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mars winter

Martian 'winter wonderland' captured by Mars Express orbiter
But the snowy scene captured on Mars might be a little chilly even for Santa Claus: the frost is dry ice, frozen carbon dioxide.

A dusting of 'snow' covers the plains and the floors of the craters - and looks almost Christmassy.

But the 'winter wonderland' captured on Mars might be a little chilly even for Santa Claus: the frost is dry ice, frozen carbon dioxide, dusting the walls of a crater near where the Curiosity Rover is exploring.

Surface temperatures on Mars are often as low as -60 degrees Centigrade - but, just like on Earth, snow is seasonal.

The image was captured by the high-resolution stereo camera on ESA's Mars Express orbiter.

The photograph shows the Charitum Montes region of the Red Planet on 18 June, near to Gale crater, where the Mars Curiosity Rover is exploring.

Charitum Montes are a large group of rugged mountains extending over almost 1000 km and bounding the southernmost rim of the Argyre impact basin.

They can be seen from Earth through larger telescope and were named by Eugène Michel Antoniadi (1870–1944) in his 1929 work La Planète Mars.

The landscape shows huge craters carved by ancient asteroid impacts, with 'snow' and sediment filling some of them.

The 3D image - computer-generated from data from the satellite - shows a breach in a crater wall, sand dunes on the floor of the crater, and 'frost' clinging to them.

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Great Pictures

The sun rises over Tynemouth beach after snowfall. The cold snap continued across Britain this week and with it came travel chaos. Temperatures plummeted in eastern areas to -7C and the chilly weather will continue next week (PA)


Rescue workers continued to look for survivors of typhoon Bopha, which has killed over 400 people so far and left as many missing. 50,000 had to flee from affected villages. Bopha triggered landslides and floods along the coast. Towns and villages have been destroyed and mass burial of the dead has already begun. Here residents line up for relief supplies at an evacuation center at New Bataan township, Compostela Valley, in the south of the ...



This stunning picture shows the top of a whale's head emerging from the water as the large animal appears to blow fire. The picture, taken in Peteresbury Alaska, is just a trick of light, caused by the sunlight refracting through the water (Caters)


NASA released images that provide a unique view of Earth at night. The stunning image shows densely populated Western Europe lit up (NASA)


The deadline for the Sony World Photography Awards will close in less than a month and the competition so far is looking good. This photo shows monks crowding around an iPod in Malaysia by Wong Yu Liang


Japan experienced an earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale. The quake triggered a one metre tsunami in an area devastated by last year's Fukushima disaster but there were no reports of death or serious damage. This picture shows commuters at Sendai railway station waiting for rail travel to resume (PA)


Giant pandas Yuan Guang and Tian Tian have marked a year at Edinburgh Zoo. The pandas, on loan from China for a decade, are the first giant pandas in the UK for almost twenty years. The pandas are in the country for research but attempts to mate the pair have so far failed (Rex)


Rescue dog "Monty" learns to drive. Animal trainer Mark Vette has spent two months training three rescue dogs to drive a modified Mini in New Zealand, as a way of proving that unwanted canines can be taught to perform complicated tasks (AFP)


This is a d'oh moment - a group of whale watchers miss a spectacular breaching display as they were facing the wrong way. The photo was taken by lifeboat crew member Youen Jacob, who was lucky enough to catch the incredible moment off the coast of Ireland (Caters)


Bulldozers destroyed the home of Luo Baogen after his house in Wenling city, China, became a worldwide sensation on the Web. He had been given his marching orders to make way for a new road but he refused - so the government just built the road around the house anyway. Luo Baogen has now accepted compensation and moved out his family over the weekend (Rex)

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This is a YouTube video playlist that contains most of my favorite energy share, healing, activation, and shaktipat type videos. I mostly just put one video from each channel/lightworker; but each of these people have multiple videos that are great if you go to their individual channels and websites.

Number one video (not #1 rated just first!) is the purification video created by our beloved Chris Comish. My hope is that these videos will aid your progression down the path of Universal service and help you integrate the highest aspects of our expanded Self, which is to say the Source of All, that each of us are ready for. May it be for the highest and greatest good of ALL LIFE. Grace, Ease, Love and Life in Abundance for ALL!


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Dianna Cooper


The energy of the cosmic moment has poured in so that 31% of people have ascended to the fifth dimension.  That is almost a third of the planet and this suggests wonderful possibilities for the future.  However, first the light is clearing out the lower energy in many people so that the new frequency can enter the cells.  No wonder there has been a flu and sickness epidemic as the old is forced out of the chakras.  I do think it makes it easier to bear if people realise they are going through a purification.  
A lot of the sickness has been clearing stuck energy in the navel chakra.  For lifetimes cultures, religions, countries and even families have had differences because of these blockages.  However as navel chakras throughout the world start to open and glow with fifth dimensional light people will see their common bond.  Togetherness will grow and communities will start to form where people help and support each other. 
Others have been clearing their throat chakras and third eyes.  This is allowing them to open up to their higher spiritual gifts and also to connect with the wisdom of Orion. 
Some have been releasing fear from their solar plexuses through sickness, so they can access their true wisdom.
It seems to me that the birds have been singing even more beautifully this year.  They are singing to us of our divine beauty and the magnificence of creation.  As people feel the light within themselves and nature they will be kinder to animals, more respectful of trees and plants and connect to the joys of nature.  When the light shines more brightly it accentuates the shadow and this is why there is focus on animal poaching and cruelty.  We are asked to send love and respect to animals everywhere and not to energise the shadow.  It also helps to draw yellow energy from the portal at Yellowstone and send it to the minds of those who do not understand who animals truly are.
Because the frequency of the planet and nature has risen so fast.  (57% of animals ascended into the 5th dimension) trees and plants as well as animals will be touching us with their energy fields and helping us to grow.  Walks in nature will be even more energising and uplifting than before.
Not all but many of the sacred sites and portals, mountains and beauty spots are starting to radiate a golden glow, in which we can bathe.  This will help to trigger our own wisdom.
Another effect of the cosmic moment will be that businesses, politics, economies working according to the old paradigm will collapse more quickly than anticipated.  Much more of the dark will be revealed.   At the same time the new, operating in alignment with higher principles, will start to come forward.  
As people’s hearts and consciences expand there will be moves to bring peace, plenty, food and water to everyone.  We share this world and fairness will prevail. 

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As channeled by Tyberonn
Greetings Masters !
We encircle each and every one of you with a nurturing energy and with the field of self empowerment, for each of you are truly Masters on your path of Ascension. It is our purpose to offer you inspiration and clarity, but indeed it is once and always requisite that YOU, as a sacred and sovereign BEING, practice discernment with this and any such 'channeled' message.
We will begin this message regarding 2013, a truly auspicious year, by addressing the fears some of you may yet have. We will first tell you the Ascension of the Planet will indeed occur. You have made it so. But we want to clarify it is the graduation of the Planet Earth, an expansion into 12 Dimensions that has taken place.
The Long Count Calendar
Many of your Mayan researchers have sought to understand what the long calendar date of Dec 21, 2012 implied. They have questioned if it might have been written not by Maya, but by their 'Star-Nation Gods'. Some were concerned it implied a cataclysmic end to the planet. Others felt it may be marking the date of the 'Return of the Star-Gods', as implied in some of the preserved Mayan texts.
We will tell you that the Ascension is a new beginning. And in 2013, the Earth is in the new format that will allow for the prophesized 'Return'. But the much talked about 'Contact' will not occur in the 3d way you may think. Rather will it be humanities ability to rise lucidly, ascend consciously into higher dimensions. That is how contact will occur.
It is no longer a planet in which the benevolent teachers must physically manifest into 3d in order to assist. The New Earth now carriers a matrix through the Crystalline Grid that will enable humanity to be more aware of their true nature within multidimensionality. It will happen. And in so doing you will become aware of the fact that YOU are the ones you have been waiting for !!!
All in Time
It will take a few more years. But it begins in 2013.
As we have told you before, the Ascension of Humanity en masse occurs in some 300 years! And indeed this will also happen, but it is absolutely the Ascension of the Earth that enables the Ascension of Humanity. All in time, all will happen in due time. Do you understand?
Now accordingly, the vast majority of humanity will not see any immediate change on the Earth. They woke on December 22, 2012, and said "What was the big deal?"
Even those of you on the path, see that no immediate visible change has occurred. We gently ask all of you to look at the world around you for just a moment. What do you see ?
Your media outlooks are still reporting war, famine, disasters and predicting economic collapse. And what is broadcast is what is seen in 3d. It is oft full of gloom and doom, is it not?
The doomsday prophets are especially in high gear on this topic? Many of the 3d-doom speculators are on particularly fertile ground in this arena, generating fear followings around collisions of comets, asteroids, earthquakes, cataclysmic polar reversals and economic collapse.
Whether these naysayers recognize it or not, they feed on the fear they generate.
Masters, there have always been , and will continue to be the naysayers on the planet, those who predict gloom and doom and warnings of fear. What is not recognized, is that even these who seem to be rooted in negativity, serve a purpose in duality, and certainly a quick glance around the globe would seem to justify their stance.
But we tell you it is old energy. And it is not the role of Spirit to ever tell you to give up hope, or to let go of your free will. Our message is to tell you of your Divinity, and to tell you as a matter of fact, as a point of truth, that the planet is now on the cusp of 'Year ONE of the New Earth'. Indeed humanity will follow and in rapid time, will also Ascend. You are absolutely on track for that to happen.
So Dear Ones, we tell you again the Ascension of the Planet did occur, and humanity has made it so. Even if much of humanity does not recognize it in 3d consciousness, the Earth has indeed changed, graduated into a new paradigm. So it is time to let go of old energy, of FEAR. The doom prophecy, the Global Cataclysmic disasters will NOT take place.
The economy will not fall into chaos. What would that serve? It is not the path in the New Planet. We assure you that in 2013 a new sun dawning, and it is indeed the sun of change. It brings the light of the magnificent New Earth. And Dear Ones, we do mean magnificent. In this new era, it is incumbent upon the seekers to project joy, to project light, for in the expansion to Crystalline Harmonics, every photon of mental light you project is amplified.
And this occurs more rapidly in the New Energy. So your roles take on a new benevolence, as your creation powers increase.
So we speak in specifics of 2013 !
2013: Year One of the New Earth
2013 is an incredibly important year, in many ways more so than 2012.
Many of you may have felt 2012 to be the apex, and that what follows is anti-climatic. Dear Ones, your work is only now beginning ! And we tell you that 2013 brings challenges and task that all of you agreed by soul contract to fulfill. 2013 is a new beginning, in every sense of the word.
But it is not a time to rest on your laurels. The New Earth contains within its sequential linear flow, points of multidimensional intersection and time-gates. It is in fact the enhanced points of manifold time that allowed the Ascension to occur. These points are the gateways many of you that are envoys from the future, Sirian-Pleiadean-Arcturian Navigators and Code-Carriers entered through these portals to be here on the planet for the Ascension. And in many ways, your missions are just beginning.
2013 is a period then scheduled for the code-carriers to begin stitching these points together, in a hemispheric to global modality. Of particular importance is for the Code Carriers to blend the energies of that termed the northern hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere. Certain key apexes in the south such as Patagonia, Uluru, Easter island, and Kilimanjaro will be anchored to the New Firmament over the coming years.
Those of you who have served as Code Carriers of the pre-Ascension, will be called to take on a greater role of connecting key points to the spawning of the New Firmament.
The New Firmament Begins in 2013
The completion of the Crystalline Grid on the 12-12-12 will spawn the formation of the New Firmament. The New Firmament is vitally important to the Ascension of humanity and is indeed an extension of the completed grid.
Certain points on your planet have the rare energetics that enable them to be connecting points.
Newgrange is one of these, Easter island is another . Both are multi-faceted, multi-dimensional grid points. Both are octahedronal Portals that transcend dimensions and time. Both are being connected directly to the apexial points of the stellated double penta dodecahedron of the 144-Crystalline Grid.
These are being fashioned to connect directly to the New Firmament which begins spontaneous early formation after the completion of the 12-12-12 and rebirthing (rebooting) of December 21, 2012. It is important to note that the ascending processes of the Ascension occurs on the 12-12-12. The 12-12-12 allows for the Crystalline energy to manifest into the New Earth. It allows for the new DNA oif the planet to network within the Crystalline Field, connect to the New Grid and meld with the 'Human Grid'. This all occurs at 12:12 on the 12-12-12. A rebooting then takes place, and allows for the 'birth of the New Earth' to take place on December 21, 2012.
Then begins the new work.
The New Firmament
We have spoken to you previously about the spawning of the new Planetary Firmament. This will externalize as two elliptical bands of iridescent frequencial arches that will encircle the earth as it did eons ago. One of these is a highly refined Electro-Magnetic in resonant synergy and emits a golden hue. The other is Crystalline, and emits a bright platinum coloration.
These will revolve above the 144 double-penta dodecahedron of the 144 Grid. In highly technical terms, , the firmament will perform the function of transducing supra-crystalline frequency oscillations in a piezoelectric step-down to interface the grid, thus enabling full circuitry integration of the gamma-crystalline energies of the Unified Field from Tula, the Great Central Sun. In more understandable terms, the firmament will transform powerful celestial energy waves into a benevolent form that can be more easily received on the EarthPlane.
So in a manner of speaking, the firmament is an enormous transformer and surge protector ! It will energetically 'polish' and further format & refine celestial energies into application in the 12 dimension of the earth.
The two elliptical bands will create a frequencial field of OM. They will glow in the night skies in 2038 appearing somewhat similar to the Aurora Borealis.
Now, the initial phase of anchoring the new Firmament will begin on the March Equinox of 2013. There will be an opening occurring at several key vectors including Easter Island and Patagonia ( at the key 51st latitude).
Both will receive coded downloads of consciousness units termed Akash. These activating light-energy downloads will be received primarily through the major Phi Pyramidal octahedron energies and structures in the southern hemisphere in 2013. Many will be drawn to anchor them.
Envoys of the New Earth
As we have previously explained to you. There are a vast number of souls who have chosen to come to the Earth at this time, from dimensions beyond the fifth from both the future of Earth, and from the future of higher dimensional worlds with purposes that will become better understood to you in 2013.
You are indeed Envoys of Crystalline Light, Ambassadors of Love. You have moved back from the future, in your terms, in linear Earth time, to assist mankind in navigating through the tumultuous times that have unfolded in the last forty years, and the times that will be presented in the next twenty six years leading to the key point of 2038.
You see many of you are only truly awakened from your future into past roles in 2011 and 2012. And that was by design. The time gates of those two years were trigger points for the work you take on from 2013 to 2038. You see the New Firmament complete in your year of 2038. Is it not written in the Pyramids? Indeed your Edgar Cayce alluded to this year of 2038. It is another major benchmark in the Ascension of mankind.
Some of you will not be physically present for 2038, but you will have key missions in assisting those being called for this duty. You will provide the pre assemblage in connecting anchor points and you will inspire the seekers of Crystal Children for the 2038 completion of the New Firmament.
You see, many of you have experienced the Ascension of other planets and other worlds, several times; and you know the perils. You understand the mechanics. And what remains is the establishment of the new direction, the anchoring of the New Firmament.
But never forget, in addition to anchoring Codes, it is essential in 2013 to assist all by shining your light, and not succumbing to the last throes of Fear , the last grasping kicks of the Old Energy.
What Will Occur in 2013
What happens in 2013 is a new beginning. That new beginning is the New Template of the New Earth. The Ascension of the Earth has allowed for the dimensional revision and expansion of the planet. The Earth is expanded to a Crystalline Field, expanded from the 5th to the 12th dimensions.
Power Dates & Activation Phases of 2012
The energies of 2013 will be less intense than the obstacle course of increasing frequencies experienced by humanity in 2011 and 2012. And while 2013 will be easier to manage
There are certain key frequencies occurring on specific dates in 2013. The equinoxes, solstices, and eclipses are extremely powerful, each presenting unique portal opens of the New Earth.
During the equinoxes, solstices, and especially the 5 eclipses of 2013, a resurgence of energies will flood the planet. It is absolutely a natural synergy that this would and will occur at these astronomical positions. For these three events (solstices, equinoxes and eclipses) truly open gateways, apertures that have always been unique events for such transfers.
In 2013 they are even more multifaceted than the potent ones that have taken place since 2009. Each of the below dates in 2013 offer the following:
1) Time for deep introspection toward self discovery in the New Earth
2) Enhanced energies within power nodes, enhanced visioning and lucid dreaming.
3) A window for recharging & balancing energies
4) March Equinox: Anchoring of the Firmament within specific points on the planet
These key dates of 2013 are as follows:
** March 20, 2012 - Equinox
** June 21, 2013- Solstice
** September 22, 2013- Equinox
** December 21, 2013 - Solstice
Now eclipses take on an even more unique quality, in terms of offering catalystic energy triggers of change both individually and for the planet. In 2013 these will be especially potent. It will be the perfect time to change course in your life, after mediating on the equinoxes and solstices toward self direction and calibration. 2013 is a new Planet, a new time, and many of you will discover a renewed purpose and take somewhat different paths, or remain on the same path with a new perspective or new group association. Many of you will discover a new purpose in 2013 or bring to the surface a prolific talent that was previously dormant.
** Lunar Eclipse Apr 25 2013
** Solar Eclipse May 10 2013
** Lunar Eclipse May 25 2013
** Lunar Eclipse Oct 18 2013
** Solar Eclipse Nov 03 2013
There will two specific phases of great importance in 2013.
The first is between May 10-June 22nd, in which a great Triad opening occurs, allowing for rebalance and contemplation of new direction. This period involves a solar and lunar eclipse, leading to the June Solstice. It is also a time enhanced for travel to powernodes for Code Carriers.
The second triad phase occurs between September 20 and November 4th. It is the action completion of what has taken place in the first triad. It represents a time for individuals to manifest the new self, the new purpose, the new partnership, association or direction. It is a time of intense re-energizing, re-vitalizing lifer force.
We tell you that 2013 is a time to flow, a time to flower. It will be for many of you a year of change. There is a new energy on the planet. You have created it. There is much yet to do. Use this time to find your roles.
Those of you who have been sitting on the fence, considering taking more committed roles of leadership, writing your book, expressing your inner artistry...2013 is your year. The energy will support your highest good.
In 2013 you take your second wind. You take on new missions. For Code Carriers it is the new role of coding and anchoring the New Firmament, and it begins in 2013.
I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.
...And so it is...and it is so.
This channel is copyrighted to Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered and credit of authorship and website is included. It may not be published in journals, magazines or print without expressed permission from Earth-Keeper. Permissions may be requested at mailto
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As channeled by Hazel
I ask that during this time you remain focused on the vision presented to you. It is all too easy to allow the vision to fade in light of non-materialisation of events. Refrain from entertaining dubious or delinquent thoughts. Do not allow them to trespass into the domain of your knowing mind.
What you cannot see cannot be put into words. Events are taking place etherically that will soon transpire in your material spheres. You cannot see US working but it does not mean that WE aren’t. You cannot yet see the fruits of OUR labour, but it does not mean you won’t.  Oft times the effort must be invested over a period of time before momentum is gained. As I explained to this scribe when the movement occurs it will not be slow but swift. The wheel shall propel forwards without recess. Do not lose the hope in what you aspire to accomplish, but seek ME to engage with you that you may be given into the knowledge of the steps to be taken to put your mission in order or ‘get it on the road’ as you say.
It is now that you must begin to take the necessary steps toward fulfilment of a greater plan. Let your mind wander to that place where inspiration flows; and seek after your truth of being. What do you wish to accomplish now?  Ask yourself this; ‘What can I accomplish now’? There is much you can do using the energy system available to you as individual sons of God. You have the power to affect change first of all in your personal world. I say, that as part of your preparation you must do so.
Attend to self first. Clear the debris which may be clogging the pores and arteries of your electromagnetic field which disrupts our synergy. Begin to pull out the weeds which hamper your personal progress. Free yourself first and foremost of the limiting aspects of self. Cultivate a daily routine of de-sensitising your ego through sustained connection with ME. As you say ‘practice makes perfect’. Why don’t you try for one day to stay connected in a conscious way with ME.? I mean with MY thought processes, values and virtues. In other words for one entire day and I mean entire day- mirror ME. You know ME well enough or do you?
What do I represent to you? For those who follow ME you should be able to reflect what it is I represent to you. Being part of ‘Team Aton’ requires a very high standard of perspicuity. It requires you to have clear vision of the goal. Now I do not here speak of the earth’s transition. That is inevitability. I speak of the long term goal of building godly people so that the tempo of nobility will reign in the new earthly construct. The building begins now and it begins with self.
Use this time wisely to separate the wheat from the chaff in your inner consciousness and de- pollute your thoughts through a process of ‘thought pattern’ detoxification. Identify that which has been hazardous to your evolution and remit it to the wasteland for transmutation. Resolve to behold a new you, one that seizes perfection; for perfection is the exemplar of Godly synonym.
You are all anchored in ME. See yourselves in the circle of MY light with ME at the centre anchoring you. Now see yourselves extending from ME to stand around the circle. Who stands in the middle? That is who you are. In MY team MY members are ME. They strive ever to reflect ME. Do you think I AM a hard act to follow? It can be no other way dear children. You who have been chosen to serve in MY jurisdiction and you who have chosen to serve MY will, must attain within self a level of Christhood. Does that sound unfamiliar or unachievable?  It is not I assure you.
Why do I come to thee to speak of these things? I remind thee that when the wheel begins to turn there will be no catch up time. You will have to move with the wheel. Thus I say to you exercise your spiritual prerogative and ‘shape up’ so that you ‘keep up’ with the wheel once the momentum becomes noticeable. What is to come will require spiritual sturdiness in the light of the significant stupor which will accost your world. Be ready.
I AM Michael your Sovereign Father of Nebadon and Son of the Most High.
All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by ©2005-2012 AbundantHope - All rights reserved
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As channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood
“Greetings Dear Ones.
We are the High Council of Orion.
It is a pleasure to come and speak with each and every one of you again today. For as our messages move through this channel, we know that they are available for more on your planet, to shift and change with.
Today's message is fairly basic in nature. Your Souls have been reaching out for the higher realms, and there was great expectation around change and transformation that would happen instantaneously.  As you've heard us say before there is great change afoot, yet it's in that realm of the unseen. It’s in the energetic world around you.  As time moves forward that energetic change will be seen on the physical level, but for now you have to be in this place of trust or release.  A place of allowing that “perhaps that is true.”
But for those of you who are really wishing to have wholesale changes in your life, we go back to our core message and that is, “What are YOU doing to change your life?”  For all of these changes will never come as an instantaneous “imbued from without” change.
The nature of the free-will zone you live in means that it is the choices you make in your daily life that affect the changes in your life. So, sad as it may be for some of you, there will be no Fairy Godmother coming along and waiving her magic wand.  Yet as we have said before the energies on the planet, these unseen forces, are here in greater support of you than they ever have been.
If you have listened to this series of messages, have you actually put into action some of our suggestions?  Have you listened to them and been inspired by some of the action steps and thought, “That's a good idea!”  And then the next day you’ve forgotten what was said in the message. Or have you taken to heart those things that feel resonant with you, and really made an action plan around it in your free-will zone, for your experience of that potential.
You can go back and scan through the titles of the channelings, see if you remember the ones that “lit you up”, or the ones that had action steps around them, that you particularly loved hearing about and felt excited about. And without trying to make wholesale changes around everything, for one knows that those typically don't stick in the long run, just choose one thing. Choose one thing and really be dedicated to it, in whatever way it is.  We gave a channeling about rest and water and taking care of your physical vehicle, and if you know you don't drink enough liquids, or the liquids you drink are ones that don't support optimal health, what if you just chose that one thing of drinking water, or drinking healthier drinks throughout the day, without deciding that you need to do everything, and if you can't do everything you do nothing at all, and life goes on.
The changes that you seek are changes that will happen as a result of you being in your free-will zone and making different choices, knowing that you are well supported by it.  We’re going to give you a little tip here is that, if you know the areas that you would like to make changes in, and know some really good suggestions for doing that, that seem reasonable in your life, what we ask you to do is make a list of those.  Some of you might have 2 or 3, some of you might have 10 or 20, it matters not. But put that list in front of you, literally, on a piece of paper, whether you’ve typed it on your computer or whether you've written it by hand, whether you have it as a poster on your wall, whatever you want to do. But instead of deciding that that entire list needs to transform in order for you to feel happy, satisfied and complete, and in-line with ascension, why not just prioritize that list once you've made it? So that the thing at the very top could be the easiest thing for you to accomplish, not necessarily the biggest, but the easiest. Have that one thing at the top be drinking eight glasses of water a day. So that the decision to stop smoking or completely change your lifestyle in terms of food, or suddenly become a full-time meditating Yogi, that are bigger lifestyle changes perhaps from where you are now,  put the easiest of the top and just allow yourself to do one at a time.  One at a time!
Congratulate yourself for what you are doing, without condemning yourself for what you are not doing. You can say “Well, that's number 5 on my list, I’m going to get to it, of course, I haven't done it yet. Because I am on number 1 or I’m on number 2.”
Allowing yourself to be in that positive space buoys up the change and transformation.  It allows you to work with the energy of change and transformation that is abundantly flowing on the planet at this time.   Once you feel you've got a handle on the first item, give yourself a gold star for it, a pat on the back and a cheer!  Maybe it'll take a week. Maybe it'll take two weeks. Maybe it'll take a month. Remember time is irrelevant in this time of change and transformation.  What's more important is the permanency of the change in consciousness to self-empowerment and self-information.
Each item that you choose to do and choose to be successful in reinforces your self-empowerment. Yes, even if it's about a glass of water!  You are reconnecting to your self-empowerment, and as you do it strengthens it, so as you get further down the list with some of the items that might be a little more involved, might be a little more challenging, might be bringing you to a place where bigger changes need to be made, you have empowered yourself with the easier things in the beginning, so you move into those with confidence. As you move down your list you might be on number 4 and realize in doing number 4, it’s super easy to do number 7 and so you do that together. It magnifies. The changes can happen more easily.
We are here to support you in these changes, support you in finding that place of power and the experience of wholeness that your Soul demonstrates to you in your life on a daily basis.
Smile during the day and congratulate yourself on the things well done, no matter how large or small they are. Forget the things that are seemingly imperfect. Set those aside. Begin each day anew not thinking about what the yesterday was in terms of the, “I didn't do’s” or the things that were wrong.  Begin each day anew as if you have an opportunity to have that be the perfect expression of your Soul in the world and it will be.
Be Blessed.
We are the High Council of Orion.”
Do you enjoy the wisdom of The High Council of Orion? They have taught us the 111™ Activation to help you with connecting more deeply with your heart and Soul, assisting you to move forward in your journey at this time. If you would like to experience this, more information is here.
© 2012 Copyright Holly Hawkins Family Trust
This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in it’s original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the Author and website clearly included.
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No One is Going to Coax You Into Your Role



