you, have you not taken their hot potato as yours? They cannot really pass it on to you. Only as you accept it and take it as your own, can they.

If someone sees you as a bad guy, and you take it to heart, you have some doubts about yourself that another has rubbed you the wrong way, and now you are inflamed at the other. You are the one to take offense into your heart. Who said you had to?

You are right in this: No one has the right to hurt you, on whatever level you are hurt on. And you have no right to take offense, even when offense is meant. Someone who was hurt identified you as the cause of his hurt. And you have done just the same, identified another as the cause of your hurt.

It is not that you are to become thick-skinned. It is that you are not to be thin-skinned. You are not to buy, even for a moment, others' appraisals of you. You are meant to rise above where they would place you. Even when others mean to lay you low, you don't need to accept their lack of faith in themselves and make it your own.

Remember that I am your foundation. Others' perceptions are not. Have you made others' opinions your foundation? Have you made others your steering wheel? Are you not your own free-wheeling person free to accept what you wish to accept and free to not be swayed by what you don't want to be swayed by?

Accept what I tell you and not so much what others may say to you.

The time for hurt and hard feelings is over.

What foolishness it is for you to occupy your heart and mind with hurt and hard feelings. When an arrow has landed in your heart, intentionally or not, pull it out. It is your heart. And your heart is made for love and nothing but love. You can do it. You have to do it. Do it now. Pull out the bits and pieces that may be blocking your love right now.

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Heavenletters #3937 You Are the Sun , September 5, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3937 You Are the Sun , September 5, 2011

God said:

A caterpillar doesn't resist being transformed into a butterfly, and yet you resist your own transformation. In your case, it is not really so much a transformation as it is removing old layers that have kept you hidden, even from yourself. And so you may resist taking off your old familiar bathrobe and serapes and shawls you have covered yourself with. You can't hide your bright light forever. You have never hidden it from Me.

Why hide that which is the most beautiful of all? Why not be a butterfly?

Your days of being a bumbling caterpillar are over. Now you are going to fly. Bared of the old cloaks, you are going to be as light as air, and you are going to light up the whole world. Think of it, your light going on all over the world. You will be waking everyone up to the bright light they have held back on.

Your light is not dim. Your light is bright. Only you have covered it up. You are a bright candle, so now let your light be seen.

What choice do you have, dear ones? You have the choice to brighten the world or to cast shadows upon it. Take a stand. If you wish to represent Me, then represent Me. Instead of casting shadows of doubt or negativity or whatever, cast out old thoughts that darken life on Earth. Jump out and let your light be seen. You can't hide your light forever. You were born to be king or queen. No longer can you hide in the crowds. Now you come forward and accept your crown. I dub you now the bright light that you always have been. Bright light, stand up. Come forward and accept what you were born for.

From this day forward, you will acknowledge yourself as bright light. You will come out from under the eaves and reveal the light that you are.

If you don't know where to begin, then I will tell you. No more old thinking. When an old thought appears, replace it with a new thought.

If you have previously thought that you are not worth much really, now say that you are worth a great deal.

If you have previously thought that you were not lovable, now say that you are lovable and how much you love yourself.

Negative thinking is old thinking. There has been a preponderance of old thinking on Earth, and that is going to change now. You are going to change it. And you change it by stepping out of the past and putting on a pair of new shoes. They are spanking new shoes, and you can only dance in them, and you can only speak truth in them. In these new shoes, you can only glisten. You can only step out of the old shadow of yourself, for you now recognize your bright light and hide it no longer.

You are a bright star from Heaven who has alit on Earth. Where did you think you came from if not from Heaven? You are still from Heaven. You were Heaven-sent, and now you are rising to Heaven, and you pull the entourage of the world along with you. You are not an idler here on Earth.

You are a proponent for Earth. As you dance on Earth, you lift up the world as you would the hem of a ball gown, and you raise Earth to Heaven so that darkness disappears and only the sun shines on Earth. You are the sun that shines. Do not deceive yourself that you are a cloud. Clouds burst, and you have burst out of cloud-consciousness now into starlight-consciousness, into moon-consciousness, into sun-consciousness.

