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  • Hi! I've only joined this group because of David Wilcock's messages.
  • Hi! In this case the message is more important than the man and its my only reason for joining this group.
  • Hi! I'am only joining this group because David Wilcock is promoting Archangel Michaels material in book form but unfortunately I deny the existance of such a being for lack of scientific concrete evidence.
  • The Good Force be with forever & prosper! Alleluia! Amen! <3 O:) * (Y)

  • Thank You AMBA and AA Michael....again,again and again...

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    “Angels! Sing on your faithful watches keeping; Sing us sweet fragments of the songs above, While we toil on, and soothe ourselves with weeping, Till life's long night shall break in endless love.”

    - Frederick William Faber,
    "The Pilgrims of the Night"


    “We must be aware that angels keep in close and vital contact with all that is happening on the earth. Their knowledge of earthly matters exceeds that of men. Let us believe that they are here among us.”

    - Billy Graham, "Angels: God's Secret Agents"


    “Soft as the voice of an angel
    Breathing a lesson unheard;
    Hope with a gentle persuasion
    Whispers her comforting word.”

    - Alice Hawthorn
    - "Whispering Hope"

  • “Friendship is...the sort of love one can imagine between angels.”

    - C.S. Lewis


    “Angels listen deeply with genuine intent, compassion, and love.”

    - Dan Martell,
    "About Angels"


    “[Angels] are seen as male or female, with wings of every color or without any wings at all. They appear as babies -- cherubs -- or as giants big as jumbo jets. They come as splendid warriors armed with flashing swords or as gentle, girlish, barefoot things, luminous in white. Their eyes are pools of love.”

    - Sophy Burnham


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    “The sensible world is mine, and the Angel--world is of my weaving and fashioning.”

    - Abdul Karim Jili
    - "The Perfect Man"

  • Thank you Amba...

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A.A. Michael...Channeling From Celia Fenn...Earth, Water,Wind, Fire And Spirit : The Seeds Of New begining.

The New Earth Energies September 2013 a message from Archangel Michael   channeled by Celia Fenn Wednesday, 11 September, 2013  Earth, Water, Wind, Fire and Spirit : The Seeds of the New Beginning Beloved Family of Light, the New Dream is emerging on your Earth in the Vision and the Voices of your young people, the Indigo and Crystal Generation. At the same time, the Old Dream and the Old Energies are falling into chaos and confusion as their energy recedes and they no longer know which way…

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A.A. Michael...Channeling From Celia Fenn...Earth, Water,Wind, Fire And Spirit : The Seeds Of New begining.

The New Earth Energies September 2013 a message from Archangel Michael   channeled by Celia Fenn Wednesday, 11 September, 2013  Earth, Water, Wind, Fire and Spirit : The Seeds of the New Beginning Beloved Family of Light, the New Dream is emerging on your Earth in the Vision and the Voices of your young people, the Indigo and Crystal Generation. At the same time, the Old Dream and the Old Energies are falling into chaos and confusion as their energy recedes and they no longer know which way…

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ARCHANGEL MICHAEL ~ WORKING WITH WANDERING OR ERRANT SOULS/GHOSTS Posted: 09 Jul 2013 07:23 PM PDT Introduction For centuries the subject of ghosts and apparitions of those that have passed but have not the material realms has been a fascinating and very mysterious subject in the opinion of the typical Urantia mortal. This is one of the most serious consequences of the Lucifer rebellion as well as the failure of the material son and daughter’s mission of genetic uplifting of the human races…

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ARCHANGEL MICHAEL ~ THE NEW ENERGY & THE NEW HUMAN ~ via Meredith Murphy Posted: 22 Jun 2013 07:17 PM PDT Telepathic Transmission Beloved Ones and Dear Family of Light, You have traveled a corridor of light to the New Earth. During this journey you have encountered increasingly high vibrations and with this container of presence altering and unfolding, you have been uplifted, clarified, activated and awakened into more remembering. Countless energies have focused upon…

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