Dear Ones,

This is indeed one of THOSE weeks. The energies are flowing in every part of your being.

Some of you will claim that such comments are a hoax. That your life, thoughts, sensations and emotions are no different from last year.

Perhaps you wish to be on the Lightworker stage but feel you are not worthy or that someone/something is stopping you. Neither belief is correct. You are a Lightworker. Granted, not everyone has or even wants the same skills in this new earth transition. But if you continue to deny the energies surrounding you –  and this week, almost pummeling you – then you are not ready to move forward.

Even though you are fully capable of being on the Lightworker stage waiting for the spotlight to find you, some of you have decided the stage is too frightening and have moved behind the curtain. That is your choice – not a choice created by the Universes – but by you. For you are a Lightworker.

Lightworkers who need proof will probably never receive it. Self-worth is generated from within. We cannot give it to you, nor can anyone else.

We have stated on several occasions that you would be clearing your most difficult pieces before transitioning into the 4th and beyond dimensions. And so it is. Spiritually, physically and intellectually you may be excited to move to other dimensions – yet your fears limit your options.

You would not be interested in exploring new earth materials if you were not a Lightworker/Wayshower/Starseed or whatever you wish to label those of you introducing earth to an age of joy and love.

It is your need to feel worth-less or unworthy that is forcing you from the stage of Lightworker fame.

Many of you state that you do not feel anything or that your life is just the same. Does that not sound like a child during summer vacation whining that life is boring? And as a parent do you not laugh at such statements and suggest several activities your child might enjoy? You are now the adult.

Then there are those of you who claim that you are just not clear enough, strong enough or good enough to be a spiritual leader. That somehow everyone “out there” is bigger, better and stronger. Shades of Old Age comparisons that hold no validity in this New Age.

You are not like anyone else – other than you are transitioning into love and joy. Your path is unique. To compare yourself to another Lightworker and their skills or sensations is like comparing apples to oranges. You are different for a reason. If all Lightworkers were the same, how could this transition expand beyond a small group of like-minded, like-acting, like-skilled individuals?

There is no time for modesty, fear of your power or an unwillingness to be a Lightworker –  if that is what your heart draws you to. In past lives, you could shirk the game plan created by you before you entered earth knowing that you could fulfill that obligation to yourself at a later time.

Such is not the case in this transition. Each of you is an important thread in this transition tapestry.

You may feel as if you have nothing to contribute. Quite frankly, if you allow that belief to penetrate your being – you do not. And if that is what you wish to continue to believe, it is indeed time for you to move behind the curtain and allow someone who believes in themselves to move center stage.

No one is going to cajole you into your role. No one is going to babysit you as you moan and groan about how you wish to participate, but you cannot because of this or that. No one has time to hold your hand as you whimper about how unqualified you are.

This is the time to accept your full power. That does not necessarily mean you will be a media star. Merely that you claim your power in whatever form gives you joy. And the first step in claiming your power is believing with every fiber of your being that you are a Lightworker. That is the energy we are sending this week.

For some that means a physical manifestation of something you have longed for. For others it is the knowingness deep within your being that you are a Lightworker with a role to play in this wondrous transition – a role you created before your entrance on earth.

Perhaps you are of the group who brought the New Age to earth. You have since shifted roles into beaming the joy of this transition to others. Meaning that not only must you accept that you are a Lightworker, you must display that you are in whatever way your inner-being dictates – whatever gives you joy from growing vegetables to becoming a media star.

You are who you are – as you created yourself before entering earth in this lifetime. Perhaps you are shy. That is entirely acceptable and exactly what you wish to be. But in your shyness you still will radiate the light of a Lightworker – if you accept your worthiness. This is not the Age to hide under a basket in fear or pain. But instead to shine your light in whatever fashion feels most joyful. You never have to be center stage – but you do need to accept that you have a place on stage before you can be a true Lightworker.

You do not need to channel, heal the sick, write books, make presentations, change the world, transport yourself to other parts of the Universes or create a new tool to be a Lightworker. You merely need to accept that you are a Lightworker and that you will move into your role – whatever that role is – when it is your time to do so.

Stop whining. Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop make excuses for why you cannot be a Lightworker. Stop throwing up your hands in disgust because all of this is a hoax – and move to your place on stage. Your co-Lightworkers are moving toward their joy and have no need to care take you. Any more than you have a need to care take others.

You are a Lightworker of the greatest magnitude merely waiting for your role to begin. So be it. Amen.

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Crossing A Cosmic Boundary


I Kuthumi greet you with Celestial Blessings for your next chapter. A magnificent chapter, one which we here hope you are ready to embrace. To celebrate this great time of opening to your higher mind.

Many will understand and indeed now begin to experience the restrictions of the lower conscious mind which has held humanity hostage for so long.

Breaking Free

Let us pause and look at this more closely. Although your conscious mind has been held in the depths of ego in abundance, for life times, the behavioral traits are very familiar. Because of this familiarity many found it very difficult to move on from these, and to accept the limitations these debilitating patterns have created within you. My friends, this has allowed the ego self to thrive, to rule you through controlling thoughts and actions. Control takes many forms from the subtle – which if consistently practiced over another will gain total control over that person – to more aggressive control methods. I’m sure you are familiar with the traits of the ego. The need to be ahead of everyone, to be first always, to have the best and grandest of material goods, to have control over everything and everyone and to be seen to have that control. Some will say, “ But it gives me respect from others.”

I say to you, “ No, it does not. True respect is not gained through creating fear. True respect is gained through helping another and showing your own respect for others through your own actions.”

So it is time now to break free from these old concepts. Time to open your consciousness to a higher level. Through this your vibration will also rise and your choice of lifestyle will move forward to a chosen one of peace and tranquility. You can then experience the new Cosmic boundary I speak of. I urge you to ponder on this.

New Year

As you enter your new year understand it is a year of deeper transformation. You will all experience this, some profoundly, others not so profound yet still very relevant to the individual and the ‘whole.’

It is time to make the necessary changes in your lives now. Not in a week or another month or another season, no, now! Understand it is your ego which seeks to further hold you back by encouraging you to put off your firm commitment to higher advancement. As in all times of great transformation strength and faith must be acknowledged and held in your reserve.

The Earth also is in times of transition and it is true, weather patterns will be erratic and extreme. It will be another two years before these erratic weather patterns begin to settle.

You see just as you take time and experience set backs to old behavior creating a bumpy path, so does the Earth. So simply prepare. This will help you to endure Earth’s weather. You may also want to prepare your self. Practice meditation, stay calm. In any conflict no matter how small or challenging, pause and ask yourself, “Is this their stuff, or is it mine?” Asking yourself this little question is invaluable during this time of a Cosmic Shift.

The Outer

I have spoken of this before in previous teachings. It will help to remind you again to help you to prepare, to transit this year. The Government is classed as the outer – that which is outside of your decisions, outside of your personal responsibility. Governments will be required to make tough decisions this year due to over spending. Many privileges of the people including paid benefits will be drastically reduced, so I urge all to be prepared. Save where you can. Come back to basics,  grow your own vegetables.

All of this is on the outer yet will affect all. I say all because there will be much frustration and anger created and lingering in the Ethers. Therefore may I suggest that each of you who meditate, upon completion visualize surrounding the Earth with the sky blue Christ Ray of Divine Light. This will greatly assist in breaking up and diminishing the negative energies in the Ethers of Earth. My brother Jesus has come forward to instruct you with the Christ Ray in the meditation offred here.


Joy, oh yes, joy. Explaining preparation for transitional times is not always pleasant, yet so necessary. So now let us look within. Within each of you. Of course you are the commanding officer of you! You are solely responsible for all you do, say and your own well being.

Now, rest. Be still as you read this. Think of something dear to you. Create in your mind an image of that. What is it that makes you smile as you think of it or see it? That’s it. Now I would like you to write this on a piece of paper in very large letters, as a reminder. Also write the same on a smaller piece of paper for your wallet or purse. I ask you to put the larger version on your fridge door. The smaller of course in your wallet.

When you have experienced a hard day, when there is a need to stretch your dollar even further than you thought possible, when someone in the office is simply impossible to deal with, or your best friend snaps at you, I urge you to read your note, the words reminding you of your favorite image. Then stop, pause, and see your special memory in your mind’s eye. Feel peace entering your personal space. Hold that feeling of peace. Smile. Then realize that outer stuff isn’t yours. So why do you allow it to enfold you?

I can assure you however this simple exercise will assist you greatly in times of need. This will allow you to feel inner joy anywhere at any time.

Template Expansion

This is our message to you in 2013. Move forward in your thinking, in your emotions, in your actions and choice.

During 2012 there were many Cosmic Gateways opened assisting the new energies to enter your atmosphere. These are now anchored. You breathe their energy every day. Yes indeed. These new energies assist in your template expansion. Many, many Light Beings stand by to assist. My friend, I am one of them as are my brothers and sisters of The Great White Brotherhood/ The Council Of Light. Open your arms, open your heart, open your mind and move forward.

This is not a religion, it is a belief, a knowing that you are moving forward on the path of mankind’s evolutionary process.

Your DNA is expanding through the further opening of your Pineal Gland and therefore your ability to hold more Light energy. This also expands the Higher Heart, the Diamond Light center of the Divine within you. This is no accident, no. It is a part of you. A part within all of your magnificence.

So I say to you prepare, understand and move forward with joy in your heart.

My beloved – peace to you.


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NOTE: On the Kryon  Kundalini Tour in October/November 2012, Kryon systematically had a channelling  for each of the letters in the word KUNDALINI. This is the first and is for the  Letter K. This channelling was translated into Spanish and can be heard in full  on the Kryon website.
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of  Magnetic Service. I am aware of where I am and of the celebration of the day. If  you ever wondered, God does not exist in a vacuum. That is to say God exists in  you and, therefore, is aware of everything you are. There are those who would  say that getting in touch with God is difficult and that you must follow a  protocol. Let me tell you what the protocol is: It's called being alive.  God knows you. When you are not here, you are with God. When you are not here,  you are part of God, and there is beauty in this  arrangement.
There is much to be told in this  time, but right now I am aware of you. I'm aware of those who are listening to  this voice who are not in your timeline. To me, you are all listening right now,  but there would also be those who are listening and reading in what you would  call your future. Some of them are you! But many are those who are not in this  room, so I'm going to do something very non-3D. I would like to welcome those  who are listening and reading to this room, for dear ones, I see you  now.
The  synchronicity of the numbers is fun for us. The organizers of the Kundalini Tour  have simply scheduled those areas they wished to visit, perhaps without  understanding that it was all structured in base-twelve. When you take a look at  the cycles of the Universe, including that which you call mathematics, it is all  based in twelves. The threes and fours, in particular, make up the  structure of not only the cycles, but also atomic structure and biology. The  only time you see uneven numbers in atomic structure is when atoms move around  to create a potential charge and that has a name: Magnetics. But the cycles that  you see in biology and in normal life are threes and fours, and that includes  your DNA if you noticed.
So now you begin the Kundalini  Tour, and even though there would be those in the room who may not join the full  tour, you are still with us. For we see you in a state of consciousness, where  weeks from now you are still here. Weeks from now, as you look at your clocks,  you come along with all of us in such a way that it works outside of three  dimensions. By the time you get to the last message in Lima, there will have  been twelve events. Isn't it interesting that the organizers created this number  of events by accident and without design? So these things have come together  appropriately, honoring of the way the earth works.
The base-twelve around 360 degrees  is the way you still navigate today with Gaia, not in fives and tens. If you  take the number twelve and add the one and the two together  numerologically, you get the energy of the three. The number three is a  catalyst. That is to say that when certain elements come together, they  catalyze, or push the creation of a third energy. That's exactly what is  happening. Now, add to this another synchronicity as well - the word  Kundalini in your language has nine letters. This number represents  completion. So you might say that this transition that the earth is going  through right now has the number nine involved. Indeed, it is the beginning of a  final transition for the planet. There will come a time when you will make a  historic demarcation between energy as measured before and after 2012. All of  the history of mankind up to this date will be measured as one energy, and Human  history from now on will be measured and seen as another energy. That is how  profound the potentials are past 2012.

