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If We Are in the Matrix Who Controls Us? The Truth May Be Surprising



( ) Morpheus told Neo that he was a slave. A slave to whom? The matrix. Now, what exactly is this matrix and who runs it? Did the movie The Matrix give us clues about our own world and how it works? Or, was it just entertainment and fiction?



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berlin wall, g20, bilderberg, new international order, alex jones, 2012 end of the world, mayan prophecies, revelation, prophecy, terrorists, 9/11 inside job, false flag, david rockefeller, illuminati in movies, subliminal messages in movies, domestic terrorists, global financial crisis, collapse of the dollar, end of the world as we know it, gerald celente, end of america, global government, north american union, tea parties, washington dc, war in afganistan, war in iran, politics, news, current events, trends, economy, economic meltdown, global dictatorship, haarp, chem trails, endless war, riots, chaos, martial law, end of days, new president, election, social breakdown, disorder, obama deception, police state, military industrial complex, conspiracy, world trade center, new mosque, barry soetoro, joker agent of chaos, obama the joker, elite, illuminati, globalists, 2012 agenda, new world order in 2013, new world order in 2012, lies, deception, anarchy, second revolution, G-20 summit, g20 summit, bilderberg 2010, john todd, heath ledger, lindsey williams, oil spill, doom, nibiru, planet x, ufos, trillions of dollars in debt, new world order conspiracy, martial law in america 2010, martial law in america 2012, economic collapse 2010, economic collapse, economic collapse 2012, police state 2010, police state 2012, world trade center, building 7, cnn, nbc, cnbc, abc, fox news, latest news, martial law, the matrix, michael jackson death, michael jackson illuminati, tupac death, morpheus, neo, trinity, matrix fight scene, matrix red pill blue pill, neo the one, keanu reeves



Escaping the Matrix full length June 11 2011 original



Please understand how the eyes and brain work. This is the real key to understanding what we call life!



The physical world is not real.



Athene's Theory of Everything



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