Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

The seventh ray of ceremonial order and magic is connected to the violet transmuting flame. The head of the seventh ray department is Saint Germain.

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  • Dear Friends,
    Our Master Saint Germain is always with us along with His Violet Flame of Forgiveness and Freedom.
    Always remain along with this Ray of Violet Fire so that we can't have any Negative Vibration in Our Auras...
    Our Master is always taking care of us...We have mainly 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 7th Ray for our daily connection !
    All the Seven Rays give us the Rainbow for Protection and making our Lives smooth and without any problems !
    We are Love, Light and Wisdom togather with our Three fold Flame !
    Daily we have to invoke for charging our Body, Mind and Soul !!
  • If you let them, the words to the intro below, which came to me from Archangel Michael,  can take you into a deep & Blissful meditation.... But let me also invite you to meditate with the video as well.

    Let us join together now & call forth our I Am Presence & our Soul to merge with our mind & with our 4-body system...... and we relax now into the Light & Love of our Soul. ... following our deep & rhythmic breathing now....we let our awareness expand into the Formless Consciousness of All of Creation - that Divinely Pure Love, Bliss, & Joy of the Supreme Creator... and we call forth now the Divine Mother Aspect of God with the empowering aspect of Mother Divine within us....and we call forth the Divine Father Aspect of God within us.....and we feel Father/Mother/God merging with our three-fold Heart Flame, and merging with our 4-body system.....and now we know that when our mind is still....merged with the Pure Divine Awareness of God within us - that we can communicate directly with God.... we can ask for Divine Guidance from God ....we can ask for God's Presence within us to lead and guide us in every moment.... we can ask for God's Presence within us to help us ascend into the 5th Dimension..... we can ask for God's Presence within us to help us be of Divine Service to every human being & to our beloved planet, Gaia, in the most perfect Divine Way for each of us....we can ask God's Presence within us to help us live every moment merged with the Divine Light & Love & Wisdom of our Soul.

  • Dear Amba,


    Love, Light and Blessings....


  • 1938924378?profile=original

    That is a stunning picture you posted Christoffer in November last.



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  • Dear Natasha,

    Thanks for this beautiful picture....


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Majestic Mount Shasta Retreat......From 12th To 15th September 2014...From Weave The Web....

Majestic Mount Shasta Retreat       Friday, September 12 through Monday, September 15th, 2014   Coming Into Alignment with your Divine Self      A mysterious mountain full of secrets, rises to a height of over 14,162 feet above sea level, as one of the largest volcanic peaks in the continental United States.  For me this is a very special place;  she is so much more than just a  mountain.  Considered one of the most sacred in the world,   she summons the spiritual pilgrim seeking truth…

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Message from Michael * * * Worldwide Newsletter - Part 199, St. Germain's Call to Lightworkers: Life Post-RV

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Live Channeling of Saint Germain ~ Series 2 Part 2 ~ Individual Ascension and Collective Ascension ~ via Méline Lafont

Live Channeling of Saint Germain ~ Series 2 Part 2 ~ Individual Ascension and Collective Ascension ~ via Méline Lafont Posted: 03 Sep 2013 08:30 PM PDT Andy: Another question that I have is: there are a lot of channellings and different things out there that talk about the collective Ascension, that there is also a collective Ascension in addition to an individual Ascension and that a certain threshold percent that needs to be reached for the collective to ascend.…

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St. Germain's Instructions for Currency Exchange and Celebration!

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