There have been  others before you

Now, let me tell you something: I  have said this before. Spirit has no clock as you do. We don't measure the  years, and we don't see things like you do as generations of Humans' lives with  a timeline. Listen to me, old soul: You are always here! Did you think of that?  You may measure your life from the time you're born to the time you die, but  that would be the Human measurement system, for that is your 3D survival. We  don't see it that way. You are always here. You may have a different face, but  you have the same soul, same Higher-Self, and the same amount of wisdom that is  pouring into you because of these events. So as we describe your future, we do  not count the years as you do. When we say this or that is a potential that may  happen, we base it upon those who have already gone through this in other solar  systems. You are doing something that has already occurred within other  societies on other planets. We have seen how this energy has worked before, and  it gives us a pattern of how it may work here.
Let's talk about the ancients. Why  is there a prophecy about the movement of the Kundalini? What is actually going  on? This particular channelling will be called the Channelling of the Letter  K and through the twelve events you have scheduled, there will be nine  channels specifically involved in the letters of the name Kundalini. Today's  subject will add information about the Kundalini [representing the K], but we  are not going to repeat core information that has already been given. Go back  and study the other channellings if you want to know what the Kundalini is all  about.
Did you  know that the word Kundalini in history has often dealt with procreation, the  creation of life? When two humans come together and create life, they will often  activate the Kundalini within their own bodies. This is what Gaia is doing  today, and the metaphor is strong.  Gaia is linked to Human consciousness in a  process that you have already studied this day [in the seminar prior to the  channelling]. Physics is involved and Human consciousness is entangled with Gaia  consciousness. As one moves, the other does, too. You cannot separate them. One  reacts to the other. In today's energy, the Human Being is more of an engine, a  force that drives Gaia. So you might say that there is a new life being created  within Gaia by the Human Beings on the planet. We've never spoken of the   attributes of entanglement in this way, but in true entanglement you have an  actual physical attribute that is quantumly melded with the other. So there  can't be action with only one side of an entangled partner. There is a push and  a pull that will then affect everything that is entangled with it. In this  situation, the Human Being is the pusher and the puller. Human consciousness is  affected and this changes Gaia.

The Ancients Knew  It Was Coming

Let's talk about the ancients. Why  were they so interested in this time? How is it that you could go back thousands  of years and find the prediction that you have happening today? The indigenous  of Earth were more concerned with the dirt of the earth than anyone who has ever  existed. What is your reality today? What is your survival plan for life? For  you today, it has to do with your job, your family, and perhaps the economic  consciousness of your government. However, what was the reality of the  indigenous? It was two things: Food and water. All of it. It all revolved around  these two and was driven by what they considered a third consciousness, which to  them was Gaia.
The indigenous actually had a triad  of sacred importance; they did not see humanity together. In those days, they  would split it to include men, women, and Gaia. This was the energetic triad  that they existed in. If you go back and look at their traditions, you had to  separate the traditions from men and women for they put a different honoring on  each gender, but they came together with Gaia. If they did ceremonies, it was to  create rain or to create the food representing the crops in the ground. This was  their total reality and all very Gaia-related. All of the worship that they knew  how to do was about the earth, so the relationship with the planet was their  science and they had a lot of information about it.
Slowly they began to understand the  circle of time. Eventually they understood the cycles of the weather, but for a   while they did not. So they prayed to the Gods of the south, east, north, and  west. All of this tells you something about them. The prophecies of the  indigenous were all wrapped around the consciousness of Gaia. So what does this  tell you? It tells you about today. From the north and from the south,  they all knew something, somehow. They didn't know each other at all. The tribes  in the north had no idea about the tribes in the south. They had never met each  other. Hundreds of tribes had never even seen each other and yet they prophesied  what's happening today! So I want you to think of this. Does it appear that  perhaps they knew about the entanglement of consciousness and  Gaia?
Indeed,  they did, so today you listen to their truth, and here it is: There is an  alignment of the planet's wobble based upon the 26,000-year cycle of the earth.  It has a potential opportunity for the movement and the creation of energy that  you see today. The closer you get to this, the more the potentials grow. So even  as recently as 600 years ago, it looked to them as though these predictions were  a fact and not just a potential. They started including the information in their  calendars and you could see it in the glyphs on the walls of their pyramids. Ask  an indigenous. What's happening now? Is it what they expected? The answer is  yes, right on schedule. But isn't it interesting that we have to tell you about  this and it's not in your newspapers? You're not seeing it in your television  either - not the truth. You're only getting pieces and parts of it. The results  of the shift are multifaceted. If you want to look at the grand result, it's  going to eventually push humanity into a new reality, but that's the future.  However, immediately you are going to start seeing some changes. Let us review  what this means within the context of the Kundalini shift.
The planet has been polarized  emotionally for some time, and it's based mostly upon where most of the Humans  live on the earth. This has come together over time to create a masculine earth.   If 80 percent of the population of the planet live in the north, and if the  north has a certain consciousness, then the whole planet assumes that  consciousness. Yet that is not the consciousness that began in the south. If you  take a look at the indigenous of the south before conquerors came, and you take  a look at what they believed and what they taught, it was far more feminine  (soft). So really, you have a masculine north and a feminine south, but because  there were so many more humans in the north, the consciousness of the planet was  more masculine in general, and history has reflected this. Suddenly, however, we  have a shift. And this is where it gets complicated.
In your reality, you feel  everything is linear. Perhaps you really haven't seen a shift of consciousness  in the north? But it's there. The majority of it comes from old soul awakening,  but it's not how many humans have awakened, but rather the amount of energy  within the ones who have awakened. They're the ones in the room here, and many  of them are listening and reading here. There's a shift even in the way the  accounting of energy is working on the planet. It's shifting from a linear way  to a nonlinear way and Gaia, who is entangled with all this, is starting to move  and shift the very Kundalini, or centre heart chakra, of the planet. So let's  look at who is doing what.

The Movement is  Not Linear

Number one: Gaia is a conscious,  sentient, proper and appropriate energy that is linked to you. Because of the  quantum shift that has been predicted due to what has happened, humanity has  started to think differently and this different thinking is more profound within  the old souls. This has been seen by Gaia, who is now doing the shifting. So  Gaia is involved and that is the mechanics of how the energy is being moved.  You, however, look at all this in a linear fashion. So you ask the question,  "Well, where is the Kundalini now? It's moving from north to south, so where  is it now?" So I'm going to answer that in a moment, and that answer will be  different to what you imagined. But right now, let's speak about what this  movement really means.
What happens if the earth becomes  balanced in masculine and feminine energy for the first time? What would it  mean? It means there is going to be an increase in what we call compassionate  action. Do you know what the results of non-compassionate action are? War.  That is a non-compassionate action - also, separation, judgment, and a  non-caring population. Do you know what the results of compassionate actions  are? Working together, unification, peace building, non-judgment, tolerance,  understanding, and the beginning of universal unconditional love. Do you see the  kind of shift we are speaking of? It's going to change how you think - inside  and out.

Increase in Compassion

When you meet someone for the first  time, what are your first thoughts? That's a good exercise for psychologists to  suggest. How many of you look at another person and say to yourself, "This is  a creator of God energy just like me. They are family, just like me. They have  been here on the earth just like me. So I will greet the God in them and I will  take them in my arms and have a heart to heart hug." What if everyone did  that? But that's not how you greet one another, is it? Oh, some of you do, but  this is the difference between a masculine and a feminine earth. Mother energy  allows for these things and this is what is taking place on the planet - an  increase in mother energy. It is growing here, this place called South  America.
The  wisdom in the Crystalline Grid that has been placed here for eons is being  placed upon the north through a process that has yet to be explained. That's an  inward explanation. Outward you're going to see many Human changes. You're going  to see the beginning of intolerance and integrity. If things do not have  integrity, then you are not going to be interested in them. Can you imagine  humans with that attribute? Can you imagine what that will do to your politics?  [Laughter]. That's a Kryon joke. But this is worldwide, not just the politics in  this country. Can you imagine compassionate action not only in government, but  perhaps in institutions, corporations, and even from the health industry? It  would vastly change the kinds of products that are offered. Can you see how this  would change everything? It would. You've already started. There are things  you've already began to change, over the last 18 years, slowly. They happen so  slow you don't even notice!
What about your continent?  [speaking to the South Americans] If you go back 100 years, what do you see?  What do your governments look like compared to what they look like today? Did  you have free choice in voting back then? You did, but it didn't seem to make a  difference. Your lives are way too short, and after 70 or 80 years, you turn  around and come back. You don't remember anything when you get back, but if you  could talk to your ancestors, they would remember. You went from a conquered  continent with borders that changed and dictators that controlled everything to  what you have today. Do you realize the amazing difference? Do you realize that  this is against what some would call Human nature? If you asked somebody about  the role of Human nature, they might tell you that you'd always been warring.  The cynics would say Humans kill Humans and they always will. There will always  be dictators, they would say. So if that's true, then how do you explain South  America? Slowly, it has changed as much as any other continent on the planet -  slowly preparing itself for now.
The fields have been ploughed and  they are ready to receive the seeds. Your bodies will change. Do you know what  happens with compassionate action? Cellular structure changes. We've given you  channels about that and even the new changes at birth regarding intuition that a  Human Being is born with.

The Crystalline  Grid is Recalibrating

Let's talk about Gaia, since there  are numbers of things that are changing. One we have told you about, but not in  your language [Spanish]. So let us review: There is something called The  Crystalline Grid. It's an esoteric [invisible] multidimensional grid.  Calling it crystalline is a metaphor for a grid that holds memory. It  remembers vibration. It remembers you! Now, this is complex and difficult to  understand in 3D. As you live your life, you put energy that is YOU onto this  Crystalline Grid. Light that you create through working with spiritual energies  creates an imprint on the grid. Things that are dark also create energy on the  grid. Wars will create energy on the grid and so will compassionate actions. So  again, it is a grid that remembers Human action and it has been a linear imprint  up till now - that is, that all energies were imprinted  equally.
Suddenly, this grid is giving a  bigger weight to that which old souls do than to that which Humans do in  general. So it's no longer a linear energy grid, but one that is now being  biased in the direction of the Lightworker. So the things that will be  remembered the most are starting to be the things that generate compassion, and  not the darker things that generate sorrow and death. This is part of the new  way things are going to work in the future.
There are many things that we could  say about this grid which is crystalline. We could tell you how it responds or  how it works. But much of this has already been channelled and more of it will  be. So instead, I would like to tell you something that hasn't been given before  and this is for the curious. When I talk about Gaia, what do you think, and what  do you visualize? The energy of the earth? What is in your mind when you hear  the word Earth? Well, many of you will visualize the globe floating in  space. You're right, for this is the consciousness of Gaia; it is the globe.  Gaia does not surround the globe with energy, but rather it is the globe  - the whole thing. Perhaps you feel that the "Gaia" part is only the surface or  the crust?  And if it is, what about the rest? What about the mantle of the  planet? What about the core? Do you realize how much matter is in the earth that  is not on the surface? What is the relationship between the mantle and the core  and the crust? And does this relationship have consciousness? It does, and it's  called Gaia.
Dear ones, I am not giving you  these things to complicate your perception, but rather to give you a feeling of  how Gaia moves with energy. If you had a burner on the stove and you decided to  warm it up, you are moving energy into the iron in order to create heat. Would  any of you ask, "Where is the heat located on the burner?" The answer is  no. The burner heats up all at once and it cools down all at once. It's  similar with energy movement of the planet. The movement of the Kundalini is  coming through the earth, not just on the surface. Does this make  sense to you?  What is happening on the planet is happening all at  once.
So as you  think of the movement of the Kundalini, don't ask, "Where it is now? What  country is it going through?" The energy of the Kundalini involves the whole  of the planet and not a trek on the surface from one point to another. This is a  quantum shift, and it does not happen in a linear fashion. However, for all of  these years, the movement has been discussed as though it were a linear change  coming from India and Tibet and landing in South America. You can have an  energetic rebalance from one area to another without it travelling on the  surface.
So all  of these past years, the shift has been happening all at once, for the whole of  the planet. It's a shift from one consciousness to another, not one place to  another. There is more feminine starting to be felt, creating a balance of the  two hemispheres and involving even the core of the earth. It's not happening on  the surface, it's happening for the whole planet. But we tell you the center of  the new balance can be felt most in Bolivia and Peru. But it didn't arrive that  way by travelling down an imaginary road.
Now, some years ago, I sat in a  place in Chile and I spoke of the movement of the Kundalini (Valle Nevado,  2008). When you look at the metaphor of the Kundalini, you have movement of the  Human Kundalini, as mapped by the Human body. Some of it moves back and forth.   In this case, it's a metaphor for oscillation and for vibrational shift into  higher consciousness. But Gaia is involved this time - the crust, the mantle,  the core. You're entangled with Gaia and at that time in 2008, we told you that  the earth had a potential to move soon. We told you that it would be south of  the position we were channelling, and it was! [talking about the earthquake in  Chile, 27 February 2010]. There is more coming for Chile and again it's going to  be in the south.
All this movement is needed, and  sometimes it's physical. Gaia knows you, and it's going to move and adjust. But  as it must adjust, it's going to do most of its adjusting where no one lives.  Dear ones, when you see this happen, do not go into fear. When you see volcanic  activity, don't go into fear. Instead, you have the courage to raise your hand  and say, "Thank you Gaia," for where you did it! You have to know that  the area you are in, even now, is volatile [speaking of the place the  channelling is being given]. However, old souls can even change the attributes  of plate tectonics. The earth will move in places you didn't think it would, and  when you see it, "Thank you Gaia"! You'll know I'm right, and that you  are forever linked in consciousness, dear ones, to your  earth.
The  planet is changing and the indigenous were right. They lifted the dirt in their  hands and said, "This is life." It represents more than they knew and  more than you knew. It represented the consciousness of Gaia and the partnership  with humanity. All of these things are happening in a way to honor humanity. We'll talk more later as we get into the other letters of the  nine.
So we  have spoken long enough. Be aware, dear Human Being, that all which is happening  on this planet is part of a new future. There'll come a day when you will come  back maybe two or three times, maybe more, and you will land on this earth as a  child, as a baby, and the word war in your dictionary will be defined as  something that use to happen in the old days with the barbarians and it's  gone. That's what we see. That is the profound attribute of this movement, the  beginning of compassionate action on this planet.
And so it is.

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~ via Hilarion ~ January 13th, 2013

As channeled by Hilarion
Hello Again! ..Who are we today????? Oh , yes Kuthumi.
Master of a lot of stuff.
Our epistlet, or ‘pistlet’ as kuthumi says , and because,
Kuthumi wants to challenge your cause and effect linkage to stimuli, in linear, one floor, 3D fashion.
Kuthumi begins speaking:
When you come from multiple integrated floors of awareness, and I mean integrated with every aspect
of yourself, then life is different because you changed,
sort of a mini ascension.
and then keep working and practicing.
An alternative to linear cause and effect is to react with multiple levels of yourself simultaneously,
(takes practice!),
which is what causes the multi-dimensional state of experience to activate there in you.
What is called a ‘reaction’ in our discussion, time of sharing today,
And I say sharing as I, Kuthumi, and each of you all bring our energy to the place of the channeling.
Each of us is offering that.. our life-energy-attention.
If there is any problem honoring that, you may want to look at the falsehoods and complexities
that are behind that, because you will have to be able to connect with some place, some understanding
, some connection on a practoacal self level.. of honoring yourself, and your worthiness
to receive, to be open to meaning willing to receive the greater graces which are coming
to you. Yes it is coming. No, that does not mean it’s totally automatic.
It requires attention to yourself and your intuitive feel of how you should be working with your mind,
energy, and spirit.
I Love You.
Only point is..if total glory activates up in , within you, around you, whatever..
Are you able to handle that?
Will your inner poverty tempt you to infill yourself with mental aberations experienced as mental
ejaculations of contraction as you proclaim to yourself your personal glory as a leader and one who
leads the rest.
You know this is shit, right?, and not so good for fertilizer at the immediate second.
Got it?
And likewise if you are a false humble , and mentally fulfill yourself by telling yourself how humble you
Likewise if you put yourself down- I don’t mean for banter’s sake publically- I’m talking about Your
inner dialog and feeling with your self, as your self.
Apologize to no one, unless of course you really did something significant.
If you didn’t intend to ‘hurt’ someone, but did, and it really was an error on your part,
If you meant to do something in order to cause hurt,
Make sure , if you are apologizing for ‘some’ reason, that you apologize for the real offense,
That you wanted to induce the experience of being hurt in them.
You might as well be truthful, if you are going to bother.
Don’t get me wrong. If you try to be ‘good’, you will also surely die spiritually,
Meaning limited state of consciousness-yes-blocked.
Okay, enough of that.
Now, Just a bonus piece on what is being called reaction.
What it is, is.. acting from a state of imbalance.. longstanding ongoing imbalance,
Of imbalance from that moment, and acting, or having to act, before having regained balance.
Now, btw, we believe that a dynamic balance cal be achieved by balancing the physical energies with
the less physical energies and maybe we will have more on that later…
. . Finally, and the reason for writning today, is…
I wanted to give you an exercise to begin to develop multi dimensional experience, on a practical level.
Imagine the night sky, or any sky.
Imagine a dot of light somewhere there in space. Keep imagining it.
Now add to you imagination a second dot of light in another location in the sky.
Continue to imagine both dots of light… at the same time.
/ This is an experience of multi dimensionality.
You certainly may build on this, and perhaps we will have more at some time,
For now, train your brain.
Make the transition.
Nothing is the same. Discover .
Yours, Kuthumi
(Kuthumi smiles here)
Through hilarion
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Astrology and Symbolism - Capricorn

Well it took me almost 2 months to finish all the research on this.  It snot everything, but at some point I had to stop!


(22 December to 19 January)


Polarity               : Negative, Female

Quality                : Cardinal

Ruling Planet     : Saturn

Element              : Earth

Body Part           : Knees, joints and bones

Colour                 : Black, dark gray, brown

Gemstones        : Turquoise, amethyst, Onxy, Garnet, Ruby

Metal                  : Lead

Number              : 5, 15

Flowers               : Ivy, Medlar, Hearts Easr, Hemlock

Trees                    : Yew, Elm, Pine

Herbs and Spice : Knapweed, Comfrey, hemp

Food                     : Potato, spinage, Barley, Beet, malt

Animals               : Goat and other cloven hoofed animals

Birds                     : Pheasant, Eagle

Countries             : India, Mexico, Afghanistan

Cities                    : Oxford (UK), Mexico City, Delhi


Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac, is a feminine introverted sign.  It is an earth sign and one of the four cardinal signs and is ruled by the planet Saturn.  The guitarist Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin was renowned for his interest in occult matters in general and Crowleyana in particular, has never spoken publicly about the component elements of his own symbol, but it is believed to have originated in an old alchemical grimoire dating back to the sixteenth century.  The Sigil itself points to the link between the planet Saturn and page’s Zodiac sign, Capricorn.  The “Z” is a commonly used symbol for the planet, and the “oso” stands for the element mercury, also associated with Saturn.


The Elements and the signs of the Zodiac

Fire      :  Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Water  :  Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Air        :  Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Earth    :  Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn



Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn and, before the discovery of Uranus, of Aquarius.  Saturn was the Roman God of Agriculture and civilization.  The planet Saturn takes 29.5 years to orbit the sun.  Astrologically, Saturn is associated with limitations, restrictions, boundaries, practicality, reality and long-termed planning.  Discipline and responsibility are central to Saturn.  The return of Saturn, about every 30 years, is said to mark significant changes in each person’s life.  Saturn reminds us of the limitations of time and the need to manage it well.


The scythe blade mounted on a shaft was used to mow grass with.  It was held by the Greek God Chronus or the Roman God Saturn, both gods of time (the word “chronology” stems from the Greek Khronos, meaning time)  the scythe as an emblem of time cuts the thread of life and launches us one by one into eternity.  Its most common symbolism is of death, the scythe is the tool used by the Grim Reaper as he reaps his harvest of souls.   The scythe of these ancient Gods is not quite the doom-laden instrument as it appears in skeletal hands of the hooded Grim Reaper, it was more a reminder of the cycle of life.


The Magic Square of Saturn

Magic squares work by enclosing or trapping an entity or power, by surrounding it with a collection of numbers in a particular relationship.  Some magic squares are made up of symbols of planets, metals or magic words.  The numerals and numbers that make up the name of God are believed to be especially powerful.  One Magic square is made up of the Latin sentence Sator arepo Tenet opera rotas, meaning “The sower at his plough controls the work”.  In magical squares where the number on vertical and horizontal lines always adds up to the same number, the result is called a “constant”.





























