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Norris on Space time factor

At the fundemantal ‘core’ of reality, there is a field of ‘energy’, some people call it ‘quantum foam’ some call it ‘the higgs field’ some call it ‘the source field’ some call it simply ‘space’. Max Planck called it a ‘Matrix’;

“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force…. We must assume behind this force the existence of a concious and intelligent Mind. This mind is the ‘matrix’ of all matter”. – Max Planck 1944

With these words, Max Planck, the father of quantumn theory , desribed a universal field of energy that connects everything in creation.

This field of energy is the source of all that is. On, he shows how this field (which he calls ‘space’) is the source of all particles in the universe. He demonstrates by using animations of waves, that where these waves converge, we can clearly see how the particles are formed. Seeing as the fundemental nature of reality then seems to be waves, we know that ‘waves’ are simply vibrations at different frequencies, so therefore reality at the fundemental level is ‘space vibrating at different frequencies (or ‘densities’), causing waves, which then cause particles’. Seeing as space can vibrate at quite possibly infinite levels, you will get infinite levels of reality (aka ‘dimensions’, parallell realities, heaven etc), all are simply ‘space’ or ‘quantum foam’ or ‘the higgs field’ vibrating at different levels.

Whats this got to do with evolution? Well, lets forget about that for a moment and go back to the start. For life to exist, it absolutely must have formed from inorganic matter, we all know that once upon a time the earth was a barren rock, with no life on whatsoever. Something happened that made this inorganic material organic. It is akin to a rock evolving into a plant. For this to happen, the odds are astronomical, some people would say its almost impossible, anyway, it happened. Its pretty much nothing short of a miracle. This is where the real magic is, evolution is nothing compared to what happened there, all the magic has already happened. So how did these organisms actually form from inorganic matter? Well a good place to look for answers is Professor Ignacio Pacheco’s experiments in spontaneous generation.

Prof Pacheco found evidence that life would spontaniously just appear out of ‘nothing’. He heated up sand from an ordinary beach to 1400 degrees celcius, which supposedly destroys all know forms of biological life, other than certain ones found in volcanoes and nuclear reactors. The sand was cooled off in a sterile environment and poured into a testube with distilled water. Each tube was then steralised twice with 24 hours between each steralisation. He then studied the particles floating on the top of the water after each 24 hour period and noticed what can only be described as biological lifeforms.

You can read his full paper and see the photos here:

So here we have evidence of life spontaniously generating, which would actually explain how life even started on the earth in the first place.

So now we have life, what happens next? Well, slowly but surely these lifeforms evolve, they adapt to their surroundings, mutate, replicate (in terms or bacteria) and reproduce. As the years go on this process continues, until you get to the plants and animals we see to today. I believe that the original organisms DNA manifest directly from the ‘source field’ or whatever you want to call the underlying field of energy that is the source of all that is. Our DNA acts as a ‘conduit’ to this field of energy, and interacts with it directly (which is the reason why we dont know what 90% of it does, we are looking for answers in the biological sense when I believe we will find them in the energetic sense, we just have to get out of these limited beliefs that we are purely biological beings!), in fact, it is DNA that actually manifests directly from the ‘source field’, which explains Pachecos experiments, and how life on earth started.

So how did humans actually come to be? I dont think anyone has the definitive answer to this just yet, however, its pretty much certain we did not evolve from apes. Human beings are very different to any other lifeform on the planet, it seems that we are the only ones that are self aware, that are actually conscious of being ‘conscious’. This has never been explained by science, and neither has the range of emotions such as love, hate, fear and happiness. I believe these emotions transcend the ‘physical’ and go beyond that, especially love, love is the very essence of our soul, pure love is what we truly are (awwwwww!) Love is a feeling that ‘science’ will never explain, they will try, they’ll say ‘its a simple chemical reaction in the brain that causes feelings of euphoria and well being’, I personally think its pointless trying to explain love scientifically, its just cant be done.

