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The Superstorm & Global Warming

A message from Archangel Metatron channeled by Tyberonn
Sunday, 4 November, 2012  (posted 6 November, 2012)

Greetings Beloved! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I welcome you this moment, and  encircle you with Celestial Light. 

And  so Dear Ones, we tell you that there is even greater life that circles  about and above you, above the sacred Earth , and these are now flowing  into your planet and available to enter your field of awareness. It is  light of a subtle nature. It is not the light of expectation, it is does  not hold logic, rather it is the light of wellness, and indeed carries  the energy of 'home' of the angelic realm.

We will say to you upon this  special planet of duality, this beloved and sacred Earth, that all who  open and allow this Celestial Light to enter their sphere of influence,  their field of consciousness, will immediately find themselves blessed  in spirit, and glowing in divine serenity. This energy is quiet, this  energy is reconciling, and this energy connects your chakras with your  celestial home. It is available to all who come here, and readily so.  This is a place of healing and wellness. Humans on the path as yet do  not always seek to include wellness in their search for understanding,  but all should, as it is complimentary to truth and all parts of your  trinity being cry out for it.

The Superstorm


A  very recent super-storm has occurred in the eastern seaboard of the  United States. We understand the deep trauma and sorrow, as well as the  great pain and misery that accompanies all such catastrophic incidents  as indeed has occurred with the hurricanes and earthquakes over recent  years.

Being  human at this time of shift on the Earth is extremely difficult for so  many, and we ask all of you to offer your prayers to those that are  experiencing agonizing loss. We of the angelic realm are with you.  Although there was a tragic loss of lives and devastation to the land  and structures, these catastrophes  are not meant as any karma, as any punishment or in truth as anything negative. Masters, we tell you that what is taking place must transpire. It is a requisite realignment. It is the earth shifting, transiting into new energy.

Dear  Ones, we feel your pain at these losses, and we honour you so much for  holding the energy of change throughout the hardships you are enduring.  We truly do understand the sadness of duality realms. We encircle you  in love through these times of transition. But understand that  everything happening is by choice, and the courageous and sacred choice  that humanity has made, is to Ascend. Every soul whose physical life  ends in such events, makes the choice to do so in free will and in  higher purpose. We will also tell you that while difficult, such events bring people together, and truly bring out the best in humanity, pulling together to help one another.

Question to Metatron:  We understand from the information given over the past years, that  these are necessary for the Ascension. Will these decrease or stop after  2012?

Metatron:  The earth is ever dynamic. You must understand that the balancing of  the living planet is a continual 'natural' process. The equilibrium  shifting that has always occurred will continue to occur as needed, it  is an ongoing process. Just as your physical human body & Auric body  make  necessary adjustments according to external and  internal experiences and forces, so does the body of GAIA make shifts  for balance. The planet ascends on the 12-12-12, and rebirths on the  12-21-12.  But understand that 2013 is then the new  beginning in an expanded matrix. In the next 26 years, the planet will  shift away from singular heliocentric aligned patterning into Galactic  patterning. So change, upshift does not stop in 2012.

Planetary Change

Many  humans feel the phenomenon of global warming is to be feared and  stopped. This is not the case. The melting of the polar ice caps and  such is appropriate, it is necessary. Global warming brings about the  very evolution and it will continue past 2012.

The  planet receives the energies of the sun, melting the ice caps, as it  were, releasing that which has been encoded within the water crystals,  removing old patterns. The new codes being received  travel  through the living waters and thus influence all the fields of energy  of the earth, attaching and activating all that touches upon them  as well.  In this way, planetary &  human evolution, consciousness and such begins to move more quickly forward.

So while the work needed to allow for the shift of 2012  ends in 2012,  the  expansion occurs well beyond .The work designed to format the New  Earth, and indeed humanity over the next 300 years, begins in 2013. The  next stage is the formation & formatting of the New Firmament,  finalizing  in 2038.

2013  is a new beginning, not an end. And in the new beginning, planetary  changes and shifts (and planetary warming) will indeed continue.

