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channeled by Mariah Windsong

Synergy Within provides you the functions necessary to easily adjust the ratios of male and female energy within your body at any time. Some people
are uncomfortable in the gender body they were born into. Gender Freedom! If you were in an androgynous form prior to your life on Earth, being in one gender is an odd inner pressure until balance is known.
Anyone, single or in a relationship will benefit from Synergy Within’s influx of the perfect balance of Divine Masculine and Feminine.

Singles, courting or those in a romantic relationship or marriage:
Know the freedom of having your male and female energy needs met bySource, thus arriving to your mate or prospective mate whole, well and glowing! Everyone has both male and female energy within them.
When there is an imbalance of male/female energy in ratio to the gender you are, there is discomfort and neediness. Many people in a relationship await
their mate to give them affection and share energy with them.
While intimate sharing is very beneficial to a relationship, you need not await such in order to have your energy needs met.
By receiving the wonderfully perfect balance of masculine and feminine energies of Synergy Within, you will be well inside. Many people arrive to
their mate feeling needy, on a daily basis. You will now be able to have inner synergy of masculine and feminine energies that enhance your being.

Starseeds and those of Angelic Lineage or other androgynous forms:
Many starseeds and those of some Angelic or other lineages from various places and dimensions have soul memories of lives in bodies that exhibited
no gender. These androgynous light or physical bodies were comfortable.
Now, being in a body of one gender, an imbalance is daily felt and disliked. Synergy Within will bring the influx of the other gender and balance within.

There is a great need on this planet for a synergy and balance of gender energy. So many beings have arrived to assist humanity and planet Earth’s path into Light and away from the Karma game that was set forth here.

To receive attunement,find a quiet place, close your eyes, say mentally: I am now willing to receive Synergy within as sent for me by Amba....thank you....The attunement lasts about 20 minutes...

this attunement is free of charge and it is my gift to members here...
Blessings, Amba


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  • Thank you. :)

  • Thank you AMBA this is a great and joyful attunement!

  • Merci Chere Amba, cest dune grande utilité pour chacun. Merci.

  • Hello,
    Can I take it for free?

  • 1939076674?profile=original

    Such a nice attunement !Thanks a lot!

  • Brilliant attunment. Thank you Amba.
  • 1939075318?profile=original

  • Dear Amba,

    Thanks to you for this event and Maris to share it with us...

  • Thank you !

  • Thank you Amba, love

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