


Berkeley Springs, WV


June 23

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Tell us about yourself? (All answers must be full sentence answers for your membership to be approved)

I'm a teacher of meditation, Reiki, Ho-oponopono, and various other forms of conflict resolution and mediation. I've been working consciously with Ascended Masters and Christed Space Brothers consciously since 1979.

What brought you here?

I was doing an Internet search for protection mantras and found the wonderful mantra posted on this website.

What can you contribute?

Whatever might be helpful to reduce suffering and increase joy and healing and ascension.


Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Dr, Usi, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada, Jesus, Dr. Joshua David Stone, and various ascended masters unknown to the vast majority of human beings.


Vedic scriptures, A Course in Miracles, various books on Reiki and healing, and many of Dr. Joshua David Stone's books on spiritual life and ascension, and The Masters of the Far East. There are many more that I can list.


The Shack, Dances with Wolves, The Celestine Prophecy,


I like all kinds of music.


To heal and serve and offer support whenever and wherever I can.

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Berkeley Springs

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  • Happy Birthday! Thank you for being you! May abundant blessings be upon you always. Love and Light

  • Happy Birthday! Thank you for being you! We appreciate you! May abundant blessings be upon you always. Love and Light

  • Happy Birthday! May abundant blessings be upon you always. Love and Light.
  • 9916362299?profile=RESIZE_710x

    I am delighted to welcome you to The City of Shamballa. Infinite Blessings & Overlighting Energies of The Creator's Love & Crystalline Rainbow Light with Ever-Unfolding & Expanding Enlightenment, Wisdom, Healing, Peace, Joy, & Abundance that are Divinely Perfect for You in Every Moment !

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