The Warming

The  super-storms, the hurricanes and super tornadoes occurring in the past  decade are much larger, and more potent than any recorded in recent  recorded history. The scale & scope of the recent Hurricane Sandy  covered a diameter of over 1000 miles. The increase in size and potency  is indeed directly related to warmer temperatures of the waters and  lands of the earth. The melting ice-caps are adding to the sea levels  and this will continue. The glaciers and ice caps at your polar regions,  served to reflect the sun light, and reduce heat adsorption into the  planet. As this declines, temperatures  increase.

Yet  this is not the primary reason for the warming... although your  academics will naturally attribute causes of global warming to fit  within their scope of understanding.

Humanity  are aware of the ongoing planetary shifts. Dynamic changes are taking  place on a regular basis, and have been 'quickening'  for over two  decades.  Yet  few truly are at peace with it. We wish to re-emphasize a key  understanding: and so we tell you again that these metastasis are not  only appropriate, but are the necessary mechanisms that enable the  Earth, and mankind to release the' old energy' and shift upward into the  new.

These  hurricanes & earthquakes are designed to clear and up shift the  vibrations of the planet as are the other dynamic -earth occurrences  that so often are misunderstood. So we ask you to recognize that the  ongoing increased activity of earthquakes, tsunamis, global warming, and  super hurricanes are not to be feared or stopped. This is not the case.  These events indeed are quite necessary for the evolution. The  evolution you call Planetary Ascension simply cannot manifest  in  the 'old ' frequencies. And we do understand that releasing the 'fear'  is not an easy thing to do, for it is a natural reaction ingrained in  your survival instincts.

The  clearances from the hurricanes & earthquakes and such directly  influence, powerfully effect the conscious fields of energy of the  living earth.  These events release trapped energy held  within all power-nodes of the planet, recoding and realigning all that  touches upon the earth  as well. In this way a new consciousness, a New Earth begins to move forward.

Yet the fear still persists, and that is natural and indeed understandable. Even those of you in so called 'safe-areas'  that  are not directly affected are subconsciously quite aware of the  previous global cataclysms that inundated Atlantis, LeMuria and beyond.

Four  times, Dear Ones, has mankind's existence on the planet been all but  removed. So we understand why you fear that the quakes, planetary  warming, the volcanic eruptions, the storms, and the potential of  magnetic shifts will create yet another 'rebooting', a global cataclysm  that eradicates life as you know it. The rebooting will occur, indeed,  but we tell you that for now it will be a more gradual shift, depending  somewhat on the mass reaction of humanity.

Despite  the dramatic histrionics of your news media and cinematographers, 2012  will not be a Global Destruction. Prior to the Harmonic Convergence of  1987, it indeed would have been. But you changed that. Kryon, the  Magnetic Master has told you 2 decades ago, of the change brought about  by the Harmonic Convergence, of how humanity met required quotient of  the 'Light-Measurement'  and thus scripted the Ascension to take place.

So  we tell you, that the fears of an axial tilt, cataclysmic meteor impact  and magnetic pole shift that been dramatically projected in media and  movies will not occur.  Such fear can be requited. The planetary axis will not tilt in the  feared devastating degree, no destructive meteor will crash into the  earth, and the magnetic poles will not shift in 2012.

So we say again that it is in fact humanities 'Light Quotient Measurement'  and  choice that has determined that there will NOT be a great global  cataclysm, a massive destruction on a worldwide arena. Rather the  cleansing will be on smaller localized settings, and humanity will  indeed now move forward and graduate  to the next level.

Make  no mistake, Dear Ones, the changes to allow the clearing will and must  continue and if the masses were to be duly educated and open to the  stance and vision of higher good, such appropriate changes could be made  much more easily, and sooner rather than later.

