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The Sphinx Speaks ~ Mother & Father ~ via Petra Margolis
Posted: 12 Jul 2013 06:19 PM PDT

There will always be misconceptions about this subject of having a mother and father.

The representation of having a mother and father on earth is not related to having a father and mother in spirit.

When you consider yourself a source being, do you consider source a father or a mother, or both, or maybe none of those two.

As a human on earth you have both, some see the birthing through the mother as the most important function and relate this back within their spiritual belief systems.

The function of the father is in many ways not related to as to being a part of your presence upon earth.

Yet throughout nature you see the process of having a mother and father with animals and even plants rely upon a certain form of mother and father at times.

There are two energies coming together to shape the physical into a human form.

You have chosen to do this upon earth, yet, there are many other planets within your universe and beyond your universe that have similar processes.

This is related to you by the many galactic beings you consider to be mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters.

They might have a different way of bringing together two energies to create a physical or even energetic being, but they use two, the mother and the father.

The earth is in no way involved in this process; in fact you being able to live upon earth is more related to what is around the earth, the oxygen levels and more, than the earth itself.

The dinosaurs disappeared as there was a change in the surrounding of the earth, there was less oxygen to support these large beings, yet these beings had a mother and father, just like you.

Earth was there to feed them, but to be more precise, there were many other energy forms, like plants and other animals that were more involved in the survival process of these animals at that time.

Just like many of you would not be able to survive without plants and in many cases animals that have chosen to represent themselves upon the earth.

It is a combination of many factors that makes it possible for you to attain a physical body upon earth, and many forget this part as they go through their spiritual process of learning about who they are and where they came from.

You have never been birthed by the earth or any other being, unless you consider that you were being birthed through source.

The birthing process you relate to is an alchemical process of creating a specific from of life to experience and express yourself as either a human or other life form.

There are many types of consciousness experiences and actually many different types of energies that experience and represent themselves in different ways.

Just imagine the earth is a culmination of many other planets, the earth was formed to what some call space dust but also great rocks and parts of other planets that at one point either encountered each other and had parts breaking off, or in fact stars that at one point imploded and their leftovers were and still are floating within your universe.

The earth has all of them within them, as do many other planets.

Depending upon the alchemical relation between all those energies coming together, the planet starts to form in a certain way.
Some like the earth have a specific band of energy, or substance that starts to take form; other might not have this and would seem more dead.

The connection between you and the earth is a mutual understanding, more than something you have a right to.

You chose the earth at this time and a long time ago as it was a planet that allowed for certain forms of physical existence.

Just like many other groups of consciousness have chosen the earth; animals, plants and more.

This created a type of balance that you are still using, a mutual understanding, an agreement you might say, to be on earth with all these other groups of consciousness and explore, learn and experience certain parts of your being.

The earth herself has her own consciousness as she is after all energy just like you, you yourself could have taken the place of earth, just like each person is allowed to experience what it is like to be a planet.

In this case the earth has just like the plant, animals and you a different type of consciousness. This type of consciousness is mostly found within planets as this type of consciousness has not experienced the physical human form, or any other physical form besides being a planet.

Many have and are still referring to the earth as the mother, this is a long integrated belief system that was used to explain in a way to humans their existence and ability to exist upon earth. As well as what many see as the support of the earth to survive within a physical body.

Like we already explained, your survival upon earth is more reliant upon the many other forms that are present upon the earth and around your earth.

Just imagine the earth with no animals, no water, no plants, you as a human would not be able to survive in the form you have at this moment.

If your surrounding would disappear, the oxygen and more, you would not be able to survive in the form you have at this moment, in fact many other types of consciousness, like the plants and animals would not be able to survive.

Over time your surroundings have changed, remember the dinosaurs, and this change will continue. Some is the result of the many humans present upon earth, but the overall change is just a natural process happening ever time.

Some adjustments will be made over time as to how the human form and other forms will survive within these changing surrounding circumstances. Yet, this is far away in the future and does not have an effect upon you as humans at this moment.

Do you have a right to be on earth?

In a way the answer would be no, in another way, yes because certain agreements were made with your surrounding environment.

Many times you speak of the abuse of the earth, abuse of what is happening to the earth, or what humans are doing to the earth.

There are many agreements between many different types of consciousness.

The plants and animals have their own agreements.

When you look at certain types of plants for example, they are grown by farmers, as a mutual agreement with the earth between the plants and humans.

Certain plants will take out all of what they can to grow, and the farmer will have to grow either a different plant or leave that part of the land alone to recuperate, as that part of the land with not have enough food for another round of growing.

Would you consider that abuse, by the plant, the farmer, or the human?

Circumstances have changed upon earth from the beginning of time, and in many ways the so called agreements have changed and been adjusted over time as well.

Is there abuse happening at times, you could say yes in a way, yet you are many times forgetting that everything is energy, this includes the earth and all other forms of life upon her.

It has an effect upon you as a human, but as far as the effect on the energy, that is completely different.

What does have an effect is how you connect and are many times told to use the energy of the earth to your own advancement.

This in a human way and spiritual way can be considered as abuse.

The earth is in no way responsible for your wellbeing in any shape or form.

You are using the earth however as a substitute for what you are looking for from a human way of believing and thinking.

As a human you have a mother and father to birth into a human form.

As a spiritual being, you were birthed through source.

The earth is not your mother; she is just like you, another being, experiencing, exploring and growing back to her own spiritual existence as a source being.

The consciousness or being that is within the earth took her place in the earth as the physical form was already there.

You in fact do the same as a spiritual being, the physical form is already created through your mother and father as you take your place within that physical form.

You become that physical form, just like the earth became her physical form in a way.

Much to think about as you think about who you are, where you came from and how to move further upon your spiritual path and human path.

Do not confuse the spiritual reality with the physical reality in a way that does not allow you to fully experience both.

Within the spiritual reality there are no rights, and you have all the rights.

Within the physical reality you have both as well, yet there are circumstances that are partly created by you and parts that are created by others that might seem to interfere with those rights, and in fact many times actually are interfering.

This is in a way unavoidable within the human form.

You can change this, but in a way that will really be a change. Not something that is just within your own mind, your way of thinking and believing, but is also represented in a physical way in your life and surroundings.

From one source to another
July 11, 2013

Petra Margolis

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