You are the sun.

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Heavenletters #3941 The Garden of Hearts , September 9, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3941 The Garden of Hearts , September 9, 2011

God said:

I pat the seat beside Me. This seat is for you. I have been saving it for you. Come, sit down beside Me. Do as I ask. Gladden My heart. Of course, your heart will be the most gladdened of all. You are invited to the garden of My heart. It is all tilled and waiting for you to come and blossom for all the world to see, for you to see, for you to see how much you mean to Me, and how much you are worth to yourself. See now.

Come, sit beside Me, and bring the world into its new blossoming. Help the world to know its worth. Neglect not the world. The Earth is the only planet you have to live on right now. I am talking about the relative world. This is the only world under your feet at this time, and your influence on this innocent Earth is great. You have a relationship with this manifest world. You are not independent of it, nor is it independent of you. There is something going on between you. Let it be a romance going on between you. Let the Earth be like a blossoming plant you put at the center of your table and love to see. Bless this Earth with your presence.

Why wouldn't you bless the Earth you live on? Bless it now. Bless it later. Bless it. Give the world your blessings. Bless life on Earth. The Earth you live and love on has been good to you. Don't kick it.

Don't despair of it. Bless it. Thank it. If you don't like the way your beloved child combs his hair, comb it differently then. The Earth is as your beloved child and it yearns for your love.

It is not quite possible to separate your life on Earth from the Earth itself. This is the planet you cohabit. Restore it to its original state. Plant seeds of love everywhere. When you nourish one foot of the soil of the Earth, you nourish the whole planet. Your neighborhood rests on this planet and the planet rests on you. Its happiness right now rests on you. Nourish this world with your thoughts.

Nourish it lavishly. Pour your blessings upon it.

Tear down the fences in your heart.

A trodden lot of Earth, dried up and neglected, can become the Garden of Eden. First it becomes the Garden of Eden in your heart, and then it reveals itself in all its glory. Who will plant a new seed first?

Let everyone be first. Be the first to pat the soil and invited beauty to come, just as I pat this seat beside me. As loving as I am to you, be as loving to the Earth and the face it presents to you.

The Earth is more than the sum of its parts, and yet you can nourish the parts. You can extol them.

You can create the beauty you so desire, and you can create the good will you have long been seeking.

You walk the Earth. Let Us walk the Earth together. It is good to plant in fertile soil. And if the soil is presently not fertile, then make it fertile. Make it healthy. Let your feet and hearts bless this Earth you walk on, and so you bless yourself.

Bless the house you live in. Earth is the house you live in. Make it beautiful. Make it beautiful for you, and make it beautiful for all to see. What you are really planting is good fortune. That you serve is your good fortune.

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Heavenletters #3944 Where Did You Spring From?, September 12, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3944 Where Did You Spring From?, September 12, 2011

God said:

The stars shine down on you, and you look up at the stars. Your eyes follow the stars, and the stars follow you. You and the stars are destined for each other. You are meant for each other. The stars follow you, and you follow the stars. The Magi followed the stars, and the stars led them to a holy birth, holy because the baby blossomed into the man. He was not someone for whom it could be said: "What he could have been." He became what he could have been. He became a bright light that the stars looked upon, and he lighted up the world simply because he was.

And so must you. Attach your heart to the stars and you will wonders perform. You are a wonder. You are here to bless the Earth and all those who cohabit the Earth will you. With every step you take is to bless the Earth your feet walk on. There is a straight line between you and the stars. The stars pull you, and, as though you are harnessed to the stars, you pull them. You look up at the stars, and the stars look at you. They shine on you as you shine on the stars. It is all reciprocal, isn't it? The stars give as good as they get, and you spark the stars.

It is as though you are a drum majorette. At the top of your baton are the stars you whirl, and you whirl the stars fluently. You and the stars have a language of your own. You are both whirling in space, whirling, whirling, as you communicate back and forth. You lead one another. Stars in the sky and stars on Earth, the stars and you.