Kabbalistic Table of Planetary Correspondence


Planet      Angel           Universal function                          bearing  Operation of the spirit

Sun          Michael         Brings light to world                       Zenith     Will

Moon      Gabriel          Strengthen hope, send dreams    Nadir      Imagination

Mercury  Raphael        civilizing influences                         Centre    Emotion and intuition

Venus      Amael           Love                                                   West       Love and fellowship

Mars        Samael         Destruction                                       South      Action and destruction

Jupiter     Zachariel      Organisation                                     East        Judgement and command

Satern     Oriphiel        Supervision                                       North     Patience and perseverance


Alchemy Table

Day                 Planet                                             Metal

Monday         Moon (Moon day)                         Silver

Tuesday         Mars (Mardi in French)                Iron

Wednesday   Mercury (Wotan’s day)                Mercury

Thursday        Jupiter (Jupiter or Thor’s day)    Tin

Friday             Venus (Freya’s day)                       Copper

Saturday        Saturn                                              Lead

Sunday           Sun                                                   Gold


In alchemy, the Star of David is a reminder of the seven planets and the seven basic metals.  At the top silver/the moon, then moving around the points of the star in a clockwise direction are Copper/Venus, Mercury/Mercury; Lead/Saturn; Jupiter/Tin and mars/ Iron/metal.  The centre space is also called quintessence, and is the Sun/Gold.  Sometimes the Seal will acknowledge this central space with a dot or the tau symbol.


The power of the bell as a way of spiritual communication is carried one step further in the magical bell made of an amalgam of the seven sacred metals that are ruled by the planets.  This bell, engraved with the Tetragrammaton and the planetary seals from alchemy, allegedly has the power to summon the spirits of the dead.  However, this spell calls for the bell to be put into a grave for seven days and seven nights before it will work properly.


The Seven Planetary metals

Sun             :     Gold

Moon         :     Silver

Mercury                    :    Mercury or Quicksilver

Venus         :    Copper

Mars           :    Iron/metal

Jupiter        :    Tin

Saturn        :    Lead



One of the four elemental beings, the Gnome is the spirit of the Earth, and is a counterpart of the undine (water), the salamander (fire) and the sylph (air) Gnomes are believed to live in the bowls of the earth and to have an instinctive understanding of the rocks, stones, precious gems and minerals secreted there, able to produce fantastically elaborate silverwork, for example, which has magical powers.  In the Circle of wisdom of the Kalachakra certain syllables are given colours and elements, La (yellow) the grounding earth element.


The platonic solids were named after the Greek philosopher and mathematician Plato.  They are said to encompass the classic 4 elements of earth, air, fire, water, together with the elusive 5th element – had been discovered at least a thousand years before his time.  Earth is the twelve-edged cube or hexagon, a symbol for solidity of the earth as a planet as well as a concept.  Fire is the six-edged tetrahedron, its pyramid shape appropriately flame-like.  Air is the twelve-edged octahedron. Water is the thirty-edged isochedron.


Perhaps the archetypal image of the earth is as the Mother Earth, personified as the Goddess Gaia.  The Ancient Greek historian Herodotus pointed out that all known names for the earth are female.  A few examples od this include Shekinah, in the Kabbalistic tradition, becomes Shakti, the female “cosmic energy” of the Hindu philosophies, as well as Kali Ma, “the dark mother”.  Erda, belongs to the Nordic myths; and Gaia, Tera, Europa and many others.  If Earth is the Mother, then the Heavens are the Father, reminding us again of the tenet “as above, so below.”


A recurrent theme in creation myths is of a mound of earth rising up from the primordial waters.  The Earth symbolizes a womb, pregnant with water, minerals and seeds of plant life.  As life springs forth from the earth it also returns back to the Earth when material part comes to the end of its life, becoming part of the cycle of death and rebirth as the rotting matter provides sustenance for the next generation.


The most fitting symbolic form within the landscape of the great Earth Mother is the cave.  Whereas mountains reach towards the sky and belong to the elements of air and fire, the cave itself signifies the womb, the magical place of gestation.  It parallels the Athanor in alchemy, where spirit takes form, is transformed into matter and eventually makes its exit into a new world through the vaginal opening or vesica Pisces, symbolized by the cave mouth.  In the tales of the Arabian nights, Ali Baba unlocks the concealed door of the cave by shouting “open sesame/1” the relevance of the command is because the sesame seed pod that burst open symbolizes all the wealth of the earth, as well as having a sexual meaning.


Caves and caverns are the natural places for the energy of the Earth to be harnessed.  As such they were, and are powerful places for magical and religious rites and ceremonies.  The “Hellfire caves” at High Wycombe, England, the ancestral seat of the Dashwood family, are a good example of subterranean locus for occult practices.    Caves can be a place of refuge, but can also become a prison.  Whereas mountains are highly visible, caves are the direct opposite, secret, hard to find.  Despite these opposing qualities, caves and mountains have a natural symbiosis, because they can exist together in the same location, cave complexes are often found inside mountains.


Caves share a further quality with mountain that of being at the centre of the earth, as symbolized by the Omphalos.  Gods resided on the loftiest summits of the mountains.  Gods were also often born inside caves; Zues, for example, was born in a cave on Mount Ida in Crete.  When this particular cave was excavated it was full of offerings and tributes to its God.  Lao Tzu, the father of Taoist philosophy, was born in a cave, as was the pre-Christian Sun God, Mithras.  Mithraic worship often took place under ground in the secrecy of caves and caverns.  The stable in which Mithras’ successor, Jesus, was born was actually cur out from a rock face, yet another example of a God figure being born in a cave.  American Indians believe that caves were the gestation places for the embryos of mankind.


Caves are among early man’s first sacred places, and such caves appear all over the world, in myth and legend as well as in reality.  Aladdin’s cave, for example, contained the magic lamp that yielded the Djinn that changed Aladdin’s fortunes, and so in a symbol of the cave as a repository of valuable secrets.  The cave at Lascaux in the Perigord region of France also holds valuable secrets and rich treasures of a different kind.  Dating back to the Palaeolithic era, the paintings inside these caves show man’s preoccupations at this time.  The walls are covered with pictures of horses, cattle, and an extinct animal called the Auroch, felines, birds and fish.  The four school boys who accidentally discovered the caves whilst looking for a dog must have been astounded to realize that the colours and pigments of the paintings were almost as vibrant as when they were painted, 17 000 years ago.  They were preserved in this way because no natural light existed inside the cave.  There’s also evidence of ritual worship in the Lascaux caves.


Caves that are hard to find have additional significance as places of secret rites and rituals.  All caves were seen as temples to the mother Goddess.  Pyramids are a manmade mountain/cave structure.  Ochre was used to stain and decorate sacred items, as it is seen as the blood of the earth mother.


Dragon made their lairs in caves where they guarded their treasures and their eggs. 


In elemental magick Earth is a grounding element that is used to ground all the other elements.


The Four Dignities

For Buddhists, the Four Dignities are those animals whose characteristics act as a reminder of four important aspects of the Buddha nature as well as the four major compass points.


1. Dragon: Communication and compassion, rules the West, the sea and the element water.

2. Tiger: Confidence awareness, modesty and kindness, rules the South, the element Air and forest.

3. Snow Lion: Cheerfulness and certainty, youthfulness and delight; rules the East, the mountains and the element Earth

4. Garuda: Direction action, wisdom and fearlessness, rules North and the element Fire.


The Chinese theory of the five elementals:

Element                  water                  fire               wood         metal          earth

Number                      1                         2                    3                  4                 5

Taste                         Salt                   Bitter             acid           pungent      sweet

Human Character   serious             methodical   learned    friendly       holy

Sky sign                    rain                   yang               hot            cold             wind

Vegetable                yellow millet   bean              wheat       oil-seed       white millet

Animal                      pig                    hen                 sheep       dog              ox

Musical note           yu                     chu                  chih          shang          kung

Bodily organ           kidneys             lungs              spleen      liver             heart

Colour                      black                 red                 green       white           yellow

Body element         blood                breath           bones       nails            muscle

Emotion                   anger                pleasure       joy             sorrow       love


In addition, each of the elements rules a direction and a season, so they have jurisdiction over time and space.


Water is the nadir, winter, and the northern direction, appearing at the bottom of the map.

Fire is the zenith, summer, and the south.

Wood is spring, and the east.

Metal is fall, and the west.

Earth is the central point from which all the other emanate, represents all seasons and directions.


The Masonic system of elements:

Element   Adjunct     Quality                                   Level

Fire          Spirit           Ardour and enthusiasm      Initiation

Water     Soul             Sensitivity and emotions    Religion

Air           Mind            Intellectual power               Philosophy

Earth       Body           Materialism                           Physical life


Gemstones and the elements

Air          -   Agate, Citrine, Lapis Lazuli, Opal, Rose quartz, Saphire, Turquoise

Fire        -   Amber, Citrine, Fire Opal, Garnet, Heliotrope, Ruby, Spinel, Topaz

Water   -   Amethyst, Aquamarine, Coral, Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, Pearl, Tourmaline, Turquoise

Earth     -   Amber, Ammonite, Emerald, Jet, Magnetite, Maleshite, Jade, Onyx

Ether     -   Amethist, Diamond, Opal, Pearl, Rock, Crystal, Sapphire, Tormaline, Zircon



Kneeling is a sign of subjugation, of deference, and of humility, and the knee itself is a symbol of power and strength since the joint supports almost the entire weight of the body.  To “bring to the knees” is therefore symbolic of taking away power.



As well as giving structure to the body, bones survive for a long time after death, and so are imbued with magical properties.  Symbolically, bones carry the essence of the creature or person that they were once part of, and there’s a curious but relatively common belief that somehow or other an intact set of bones can be remade into a live body.  This idea is seen in fairy tales, myths and traditions from all over the world, such as in the Lapp belief that the bones of a bear, if carefully preserved, will come back to life and the animal will allow itself to be hunted once more.  Bear “burial” places have been found where the bones of the bear have been carefully reconstructed.  These sites also show evidence of respectful funerary rites.  In a similar practice, the Plains Indians would bury the bones of the buffalo with due care and attention so that the animal would be able to come back to life.


The bones of small animals were used by shamans in divinatory rites.  Over two thousand years ago, in China, bones were heated up and the resulting cracks interpreted as indicating a prediction.  Bones as predictive devices were used in other ways, too, for example they were thrown upon the ground in the act of “casting the bones” a term of reference still in use for other divinatory methods, such as rune stones.


The human body contains one bone that has particular relevance as a sacred symbol, and its name gives it away.  In Latin, sacrum means “sacred”, and the bone of the same name is the largest, curved and heavy one that sits at the base of the spine.  This particular bone was sacred for the Greeks, too who called it the Hiero Osteon.  Hiero means “bone”.  Therefore this sacred bone acts as a temple to other parts of the anatomy, namely the reproductive parts.  In Ancient Egypt the bone was sacred to Osiris and as the “seed” bone was the key to resurrection, since it protected the semen.


Due to its size, the bone is one of the very last in the body to rot, along with the skull.  For this reason – its longevity – the bone was used as a vessel during religious and magical rites and rituals.  These bones are such an important part of the body and because they are believed to hold the essence of their owner, the bones of saints are considered holy relics, imbued with magical powers, and kept locked away in churches.  They are believed to be so holy that devils and Demons would keep well away and if the bones were dipped into wine or water, the resulting liquid would be infused with mysterious powers including the ability to cure various ailments.



Symbolic meanings: night, the absence of light, mourning, sobriety, denial, authority, perfection and purity, maturity, adversity, mystery and wisdom.  Although it’s the opposite of white, both shades are, in fact, due to an absence of colour and technically speaking black is not a “colour” at all.  This doesn’t stop it having a wealth of symbolic meaning.   It doesn’t require a great leap of the imagination to extend this light/dark, day/night symbolism to good/bad.  A fundamentally natural occurrence to do with the orbit of the earth around the sun, therefor has far-reaching consequences, resulting in fear, racism, superstitions and bigotry which even continues today simply because of skin colour.


Throughout the world the colour black is associated with evil, harm and negative forces.  Black are the colour of night, and the absence of light.  However, in mystical traditions, because it contains all colour of the divine and the symbol of undivided oneness.  In the Christian tradition, black is associated with penance.  In the Circle of wisdom of the Kalachakra certain syllables are given colours and elements, Ya (black); the element of Air.


Black indicates consistency or grief.  In the West, black is the colour of mourning and funerals.  In some cultures, white is used in this context, in which case it carries the idea of rebirth.  Black however, is not so sanguine.  It is final conclusive, the denial of life.  Despite the mirthless sobriety of black, it depends how you wear it.  The “New Black” is a term applied to anything that is in vogue, since black is also somewhat dangerous and sexy, as well as practical therefore always fashionable as a colour.


The Black Sheep of the family refers to the one who is a bit of a scoundrel, and the “black dog” means depression.  A black cat is a very lucky symbol in the UK and other parts of the world, yet in others it’s a sign of bad luck if a black cat cross your path, it’s said to be an omen that predict death to the person whose path it crossed or someone in their family.  A person who holds a black belt in any of the martial arts is considered to be at the pinnacle of their abilities, and indeed, in Japan, black is the colour of wisdom, experience and maturity.  In this instance, black is a colour of perfection, an idea shared by the Cathars who also saw black as a symbol of completion and purity.  Black is a secretive, mysterious colour and used as such in rites and ritual.  A polished black mirror provides a perfect glossy surface for scrying or seeing into the future.


In Islamic symbolism black is a talisman against the evil eye,  It is the colour of sadness and sorrow.  Black is also the colour of the chador (the cloak worn by devout Muslim woman) and of the cloaks word by Shi’ite clergy.   The veil of the sacred Kaaba at Mecca is black.  The Kabbaa is a masonry structure in the shape of a cube located within the Great Mosque at Mecca; it’s the most important shrine in Islam.  It’s around this structure that ritual circumambulation is performed by Muslims during the Hajj pilgrimage.  A black silk cloth decorated t\with gold embroidered passages, from the Koran, known as the Kiswah, are used to cover the Kaaba and prevent anyone from looking directly at the Kaaba, which is forbidden.  The Kaaba predated Islam and was originally used to worship various Arabian tribal gods.  In the 7th century Muhammad preached the religion of Islam and claimed the shrine for the worship of God (Allah) alone.  The tribe resisted and ousted Muhammad and his followers.  In 630 he returned to Mecca, conquered the tribe and rededicated the Kaaba as an Islamic house of worship.  Henceforth the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, known as the Hajj, became a Muslim rite.  In the eastern corner of the Kaaba is the sacred Black stone, thought to be a meteorite remnant.  The stone symbolizes divine power and direct communication between God and humans.  In the language of the flowers Ivy mean Wedded love, fidelity, friendship, affection, (spring of white tendrils), Anxious to please, affection.


Dark grey

Symbolic meanings: Sobriety, steadiness, modesty.  Gray is the midway point between black and white, and tellingly the “gray area” is an area of in determination, indecision, or ambiguity.  To be described as grey is rather less than flattering, since gray is such a subdued and neutral colour.  It implies that the person blends into the background.  However, gray is also a colour of balance and reasonableness and is the colour used, in photography, to balance all others.  People’s hair turns gray with age; a word is often used to describe elderly people and is also a colour of wisdom.  For Christians, gray is the colour of resurrection and it worn when people are coming out of full mourning as the midway point on the journey to other colours.



Symbolic meanings: Poverty, humility, practicality.  Brown is the colour primarily associated with the Earth, soul the raw element before it is covered with greenery.  The word for earth, in Latin, is human, which carries the same root as humility.  Religious ascetics wear brown as a reminder of this quality and also of their voluntary material poverty.



Turquoise is an opaque blue-green mineral esteemed for thousands of years as a sacred stone and talisman.  The very finest turquoise stones come from Iran, and it is no coincidence that the name means “Turkish stone” I (ran used to be part of the Ottoman Empire).


The burial mask of Tutankhamun was liberally inlaid with Turquoise.  In ancient Persia, Turquoise was worn as an amulet for protection against untimely death.  If the stone change colour, it was thought to warn against danger and infidelity.  One of the qualities symbolized by the turquoise is that of sensitivity.  This is because the stone can be affected by changes in body temperature of the wearer, or by the chemicals in perfumes and sprays.  If the owner of a turquoise dies, it is said that the stone will turn pale and colourless until it is given to a new owner, then it will in time regain its former beauty.  In the same way, the stone would become pale if its owner was sick and so was considered to be effective litmus of the health of its owner.


For the Aztecs, the turquoise was considered to be so sacred that no single person was allowed to own one, they all belonged to the Gods, and to the Gods alone.  The stone was used to decorate the iconic death masks of these people.  When the Maya empire was effectively destroyed by Cortez, the sacred nature of the turquoise was passed on to the Pueblo people.  This “stone of the Gods” is also held in high esteem by Native American people.  Although its use is now widespread and has become so popular that it has become a symbol of the people themselves, it was originally the preserve of the medicine man and the shaman, who were closest to the Gods and so had some jurisdiction over the stone.


Turquoise was one of the stones believed to afford protection from the evil eye. 


Turquoise was worn to ensure prosperity.  Placed on a horse’s bridle, or braided into their manes, it was thought to prevent accidents and falls.   Turquoise was also believed to counteract the effects of poison from snakes or scorpion stings.  The stone seems to be a particularly useful and happy stone for its owner, it is said to make friends and enemies, and is symbolic of generosity and affection.  However the stone is meant only to confer luck where it is given not bought.  As a healing stone, Turquoise supports the assimilation of nutrients.



Amethyst is violet/ lavender/purple-coloured quartz used as semi-precious stone in jewellery making.   It’s amazing colour has lent deep meaning to this stone, the importance of this is underlined by its appearance as one of the twelve stones set in the breastplate of the High Priest of the Temple of Jerusalem.  The name comes from the ancient Greek word amethyst, meaning “sober” and amethystos meaning “non-intoxicating”, reflecting the belief that wearing Amethyst jewellery, placing it under the tongue, or drinking from vessels made of Amethyst, protects the wearer from drunkenness and they could consume as much alcohol as desired.  In one account from 1750 the drinker was instructed to wear the stone “bound to the navel” to prevent drunkenness.


The ancient Greeks have a myth that explained why amethyst was a gem of sobriety.  Dionysus, the God of Wine, it appears, was aggrieved that his godlike status seemed to be ignored by mortals, so decided to avenge this perceived disrespect and show his power by having his lions randomly slaughter the next person to walk by.  This so happened to be a lovely girl.  Amethystos, on her way to worship at the temple of Artemis; the unfortunate girl was slaughtered in such a horrendously violent way that Artemis heard her screams, and put her out of her misery and transformed her into a pillar of sparkling transparent crystal.  Dionysus was deeply ashamed of that he had done and poured wine over the stone as penance, this wine gave the stone a violet colour.


Amethyst has the reputation as a stone of sobriety for bishops (it is also called the Bishop Stone)

Orthodox Christian bishops were said to wear Amethyst to guard against spiritual or worldly intoxication.  It may be that the colour, the high frequency hues of violet and purple are associated with the spiritual realms.  It should be remembered that purple, as a dye, was a costly colour to produce and so was reserved for those rich enough or illustrious enough to be able to afford it, and yet here is a crystal of that valuable hue, created naturally.  No surprise that it was regarded so highly and was seen as a natural symbol of authority.


The Egyptians also held the stone in high regards and a heart shaped Amethysts have been found in the tombs of the Pharaohs, where they would have been placed over the heart of the corpse.  The Alchemists and magicians of the Middle East felt that the amethyst would protect the wearer from evil spells, especially if they were engraved with the sacred names of the Sun and the Moon and combined with swallow’s feathers.  They believed that physical ailments generally sprang from a malaise of the soul, and that the higher vibrational frequencies of the amethyst would help to balance any discrepancies.  Therefore the amethyst was powdered and made into elixirs. 


