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Emotions, Resonance and Living Ascension

Ideas about the lofty heights of Ascension are bandied around fairly easily in the various literature, blogs, seminars and websites. However, as much as we might know that humanity and Earth are moving forwards at a rapid rate and developing an awakened state of consciousness, many of our human issues still remain to plague us. The balancing act, therefore, revolves around managing the human emotional state and the ability to continue to work our way upwards in consciousness. Negative emotions, such as anger or fear, are defined as being fallen states, and so the existence of a negative emotion is clearly contrary to the Ascension process.

Understanding that Ascension means that we live our lives at the higher level – or heart-centred – of functioning, supports us to find tools to work out how to deal with negative emotions when they arise. This is important, because it is the lower types of emotion which create a lowered resonance state within us. Anything which is of a low resonance is, by definition, contrary to the raised resonance state of Ascension.

Ascension is defined as a shift into an alternative, higher and/or more expanded state of reality. When in this state of consciousness all of our abilities are enhanced. It is because of this that we become perceptually more competent so as to be referred to as psychic, and easily relate to each other telepathically. Ascension amounts to a dimensional shift, which we are able to do at this time while remaining physically alive on the planet. The big deal about the end of this Great Cycle of Time that is coming to an end on 21 December 2012, and which is detailed by the Mayan Calendar, is that we have the stellar opportunity to shift consciousness to such an significant extent that our experience of reality literally changes.

Achieving a dimension shift while alive on Earth, or Living in Ascension, is essentially related to raising our resonance. The ways that different people choose to do this are many and varied, but always revolve around a few essentials:

  • Healing ourselves emotionally, physically and mentally to release whatever no longer serves us on our pathway forwards.
  • Re-programming ourselves emotionally, physically and mentally so as to ensure we consciously decide what we want and how we feel and react.

Without the two aforementioned aspects of growth, we are unlikely to make the rapid progress that is required at this time in order to resonate with a higher dimension of reality, in Ascension. If we do choose to go through what are often the arduous processes of detoxification - which involve acknowledging our issues, feeling them and then releasing them - we progress in the following ways:

  • The ability to forgive the self and others. It is impossible to forgive any other person until such time as we forgive ourselves.
  • The development of self love. It is impossible to love the self until we forgive ourselves.
  • The development of unconditional love for all in existence. This is a natural extension from forgiveness and self love.

In conjunction with these processes which help us to develop the ability for unconditional love, any positive shift within will create a shift in resonance, and this is what affects our DNA. Human beings all have dormant DNA. Although these parts of the DNA was de-activated so long ago, it still has the capacity to respond to the higher frequency vibrations which are responsible for raising resonance. Therefore, we re-activate our DNA by raising our resonance. Re-activated DNA results in an expanded, awakened and shifted state of consciousness.

Each and every single one of us is able to progressively enLighten ourselves and move towards the ultimate state of the expansion of consciousness, which is Omnipresence. Although we can certainly acknowledge that most people are a fairly long way off from being All-aware of All That Is, we are nevertheless genetically engineered to be able to be in this state, because Divinity resides within our DNA. Omnipresence is the consciousness of Bliss which is called Oneness. The most natural of all human drives supports progression is in this direction of expansion, and this is the reason why so many people seek the truth, yearn for meaning as to their Soul Purpose, and choose to develop themselves spiritually. We hanker after that which we know we lack, and that is the feeling and the experience of the state of Oneness.

With this in mind, we consider that the processes which are involved in continuously working on ourselves make perfect sense, because it is only by clearing and releasing our issues that we are able to find the peace, forgiveness and love within ourselves that enable us to live in Ascension. In turn, clearing and releasing our issues reduces the chances of falling into the low energy fields of negative emotional states. After working extensively on ourselves so as to raise our resonance, it becomes eminently easier to recover our position should we fall into feeling negative emotions, and/or acting out the associated behaviours. This is very different to what happens when living the reality experiences of a lower resonance. In lower dimensional states we tend to get stuck in the issues which are governed by emotions, and endlessly justify our behaviour in terms of the way other situations or people ‘make’ us feel.

We cannot ignore the fact that we, as human beings, remain susceptible to all sorts of emotions, regardless of our state of consciousness. However, when in a raised state of resonance we recover from them far quicker and, with continued practice, we may even avoid slipping into them for longer than a split instant. It is important to bear in mind that we cannot develop raised resonance, which is necessary prerequisite for the heart-centred Ascension experience of reality, if we continue to either suppress our issues or allow them to persist within us. Therefore, healing of all kinds should be attended to with the utmost urgency, if we want to continue to live on Earth in the future, in a higher dimension of reality.

Knowing that raising resonance is the key progress into the new and more pleasant realities of alternative dimensions, we more readily accept the fact that we are individually responsible for birthing the Golden Age on Earth, simply by doing whatever it takes to raise our resonance.

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  • Lovely add-on Bridget. Your words do show you've done quite a bit of healing already. Thanks for elaborating on what you meant by heart-centered.