This is romance. This is romance at its highest. The stars pluck you from Earth. There is a light exchange. And you pluck the stars. With the light bright between you, the Earthly Stars become the Heavenly Stars, and from what vantage is it known which are which when light shines forth so brightly? The stars warm your heart, and the stars twinkle. You do have an infinity with the stars, and yet it is not one way. Not at all. Everything has an influence on everywhere, and you influence the stars. You are as important as the stars. And the stars are not there for nothing.

The stars reflect My light, and you reflect My light. My light is reflected, and you and the stars and the rest of the galaxies reflect Me. There is nothing else to reflect.

And, so, in your reflection, I am reflected on Earth. Whose light is the sun's if not Mine? And whose light is yours if not Mine? My light belongs to all, and you who stand in the threshold of My light, are the sparklers of it.

Shine, o beautiful soul, shine on.

You are the harvest moon as well. And you are the dew that falls, or does it rise up from the center of the Earth to moisten the Earth's coverlet?

Where did you spring from if not from My heart?

And where did the stars spring from if not from My heart?

And where did everything spring from if not from My heart?

And where did you spring from, and where are you going if not to My heart?

Where else is there to go but My heart? What else is there to find but My heart. What are you looking for if not My heart? And My heart dwells in yours, and you dwell in Mine, and so the prince and the princess are united, and the stars blink in joy at the marriage of hearts and stars and all the sundry Creation.

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Heavenletters #3948 Be of Good Cheer, September 16, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3948 Be of Good Cheer, September 16, 2011

God said:

Nothing is to overtake your peace of mind. Your peace of mind is meant to be inviolate. As it is, you let every Tom, Dick, and Harry overcome your peace. You let every car trouble, computer trouble, any kind of headache you can think of, take over. Are you aware of this? Are you aware that you have been specializing in disturbance?

Of course, you believe that assaults on your peace come from outside you, when it is you who holds the gun. It is you who warns yourself: "Trouble coming. Trouble has arrived. You have a snag in your stocking. Pull out the army of emergency support. Stop this assault even after it has occurred. Worry it to death."

It is as if you barricade yourself from trouble by focusing on it. You chew the bone of contention until you are ragged. Oh, your car won't start, and your car's not starting becomes the takeover of the century. It is one thing that your car doesn't start. It is another that makes it a tragedy and the winner of your peace.

You are the aggravator, not the car. The car is one thing. It is a humble event. It is you who makes it the worst predicament you have ever been in since the last one you exaggerated. Make it the last.

Nothing is to ruffle you. Nothing is to disturb your peace. Your car's breaking down, no matter how huge it seems to you at the moment, is a little trickle in your life. It is not a wound. It is not monumental. Cars break down. Your computer won't start. Your ice cream cone drops. Where is your balance in life? It is not life that gets out of hand. It is you. It is you who makes little things big.

Reduce little things to size. The little things that you make big are little branches. Let them float downstream on the river of life. You are not to carry them on your back.

Be impartial about niggling events. Little events are not meant to be made big events. If peace is the foundation of your life, why do you shake your very foundation?

If peace were a room you live in, you have cluttered your room with an accumulation of socks with holes in them until you may even believe that socks are out to get you. No more throwing socks on your floor, beloveds. No more clutter of what is nothing at all.

Is aggravation more important to you than peace? Do you value aggravation more? It must be that you do, or you would not favor it so. You would not favor it over peace at all. Keep the peace, beloveds. Be vigilant about peace. Lay down your arms. Untense your heart. Declare peace your modus operandi. Declare peace, and never deviate from it. Peace is always at hand. It is always available to you. Choose it. Let go of what is not peace. Choose peace. Peace is rightfully yours.

Aggravation is your own invention. Imagine something else.

Imagine a polar bear lolling in the snow. Be a lumbering polar bear.

Imagine a puppy who plays. Forsake obstacles. Leap over them. Get to the other side.

Be a playful puppy.

Imagine a child of God. That's who you are. Don't be a wraith. Bet on yourself. Bet on life. You are not in a high-stakes' game. You are in a little game. It is not so serious as you have thought.

Be of good cheer. No matter what gets in your way, be of good cheer.