This is no different from the latter belief that the use of the amethyst can harmonize the body, mind and spirit, helping to bring balance and equilibrium to the wearer.   As a healing stone, Amethyst helps overcome addictions of all kinds.  It is said to be beneficial for focusing the mind and to help with decision-making.



A form of quartz, onyx appears in many colours, but pure black is its most famous form.  This stone was one of the twelve stones set in the breastplate of the High Priest of the Temple of Jerusalem.  The actual word Onyx means “claw” or “nail” in Greek, and the story goes that the mischievous Cupid cut Venus’ nails one day while she was sleeping on the beach.  Cupid left the fingernail shards scattered around the sand dunes, but the Fates, wanting to make sure that no scrap of the Goddess would be wasted, turned the fingernails into onyx stones.


Onyx comes in a wide range of colours, sometimes striated, sometimes plain.  The reddish coloured onyxes are called sardonyx, which was useful in Roman times for the carving of seals, since the wax never stuck to the stone.  Sarsonyx could also ward off Charms and curses, keeping its owner happy and healthy.  Onyx is often heavily patterned and the stones that resemble an eye are used as an amulet for protection against the evil eye.  The stone was used in magical rituals to conjure up demons, and it may well be this property that cased the warning that the stone should never be worn at night or the wearer will suffer from nightmares.


In Arabic the word “Onyx” is El jaza, meaning “sadness”, as it also has a reputation of draining energy and causing melancholy.  It’s also considered to be an unlucky stone, and again this could be because of its association with demonic beings.  The Indians and the Ancient Egyptians thought that wearing Onyx may cause passion to wane and lovers to part.  However it was also renowned for its healing power as well.  Hildegrad of Bingen recommended that onyx be “soaked” in wine for up to 30 days, the resulting elixir would then be used to touch the eyes in order to clear eyesight.


In European folklore, onyx is used to initiate psychic attacks, especially those of a sexual nature.  It is said to be dangerous for pregnant woman, causing still births, but in India the opposite is true and onyx protects and eases childbirth.  Today onyx is said to help in difficult circumstances.  As it retains memories belonging to the wearer, it is useful for healing old traumas.



Although the Garnet can be transparent, green, yellow, orange, ultraviolet, brown and black (although not blue), it is the red garnet that is the best known, because it generally has a rich , dark colour similar to that of blood.  The garnet has long been associated with this vital liquid, and is said to be effective in treating bleeding wounds, blood disease and haemorrhages.  It has been believed to have been able to staunch bleeding wounds and was used as a protective talisman by soldiers from the Crusades onwards, set into sword hilts and shields.  It is also believed that the garnet can inflict mortal wounds on the enemy.  Travellers used to carry garnets with them to light up the night and protect them from disaster. 


In 1892, when Indian and British troops were fighting each other in Kashmir, the Hunza tribesmen used spherical garnets as bullets at intervals between regular ammunition.  These jewels used as weapons caused many serious injuries or fatalities to the British forces.  It is a very tough stone, and also one of the 12 stones set into the breastplate of the High Priest of the Temple in Jerusalem. 


These stone were often carved into cabochon shapes, with a curved underside to maximise the light pouting through the gem, which has extremely high refractive value because of its hardness.  It was a popular way to carve these stones since ancient times, this way of carving a garnet is called a “carbuncle”.   Such is the light given off by this carbuncle that the Qu’ran says that it gives light to the fourth Heaven.  There is a legend that says Noah’s Ark featured a huge garnet set on a pedestal as a lantern.  This stone gave off such a great amount of light that it illuminated the ship both night and day, it also helped him steer his ark through the darkness.  Garnets are found in jewellery from early Egyptian, Greek and Roman times.


The name “garnet” comes from pomegranate, and the jewel does look similar to the sparkling seeds of the fruit, which caused it to be associated with the fertility of the womb.  The refractive quality og the garnet is one of the features that makes it a symbol of protection, providing light in the darkness and causing enemies to flee.


As a healing stone the garnet is said to regenerate the body and spirit, and to throw off melancholy, although there are strict instructions as to its usage.  As a heart stimulant it was particularly effective, but if worn for to long or if the patient did not remain conscious and calm throughout the process, the close proximity of this fiery, blood red stone could over stimulate the passion.  Similarly, when used to cure melancholia, the side-effects could be insomnia – an indication of just how stimulating the stone can be.


Today, the garnet is thought to be a powerfully energizing and regenerating stone.  It helps bring Clarity to self-perception and the perception of others, and stimulates sluggish metabolism.



The word Ruby is synonymous with red; and it comes from the Latin word Rubens which has the same meaning.  Ruby is the red variety of the mineral corundum and is associated with unbridled love, passion and power.  A powerful and valuable precious gem, in India the Ruby is called ratnaraj, meaning the “Lord of Precious stones”.  The Hindu calls their most precious and valuable rubies “Brahmins”, and these particular stones had to be protected from contact with inferior rubies in case of contamination.  Further evidence of the stone as a symbol of royalty can be found in the title of the former Kings of Bruma, who were known as the “Lord of the Rubies.”  In Christian lore, it was considered an emblem of good fortune, banishing sorrow, and warding off negative thoughts. 


The Ruby is one of the hardest stones, second only to the diamond.  During the time of Pliny the Elder, rubies – like other red stones – were categorized as one of the carbunculii, a grouping that also included garnets and spinels.  The colour of the ruby plays a major part in its symbolic meaning.  They are the colour of vitality, the life giving forces and passion, they were considered to be so powerful that, if thrown into water, they could make the water boil.  The light from the ruby was also said to shine through any cloth wrapped around it, and so it was impossible to hide.


This idea of precious stones generating light rather than just reflecting or refracting it occurs time and time again in the writings of the Ancients, and a ruby was said to have been set on the roof of the Temple of the Holy Grail so that the Grail knights could be guided towards it in the dark.  This leant the ruby spiritual significance in addition to its worldly value.  In Hindu legends, the ruby lights up the underworld, Kantha.  There’s an old legend that the ruby starts out as a clear stone but ripens in the ground during the course of hundreds, if not thousands of years. 


The stone is a symbol of protection, and if a landowner touched all 4 corners of his estate with a ruby then the land would be protected from lightning and storms; and the harvest would be enormous.  Similarly, wearing a ruby in such a way that it touches the skin would protect the wearer from ill health, particularly if the stone was placed on the left side of the body since the colour of the ruby meant that it was instantly connected to the heart and the circulatory system.


Although the ruby is a symbol of passion, it also represents conscious control of the emotions.  It was believed to restrain lust and to clear the mind.  Like other red stones, it could staunch the flow of blood and this led to the belief that to own a ruby would make a warrior impervious to injury by weapons made of steel, including a gun.  To be particularly effective the ruby had to be embedded beneath the skin.  The spinel is sometimes mistaken for a ruby and they are sometimes even referred to as rubies.  For example the “Great Balas Ruby that forms a part of the British Imperial state crown is actually a spinel.


As a healing stone, the ruby balances the heart and circulatory system, combats exhaustion and imparts vigour.  It detoxifies the blood and lymph and threats infection.   Psychologically, the ruby brings about a positive and courageous state of mind and promotes enthusiasm for life.


Gemstones and the Planets

SUN             -    Amber, Diamond, Topaz

MOON        -    Moonstone, pearl

EARTH         -    Amber, Jade, Ammonite

MERCURY   -    Agate, Opal, Citrine

VENUS        -    Malachite, Rose quartz, Emerald

MARS          -     Hematite, Ruby, Spinel

JUPITER      -     Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise

SATERN      -     Jet, Onyx, Coral

URANUS     -     Opal, Amethyst

NEPTUNE    -    Aquamarine, Coral, Pearl

PLUTO         -    Diamond, Jade, Zircon


Gemstones and the Zodiac

ARIES                 -    Diamond, Bloodstone

TAURUS            -    Emerald, Lapis Lazuli

Gemini              -    Agate, Citrine

CANCER            -    Moonstone, Pearl

LEO                    -    Peridot, Amber

VIRGO               -    Aquamarine, Carnelian

LIBRA                 -   Jacinth Amethyst

SCORPIO           -   Opal, Sapphire

SAGITTARIUS   -   Turquoise, Topaz

CAPRICORN      -   Onxy, Garnet

AQUARIUS        -   Garnet, Aquamarine

PICES                 -    Amethyst, Bloodstone


Gemstones and the months of the year

JANUARY        -   Garnet

FEBRUARY      -   Amethyst

MARCH           -   Heliotrope, Jasper

APRIL               -   Diamond, Emerald

MAY                 -   Agate, Emerald

JUNE                -   Emerald, Pearl, Agate

JULY                 -   Onyx

AUGUST          -   Carnelian

SEPTEMBER    -   Peridot

OCTOBER        -   Aquamarine, Beryl

NOVEMBER    -   Topaz

DECEMBER     -   Ruby


Gemstones and the chakras

7 – CROWN CHAKRA OR SAHASRARA       -    Amethyst, Diamond

6 – THIRD EYE CHAKRA OR AJNA                -    Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst

5 – THROAT CHAKRA OR VISHUDDA          -    Aquamarine, Blue Topaz

4 – HEART CHAKRA OR ANAHATA               -   Emerald, rose quartz

3 – NAVAL CHAKRA OR MANIPURA            -    Amber, Citrine


1 – ROOT CHAKRA OR MULADHARA           -   Hematite, Garnet


Gemstones and the elements

Air        -    Agate, Citrine, Lapis Lazuli, Opal, Rose quartz, Saphire, Turquoise

Fire       -   Amber, Citrine, Fire Opal, Garnet, Heliotrope, Ruby, Spinel, Topaz

Water   -   Amethyst, Aquamarine, Coral, Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, Pearl, Tourmaline, Turquoise

Earth     -   Amber, Ammonite, Emerald, Jet, Magnetite, Maleshite, Jade, Onyx

Ether     -   Amethist, Diamond, Opal, Pearl, Rock, Crystal, Sapphire, Tormaline, Zircon



A weighty metal, it is no surprise that lead symbolizes heaviness and an oppressive burden.  It is the attribute of Saturn, and both the planet and the God (who is often depicted as a grim looking hunched old man carrying a scythe) share these somewhat morose qualities, from which the word “saturnine” is coined.  In alchemy, lead is described as the “base metal” which will hopefully be transmuted into gold.  In order to do these alchemists made great efforts to free themselves from the limitations of the material world as symbolized by this heavy metal.



Five (5)

Five is in the middle of the first nine numbers; it is the number representing the centre and harmony.  The dots that add up to 5, if placed symmetrically, give the potential for a five-pointed star (pentagram) or for a five sided shape (pentagon).  The pentagram is very well known to many magick practitioners, also to Satanists.  The head of the goat, placed inside it has long been seen as a symbol of Satan, but it hold a far older use.  It was used as a symbol of for the horned god. Cernunnos for the Celtic tales, Pan for the Greek gods, Aamon for the Egyptians For the pagans the horned god was the male aspect of the nature god.  It was the Christians that turned him into a evil devil.  In the Hebrew Gematria chart: Heh  -  E/H  -  5, the numeric value to the letters are seen.


The 5 like the 3, is constructed from adding an odd number (3) to an even number (2), thus blending male and female.  The pentagram itself is a mystical symbol that also holds within it all the qualities of the 5.  Five is a number of balance, its central dot acts as a pivot for the two on either side.  It’s also the numerical symbol of a human being, which form the five-pointed star shape when legs and arms are outstretched, as in Leonardo’s famous drawing of Vitruvian Man.


In the Western world there are four elements, but in the east there are 5, or quintessence, that blinds them all together, called ether.  Alchemists indicate this with a five-petaled rose in the centre of a cross, redolent of the Rose Cross Lamen.  The Pythgoreans held that the pentagram, or Pentad, was a sacred symbol of health, vitality and light.  The holy number 10 is divided equally into two parts by the Pentad, which also symbolizes the triumph of spirit over matter.


In Japanese Buddhism, there are five directions, the exciting cardinal point plus the centre.  In Mayan civilization, five was the symbol for perfection, possibly related to the five digits on a hand.  In Islam, five is a “lucky” number and it occurs time and time again.  There are five hours of prayer, for example, and five senses, and five keys to the mysteries of the Qu’ran.


Pancha is the name of the number 5 in the Yantric system, and it stands for the five functions of the Divine, namely creation, preservation, destruction, obstruction and liberation.  There are also five layers of bodies of Man: Physical, vital, astral, wisdom and bliss.  In the Tarot, 5 is the number of the Hierophant or the Pope, who represents the face of God on earth.


In China, five is the number of centre – the ideogram of wu (five) being composed of a cross and the centre symbolizing the 5 elements


Fifteen (15)

Fifteen is the product of two sacred numbers 3 x 5.  The Sumerian Goddess Ishtar was attended by 15 priests and her city, Ninevah, had 15 gates, because Ishtar was the Goddess of both war and physical love, her number sometimes has negative meanings although the understanding of the number holds the key to greater spiritual comprehension.  In the Tarot, 15 is the number of the Devil, since 1 + 5 gives us the ambivalent number 6, which apparently does not know right from wrong.  However, it’s not all bad news for 15, because each Moon effectively waxes for 15 days, there is 15 steps to freedom and personal enlightenment in the Passover Seder or mean.  Seder means “order: or “arrangement”. To Kabbalists, 15 is the number of energy points that run down the centre of the body. 



Ivy is traditionally seen as the female counterpart to the masculine holly, and the two plants are paired together symbolically in Christmas and Yuletide songs.  Like the vine, ivy has tendrils that enable it to climb vigorously, and, like the vine .  The satyrs and Dionysus, the God of wine, often wear wreathes of ivy.  He is often depicted using the plant to bind the nubile young ladies who would otherwise resist his advances.  A wreath of ivy used to hang outside shops as a sign that wine might be purchased there.


The clinging aspect of Ivy symbolizes true love and faithfulness in marriage and friendship.  In Christianity, ivy signifies resurrection and eternal life, as do other evergreens.  For medieval Christians, who observed that ivy grew on dead trees, it symbolized the immortal soul that survived the dead body.  As it thrives in the shadem ivy is associated with debauchery, carousing, sensuality and the enjoyment of forbidden pleasures. 


Ivy was believed to be able to both cause and cure drunkenness, and an old cure for a hangover was to drink vinegar in which ivy berries had been boiled.  It should be stated here, however, that most parts of the ivy are poisonous and it is not recommended that you try this remedy, no matter how bad your headache.  Houses with ivy growing on them are seen as being protected by the maternal nature of the plant, but the clinginess of the ivy is viewed as a less attractive female characteristic.  It is the same binding tendency that makes ivy an ingredient in love charms.  Ivy appears in the Ogan Tree Alphabet ehere it is called Gort.


Hearts Easr

In the language of the flowers Hearts Easr also known as Purple or Johnny Jump Up mean – you occupy my thoughts.



The very word “hemlock” make you think of poison. But strangely, although hemlock is deadly for humans, it doesn’t harm domestic animals.  Hemlock is symbolic with death, and was famously consumed by Socrates after his trail.  Socrates was given the death sentence and it was decreed that he must kill himself by drinking hemlock.  The great philosopher used his philosophical outlook to great effect and drank the hemlock without a fuss, even managing to describe his symptoms as the poison overcame him.  The whole episode was described by Plato.  To this day the phrase “to drink hemlock” is synonymous with committing suicide.  Hemlock used to be rubbed into knives and swords to prepare them to kill the enemy, the poison further enhance the potency of the blade as an instrument of death.  The hemlock plant should not be confused with Tsuga, the tree genus of hemlock.



One of the longest living of all trees, yews are in existence even today, that is said to be up to 9000 years old, although it is difficult to prove these claims definitely.  The age of a yew tree aside from any fanciful mythology, can be determined by its girth, and also by the science of dendrochronology, in which the living tree is bored with a special tool and the annual rings are counted.


Because of their longevity, the yew is a symbol of everlasting life.  It grows in an unusual way, its new stems grow down the side of the tree, making the yew synonymous with rebirth and regeneration, as the new is born from the old.  Adding to this symbolism is its habit of putting in a growth spurt when it is around 500 years old.


So sacred was the yew as a symbol that to a pre-Christian society, wherever it grew was considered to be sacred ground.  It was considered both immoral and illegal to chop down the tree.  It is likely that the yew is often seen in churchyards, because the church itself would have been built in this sacred ground in the presence of the tree, in an effort to align the incoming Christian belief system with Pagan traditions. 


The association of the tree with death therefore started to overlay its former meaning.  As the berries of the yew are poisonous, they can effectively carry people into the spirit world.  The hollow centre of the yew tree is a symbol of the power that lies in empty space, but underlines the significance of this tree as belonging, in part, to a spiritual dimension.  Recently, the yew as a symbol of life has been shown in a practical and unexpected way.  One of the constituent chemicals of the tree, taxol, has been found to be effective in curing breast cancer.  Yew wood is tough and durable and was used for making shields and spears, and also by using both Heartwood and sapwood to pain extra strength, the English longbow that helped the English win the battle of Agincourt in 1415, at which they were completely outnumbered, hence the yew is also the symbol of the warrior.



The Elm population in the UK and the US has been decimated by Dutch Elm disease, and this lofty, dignified tree, which used to reach an age of 400 years or more, is now considered lucky if it reached thirty.  The symbolism of this tree is rich, as befits such a beautiful specimen.  Groves of Elms were sacred to the Goddess or the Great Mother, and some belive that the first woman was created by the elm tree.  Such a large tree would be seen as a protective force. And the elm was planted in particular in vineyards to shade the plants and protect the vines.  As a result it came to be linked with Bacchus, the Roman God of wine, the vine and the Elm were effectively “wedded”.


The Elm is also connected with death, and the wood was used to make coffins at a time when the tree itself was not so rare.  The elm has a special affinity with the elves that are said to guard burial mounds, so the trees was associated with these places.  The first elm was meant to have sprung up where Orpheus paused to play his beloved Eurydice a love song after he rescued her from the underworld.


The size of the elm meant that they made a good marker in the landscape, so much so that they often had pet names, and were used as meeting places.  In the US, the famous Liberty tree in Boston, Massachusetts, was a colossal elm neneath which the so-called Sons of Liberty met from 1766 onwards.  At the time of the American Revolution, an unauthorized meeting was a punishable offence, but it was relatively easy to meet, hidden, beneath the branches of sutch a tall tree.  Soon all 13 colonies each had a Liberty Tree as a place to meet under.  The elm itself therefore became synonymous with the idea of independence and liberty.



Pine trees are ever green, which makes them a natural symbol for immortality and longevity.  The pine is also a symbol of incorruptibility and fortitude, since it remains untouched by storms and inclement weather.  The ancient Egyptians hollowed out the centre of a pine tree and with the excavated wood, made an image of the tree God Osiris.  They then buried the image like a corpse in the hollow of the tree, which was kept for a year and then burned.  The pine tree was also associated with the Greek goddess Pitthea and with the wine God Dionysus.  Worshippers of Dionysus often carried a cone-tipped wand, because the pine cone was an ancient fertility amulet.  To the Romans, the pine tree was worshiped during the spring equinox festival of Cybele and Attis. 


Mongolian shamans, or traditional healers, entered pine forests in silence with reverence for the gods and spirits thought to be living within.  In ancient Celtic lands, Druids would light large pine bonfires at the winter solstice to call back the sun.  Pine trees were decorated with candles and colourful metallic objects, which gave rise to the traditional of the Christmas tree.  In Japan, followers of Shinto set two pine trees on either side of the gateway to home at the time of the New Year Festivities.  Shinto is an animistic religion, one of its tenets say that every living thing has a spirit, and the pine is said to be inhabited by benevolent spirits or “kami”. 


