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People ask me, is the Earth ascending? I say yes. To show this, I made a webpage that gathers many YouTube channels of high frequency. It is not all inclusive but I wanted to show how much Love and Light is on Earth today.


Did you know? There are

Can we help you with anything? Would you like to leave feedback? 

Click on the link below to send an email to the City of Shamballa.

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Arashnemati is a Reiki Master and is trained in other energy modalities as well. He is a healer and helps out the community through his healing service work. He also shares wisdom with the online community. His valuable contributions, s


Marcia Silva

Marcia contributes by providing attunements, distant Reiki sessions, and love and light. Some of her attunement events include Mental Deep Care Attunement, Blockages Removal Vibration Reiki, Peace Flush Reiki and many more. Her goals a

Watch the video below to learn about the City of Shamballa Social Network.

The City of Shamballa has been Heaven on Earth since 2009.



More information:

The City of Shamballa was founded by Chris Comish in September 2009.


Chris Comish is a Reik

The City of Shamballa partners with members who have businesses or organizations that resonate with Love and Light. Check out the links below to view their pages. If you are a member and wish to add your business or organization please message Chris

Premium Membership subscriptions and member donations support the hosting costs of this network and keep the network running. Some of the funds received are also donated to charities providing disaster relief. The City of Shamballa social network bel

You may contact The City of Shamballa Social Network using the form below for any questions or concerns you have related to this network. Once you arrive at the Typeform thumbs up page your form has been submitted. We will respond to you in a few day

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These Guidelines are for all who visit


Please observe these simple rules before posting:


1. The Law of One (We are all One, please respect each other)
2. The Law of Karma (Every cause has an effect)
3. The Law of F

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The following individuals have generously donated to the City of Shamballa/Chris Comish enabling energies and universal consciousness to continue to flow around the world and are therefore placed upon the Wall of Gratitude. The individuals and their

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#1 – The Law of Free Will (Free Will exists, and We all have Free Will that must be respected.....Also allows the Choice for positive or negative polarity.)

#2 – The Law of Cause and Effect (also known as Karma or the Law of Balance)

#3 – The Law


Louise de Jong


Louise, from The Netherlands, has been with the City of Shamballa since October 2012. She is an Usui and Kundalini Reiki Master and also offers healing to others.  Her supportive comments and interaction with the community have stre

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Fay Kelley Photography

Fay Kelley lives in New River, Arizona, usa, and has been pursuing her love of art for more years than she cares to mention. The scope of her work includes abstract, symbolic, representational, light weaves, sports photography,

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