Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

A group where we can share information about Usui Reiki with eachother. Since there are so many different teachings I think that we can learn a lot from eachother.


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  • Wonderful site! 


    For the tribe of Gaia


  • thank you Chris for creating this speacial space for all Reiki Usui practitioners. I'm a Reiki Master formed in Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition. May my acts and words honored this noble teachings and lineage! lots of Blessings!

  • Thank you for the invitation to this group Chris

    Blessings and Light


  • I'm been a Reiki practitioner since 1993 and received my Master-Teacher training and attunements in 1998. Since then I have developed a personal Intuitive Reiki practice which I am now combining with Shamanic healing techniques.

  • Today I was doing a long distance healing on a client. As I was doing the healing my guides told me I was not loving the person enough. I said I did not know the person, so I was being neutral. They said No, that is not the way we want you to do healing.

    I thought about it. I said what if I loved him/her like I love my brother. They said No, that's not enough.

    I thought about it. I said what if I loved him/her like I was doing healing on myself. They said YES, do all healings on others as if you are doing the healing on yourself.

    The person may have a different name, but it is really yourself that I you doing the healing on.

    I felt the love quotient for my client go through the roof!!!! It was amazing.

    Just thought I would share that with you guys.

    Namaste, have a GREAT day!


  • With aromatic oils it is olso very good

  • Something I have been experimenting for the past two years.....

    In Reiki practice we are taught to hold our fingers together when giving the energy. I found that QiGong Master Chunyi Lin, who gives us Spring Forest QiGong, teaches to give healing with fingers open so that all of the chakras are open in the fingers as well as the palm chakras.

    I have been giving healing on myself and others with the fingers open for about the last two years and can say that I find it far more powerful. 

    Please experiment with this yourselves and see what you think.

  • Thank you! (((Hugs)))



  • Hi all. Thank you for inviting me Christoffer. I began learning Reiki in 1994 with the Reiki Alliance. My teacher was taught by one of the original Western teachers, and Mrs. Takata was in the class. That was exciting to learn. But when it came to paying $10,000.00 for my Master Class, I realized I needed to look elsewhere for instruction. Apparently many others had the same idea and many Reiki offshoots were born. I took one of the classes and have to admit it was one of the worst classes I ever took. I continued searching and eventually took my second Master's class from the Center for Reiki Training (William Rand) before they went International.

    I have just read Chris Comish's book 28 Reiki Attunements. I think it is fantastic. I think that this energy is available to all who ask. Does it put us Reiki Teachers out of business? Maybe. But I could care less about that if I know that more and more people are opened up to the Reiki/Divine energy. It should not only be available to an exclusive few. I am very excited about all of this.

    I did the first New Reiki attunement and found that I got a beautiful download of energy. So I know it really really works. 

    It's exciting to see all of these new ways of making this energy available to everyone.

    If you can find others in your area who are in a loving Reiki space, please join with them in 'Shares', where everyone practices on everyone else.

    This world is only getting more wonderful thanks to you Christoffer and Chris.

    I look forward to exploring even more of your information.

    Love Love Love


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  This is the 6th video in the Transformational Meditation series. i just created a new public video playlist with 6 of the 8 videos in the series: . Even though you will see & be able to view 9 vidoes in the playlist right now, please know that the last 3 videos in the playlist are not in the original series - but are definitely powerful trnasformational videos for ascension & spritual growth that I produced earlier. FOR A GLIMPSE OF…

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  This is the 5th meditation in a series of 8 "Transformational Meditation Videos", a Divine gift from the Galactic Federation. An easy way to access all 5 videos is to visit my video page on YouTube: . You may even want to make a playlist on YouTube with all of the videos so you can meditate with one or more of them at one time (they're all about 21 minutes long) - which I think you will find is fun & immensely rewarding.   And now we journey once again &…

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