The Thyrsus was a sacred implement used in rituals and festivals during the time of the Ancients Greeks.  It was a staff, standing about as high as the owner, made from a giant Fennel stalk topped with a pine cone and wrapped in vine Leaves.  As a phallic symbol, it was combined with a goblet or chalice, symbolic of female energy and used to counterbalance the staff.  As well as being a symbol of male energy, though, staffs are long poles of some description have a universal use as a sacred instrument to connect the Heavens to the Earth, a conductor for the divine spirit.


The Legendary Immortals in the Taoist religions ate the cones, needles and resin, which made them light enough to be able to fly.  The trees are also said to stand at the gates of the City of the Immortals.  The popular egg and dart frieze consists of stylized lotus flowers and pine cones which contains hidden sexual symbolism.  The flowers represent the vigina, and the cones, the phallus.  The Pine also appears in the Ogham tree alphabet, where it is called Ailim.  Although superficially different from the spruce and the fir tree that are traditionally used as Christmas trees, pines are part of the same botanical family, the Pinaceae (to which they gave their name).



























The Goat/Ram

The Capricorn constellation, so the ancients agreed, was definitely a goat; however, it generally appears as a goat/fish hybrid.  In mythology, Capricorn is associated with the Gods Saturn and Zeus.    The Ancient Greeks, too, have the she-goat as a symbol of lightning.  For them the goat was immortalized in the constellation Amalthea, emblematic of the goat that suckled Zues on the sacred mountain, Mount Ida.  If the constellation was visible then storms and rain should be expected, and once more language provides a clue about the reasoning of ancient man: “aegis” is the word shared by both goatskin and stormy weather.  Finally, what of the scapegoat?  The first mention of it occurs in the Old Testament.  A ritual involved 2 goats.  One was set free and the other sacrificed.  The liberated goat, however, was laden with the sins of the people and sent out into the desert to perish, its death often hastened by it being pushed over a cliff; the name of this cliff Azazel – “the goat that departs” – was also the name of a demon.  The concept of the scapegoat exists today as a term for someone who takes on the blame for the wrongdoings of others, and has sometimes led to the goat symbolising an unrepentant sinner.


For the Persians it was called the Sea Goat, Vahik; for the Babylonians it was the Goat-Fish; for the Greeks it was called the Goat-Horned One.  Mahara, meaning Sea Monster, was the Sanskrit name.  The only Exception was Romans, who saw interpretation of the Goddess, Vesta, in the constellation.  Modern images of Capricorn often tend to lose the sea-monster aspect, but older interpretations show it with four legs and the tail of a fish, or an entire rear end comprising of a serpent like tail.


In Egypt, the goat was a symbol of nobility, also known as the God of Nature.  The horned goat God Pan was one of the oldest Greek deities, associated with nature and sexual energy.  Christianity has depicted Satan as having the body parts and horns of a goat, possibly because in the Middle Ages the symbol of Lust was a buck in rut.  In Chinese astrology, the goat is associated with shyness, introversion, creativity and perfectionism. 


In fairy tales and folklore, fauns and satyrs are mythological creatures that are part ram or goat and part human.  They were the male companions of the Greek God Dionysus and the Roman God Bacchus, satyrs symbolise the sex drive and were often portrayed with an erection.  The Satyr was believed to be the outcome of such degenerative carnality, a salutary lesson of what could happen if humans surrendered to their baser desires.  In the Greek tradition they appear with a horse’s tail.  In the Roman tradition they are frequently described as having the upper half of a man and the lower half of a goat.  Satyrs are rogues.  They are also subversive, shy and cowardly, and love wine, woman and boys.  They enjoy music and dancing with the nymphs.  The romans also sat the goat as a symbol of lusciousness and fertility.  Barren woman were advised to have sexual congress with goats or, alternatively, to have their backs whipped with the skin of a sacrificed goat, cut into strips.  This ritual was believed to purify the woman and may even have inspired the name of the festival during which it was performed – “Lupercalia” – possibly from luere per caprum, meaning “to purify by means of the goat”


Horny in all senses of the word, the goat is arguably the most infamous as a symbol of lust and procreation, a reputation gained in no small part from the influence of the so-called Goat of Mendes, also known as, Baphomet.   This powerful Deity was worshipped in a way that involved slaves copulating with goats in a ritual intended to honour the procreative power of nature.


Baphomet are recognised as the winged goat with a masculine torso and breasts, he has a blazing torch between his horns, and cloven feet.  Adding to the confusion, one arm is male and the other is female.  The image made its first appearance relatively recently, in Eliphas Levi’s Dogma and Rituals of High Magic (1854).  Although Levi intended the creature (also called the Goat of Mendes) to be an idealized symbolic form, an amalgam of images from all disciplines including the Kabbalah, he actually created something that looks far more terrifying that he may originally intended.


The picture influenced illustrations of the Devil, not only in tarot card illustrations but also among latter-day rock bands and Satanists.  Baphomet himself was first described at the trails of the Knights Templar, centuries before Levi’s interpretation.  When the order began in the twelfth century, it was designed to protect pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem.  Because the knights were exempt from taxation, they amassed a huge amount of wealth and power.  When they became a threat to the establishment, they were pursued and part of this persecution included accusations of heresy including the worship of a particular goat-headed creature.


The abundant shaggy hair of the goat as well as its horns, contribute to its perceived sexual virility.  It was said that one male goat could service one hundred and fifty females.  In some places, the goat is a symbol of Fire and in particular the fire associated with lightning.  The imagery occurs in the Vedic tales from India where Agni, the Lord of Fire is seen riding a goat.  Similar symbolism is found in China and in Tibet, the creature seen as a messenger that conveys the blessings of the Gods in their Heavens to human beings on Earth


Other cloven hoofed animals



In many cultures the pig is a fertility symbol, but also represents negative qualities such as gluttony, greed, lust, anger and the unclean.  In some traditions the sow is associated with the Great Mother.  Swine were sacrificed at harvest time to Ceres and Demeter in ancient Greece, in their form as fertility Goddesses.  In Tibetan Buddhism, the Diamond or Adamantine Sow is Vajravarhi , Queen of Heaven.  In Catholicism, St Anthony is the patron saint of Swineherds.


The Sheep

The Female sheep was associated with Celtic Goddess Brigit or Brighid and her spring festival Embolic, meaning ewe’s milk.  Christ carrying a lamb or a sheep on his shoulders symbolizes the soul of the deceased being borne by him into Heaven.  Sheep represent the flock or congregation of Christ, who is known as the Good Shepard.  Christ is also portrayed as the Sacrificial Lamb of God or Agnus Dei.  In the Abrahamic faiths, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and King David were all shepherds.  In Chinese folklore, because of the way a lamb dances around its mother, it is a symbol of respect and love for parents.  Sheep are key symbols in Fables and Nursery rhymes such as “The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing” and “Baa Baa Black Sheep”.  In Europa, a black sheep is considered a sign of good luck.  In the English language, calling someone a sheep suggested that they are timid and easily led.


Agnes Dei / Lamb of God are one of the names given to Jesus in the New Testament and used in the Christian tradition to refer to the role of Jesus as a sacrificial lamb atoning for the sins of the world.  The idea of the Lamb of God may have its origins in ancient sacrifices that were constructed during Pass over at the Jewish Temple, in which a pure unblemished lamb was sacrificed, its blood poured out and offered as atonement for sins.  In the same way Christians believe that they can be freed from sin by the blood of Jesus, as the unblemished Lamb of God.


A litany beginning with the words “Lamb of God” is used in the Roman Catholic Mass: Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi miserere nobis… (‘O Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, has mercy upon us…)  The Lamb of God is a symbol of purity, innocence and renewal.  It is depicted with a halo and a banner with a red cross on a white background, symbolizing resurrection.


It might seem odd that the adult version of the lamb – the sheep – carries quite a negative symbolism, as a creature that blindly runs with the flock, unable to think as an individual.  The term “sheep” is generally used pejoratively.  However the lamb is a much more positive symbol.  It stands for innocence and purity, the spiritual, the compliant, and gentleness.  It is also a symbol for spring, new hope and the triumph over adversity.  There is a specific symbol, the Paschal Lamb, which perfectly embodies the sacrifice to god, the lamb appears with a Halo and a banner, symbolized both sanctity and victory.  The lamb is also a symbol of peace and where it appears with the dove, this aspect is compounded.  Sometimes the lamb and the lion appear together, a universal symbol of concord and harmony and the balancing of opposites.



In ancient cultures the Palaeolithic Goddess, the Venus of Laussel, is shown holding a crescent-shaped bull horn, while the Egyptian God Ossiris was often depicted with the head of a bull.  The bull is both a solar and a lunar creature.  His male fertility and his fierce temperament make him the masculine sun God in many ancient cultures.  However, the bull’s crescent shaped horns link him to moon worship.  The moon Goddess Astarte often rode a bull.  The bull represents valour, bravery, generosity, strength and fortitude.


Nut, the Egyptian goddess of the night sky, was often represented as a cow, as was the Egyptian Goddess Hathor.  In many cultures the cow represents the Great Mother, the earth, asking, receiving, love nurturing, warmth and abundance.  Cow deities, such as Nandini, the wish-fulfilling cow, are popular in Vedic literature.  In Hinduism, the cow is believed to be a treasure produced from the cosmic ocean by the Gods.  Cows are still considered sacred in India today, and they are left to roam free and wander where ever they choose.  Their horns are often decorated with flowers and coloured ornaments, as a sign of respect and affection.  The East African Maasai people also consider their crowns as gifts from God.  According to Norse creation myths, the cow Adumla was the first creature to emerge, and created the first man by licking him out of a salt block. 


The cow say “Take my milk, I can always feed you.  I’ll eat the grass of the God/Goddess and in return pas food fortune on to you.  Nourishment is never-ending when I appear on your path.   Don’t forget to till the soil so that grass may grow.  Abundance is made manifest out of a universal system.  Do your part and I will do mine with joy.  Ask and you will receive all the blessings I have to offer “.  The Cow reminds you that there is no shortage of blessings in the world.  Ask to partake in infinite abundance, and you will, get exactly what you need.



At 900kg (2,000 lb) and 1,8m (6feet) tall at its humped shoulders, the American buffalo or bison is an impressive animal.  Before every hunt, Native Americans praised the buffalo with a tribal ritual dance.  This animal supplied virtually everything that the plains people needed: food clothing, tools and housing material.  The animals were called “buffalo people” by some tribes and revered for their power and the good fortune they brought.  The hide of the rare white buffalo became a sacred talisman and a priceless possession.



The Deer represent gentleness, endurance, grace, long life and diplomacy.  The deer is a Chinese symbol for longevity.  In Palaeolithic cave paintings at Trois-Fréres in France, the figure of a shaman known as The Sorcerer wears antlers embodying the Deer-spirit.  Deer are represented in heraldry by the stag or hart.


The Deer remind you to step gently on your path, for you’re walking in a time of gentle movements and diplomacy.  The deer’s strength is in this quality.  Make it your own that your steps are gentle but successfully assured.  It’s important that you be gentle with yourself as well.  Blend your personal energy with the Deer’s energy of gentleness and diplomacy.  Walk softly, and the way forward will be smooth.  Remember … never mistake gentleness for weakness in yourself or others.


Many ancient cultures identified the deer with rebirth, because it annually sheds and regrows its antlers.  Stags were associated with Cernunnos, the Celtic horned god of nature and hunting.  He is associated with the fecundity of the forest and with horned animals, such as the stag and the ram-headed snake.  He is also called Lord of the Animals, the Horned Sacred One and Lord of the Hunt.  He is depicted as a horned man seated cross legged, sometimes holding a snake.  His antlers symbolize the yearly cycle of death, regeneration and renewal, as does his snake, which sheds its skin.  He wears a torc, and ornate necklace used to denote nobility, and carries another torc or a purse filled with coins symbolising wealth and commence.


When the Stag appears on your path, he tells you to take pride in all that you do.  Be the leader and hold your head high and others will follow by your example.  Ask yourself these questions “Al I following my highest path?”; “Am I acting in integrity and doing the best I can?” or “Am I held back by the kind of pride that cuts me off from life through arrogance, or its reverse, low self-esteem?”  The stag asks you to be a leader, be proactive (with the highest intentions), and to always ask, “What is the highest good for all?”  Arrogance and its reverse are both places of alienation and ways to avoid responsibility and accountability.  The stag leads you out of both difficult places into the kind of pride that reminds you that you’re always in service to the God/Goddess in every step you take.  You may already be there, in which case, you should be proud and happy.  Look how far you’ve come!  Rejoice, for the Stag always leads you to a higher place with a sure and steady footing.



Possibly the most striking and beautiful feature of the antelope is its eyes, and one of the highest complements that can be paid to almost any Eastern woman is to tell her that she has the eyes of a gazelle.  As well as being beautiful, the large eyes of the gazelle are sharp, able to detect movement as far as four miles away.  This acute vision makes the creature sacred to the Goddess of Wisdom, Athena/Minerva, who shares the sharp eyes and perception of the animal.  This sharp vision was also noted by the Egyptians, who attributed the powers of prophecy to the gazelle.  The annual flooding of the Nile was a critical time for them, and they believed that the gazelle gave warning of it by sneezing.


Another quality of the gazelle that has informed its symbolic meaning is its ability to run very fast.  Speeds of up to seventy miles per hour have been recorded just 15 seconds after a standing start, and the animal can sustain speeds of 30 – 45 mph with no problem.  This is why, in the Rig Veda, the gazelle carries the wind on its back.


Native Americans, the swiftness, the vision, and the peaceable nature of the animal made it sacred, its bones kept safely for a year before being disposed of in a ritual that called on the spirit of the antelope to assist in the hunt.  The animal was accorded with magical powers as a teacher of humankind, and is one of the spirit animals that the skilled shaman can transform into.


An old name for a doe, the hind is essentially a female symbol, gentle and shy, a mother and yet a virgin.  There are several Goddesses that have an association with this lovely forest animal, notably Hera, the Greek Goddess of Love and Marriage, Diana/Artemis, the Goddess of the Hunt, and the Celtic Goddess of the Woodland, Flidass.


Genghis Khan was said to be the offspring of a blue hind and a blue wolf, symbolism that is almost alchemic in its nature: the herbivore mating with the carnivore, the marriage of spirit and matter.  The hind is also the form taken by the Valkyries, who carry spirits of dead warriors into the Afterworld.  The Ceryneian Hind in Greek mythology is the origin of the Golden Hind.  This animal had antlers of Gold and hooves of brass, could run like the wind, and was sacred to Artemis, the Goddess of the Hunt who, like the hind, was chaste.  Capturing this animal was one of the labours of Hercules.  For the Celts, the Hunt for the hind was a metaphor that implied the search for wisdom.



The Pheasant



One of the most important archetypal bird symbols, the prominence of the eagle is a worldwide phenomenon.  The Eagle is the “King of the Birds” and the “lion of the skies”, and its use as a symbol is clear.  It resembles power, authority, nobility and truth; it is the ultimate solar symbol.  In Greek the name of the eagle shares the same stem as aigle, meaning “ray of light”.


The eagle’s wings symbolize protection, and the gripping talons and sharp beak represent the threat of destruction.  Many nations and organizations use the eagle on their coat of arms.  In Christianity, the eagle symbolizes John the Apostle and its soaring quality stands for the first chapter to his Gospel. 


It is a symbol of one of the four evangelists of the New Testament, St John.  Here the eagle represents divine inspiration.  However, the saying “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” applies here, because the bird is reputedly the natural enemy of snakes, and the eagle has been regarded as on the “side” of God ever since the Devil was symbolized as the serpent in the Garden of Eden, tempting Adam and Eve away from the straight and narrow path of good towards the twisting and corrupting path of evil.  However, the eagle and the snake seen together symbolize the opposing concepts of matter and spirit, Earth and Heaven, instinct and intellect, the mundane and the sublime, and therefore the unity of the cosmos.  In Norse mythology, the eagle sits in the great World Tree, Yggdrasil, counter-balanced by the serpent that twines about the tree roots.


The eagle’s reputation as a symbol of truth comes from its sharp sightedness; the eyesight of the eagle is at least four times superior to that of human beings, and combined with its high – flying abilities it means that the bird can see the bigger picture, quite literally.  Therefore, it is meant to e able to discern truth from falsehood, because it flies so high, often appearing to be heading straight for the sun, people believe that the eagle was the only creature in the world able to gaze directly into the brightness of the sun without hurting its eyes.  For this reson the bird also symbolizes mental and spiritual enlightenment and the aspiration of a pure heart, able to look into the face of God with no fear. 


When a eagle dives at its prey it will always try to dive with the sun at its back, this tactic allow them to almost invisible to their prey.  As the prey has to look into the sun to see them, and would only be able to really see the eagle when it is very close.


Shamans believe that the eagle communicated their gifts directly from God, the bird acting as intermediary.  They believe that the first Shaman was conceived after an eagle impregnated a woman, another symbol of the bird as a divine spirit or winged messenger.  This has parallels with another winged creature, the Angel Gabriel, who told Mary of her impending condition.  In both cases, the resulting child is a sort of spiritual hybrid, able to connect God and man.


Eagle has always been the emblem par excellence of emperors and empires, even prior to its presence on the imperial standard of the Ceasars and its later-day use as the symbol of the United States, where the altogether more humble dove balances its grandiose power.  The death of an emperor was heralded by the release of eagles into the skies, symbolic of the soul ascending to the Heavens.  However, more sinisterly, the symbolic power and attributes of the eagle were appropriated by the Nazis to bolster their own image.  This is as instance where a powerful symbol can be abused, something that also happened to another ancient solar symbol, the swastika, whose implicit benevolent meaning is unfortunately still tainted because of its use by the Nazis.


The Eagle is a sacred bird to many Native American tribes and its power allocated to eagle feathers are central to numerous religious customs and tribal ceremonies.  It is seen as sacred and a symbol of the mightiness of the bird and of its special place within the Native American pantheon.  As a spiritual being and ancestor, sometimes appears on totem poles.  The eagle is the “father” of the people, a God, and illicit possession of a feather by anyone who does not have the right to have it is punishable by hefty fines.  The eagle feather is not only sacred to Native Americans, but to Hindu’s, too, where the eagle brought a food called Soma to humankind from the Gods.


The Aztecs, associated the Eagle not with a lion, but a Jaguar, and the throne of the Aztec emperor was decorated with eagle feathers and jaguar skin to symbolize his association with these powerful creatures.  The Eagles “told” the people where Mexico City should be built; duly appearing perched on a cactus growing out of rock, as decreed by an ancient legend.


The Greeks, too, accorded the eagle with the power to indicate a sacred site, and Delphi, the site of the Omphalos (the “navel” or the spiritual centre of the world) was established a the spot where two eagles, released from the ends of the earth by Zeus, crossed in the sky.  The eagle shares much of the same symbolism as a phoenix, i.e. that of the sun that never dies.


The Glyph

The Capricorn Sigil is an unusual squiggle, which could be a sketch of the horns of the goat.  However, the glyph appears in various forms.  The sign is a combination of straight lines and curves that point to the dual nature of the Capricorn, the material side on the earth and the spiritual side in the water.  There was an old saying that time ended with Capricorn.  Again, this was because of the time of year that the constellation loomed over the horizon, and its intimate association with Saturn, also known as Chronos, the God of Time.



Capricorn comes into the sky, in the northern hemisphere, at the time of winter solstice, “the gateway of the Gods”.  * In the Far East, this time heralds the New Year.  Saturn, the ruler of the sign, denotes patience, perseverance, and industry.  The hybrid nature of the symbol points towards an inherent duality.  On the one hand is the sure-footed mountain goat, closely in touch with its earth element and aspiring to the heights, worldly and intellectual.  On the other is the aspect of the sign that relates to water, unconscious and psychic powers, depth, and intuition.  Capricorn is hard working, practical, disciplined, very methodical, organized and ambitious, but with a mystical aspect to its nature.  They tend to choose to follow a path to higher spiritual awareness, leaving the material world behind.  The saturnine aspect of the sign is reflected in the dignity and self-discipline common to those born under it, who can be withdrawn and contemplative.  It is the quest for people born under this sign to reconcile the two very distinct aspects of their nature, the worldly with the spiritual, and the ambitious with the contemplative.


