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By Ashtar Collective

Received March 17, 2012 by Simon Leclerc



Greetings to you, dear children of the Earth.


We are pleased to appear again at your side and bring another aspect to our teachings about the meaning of the life of an incarnate Being in process of awakening (or awakening).


Your physical body is a holographic representation of the universe. Anything that has the potential to be part of the universe also has the potential to be part of your physical body. Any experience in the Universe allows "the sum of all that is" to evolve, like an enormous celestial body that is growing at each of its particles.


The Universe knows no judgment. All it stores is accepted as an experience that stimulates all. But in the embodied dimension, the situation is experienced differently because human consciousness assesses experiences in a dualistic vision, according to references of good and evil. What is "good" is accepted by the conscience, and what is "evil" is rejected. It is in this context that the physical body acts as a data warehouse, a kind of backroom that "stores" experiments rejected by consciousness until it decides to select them. You call this cellular memories.


Stored data:

In fact, these memories are data stored in the cells of your physical body. The purpose of this "storage" is the storage of experiences until the conscience accepts them as part of the human adventure. When this occurs, memories contribute towards the creation of the global auric field of Being, instead of clinging to the cells and weighing them down. The experience then serves as part of Soul's evolution, because now it is accepted. Conversely, the unrecovered "data" remains stored in the physical body and continues to act on the Being as they carry its weight.


Changes in incarnation implies that sooner or later, any human being becomes aware of what he is, aware of what he carries as lived experience. The more the Being resists becoming conscious - because he invariably judges past experiences - the more difficult it will be to lighten up. Because subconsciously, the Being will create situations externally that arouse memories he carries internally. If the Being is willing to look at them and welcome them, he will lighten his life. But if he resists and maintains a form of denial, they will feel that life is persecuting him, when in truth, he has been accompanied for a long time now in order to liberate himself from the weight it carries.


Every human being carries with it an entire universe. All Beings that you meet present you with their own universe with which you interact. These are complete universes that are available to each other. These universes are composed of conscious and unconscious elements that influence each other to allow each Being to acquire more wisdom. Each Being evolves according to what he will agree to welcome as an experience.



When you feel fear in the physical body, it is important to first understand that it is not your essence that feels it. In other words, you are not this fear; it is your memories that are expressed. Memories are important, certainly, and we are not to trivialize them. But you are not your memories. They live in you, but they are not you. From the outset, this is an invitation for you to take a second look in order to relativize sensations incurred during incarnation. For fear is probably the emotion that creates the most obstacles within Humans. Often, you are so identified with it that you end up imagining that as long as you are afraid, you will not be able to move forward. This is the fear that fear occupies the entire space. You are not your fear and you are not your memories. You simply have to live with them.


When you identify too much with memories, your actions become tainted by them. But in truth, there are things that are inspired by the Soul, and there are memories. These elements are different. But memories that are not understood in this way will often influence Beings through reactive action in an attempt to protect and defend them. These reactions will be installed in accordance with the memories. The Being will try to compensate for the presence of memories by reacting to the elements that have awakened them. So there will be reaction, instead of impulsion or attraction. This reaction is not life giving, because it is driven by an emotion that is generated by a memory cell. And this is where the Being is invited to meet his memory, while understanding at the same time that s/he is not their memory.


With or without you:

It is essential that you dissociate memories in you, not to trivialize them, but to understand that they exist with or without you. They are autonomous, so to speak. They seek your light. They are like teenagers who want to be free, but need guidance. Memories are like teenagers. They are autonomous, and at the same time, they seek to be limited by the Being of love that you are. And this Being of love realizes that he must let these memories speak, just as you allow a teenager to be a teenager. You do not judge his clumsiness or his wrongdoing, but you pave his way. You understand that its differences are temporary. They allow it to define and understand its limitations. And that at some point, it becomes mature.


And now, after a moment, the memories return to light. They are not going to disappear, but they will have more impact, they will be called to order so to speak. Your memories are not you, although in their embodiment, they are an aspect of yourself.


Extension of the subtle bodies:

When we say "they are not you, but one aspect of you," we are not playing with words. We emphasize the fact that they exist, just like your hand is like a part of you. But it has its own nervous system, its elements of sensitivity, and at the same time, you are not your hand. Your hand is an extension of the body and subtle energy bodies, which ultimately are an extension of the true Being that you are. So you are physically represented by a tangle of "extensions of yourself." But to take this information and make it your essence is a misunderstanding of the true Being that you are.


So it is worthwhile putting into perspective the various elements of your life, not to trivialize them, but to understand that even if they affect you, you are not them. You incarnate them and you cannot dissociate yourself from them nonchalantly. But to learn to dis-identify yourself from them is a process that leads you directly to mastery.


Be more human:

This is an invitation to identify less with the human dimension in order to become even more human. You say that there is a paradox here, but for us this is not so. For why is it that humans are so affected by shadows? This is primarily because they carry a lot of denial, for fear of being invaded by them. So the shadows they do not want to observe affect them even more intensely, because they are denied. Furthermore, when humans finally agree to consider their shadows, they become so identified with them that they feel now they are unmasked, that they are: "a shadow on two legs. " This creates a lot of heaviness in humans. And a heavier human cannot truly fulfill its role as human.


Being a human involves living emotions, experiences and learning from experience. Being a wounded man, who continued to re-live his injury is still a human, but please understand that it is a human who does not live the experience of being human. It is a human who relives his injuries repeatedly, he repeats and repeats. Some people spend 10 or 15 years, 15 lives to repeat the themes of memory without managing to release themselves from their energy. Either they do not want to contemplate them, or they feel guilty for having lived them. So, the more a Being learns to dis-identify themself from their incarnation, the more they learn to develop a loving eye on who they are, and the more they learn to be a balanced human.