Saving the Planet

Many  are those who wish to 'save the planet' in your terms. So what is the  nature of mans relationship to the living planet? It would be best if  the relationships were to be synchronistic and be aware that a truly  harmonic  dialogue can take place now between the earth and  humankind. Those of you who have spent lifetimes as the Earth-Keepers,  the indigenous, the Druid, the Atla-Ra are to take the lead in such  communication. Indeed many of you such as the channel are here now  specifically to hold the energy of these dialogues, and they are  occurring.
Now, the difficulty with many others who are well  intended, is that they are not intuned, not of a high enough light  quotient to accept the true paradigm of the nature of reality.  And  so these, while they wish to assist, truly know not how. They believe  that to prevent the change or to move it elsewhere is appropriate;  better there than here, you see? Not all that wish to assist truly  understand the greater good, the higher purpose of those events you term  super hurricanes, volcanics, earthquakes and tsunamis.
So most  simply react in fear to these events, and wish to be free of the  anxiety. But to dissolve fear is not the same as understanding the fear  and therefore the masses of humankind transmute and actually recreate  it. To dissolve or to dissipate events of change is not necessarily of  benefit, not to the earth and not to humanity. The difficulty with those  that wish to assist is that they believe they are more academic in  their understanding and know better. Yet they omit the divine, they omit  the integrity of that termed spirit.  They do not  understand or see the perfection in what takes place because there is  great difficulty for those of closed minds or narrow vision to  comprehend  that all is in perfection, that all is in good  order. So then they do not add grease to the squeaky wheel, rather, they  try to block the cogs which then become still and stuck. And so turning  with the wheels of  transition  becomes that much more difficult, you see? Fear & ignorance is the great culprit of closed minds.

The Perfect Storm

Now  one of the very important frequency upshift mechanisms taking place on  your planet are the super hurricanes. These are greatly misunderstood,  and greatly feared. Again the fear. These are truly intended to charge  the oceans with magnificent energies. They are not intended to be drawn  to the lands. Hurricanes require water, and dissolve on land.

But  it is as if, the entire world becomes focused on where it will land,  what destruction it will cause, and the experts predict where it will  come to shore. And so with such global focus, indeed the hurricane is  pulled into shore as expected by the humans who watch in fascination and  fear.
The true purpose of these storms is to increase the energy  of the waters and to allow it to electrically expand. If these remain  at sea, then the electrical energy is simply conducted as gentle current  waves to very great proportion of the planet. As such it is conducted  to the land and peoples, not by wind and waves, but by its energy  current so that it may reach that many more beings. There is a  perfection to it, you see? There is what is called the perfect storm in  some ways, but the perfect storm is that which is the perfect blend of  electromagnetic currents. As these 'storms' then move through the fields  of humanity, they are of benefit, for the frequential ascension of the  planet and as such to the entirety of mankind.
Question to Metatron:  There have been some very powerful hurricanes that occurred over the  past several years. Is it accurate to say that when energy amasses in  such an organized fashion that it has a consciousness?
Metatron:  You  will note that the super hurricanes have a geometric aspect, and indeed  have a Fibonacci sequencial pattern. So we will say these 'organized'  elemental energy consolidations have an awareness, yes, but to call it a  consciousness is not appropriate. There is an awareness that comes  together. Do you see the difference? An awareness is that which is a  unit that works for a common purpose. A school of fish has an awareness,  as a unit working in harmony toward a common goal, a common purpose, a  single unit made of many individual components. This is not the same as a  consciousness, a succinct energy that expands and becomes a mind, a  very capable mind that truly wishes to become more, and is imbued with  that termed Divine Mind. That is consciousness, you see?
Question to Metatron : There were and are literally millions of people,  praying to soften the impact of the hurricanes that have occurred  over the recent past, and the one that just occurred now, and I do believe that this can have an impact. Is that correct?

Metatron:  Yes, energy of thought does indeed effect everything. But in essence,  that which can be prayed as well, must be toward highest good, and that  is to allow the benevolent electromagnetic shift that are the true  purpose of the hurricanes, but to have them remain at sea. To have them  dissipate and decrease before reaching land. But the misunderstanding is  that these storms can be eliminated. Indeed these must occur, they are  requisite to the Earth shift. On the higher level, all of you know this,  yet in duality it is understandably very difficult to grasp.