For the Buddhists, the Four Dignities are those animals whose characteristics act as a reminder of four important aspects of the Buddha nature as well as the four major compass points.  These animals are:


Dragon: Communication and compassion; rules the West, the sea and the element of water.

Tiger: Confidence, awareness, modesty, and kindness, rules the South, the element Air, and forest.

Snow Lion: Cheerful and certainty youthfulness and delight; rules the East, the mountains, and the element of Earth.

Garuda: Direct action, wisdom, and fearlessness; rules the North and the element of Fire.



Animal Dreaming Oracle Cards by Scott Alexander King

The Signs and Symbols Bible by Madonna Gauding

The Elemental Encyclopaedia of Secret signs and Symbols by Adele Nozedar



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As channeled by Suzanne Lie

Kepier Speaks: Hello, I am Kepier. As you may know, Mytre and I were serving on the Arcturian Mothership together to assist the Nightly Visitors with their ascension process. Mytre is now serving with his Divine Complement, Mytria, and I am working with the Arcturians in the ethers just above the ever-rising baseline frequency of ascending Gaia. I am working directly with my human expression who is holding a form in several of the myriad versions of 2013 ascending Earth. I speak with you now to give you a brief preamble about Multiple Realities.

Multiple Realities encompass Parallel Realities, Alternate Realities and Multidimensional Realities. Some Multiple Realities resonate to the same frequency of expression and other realities resonate to different frequencies of expression. Hence, multiple realities that all resonate to the third/fourth dimensional frequency band are known as Parallel Realities or Alternate Realities. On the other hand, realities that represent different frequency expressions of the same experience are known as Multidimensional Realities.

Because planet Earth is shifting into the higher dimensions, Her Parallel/Alternate Realities are also traversing into different frequencies of form. Hence, Parallel and Alternate realities are blurring into a similar pattern of ever transmuting versions of life. Let me give you a brief description of each type of reality. To make this description simpler I will title the reality in which you are reading this message as your Base-Line Reality.

Parallel Reality

A Parallel Reality is created every time you make an important either/or decision that has the possibility of changing your life. For example, if you choose to leave a certain job, there will be a Parallel Reality in which you keep that job. Your Primary Point of Perception – the YOU to whom I am speaking – may not know about this Parallel reality, but your Multidimensional Soul does.

Your Multidimensional Soul has taken the long trip down from Source into the world of form and wants to experience every possible option for every experience. As your consciousness returns to the innate multidimensional thinking of your fifth dimensional SELF, you will be able to easily compute both your Base-Line Realities and all the Parallel Realities that shoot out whenever you make an either/or decision. In this manner, you can have optimum learning from every experience and share your Parallel Realities with Source.

While our Base-Line Reality is the physical world, you will be unconscious of the fact that every possible version of any given reality was lived out in a Parallel or Alternate Reality. Also, there is a difference between Parallel and Alternate Realities. Your personality in your Parallel Realities is similar to your personality in your Base-Line Reality.

On the other hand, in Alternate Realities you explore alternate types of personality similar situations as your Base-Line Reality. Therefore, your Alternate Realities are comparable to your Base-Line Reality but YOU are undergoing the same situation through the viewpoint of a different personality. In this manner, you can explore different personality traits and even different expressions of your Divine Qualities within similar, yet slightly different, situations. As your primary consciousness expands into the upper fourth and lowest fifth dimension, Parallel and Alternate Realities often “bleed through” into your Base-Line Reality. In this manner, your Parallel and Alternate Realities converge into the ever-expanding Oneness of your ego self who is merging into your Multidimensional SELF.

In fact, when your point of perceptions rises into the fifth dimension and beyond, you will be able preview all the Parallel and Alternate Realities of your third/fourth dimensional self. Consequently, you will be able to gain the most information and learning from your time in lower worlds. From the perspective of your Higher Dimensional Expression you will be able to view your many manifestations of SELF without judgment.

One of the reasons why you choose NOT to be aware of your Parallel and Alternate Realities while still holding a 3D form is that there is a strong potential for self-judgment. This self-judgment would greatly hinder your Ascension process. Thus, most Ascending Ones choose to limit the perception of their other realities to those that they believe they can use and/or heal.

I am giving you this information now so that you will have a more in-depth understanding of your myriad multiple realities. Then you can more easily follow the journey of Mytre and Mytria as they experience their Multiple Realities. They share their experiences with you so that you can more easily piece together the many versions of your complicated, polarized reality.

Your 3D Blinders are coming off now. If you do not prepare yourself for your true world, you could become so overwhelmed that you may limit or halt your Ascension. Furthermore, it is often easier to understand another’s experience than it is to understand your own. By learning love and compassion about the challenges of others, you organically learn to be more loving and compassionate regarding your own challenges.

Perhaps Mytre and Mytria are finally ready to complete their preparation for merging…

Mytre Speaks: Mytria and I “prepared” for our merging by intimately communicating with our minds, our hearts and our bodies. We had been apart more than we had been together, but our time together had sent both of our lives deep into our Paths of Ascension. We made love again and again, and each time we merged our bodies more into Oneness. Then, we had an experience neither of us had ever felt.

We seemed to fall asleep, but we “woke up” together in a world that neither of us had ever consciously experienced. At first, it felt as though we were in a thick fog. However, the fog was not cold, hot or damp. In fact, the fog seemed to twinkle with minute particles of light that appeared to blink on and off. We could only vaguely see each other, so we tightly held hands as we wandered through the twinkling fog.

There appeared to be gravity and solid ground beneath us. However, the gravity was much less than we were accustomed to, even in the Mothership, so we walked/floated through the unseen world. Eventually, we realized that we were in-between realities and would need to combine our Heart-Minds to focus on creating and/or finding a reality with some degree of form.

Eventually, we realized that we were in some form of membrane that flowed between different frequencies of reality. Then, in a flash, we both understood that we were IN the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records are living membranes that resonate between each frequency of reality. Every Akashic Record stores the molecular pattern of every experience and sensation that is sandwiched between that Akashic Membrane and the Akashic Record that resonates one octave lower.

Neither one of us had consciously read the Akashic Records, but we realized that now we would have to do so in order to get our bearings. Once again we joined our consciousness to amplify our abilities. Mytria has worked with the Great Mother and had connected with all her multidimensional emotions and sensations, and I had greatly expanded my multidimensional thinking and the power of intentional thought. Together, we were much more than we were alone.

We faced each other, toe to toe, heart to heart and head to head and merged our consciousness into the Oneness. With loving comfort, I surrendered into the downloading of her abilities into me, as she surrendered into the download of my abilities into her. This membrane reality had no sense of time, so we could not predict how long we remained merged. However, due to our mutual downloads, we shared with each other every experience we had while we were apart.

Suddenly, our eyes flew open, and we looked into each other’s eyes, feeling as though we had NEVER been apart. It is difficult to put into words the shift that occurred within me. All that I can describe is that somehow I was completed. The ever-present sense of longing that I had suffered since I left Mytria and came to the Mothership was replaced with a quiet sense of security and unity. Mytria told me that she felt the same.

We stood looking into each other’s hearts until we realized that the fog was beginning to shift. We observed as the dim glimmer of lighted particles began to connect into mutable patterns of energy. In total unity of thought we simultaneously reached out and touched the pattern closest to us. Instantly, we were transported into ancient Earth, many millennia before the fall of Atlantis, and saw our first Pleiadian Colony.

We had just arrived from Lyra, our Homeworld, looking for adventure. Our society started out small, but quickly multiplied within just a few generations. We were happy and peaceful for thousands of years. However, the easy life that encouraged creativity within those whose hearts sought Power Within, created an urge to control for those who sought Power Over others.

We had never known the slow progression of time nor the freedom to explore our inner selves that we found on Earth. Hence, we didn’t suspect that some of us harbored a need to dominate and control others. At first, the “others” that were dominated were non-humanoid. Thus the animals, plant life and body of the planet were mistreated with no remorse. Eventually, the few expanded their dominance to restrain and injure their own kind.

Conflict arose between the two diverse manners of expression, which quickly expanded into fighting and, eventually, into outright war. The escalation of violence increased until the damage to planet Earth was so devastating that we had to leave the Paradise that we had turned into a war zone. The peace that we had sought in our new home was damaged by the few, as well as by the many who lived in denial until it was too late.

Our vision ended as we sorrowfully watched as the remnants of our wounded society re-entered their Space Craft to find yet another new home. We returned to the fog/membrane knowing exactly why we had to suffer so long in the Galactic War of Service to SELF societies against Service to Others worlds. We had always thought of ourselves as the victims, yet it was our own society that started the karmic cycle of “energy out is energy back.”

We then understood that we were IN the Akashic Records of planet Earth, and surmised that we must stay there until we were fully briefed on the TRUE history of Earth. Hence, we worked our way forward from our first landing on Earth. Yes, we came again to Earth to make similar mistakes. Once again we abandoned Earth, leaving Gaia to repair Her world. It is for this reason that we Pleiadians are so dedicated to Gaia.

Eventually, we found ourselves in the Akashic Records of Earth circa 2013 AD, the reality timeline that we would be visiting. However, we realized that before our lessons were completed we had to investigate the myriad Parallel and Alternate Realities of that timeline. We needed to be fully updated on all this information, as we would be educating the Ascending humans about their true history.

Many that were the “dark ones” in one reality were the “saviors” in an Alternate Reality. In order to fully transmute a third/fourth dimensional reality into the fifth dimension and beyond, the myriad reality timelines would need to merge into ONE. Hence, the polarized expressions and alternate choices of different realities needed to merge into ONE.

Once these third/fourth dimensional polarities and realities are merged, Gaia and Her inhabitants can more easily merge with the higher creations, choices and expressions of their Multidimensional Realities. The Ascending Ones, humanoid and non-humanoid, that we will visit are the forerunners of this multidimensional merging.

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Saint Germain

Twin Rays

Saint Germain: "When You, the 'Mighty I AM Presence', will to come forth into an Individualized Focus of Conscious Dominion and use the Creative Word, 'I AM', Your First Individual Activity is the Formation of a Flame. Then you, the Individualized Focus of the Mighty I AM Presence, begin your Dynamic Expression of Life.

"This Activity, We term Self-Consciousness, meaning the Individual who is conscious of his Source and Perfection of Life, expressing through himself. Only the Self-Conscious Individual has ALL the Attributes and Creative Power of the Mighty I AM Presence. Only He can know who and what He is, and express the Fullness of the Creative Power of God whenever He Decrees, by the use of the Words, 'I AM'.

"The Almighty God-Flame, breathing within Itself, projects Two Rays into the Great Sea of Pure Electronic Light. This Intelligent Light-Substance becomes the clothing, as it were, for these Rays of the Mighty I AM Presence. Each Ray has all the Attributes of the Godhead within It, and no imperfection can ever enter into or register upon It. The Individualized Flame sends down into each Ray a Focal Point, or Spark, forming a Heart-Center upon which gathers the Electronic Light-Substance, creating the Electronic Body."

(The Magic Presence - Saint Germain Series Volume 2, Chapter IV, pages 89 - 95

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Namaste brothers and sisters of Shamballa! 

I made this video @ 12:12 on 12-12-12 and am trying to share the energy that I experienced at that moment through the video. The video and the sound of the singing bell are meant to be a trigger to initiate the energy transmission if you would like to receive it. Just say out loud (or to yourself) "I accept this energy, with grace and ease, for my greatest and highest good and for the purpose of advancing ALL LIFE."

I hope you are all having wonderful blessed new years and are enjoying the fresh and vibrant energies that are a part of our transitioning into the new Golden Age!

Blessings of Unconditional Love, Light, and Grace to ALL!


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As channeled by Wes Annac



(SanJAsKa speaks first.)

Deeper and more meaningful insights into the mysteries of Life and the human experience will continue to lead you all to personal and inner-held revelations about yourselves and the Lives of those around you. 2013 signals the beginning of the age of understanding and while 2012 laid the crucial foundation for the beginning of this New Age, your current year will be seen as the most productive and enjoyable one to date.


You have all been working your ways up and building upon the foundation of knowledge, understanding and Love you have begun to garner as you found your personal awakenings, and we ask you all to allow the vibrations permeating your perception to increase in the manner that the plan is calling for.


There are many of you who have expected bold or brazen, sudden ascension-related events to get your attention exponentially and let you see that matters on your world truly are unfolding, and we ask you to allow such things to come forth within yourselves without doubt or fear that they are somehow not real, for the energies delivering your ascension cannot act in too bold of ways in making themselves know to you if you are not properly attuned or could potentially fear witnessing something that is greatly outside of your paradigm and presently inconceivable to the majority of humanity.


We must be careful with the miracles given to any Earth soul as while you will attain anything you sew for yourselves to experience which includes the experience of
miracles that would shatter your paradigm, many souls would be potentially too overwhelmed by the many amazing things we have for you to behold and this has in part to do with the collective energy as it stands at present.


You have heard before and know of the density of the collective energy as expressed on your world in this moment, and it has been expressed as well that a few influential aspects of the old energies are still being expressed and fed and that they will easily diminish as the vibrations continue to lighten, now and in the time ahead. This is one reason we ask you not to be in a state of potential fear or apprehension for your futures, for they are and have always been secured.


We say this in this manner because you have secured your futures for yourselves, dear souls and you have found the awakenings that are now beckoning you forth toward realms past your current conscious understanding and perspective.


You have wished to perceive of the higher realms in a greater depth and you are now able to, dear souls.


You have found the higher realms within yourselves and it simply takes your adjustment and continual attunement to these realms for you to be able to feel them in the fullest purity they are now offering you. Many of you are finding yourselves with increased and heightened perceptions at this time and we recommend meditation to help you attune to the energies of your fifth dimensional reality.


Your New Earth is continuing to be built upon and to those of you who have internally experienced visions of your New Earth that seem to have been fleeting, we tell you with happiness that the work being performed upon it has increased in scope by and large, and much more Light is being anchored unto your third dimensional reality in preparation for the further-anchoring of the realms and mechanisms of the fifth dimension.


Such mechanisms must first be anchored unto the collective in the necessary ways and this is where the place holders and Gatekeepers come in, for you are holding the energetic space for the Light to come forth and for the pre-fifth dimensional vibrations to anchor unto such space and make way for the fifth dimensional Earth.


Gaia is working especially hard to hold the space and encourage and assist all of you who have found a very potent awakening and continue to build-upon such an awakening with your further realization of the ascended and ascending realms all around you that have always laid just beyond the fore of your perception, waiting to be called-upon and brought forth within you again.


We cannot express enough, the positive nature of all that is occurring now and all that is to be occurring because you have anchored so every much change that many of you do not yet see or feel within yourselves but trust, dear hearts; it is absolutely there and it is waiting to be accessed.


You all have an infinite potential now to find and feel realms greater than your conscious perception has allowed you to feel and access, and we are here to help the adjustment and integration process go as easily and graceful as possible for you dear souls, as some of you are experiencing and surfacing issues from your past that continue to attempt to convince you that negativity is the only prevalent energy around you when in fact, negativity is fading more than ever and is dissolving away from influencing the collective consciousness.


You do not yet see this reflected in your collective consciousness but it is certainly happening and with the crucial actions of every Lightworker, Gatekeeper and placeholder in anchoring the energies and vibrations that will see the influence of third dimensionality of any kind diminished quite easily, we can begin to (help) introduce and put forth the concepts of peace, harmony, Oneness and prosperity for all through our Earthly hosts, who will begin to gain influence in your media and some of whom already possess influence in your media.


We will help introduce the ideas of your New Age to a public and collective who will increasingly become open to them.


We do not necessarily speak of our channelers when we use the term “Earthly hosts”, though our channelers too are Creating their reality and can Create any experience or happening they wish for themselves. We speak of those on your Earth who are a part of our Ground Crew and overall, a part of the Legions of the Light helping your world to ascend.


Many of these souls have entered into contracts of forgetfulness that are much stronger than those of the awakening Lightworker public because of the specifics of their roles, as they are and will be working to gain influence in your mainstream media and with the collective consciousness in general, so that they can introduce everything we have discussed in a way that is cleanly and neatly comprehensible and can be better understood and accepted by the Earth public.


While much of your world is still rooted in darkness, destruction and separation at present, the influence of every soul who has wished for and anchored peace will see the vibrations lightening even further than they already have been, and everybody on the Earth will begin to find a generally lightened perspective and an easier experience of their Lives.


Those areas of your Earth still deeply-rooted in war, darkness and disrespect for the sovereignty and freedom of others will have to experience the boldest of governmental changes to be able to find the lightening vibrations of peace and harmony, but we can say with certainty that the overwhelming majority of citizens in such areas do not want the hatred and violence they experience currently and would rather witness a world bred out of Love and harmony toward others.


Some souls are incarnated into the densest of places on your world for the purposes of finding a greater realization of and need for the Light energies to be anchored unto themselves and unto the collective; namely, the collective of the areas that continue to experience violence. We will, of course, be with you to help lighten the karmic load manifested and fed for centuries on your world but dearest souls, we do not want this truth to be misinterpreted into thinking that you should wait to do the work yourselves or you should remain complacent until we arrive, because our arrival and your ascension simply do not work like this.


As plenty have expressed, you must attract us to yourselves and to your planet via the vibrations you put out and manifest every single day, because we are of a higher dimensional consciousness that simply cannot last in the lower dimensions, lest we wished to incarnate in such dimensions and experience your Earth ourselves.


There are some areas of your world that are particularly polluted, such as landfills or refineries, that we were previously unable to come near because of the damage they were doing in realms far beyond the physical.


Yes indeed; the garbage dumps, oil refineries and a plethora of other polluting things had been doing damage in so many different realms and because of this we were previously unable to be around such things but now, with the actions of the Lightworker public in anchoring Light and healing energies that have served to cleanse the majority of such realms that the pollution on your world was doing damage to, we are able to come closer to such places an even anchor our ships invisibly in your skies to help mitigate the continual pollution being bred by such things, to pollution that will not affect you or your Earth in the quite-destructive ways it otherwise could.


There is indeed much we are dong to help you all cleanse your world and we have assisted you in the astral realms in clearing the pollution that has been fed on your Earth and manifested in such realms as a result but again, we are not here to do the work for you and we are only here to guide and assist you on a journey that is Created entirely by you.


Remaining complacent under the guise of waiting for our arrival will unfortunately, see you Creating your realities in a manner that pushes our arrival further from yourselves. In the same vein, taking a clear interest in repairing your world and righting the wrongs that continue to be perpetrated will draw us much closer to you, as you will be radiating the vibrations making-up the experience of the higher dimensions.


Again, we are of a higher dimensional consciousness and if you can attract your vibrations as a collective toward the realms of the fifth dimension that are being worked-upon exponentially to be anchored unto your world at present, you will see our arrival in a much more timely and allowed manner.


Of course, possibilities continue to be looked toward that will see us able to visit your world in person. We have spoken previously on the possibility of disclosure being brought forth (via governments announcing a “formal contact”) and we wish to express that the plan brought forth in the previous communication is only one possibility that we are looking upon.


We are still looking toward the assistance of your mainstream media and those who have run it without the majority of the public realizing they did, and while many cabal heads are experiencing pure forms of containment at this time, we have still found much resistance in the “lower quarters” from souls who are fulfilling demands set out by their perceived “masters”.


There is still some resistance to disclosure in some quarters of your media but make no mistake, everybody in a position of knowing what is transpiring at this time see both the importance and closeness of disclosure, as it simply cannot continue to be stalled.