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Heavenletters #3951 God's Beloved, September 19, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3951 God's Beloved, September 19, 2011

God said:

When you think you have nowhere to turn, turn to Me. When you have a dozen places to turn, still turn to Me. I never want you to go through that which you call suffering. I don't want you to go through suffering of any dimension. When you are going through what you go through, whether big or little, your suffering hurts the same. Why suffer? I am not called the Great Comforter for nothing. Turn to Me. Turn not aside from Me. Do not throw up your hands.

Have recourse in Me. Give Me a chance to ease your heart. Your heart is not meant for aching. Your heart is meant for enjoining and enjoying. Join with Me. Pledge allegiance to Me. Choose Me over suffering any day. Choose Me. Choose Me now.

There is no point to your suffering. It is an indulgence, beloveds. It is self-indulgence. Get up from the bed of nails you have lain down on. Sit up straight. Stand up. Move away from self-torment. You have been throwing hot coals at your feet. You have been slowing yourself down. You have been entrapping yourself in hot tar. You have been burning your heart. You could be loving yourself instead.

Arise. Do somersaults. Leap. Leap out of the past and make way for now. A moment ago is the past. Unfetter yourself from the past of even a moment ago. Do not bang your head against the wall. Move away from futility. Become a resource to yourself. Be a resource to Me.

You can rely on Me. I would also like to rely on you. I would like you to work for Me. Can you give up yourself for a little while, and serve Me with happiness? Your suffering serves no one. Your frustration serves no one. And I ask you to serve Me. Think of Me. Serve yourself some solace.

When attention on an aspect of your life causes you discomfort, unhappiness, hopelessness, despair and so on, note that it is your attention. There are better places to put your attention. Take your attention off what is ailing you. Remove your attention. Climb another step. Look out from a different window. Find another view. Give up despair.

When you don't like a street you walk down, choose another street. If one street is marked Suffering, and another is marked Forget About Yourself for a While, which street do you choose? What avenue of life are you going to stay on? Is it not your choice?

Come to Me. At the very least, come to Me. Open your heart to Me. You have opened your heart wide to woe and trouble. Is it so hard to open your heart to Me? Is it so hard to lay down your troubles and sit with Me? We will have a sip of tea for a while. Not only will you forget your troubles, they will no longer exist. When you are no longer troubled, where are your troubles? They only exist as you say so. This and that may have happened, yet they are not to plague you. You have been plaguing yourself. You have been the trouble-maker. It is you who has sorted events in life and put them in a slot named Trouble. Put troubles aside. Do not claim them. Leave them off your list. Just let them go.

You have Me. Whatever else transpires in the world, you have Me. What can the matter be, for I am with you. I hold your hand and I lead you to Heaven. Don't look back. Look at Me. I am holding you in love. Stay with Me. Wander not from Me. I will keep you on an even keel, for you are My beloved.

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  • I have had a lot of work to do and looking after our grandsons which takes me away from posting a lot. I have much to post and constantly adding more to my files to post another day. It's just building up all the time. I am still around and it will get to be more so at times. I thank you for taking the time to read some of the things I post. I try to cover a lot of things so there is the occasional different topics, you know, the spice of life. I'm helping an owner of another site that I am An admin on too, to tidy it up and merge groups where there has been many of the same subject. It's a lovely site with lots of variety in groups including the normal groups. I have merged 60 groups or more, it's a lot of work and at times very boring when you are cutting and pasting discussions, comments, and posts from one to another group. But it has made a big difference and I did offer to do it when it was realised just how many groups were tripled and doubles + etc. It also freshens things up and brings the discussions to the surface again for people to see that missed them the first time round. Anyway, it has taken me hours but I am nearly done with the merging. Have a wonderful weekend my dear Pat. Love and Blessings. Melodie
  • Hi Melodie

    I had been thinking I had not seen as many postings as usual from you of late.




    Enjoy the weekend.

  • Thank you Pat for your comment. Thank you for reading, there was quite a bit as I am behind on adding them. Love and Light, Melodie
  • 1938934980?profile=original

    Hi Melodie

    Interesting.  Thank you for sharing.



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