And  so the reaction of the masses is to pray in FEAR. As we have said, what  amplifies and draws hurricanes to specific locales is in part, mans  fear, mans emotionally negative focus on them. A group consciousness ,  an enormous group mass field of FEARFUL EXCITEMENT is amassed that in  fact draws them onto the land as well.  As you say, there  are millions praying, but what most are projecting is fear. "We do not  want this, we do not wish this, send it away !"

But  we say again, the major emotion behind their reaction is fear and that  fear magnetizes the event, and fear attracts that which is feared. It is  the Law of Attraction, with emphasis on the word 'Law'.

Media Focus

The entire hurricane occurrence becomes a media event, and the masses , particularly along the coastal regions  become  glued to the television screen and radios. The meteorologist draw  direction models and make predictions of where landfall will occur, and  the targeted area become magnetized. As such, mass consciousness energy,  of human emotional interference can become so enormous that it  interfaces and affects somewhat the events natural course. Again the  warnings from the meteorologists  are beneficial, and prudence would dictate heeding the advice to 'move to inland higher ground',  but many humans disregard the evacuation calls.

Now  of course the use of your technologies to give advance warning to  people of coming storms is in itself quite useful, quite benevolent, but  it is the aggrandizement by some media that to some extinct refashions  the occurrence into an opportunity for sensationalism to capture viewer  attention, and that is done in a manner that exacerbates fear and drama.  Do you understand the difference.

It is not to say that human emotion creates the event, but rather that the amassed fear, when accumulated  to a certain quantitative inertia can and will magnetize and attract  the energy of the hurricane to varying degrees.

If  this massive emotional energy were not fear based, it could in fact  have the effect of having the hurricane remain at sea, or to landfall in  a much less potent energy. So were the mass reactions attuned to  prayers of greatest good and harmlessness, without panic and fear, the  effect would have a very beneficial influence on the 'natural  occurrence'. It could prevent the emotionally charged amplification ,  rather than expand it, you see.

Question to Metatron: What is the higher purpose of the hurricanes?
Metatron: As we have said, the purpose is to enlarge the harmonic energies and to  expand the frequential increase and resonance over the water covered  areas of the planet, which in fact represent two thirds of the earth's  surface. Tornadoes fill that purpose over land. Cyclones, typhoons,  hurricanes and tornadoes all have the vortexial spinning and that  specific pattern both cleans and steps up energy not just on the surface  seas and lands, but feeds it deep into the planet in the spinning  vortexial format. The velocities and size carry specific ratios and are  dispersed into areas far wider than just the areas that it traverses.  They feed into leylines and axialtonal  energies to a very great proportion in order that the upshift  may reach many more areas & beings. There is a perfection to it, you see?
So  what is happening form the greater stance, from the higher perspective  is in perfect order. This is then the perfect storm in the aspect of  that which is the perfect blend of electromagnetic currents. The  imperfection that is attributed to it , is truly from the stance of  duality, from misunderstanding, from fear.

The Core of Global Warming

It is  an absolute fact that the increased potency of your hurricanes is due to  the warming of the waters. And as much as you humans want to assume the  responsibility of Global Warming, it is not due primarily to your  industrialization. Global warming would occur now even if you were a  campestral society. But do not misunderstand, environmental pollution  from industrial waste and emissions, must be brought under control for  the health of humanity and the living kingdoms of your planet.

But  the primary cause of global warming is the increase in spin of the  inner molten core of the earth. The accelerated core spin, increases the  mass & temperature of the molten iron-nickel of the core. The heat  generated warms the mantle. The higher spin affects the torque ratio  between the inner and outer core in the planets centre interior. These  rotate in opposite directions and different speeds.

It  is the very mechanism of this torque & ratio of torque change that  is increasing the flash of your time sequence on your planet. It also  increases mass of the inner core that subsequently increases the ionic  discharge you term the Schumann Resonance.

These  changes are profound in effect, and are involved in the evolution of  your planet and planetary matrix. The adjustments are ongoing and  require 'fine-tuning'.