  • Hi there Steph. I agree totally with the paucity of healing options available. However, regardless of this, the value of healing our issues cannot be underestimated because it is anything which we label as an issue, which definitely lowers our resonance. Furthermore, we would all be absolutlely astounded if we began and maintained a regular healing programme, because of the Pandora's Box we would open - as I am sure you would agree. 

    Healing has to involve exposing what lies within the depths of our psyche, and this is certainly never a pleasant exercise. It is also something most people resist like crazy. The only nice thing about true healing practices is the peace that arises from the healing processes, as the burdens release.

    Both de-programming and re-programming ourselves has to be a major part of healing, but this is essentially only effective once we have uncovered, acknowledged, deeply felt and released the pain which has resulted from a long-held belief system, a.k.a. our own personal illusions. These are naturally illusions of our own making, and go back into childhood and  all of our past lifetimes. Hence the need for on-going healing!

    Thankfully, we are able to expose what lies deep within the subconscious and unconscious minds, as well as within the cells themselves. And this makes it all worthwhile.

    As to heart centredness, and the use of various words............. it is true to say that we label things as 'good'or 'bad' rather than as an experience, but this is because some feel good and others dont. It truly is as simple as that. However, there are definitely some experiences which serve us better than others on our pathway forwards. In this sense, our experiences - no matter who creates or participates in them - and the emotions which arise from them, can be supportive or not. Each one of us has a Soul Intent, and some of our choices and experiences certainly do not enhance that intent. The ideal is to uncover what that original Soul Intent is, and live accordingly. This brings us the greatest sense of peace within. And our progress is exponentially enhanced.

    When defined from this perspective, the issues of good or bad make more sense, and it is simply this that most people refer to, when speaking in normal human terms and/or from the personal perspective.

    There is no amount of twisting or turning that can hide a suppressed issue. The acid test as to whether or not healing has occured has to lie in the behaviours we elicit, as well as the thoughts and feelings we have within. Furthermore, true healing gives rise to a stronger immune system, anti-ageing and vastly more available energy. When understood from this perspective, it is rather more easy to assess one's own progress. The more heart-centred we are, the faster we are able to manifest what we want, because a balance heart chakra is the surest route into the creative potential which lies within us. This I can personally guarantee.

    For me, the use of the term heart centred has to remain in place, however, because the well-balanced heart chakra operates from the basis of self-love that develops into unconditional love. It doesnt take offence and it doesnt give offence. It simply is. Unconditional love is, by its very nature, the absolute state of balance. As such it is both masculine-feminine in energy. There is not one teaching of the Light Beings which doesnt include the recommendation for balancing the masculine-feminine energies within. Once we do this, the funny thing is that the predominant mode of being is very surprising! Isis spent many long hours communicating her exceptionally powerful healing techniques, and these are collated in the second and third books I have written, namely 'Book Two: Isis Mysteries of Love and Life Volume I'and 'Book Three: Isis Mysteries of Love and Life Volume II'. They are well worth working through, as they produce profound change and upliftment of all aspects of one's life.

    Any form of a so-called negative thought, action or emotion is an indication of a lowered resonance. As such this is contrary to our progress in every single way possible, and most especially retards the awakening of greater states of consciousness - because higher states of functioning require raised resonance. Without this, a dimension shift is significantly more difficult to do, if not impossible.

    So, for me, it is essential to heal as much as I possibly can. And as I weed out my issues, more pop up. Just when I think I am better than ever before (and, certainly, I would be, at each level of healing) I am faced with the next hurdle to overcome. This has been both an exhausting and a rewarding programme to follow, with all sorts of physical, emotional and mental detoxifications along the way, but I do not regret one single moment of it. I have been following a personal healing and releasing programme for years now, and there is always more to do. However, I can honestly attest to the fact that the more I acknowledge, feel and release, the more loving I feel and act. I know this as heart-centredness. When I slip from this state of balance, I easily growl at others or become irritated. As I catch myself doing this, I remember where this comes from and apply some basic balancing principles and/or deal with any new issues as they arise, or old ones as they are uncovered. I truly am, as a human being, a work in progress. And, finally, I am ok with that.

    And, on top of this, I truly love the fact that I have a better immune system than ever before, that I have considerably more energy than ever before (including from when I was in my 20s), that I am able to tap into greater fields of intelligence than ever before, and that my reproductive system managed to anti-age to the degree that I produced a beautiful baby girl at the age of 47!

    And so I continue, willing to experience all the levels of raised resonance which lie ahead of me!

  • You had a lot of great points  Bridget. It always surprises me to see so few posts dealing with actual healing in New Age circles. One thing I'm beginning to bristle at though is the notion we should be heart centered. To me, it's like saying we should only focus on our feminine energies. Everything lopsided or unbalanced always ends up bringing about the opposite pole one way or another.

    Another thing I find important is clearly defining the words we use. Like love, fear. Like everything, neither is good or bad and both can turn positive or negative depending on what purpose or definition  we assign to them. Which we sometimes unconsciously twist around so our conscious mind can convince itself issues are resolved when they're not.

  • Onwards, towards ONENESS.

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