Now to explain the next part, we have to bring those good old Mayans into it. Now the Mayans created a number of different calanders, all based around ‘cycles’ that can stretch from millions of years to only a few hours. I wont get into all that as theres millions of websites you can visit that will explain these cycles, however, suffice to say the Mayans based their whole culture around these cycles. One of the main cycles is the 25,920 year cycle also known as the ‘precession of the equinox, which is based on the slight ‘wobble’ of the earth. What happens if we examine our own historical record with that in mind? Well we know that approx 28000 and 24000 years ago, roughly speaking, is when the neanderthals died out. If we go back approx 50000 years then we find this is the time when giant mammals experienced a mass extinction on every continent except Africa. Approx 50000 years ago was also when homo sapiens started making musical instruments, drawing, and making other more sophisticated tools such as harpoons and arrowheads. Religious and spiritual art also appeared approx 50000 years ago. Human skulls found in Africa have recently been dated to approx 200000 years ago and are not from neanderthals. This indicates that for a very long time our ancestors wandered around uncultured with no music, art or relgion. then boom, its all there. by the time the first humans left Africa they had it all.

A couple of paleontologists called David Raup and James Sepkoski studied the largest collection of Marine fossils ever assembled, comprising 3600 different kinds of ocean life ( As they studied the fossils they realised a pattern, every 26 million years new species were spontaneoulsy appearing in short bursts in the fossil record, and this pattern extended back approx 250 million years, out of a total of 542 million years of catolgued fossils.

A physics professor at the university of california called Dr Richard A Muller then discovered another pattern in Raup and Seposkis data. They realised that approx every 62 million years all life on earth went through a relativly spontaneous ‘upgrade’, transforming the existing species into newer more evolved forms. Their results were published in National Geographic ( Muller’s opinion was that it will be explained by astronomy. Astronomers have since discovered that our solar system travels in a long see-saw wavelike motion moving above and below the galctic plain as it goes around the galaxy. One complete cycle of up and down movement has been calculated to take approx 64 million years, which is suspicously close to the 62 million years cycle dicovered in the fossil record. Obviously with such vast astromical calculations this could be slightly incorrect, and could very well be 62 million years. These numbers are also very close to the time when the Dinosaurs became extinct (65 million years ago).

So to conlcude; we have an ancient culture who based their entire way of life on cycles based on the stars, and we have evidence in the fossil record, as well as correlation with certain times when human culture and evolution seemed to take a ‘jump’ that relates very well with these cycles. In my opinion, as we travel around the galaxy, we move into areas of ‘space’ (or the ‘Source Field’, or ‘Higgs Field’ or whatever you want to call it, they are all the same) that vibrate differently from the one we are currently in, resulting in different ‘densities’ of ‘space’. This directly affects our DNA. We are currently at the end of one of these 25,920 year cycles, we are also about to cross the galactic plain, and we are about to evolve into a new type of human. It seems that at the end of every cycle, ‘energetically driven evolution’ happens, and is directly linked to our DNA.

“that still doesnt answer where we came from though!” I hear you say, well OK, this is what I think. Many thousands of years ago, planet earth was ‘seeded’ by many different ET’s from all across the galaxy (Which explains why there are so many different ‘races’ of human such as black, white, asian, oriental (how does Darwinsm explain that one again) these ET’s may also be what we call ‘Angels’). The reason for this is a spiritual one. As a human being, a human soul, we have come to here to learn lessons, to advance as a soul. To do this we needed physical bodies. The ET’s genetically created these bodies using their own genes, mixed with those of a primate, so our souls can then incarnate into them. At some point along the lines another, pretty evil race of beings called the Annunaki appeared, when they appeared human beings were in a state of disarray, it was just after the fall of Atlantis (oh yes! Atlantis was real alright), we were fucked, dazed and confused. The Annunaki took advantage of that, genetically ‘messed’ with us in a negative way, and then told us that they were our creators and were ‘gods’. We fell for it hook line and sinker. Why would this be allowed? Why would the original ET’s that seeded us allow this to happen? because of the lessons that our souls can learn through the experience.

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