While we are helping your Earth to be cleansed of pollution, we can only do so much and your Earth is indeed still experiencing negativity and pollution manifested on Her surface, at a rate that would be destructive if not dealt with. The disclosure of our existence will help push many issues of importance to the forefront of the collective’s conscious perception, and every effort you make at present will serve to push disclosure forward as well as the issues that you know are so very important to the ascension of your Earth and to bringing Her back into the vibrations of harmony and collective prosperity rather than lack, need, violence and a violation of the ordained freewill-rights of every soul on your world.


Yes, you have so much good to look forward to and we know you can feel this, which is why we will continue to ask you to keep the faith and maintain a healthy and balanced center.


If we do not receive the necessary cooperation from your governments and the descendants of the owners of your mainstream media, than we will indeed push ahead with disclosing ourselves and we would very easily be able to utilize your cable and satellite networks to deliver a communication to humanity in a similar format as our channeled communications.


This is because we would be picking up on the frequencies being broadcast through your televisions and, in a similar manner that we can pick up on the frequencies of our respective scribes and channelers, we would be able to impart a communication and direct message through such frequencies for all on your world to see and absorb.


This is indeed very easy to do; we simply have not yet because of (the majority of the collective’s) freewill wish not to know of us or believe in our existence.


As you have heard, we are usually made out to be scary creatures who wish to plunder or destroy in any ways possible, and you will notice the continual array of propaganda that has been prevalent in various moves and television shows throughout decades of your history. This propaganda has been established and fed in this manner because we have so very much assistance and healing to offer you and we have in fact, offered your cabals and the governments they own some of our healing technologies for all of humanity to benefit from.


Rather than accepting our technologies and the world peace we offered that was attached to them, the cabals simply took to denying our offers to have peace established on your world and immediately employed their scientists to duplicate the technology they were shown and to build-upon templates that were already provided from the crashed ship of the Zeta race in Roswell, New Mexico.


Your cabals are quite familiar with the advanced technology that has been back-engineered from fallen ships, but they still have no inkling of knowledge of the higher dimensional technology we possess and will be offering to your world, which we didn’t show them. We knew of the potential of their denying our offer for peace, and this is why we did not show the most awe-inspiring technologies we possess, because we will be offering them to you in the time ahead and would not want to see them duplicated by your cabals for service-to-self-based reasons.


We wish not for you to keep your vibrations continually downtrodden because of what’s manifested on your world every day but at the same time, we do not want your attention turned away from all that is happening on your world which needs restored because in doing so, you are taking your attention away from an aspect of Creation; an aspect of yourselves and of our Mother/Father Creator. Every realm needs your attention this time, be it inner or outer, because your focus is needed so that your Light can shine on every aspect of every realm of Creation; in this case, the Creation of Gaia.


You have so much Light and truth that you can all spread as you are all conduits and instruments for the Divine to come forth, which is why we ask you to be open to the concept of channeling in your everyday Lives. By this we do not mean channeling us or our energies, or even channeling a communication in general; we speak of the channeling you are all performing at present without realizing it.


As has been said by others, you are all continually channeling and when you make the effort to, you can channel pure energy through your hearts and minds that is just so wonderful and higher dimensional in nature, that it will serve to help further shift your perspective and introduce your further to the miracles that the brimming higher realms have to offer you and wish for you to find and feel at this time.


You can feel these things in yourselves and many of you are beginning to and as you do so, you channel these very energies unto the collective consciousness of the Earth and you anchor the higher dimensions further unto the surface and core of Gaia, who can use as much higher dimensional energy as possible at this point.


This is because Gaia is already working so very hard, and She is performing so very many different tasks to anchor the fifth dimensional realms She is perceiving from and has been for some time, to the perception and understanding of the collective of Earth.


As you find a further refinement taking place in yourselves, so will you find this reflected by the collective and so will you find truth beginning to be accepted more than it has been. Many souls on your world are feeling a release of the old energies as they latch onto them for comfort, and there will indeed still be many souls on your Earth who feel comfortable in the old energies and will fight against the current of change that is and will be brought forth. Eventually, everybody will see the Light and they will find it in their own ways which will be unique to them.


(The Pleiadian High Council begin speaking.)


Blessing, dear souls, we are the Pleiadian High Council and we wish to give acknowledgment for your many efforts up until this point. We have been with you all, helping to uplift you and give you updates about the continually-evolving state of affairs on your world.


The higher realms are beckoning forth for each one of you at this time and as you assimilate continually-pure energies unto yourselves and use such energies to help further initiate yourselves into your pure states of consciousness, you will begin to find a healthy interaction with your inner-realms and with the souls accompanying them, and you will find so very many of us just waiting to help uplift and inform as you as you grow increasingly into your Godselves.


For some of you, reaching the higher dimensions entails undergoing difficulties and challenges and those of you who have been tested, are and will be finding the rewards for your lower dimensional travels.


There is much negativity still manifested on your world at present and every last bit of it can be transmuted and forgotten about; it is simply that humanity still feeds this density on a moment to moment bases and this is what we and many of you as well wish to see come to an end. You have heard so very much about the ascension cycle and about the events that will surround your year 2013, but what you have not been told enough is that the torch is now being given to you dear souls as you find the opportunities to begin addressing the condition your world is in.


You will find yourselves able to come together much easier and spread the word about every unjust act still taking place on your world, and we ask you to look toward movements such as Occupy Wall Street who are already beginning to bring forth the truth and Light that your world needs to find the purer states of consciousness you’re being initiated into.


Awareness can precede enlightenment in some instances, and some souls find knowledge before they find the plentiful higher dimensional energies in themselves. Some of you have realized what the cabals have done to you and your world before being introduced to the concepts of ascension, spirituality and Oneness, while some of you have been open to the realms of spirit for some time whilst not initially realizing the state of affairs on your world.


We say that your Earth and the experiences playing-out on your Earth in every moment are not as “normal or “dull” as you think and rather, the Earth has been the playing-field for the comingling of the two strongest aspects of duality; the negative and the positive.


The Forces of the Light have worked so very hard to steer the collective in detaching from the energies of negativity and separation, and the (souls accompanying) the other end of the perceived dualistic pole have worked very hard as well to maintain their influence upon your collective. A lot of souls on your world are still feeding instated separation at present and as your world begins to see the importance of coming together and repairing dearest Gaia’s body, you will all find the unity you have looked toward and needed for your collective to evolve.


While it may or may not be difficult for some souls to grasp at present, we are indeed still with you and there is much that will be happening concerning our presence and the acknowledgment of our presence on your world. We ask you as well to continue to hold the faith and know that what you’ve been working toward is real, and there is of course plentiful evidence to suggest our contacts with humanity.


You can bring the acknowledgment of our presence to yourselves and we are indeed looking toward you to, whilst still adhering to our general plan of either making ourselves known or having your governments do so. Our presence simply needs to be known and felt by all on your world so that the vast unawareness that continues to be garnered surrounding us and our presence can no longer give way to purposeful disinformation and disseminated fear about us or our intentions for your world.


Density has been fed on your world for quite some time and you all now have the opportunity to shy away from the very influence of such density and excel gloriously on your path to becoming uplifted and infinite beings, and when traversing the fifth dimension you will see that there is absolutely no negativity of any kind manifested here.


This is because all are radiating out the natural energies of harmony and Oneness and the pervading vibrations are always reflecting this happiness, as it can simply be no other way. We have no desire to harm or plunder you in any way, nor do we wish to “string you along” with updates about an ascension that some perceive not to be happening. Rather, we simply wish to assist you as one facet of the ascended collective helping your planet to ascend, and we wish to share our technologies with you as well because they can and will be greatly beneficial to the repairing of your world.


We have spoken previously of our technology and the assistance it is to give and as is so with our replicators, every facet of the technology we give you will help you learn to perform the miracles such technology performs, yourselves. We will not keep you strung up on our technology nor our presence on your world when we arrive and rather, we will share devices and craft with you that will act as stepping stones for you being able to do what such devices do.


Your bodies and spirits are infinite and your heart and mind can truly take you anywhere and perform anything, if utilized properly and with the necessary balance. Your spirit is infinite and you truly do have the power to travel anywhere that you wish to; it simply that you’ve been limited with human bodies and your world has been controlled by lower influences who have maintained their power and grip upon your world because of the density still fed in any given moment.


You’ve been conditioned to think that you are little more than human beings and that physicality is the only true reality you can experience and as so many of you are discovering, this is simply not so. There are an infinite amount of realms you can all experience and benefit vastly from experiencing, and we will all be with you during your inner-travels to help you see and realize this more fully once again.


We can indeed offer our assistance if you dear souls are open to it, and the Dreamflights we have helped many souls initiate as their bodies lay sleeping and then helped them to consciously remember upon waking up, can be seen as a testament to this fact.


We are truly open to meeting with you in any ways that we can and at present, the collective dense energy is still too strong for us to properly make our way to your world but there are some in our ranks, such as you dear incarnate Lightworkers and starseeds, who have been able to handle the density and who continue to anchor the Light unto your world that is needed for our presence to be able to be made known.


There are even a select few of us who have not incarnated unto the Earth and who are rather, experiencing the Earth from our ships and at times, being on the ground and further helping to anchor energy that is of an incredible purity; even moreso that the energy being given out by the majority of the Lightworker collective.


We have only a select few souls who are able to step off of our ships and exist on your ground without the vibrations being too dense, and while you will not yet see these souls they are indeed moving around with your Earth public unnoticed, as they perform a myriad of different tasks that will make way for the continual purity of lightened vibrations being manifested on your world and used to Create your reality.


The reality around many of you is beginning to evolve at this time and you are evolving with it, which is why your perspective is important to note in every moment.


We will continue to restate your power as spiritual beings undergoing a transforming human experience and as we make our final impressions for this communication, we ask you to radiate out the energies and concepts of peace and truth.


There is so very much your world needs to be exposed to and while some would remain comfortable within their instated densities forever, we say that the time has come for change to manifest on your world and the time has come as well, for you all to begin acting upon this change and building upon the foundations, both energetic and physical, that have already been valiantly built upon by each and every one of you and by a plethora of other souls as well.


Your ascension is so near to being realized, dear souls, and we know you can feel this as you face a world that continues to test you. You are Loved and supported unconditionally, and we thank you as we always have.


Thank you to the Pleiadian High Council, and to SanJAsKa.

(1) David Wilcock has recently put-forth the opinion that financial changes (such as world abundance) could occurr before and set the foundation for disclosure and everything else in that avenue. I have to say that I could absolutely see abundance coming forth before disclosure, and I may ask our Galactic brethren about this notion in a future communication. For now, it seems that if governments and mainstream media outlets continue to drag their feet, the Galactics will disclose themselves. I’m looking forward to seeing where worldwide abundance fits into this plan.

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                                                     As channeled Marlene Swetlishoff
Beloved Ones,
As you go about your daily life, you are beginning to notice shifts within your bodies and within your consciousness. It is now becoming much easier to stay in equilibrium most of the time, even when changes occur that might have been unexpected or unforeseen. Life just seems to flow in a harmonious and synchronistic way and as you stay attuned to this flow, living in a physical body upon this Planet becomes easier and more filled with grace.
Many of you are experiencing intense heat at various times in your body which comes during or shortly after a download of higher energies and activations. Some of you are experiencing times of the shortness of oxygen or the feeling that you find it hard to get a good breath of air into your lungs. This too, is a symptom that is temporary and has to do with being in a higher frequency level within your auric field.
This could be likened to the mountain climbers who scale Mt. Everest, as they get to the higher elevations, the air becomes thinner and more rarefied. There are products on the natural food market that can give assistance with this such as oxygen drops or a daily regimen of vigorous breathing in and out to help your comfort level.
It is time to remind you Dear Ones once again about staying grounded into the core of the Earth. This will help you to integrate the higher energies in a more graceful manner and also help you to walk your path being fully present upon the planet as you bring in more of your higher aspects. If you do not remember to ground yourselves, you can find yourselves losing focus and being unable to complete projects that you are starting or have already implemented. You are each, the bridges between heaven and earth, and so it is a responsibility to self to ensure that this task is one that comes from a balanced energetic body of Light.
There are so many of you discovering the treasures that have lain dormant for eons within yourselves. Many talents are now beginning to surface and it behooves each of you to become an observer and an enabler of all that wants to rise up from within you. There are also skills and talents from previous and future lifetimes that are now coming into your auric field for recognition, assimilation and development. It really is a most exciting time for all souls to inhabit a physical body upon the planet Earth!
Watch your thoughts as they surface, for now you are gaining the ability to make choice as to whether to embrace them or to just let them pass through you and away from you. The possibilities within each thought carries an infinite variety of outcomes depending upon where you place your attention.
Truly, your mastership training is in full swing and as you realize your co-creatorship with the Infinite One, you will realize that what you create, you are responsible for, for now the manifestation of your creations will happen more quickly so that you can observe that you are indeed the creator. This will become much easier as you become accustomed to seeing your manifestations appear to you more quickly. Profound times and inner revelations are ahead for all who have done the work.
Until next time…
I AM Hilarion
©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.
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As channeled by Aisha North

Time is rolling by faster and faster, and for many, this will bring with it some rather interesting events. For we say, have not the hands of time started to act in some rather inaccurate ways recently? Have you seen how the hands of time seem to stand still one moment, while they seem to have skipped a beat or two the next? Do you lose count of the days, and do you have a hard time placing events in a linear sequence?

Do you feel like you have been transported back in time, to a time in your life when you were much younger than today? And do you feel like you are growing younger while your body seems to be the same old? Well, all of these and other occurrences like it, are just a sure signal that you have entered what some may call the twilight zone.

Things have started to seem less solid than they did only a short time ago, and your mind seems to be a bit more fuddled than usual. In other words, reality keeps warping and twisting, and you feel less sure on your feet as everything around you starts to take on a more unreal feel than what you experienced before.

Again, this is just a sure sign that everything is indeed starting to change at a rapid pace now. And yes, even if things on the outside seem to be more or less ”normal”, that is, unchanged from what it was like before December 2012, all of these strange undulations in perception of time, linearity, and even the sense of equilibrium mean that you are all experiencing the unseen starting to bleed through.

So your desire to see some rather concrete proofs of this monumental change is actually being answered already, albeit in a very different form from what you mayhaps envisaged. In other words, the expected outward show of fundamental change predicted to come in the form of cataclysms or some other sort of dramatic global manifestation will come in a much more subtle form, as a gradual but perceptible increase in the awarness that nothing is as it used to be.

And this will also manifest in a growing sense of unease, not just amongst you, but also amongst the whole population of this little planet. For even to the less sensitive ones, there will be a growing awareness that something is changing, and even if they will have a hard time putting into words just what they are sensing, it will start to make many of your fellow men start to feel more and more unsettled.

This may sound ominous, but it is only a signal that soon, this unease will grow into something even more profound, namely the knowledge that there are indeed forces at work here that they were not even aware existed before. To many, this will sound like a recipe for disaster, where a huge number of people will start to lose their grounding, and with it their sanity, and total anarchy and chaos will be sure to follow in the footsteps.

That is not the case here, as this unease will grow into something very different indeed, as the underlying reason for all of this subtle but inexorable change will soon start to make itself heard through many a channel. In other words, the voice you hear so clearly whenever you manage to connect with your core is the same voice that will start to make itself heard in so many of your fellow men, and this voice will not speak of fear, anger and hatred, it will speak of love and connection to something so vast and magnificent it will start to put more and more of them to a much greater ease than they are currently experiencing.

In other words, this godlike spark within you all that have been ignited through these immense injections of light lately will start to make its voice heard in millions of others out there, and soon, you will see how the light starts to shine out from the eyes of strangers you meet wherever you go.

This light will come as a surprise to so many, because they have grown accustomed to be the sole carrier of light in their little corner of the world, and with that, their journey so far has been a very lonesome one. But now, you must all start to lift your eyes and take a good look at people you will encounter on your way, no matter where the road takes you. And we can guarantee you that you will start to meet yourself in the eyes of strangers, as you will see how your light is reflected in those that meet your gaze.

And then you will all know that the road to recovery has started in earnest, and that the choir of rejoicing souls has started to grow exponentially. For this will not be a solitary journey much longer, as even the loneliest of you will start to encounter some likeminded souls, no matter where you reside, and no matter how difficult your previous experience in this have been.

So take heart, and go out and start to interact with your newly awakened brothers and sister out there. For they are waiting for you to take their hand and greet them and welcome them back home. 

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Throwing Energy a message from Jim Self


Many years ago, when I first began my conversations with the archangels and  ascended masters, Master Kuthumi said to me: “To enter and remain in the fifth  dimension you must master every thought, every emotion, and every action. Every  moment.” Cautiously, and with great respect (and without grimacing or rolling my  eyes), I replied, “Well, it looks like I won’t be entering the fifth dimension  anytime soon.” Kuthumi smiled and said, “We shall see.”
Thus began the  pathway we call Mastering Alchemy—the pathway to master ourselves so that we may   enter and remain in higher levels of consciousness. How you respond to the  quickly increasing noise and drama during this Shift is a wonderful and  consistent training ground for becoming masterful.
How do you respond to  an unexpected situation? Do you absorb it and let it affect you physically or  emotionally? Do you internalize it as stress? Do you react and complain? Are you  sarcastic? Demanding? Do you cut the person off at the knees and reject them?  (All third dimensional reactions/) And then how do you respond when someone else  reacts and throws energy?
Do you match them, go down to their level, and  throw back? Or do you take a break and see that they are revealing a great deal  about their own pain? Pain speaks very loudly sometimes.
Email exchanges  can be a fun place for watching energy being thrown, and for watching if you  throw it, too. Emails to businesses are somewhat “anonymous,” and therefore easy  to hide behind. Notice if you forget there may be real live people with feelings  (and intense issues going on in their office) on the other side of that “send”  button. Apologizing for your lousy behavior can be more difficult than managing   it in the first place. The drafts folder is there for a reason. Write it once,  save it, and read it out loud later.

How are you presenting  yourself?

Machine Gun Irritation Send a progression of five  complaining emails, minutes apart (around midnight is best), each expecting an  instant response. Be sure each one gets louder and bolder and redder and  nastier. No need to apologize for your behavior when you are helped that  afternoon. You are the customer after all.
Cut Them Off at the  Knees. Complain and threaten to quit and “take them to court” if you don’t  get your money back. You’ll get faster help and maybe extra gifts. 
Sarcasm. It is very easy to throw this energy in emails. If the  recipient calls you on it, you can always blame the innate troubles of email  communication.
Poor Me. Act like a victim. “I’ve just lost my  job/house/mind. I have cancer/leprosy/ emergency.” If you can make them feel  sorry for you (it is not your fault you are in this situation), you might get  extra attention, scholarships, and free gifts.
Hider. When the  unexpected situation arises, do not do anything at all. It was probably your  mistake/misunderstanding/bad vibes that caused it. Go eat some chocolate and  drink a beer. The company is probably too busy to bother with you  anyway.
Ripples on a Still Lake. When one throws energy, it  creates a ripple effect. This is very much like the concentric circles that form  when you toss a pebble into a still lake. Ripples are created that move out to  touch and influence others. If I were to punch you (throw negative energy at  you), you might turn to the man sitting next to you and punch him. He then turns  to the woman sitting next to him and insults her. She carries that energy around  with her until she gets home. She then yells at her son, who then kicks the dog,  who then... you get the picture.
Because I began that ripple by throwing  energy at you, it is my responsibility to clean it up. Not an easy thing to do  when, by the next day, tens of people (or more) have been affected by my  rippling energy.
We have all thrown energy at others in our lives. During  this time of Shift, it is now urgently important to become aware of and change  this habit in ourselves. It is possible to master every thought, every emotion,  and every action. Every moment.
Your job is to be a big, solid boulder in  the rippling lake. You are the boulder that keeps the ripple from continuing to  touch others. The master neither passes the energy along to others, nor absorbs  it into her space. The master transmutes the thrown energy and gives it back to  the giver in a higher vibration of kindness, upliftment, and  grace.
First, be the example of what you want to experience more of.

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