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Enlightenment by Daniel Lux Lory

Whether you are willing to face it or not, our World is going to evolve and change. The Collective Consciousness of our Planet is way out of balance. What must occur is a change in the hearts and minds of every single one of us. One by
One, we will All Rise to the call of our Higher Selves. There are many of us out there at various stages of our Enlightenment. There are those who have no idea yet, and those whose journey is just beginning. Those of you that are hungry for the Truth are on an expansion journey. What comes with this expansion is a wonder filled flow of energy that will open your mind, enlighten your consciousness and fill your life with Joy and Abundance.
There are four Core aspects that you need to be addressed. Within each aspect there are individual elements that YOU must become aware of.
The first aspects is Physical. You can help to prepare your body and mind by reducing the amount of toxins that you consume every day. Unfortunately the world that we currently live in doesn't provide us with the ideal conditions for Core or Spiritual growth. Every day we are filled with preservatives and artificial produce and exposed to chemicals like fluoride and other pharmaceuticals. These substances only serve to calcify our minds eye and make our bodies stale. Whatever you feel you can do to avoid this is what will be right for you! :-)
The second aspect is Mental. Your thirst for Truth, Knowledge and Understanding are the keys to this aspect. Through seeking you are guided by your higher self to Truths that have been hidden from us since the days before there were Rulers. Each of us has different triggers or keys that we keep and store. This information is retained and the more of them you take in the more open and expanded your mind will become . Eventually it will result in the complete replacement of your existing Consciousness. What keys and triggers take you there is up to you, how much you need to explore before you can continue will depend on how ingrain the current system is within your mind. Explore whatever you feel you need to, but remember that the more energy and thought you put into something the more it will become YOUR reality! Take what you need from the lessons and don't get stuck on any one element, else it may become a downfall! :-)
Emotion is the third aspect. Emotional Scars are far worse than physical ones, they can be the most difficult habits to break. Especially if they occurred before you had free will or the choice in a situation. Even so - No matter what - if you are determined to evolve then you can learn to release and heal these scars - It depends on YOU! Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy may help those with complex emotional Karma issues. Emotions change our vibrational frequency, our frequency is what attracts situations, circumstances and people to us. The higher your frequency the more positive and uplifting are the experiences you will encounter. To raise your vibrational frequency you must eliminate any negative or lower vibrational thought. Any thoughts of Fear, Anger, Greed, Envy, Lust, etc will only result in lowering your vibration. These old emotions are from the 3D world and no longer serve purpose within the new realms. Through 'thought training' (so to speak) you will slowly but surely be motivated to change the way you react to and think in certain circumstances and situations. By releasing Selfish Ego based reactions and instead responding with an open Heart filled with Selfless Love; ones eyes are truly be opened to the power of that Love - the essence of our new World.
The forth aspect is Spirituality. As with everything else you think you already know, you need to forget everything related to Religion. Religion in it's essence IS pure Divine Love. However, the Religion that presents itself to todays society is just another system in place to control people and keep them living in fear, and to make money ...of course. All Religions come from the one same source - The Light of our Creator. The problem arises when Man becomes involved, the Sinful nature of Man corrupts even the most Holy of Systems. God's Light is Love, pure Divine Love that radiates in every ray of every colour that you can imagine, and then some! Whether you choose to believe in Heaven and Hell does not matter - The Truth is that Soul's do exist and they live within the Light of our Creator. Many people believe that Heaven and Hell are in a tug-of-war battle for the control of the Heavens - The Truth is that Hell only exists within the Shades of Grey. Every Shade of Every other Colour is filled with Loving beings and energies that acknowledge the truth of their existence and serve the creator by loving each and every individual as they would love themselves. Love thy Neighbour as thy self. Do Unto Others. The most important message from within the Bible.
There are many many other messages and truths that can be taken from within the Bible. However, each of us are individuals with the sovereign right to exercise our free will. What lessons need to be learnt and what truths are to be taken will depend on the individual experience. Truth be known, Jesus IS actually a man that walked upon the earth. His story has been chopped and edited like a FOX News Headline, bits of truth and information combined with some disinformation and complete and utter BS. It is most likely that any negative thought or opinion you have about Religion is actually wrong and has most likely been manipulated and twisted to give not only you but many others that same thought or idea. Christianity originated after so many people continued speaking the True (and probably also exaggerated) stories of Christ 300 years after the Roman Empire had Crucified this 'Son of God'. The story of Christ was fabricated and force fed to us just like the reports that a 'terrorist' organization in Afghanistan had flown Commercial Airliners into the World Trade Centres.
LET GO of any and all fear! There is nothing to fear, only fear itself. You will learn everything that you need within the time. What we are experiencing now is preparation so that we will know what to do when the day comes and you will be able to make the decisions that are right for yourSELF! After all, everything that you will experience is going to be exactly what's RIGHT FOR YOU!

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