At  present the 'tuning' is not complete, and so there is currently an  imbalance within the center of the planet, within the very core, as to  how the core spins both clockwise and counterclockwise and so then there  must be a balancing upon the earth as well. Otherwise, without such  balance the earth cannot truly move into its higher octaves in requisite  preparation for receival of higher dimensions.

So  in truth and in irony, the paradox and greater reality unknown to  masses of mankind is that without such balancing of the  electromagnetics, there would be even more earth changes. There would be  first an earthquake, then the hurricane and tornado to balance, you  see? Then another earthquake, then the hurricane and tornado creating a  pattern of its own, which would not be of assistance. In this way, then,  there is an anticipatory energy of how electromagnetics move about the  planet, circulating about the grid system and then permeating the earth  and then balancing within as well.

It is not  done necessarily to prevent earth changes, but to bring balance where  balance is appropriate. The imbalance, left unadjusted, we assure you,  would lead to cataclysm on the macro scale. Better then that the micro  events occur to bring the balance and in so doing prevent the macro you  see.

CME's & Celestial Influences

In  kind, there have been coronal mass ejections, solar storms creating  what is called solar winds that have been greater and greater and  greater in intensity ,some of the largest ever recorded. So you ask what  is the role of the solar winds, or the coronal mass ejections on the  ascension of the planet? We tell you these are changing the vibration  that affects the earth. They change the frequencies at which humanity's  minds operate. They provide the interface to higher dimensional access.
How  does this work? The energy that comes from the coronal mass ejections  is being absorbed into the tectonic plates of the earth and increasing  the vibratory resonance of the earth through that method. These work  particularly with certain power points and sacred sites. Particularly  those of geometric crystalline overlay. .

These then move through  the entire node systems of the earth. If such coronal mass ejections  create such a vibration, then the entire electromagnetic flow of the  earth is affected. The tides are affected, the tectonic plates, the mind  of humanity is affected, how humanity creates the reality in which it  lives, the illusion it believes, how it feels toward its own life, how  there is a community of beings or individual beings. All of this is  affected by that which comes from the sun, that which comes from the  solar wind.

Celestial Influences

Indeed,  there are myriad other celestial energy sources that are having a great  effect upon the ascension, beyond coronal mass ejections. It is best to  say that the sun coordinates all the others as well. When there are  other rays of influence, even these are absorbed, coordinated and  reflected by the sun.
Now the other celestial bodies, other  planets also effect and influence your planet. This has long been known,  but greatly misunderstood, greatly discounted. The channel asks how,  exactly, do the gravitational influences from other celestial bodies  affect the earth?

We tell you they move outward in rings of intention that are then carried by celestial intent, as it were, toward the earth.

Some of these are magnetic, some electromagnetic, others of a more subtle matter, that of zero field energy.

Now  the greatest mechanism of these energetic and frequential distributes  are what you term powerpoints. Particularly, as mentioned, those of  geometric overlay are among the greatest of these. It is the  crystallization, the sacred geometric matrix that receives, refines and  distributes these harmonics. This planetary node system of sacred sites,  grid points and powerpoints are is greatly involved in the ascension  process. Both for the planet and for mankind, you see..

The  storms the hurricanes offer further clearing, and soften and brighten  these energies. Not as a retribution, rather as a recalibration, rather  as a softening of the pendulum of duality. Indeed many of the industrial  cities in the Americas are being so effected. You see as those termed  the Indigos and Crystal children come into power, this area will serve  as a beacon in the New Energy.

The  Earth is an omnipotent presence. The Earth cannot be destroyed. Whether  you accept it or not, nothing is taken from the Earth that the Earth  does not allow. Man cannot destroy the earth, only his ability to live  on her. The Earth was just as conscious as a burning sphere of lava, as  she is now. The changes that are coming are agreed to by Gaia, indeed to  a great degree orchestrated by the sentience of earth, sun and that you  term Creator God. Know that all is in perfect order.
It is the Perfect Storm. Fear not.
I am Metatron, and You are Beloved.

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