The true identity:

It is so important for a Being to learn and to recognize that they vibrate at a higher dimension, while understanding that it is also (living) in the process of experimentation on Earth. S/he is not a physical body; they are a Soul-Spirit who has come to live an experience on Earth. This is the de-identification that allows them to be more human, to live more intensely their human life, without "snapping" at each threatening situation. A Divine Being, much more fluid, goes with the flow of life without resistance and learns to become the Being of Light that has embodied in this dimension. But this is not their sole identity; it becomes a vehicle transporting their duo Soul-Spirit to the four winds, on Earth and in the subtle planes.


Being a more alive body, they'll understand more that their spirit is free. The more a Being seeks to avoid bring a free Spirit in order to inhabit his body, the more contracted and prisoner of the incarnation they shall become. It's a simple concept and grossly misunderstood by Humans.


Your shoes:

We have said, your physical body is as the visible part of a whole body that influences each other. Remember that you are not your physical body, just as you are not your shoes. You enter your shoes in the morning and removing them at night. You do the same with the physical body. You leave at night, and you enter them again in the morning.


Consciousness continues to live with or without a body, it does not matter. But since you are incarnate at this time, you are invited to play the part to the full, to be at peace with this choice of your Soul. Understand that now that you're there, the invitation is to love and to stimulate your life from your light, and not to use your life to assess your light. This is a fundamental distinction to be integrated, dear human friends.


Remember that your Soul is identical to the Beings that you admire. What motivates you in others necessarily exists already within you. The difference between you and them is the amount of yourself that you have incorporated into your physical body. The essence is the same, but the integration process is different. Understanding this requires you to understand that you are too often identified with the incarnated dimension that you have embodied, which leads you to assess your Being in terms of it, while the invitation is rather to enlighten your life unconditionally from your light.


Spiritual being:

Many people imagine that a spiritual being is a being out of touch with Earth. They say that to be human, we must disconnect from spirituality and that to be spiritual, we must disconnect from humans. In truth, these two realities are never complete if they remain separate. Specifically, the spiritual being that separates the human in incarnation is not more spiritual than the human being who separates from his spirituality. Neither one nor the other is in contact with the truth of its essence.


To be in contact with self and spiritual being are not synonymous, they are two separate experiments. Spiritual being on Earth is associated with knowledge related to the existence of a parallel world, an invisible world, and a link between this world and the visible dimension.


Now, to be a spiritual person who is actively engaged and involved in their life ensures that this link between the visible and the invisible is a source of dynamism for the Incarnate Being, a way of creating a life so full and fulfilling for other.


For us, true spirituality is associated with the Being who is able to make connections between their life and their spiritual life, never separating them: "Well, now I am human, and tonight when I get to home I again become spiritual, or when I am in meditation, or when I am with that Being who speaks to me about spirituality."All this need not be separated from the human.


Vibratory rate:

You understand that we are talking about differences in the rate of vibration. This is not the human-ness that creates separation, but the density of its vibrational rate. This makes the two incompatible realities. And it is fair to observe that if a being is contracted or under stress, in competition, competitive, judgmental, miserly, with a desire to accumulate, lacking or in fear of lack, fearful, these elements create density in their vibrational rate. And by increasing this rate, the Being has a harder time connecting with the invisible worlds. They will then feel that to connect with the invisible, they have to separate from what makes it heavy. And that is why they will feel they cannot be human if they want to be spiritual. But in truth, spirituality as a whole and the Light of the Universe share a common goal: to illuminate life in order to help it to evolve and to avoid comparison.


When a room is dark, it does not judge itself as being darkness. It welcomes the light when it appears and lo and behold, it becomes light. Shadow is the absence of light and light is associated with consciousness. So the more you are aware of an element, the more you enlighten and the more and it becomes light. The more it becomes light, the higher its vibrational rate rises and the closer you get to the pace of pure knowledge, the rhythm of what is unseen. Thus, the invisible becomes visible.



This whole journey of suffering begins with a feeling of separation and related injury that has no feeling of universal support. Many beings are lonely, as if they had simply dropped onto this planet alone. It is an intense memory that is very present in humans. It creates a desire, in the invisible, to flee incarnation. But as a human, you can access the spiritual planes without leaving the area. You do not have to "switch off" to get there; you can instead choose to be more human. Because the more you are humane, the more your antennas are deployed.


In truth, we say: "the more you are a joyful human," because we're not talking about a human in pain and heaviness. These states do not carry the lightness required to raise your vibratory rate. But do not deny the pain and heaviness felt in order to take refuge in joy. Joy is not a refuge, it is a state of being. The more it installs intensely and sincerely, the more awareness is raised, and you remember that you are a spiritual being who has come to live an earthly experience.


You are not a human being trying to become a God, you are a God who has chosen to reduce its vibratory rate to penetrate material density. Once in matter, even if you have forgotten that you are a God, this does not make you a smaller God. It simply makes you a God who has forgotten. But forgetting is not a permanent condition, it is a state that stimulates the urge to wake up.


The energy of the New World:

If we have talked to you about memories today, it's because the pace of vibrational energy associated with the New World hustles more and more memory-cells of your physical body to accompany them in releasing what they have stored during incarnation. The more you accept this process, the easier it is to cross.


The more you enter the energy of the New World, the more you will become aware of the bridges between the human and the divine. Gradually, as you integrate the concepts of the new energy, clarity will become more apparent. Evolution is a journey not a destination. Enjoy each step presented to you. Together, they help to create the Being of love and light that you are.


Thank you for your loving presence this day. We salute you and will now terminate this message.


Greetings to you


The Collective Ashtar and the Great Universal Brotherhood


--------------------------------------">Received March 17, 2012, by Simon Leclerc (

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