Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

A group about the sacred order of Melchizedek.

133 Members
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  • Dear Friends,
    Today I am feeling so Good that I have return Home after a long Time !
    Sending All here Lots of Love , Light and Blessings,
  • Thank you for allowing me to join you

  • Let be known Kala Dharma is holding free Membership for the high cansel of Urantia

  • 1938974293?profile=original

  • "Melchizedek, I ask you to come now and , by the Divine Grace you have, I'm asking you to bring the Golden Gate and  to anchor in and around our entire energy matrix.Melchizedek, open the Gate and introduce me to the Golden Room, now, according to my ultimate good; please, heal and clean my bodies and fields from everything that differs from my highest good.Thank you!"


  • Thank you for the Group and for letting me be a member.

    With peace and goodwill to all,


  • Thank you for accepting me in this group. I am honored .

  •  Someone know who is Lady Sachita? How she work? What power or ray she have or use?

  •  I  am honored and I thank you because you've allowed me to become a member of this group which radiates high energy so sacred of Melchizedek.

  • I have searched information for a long time on Melchisedek, I am happy to be across exchanges there.

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Mistakes Provide Us with Unlimited Learning Potential ~ Melchizedek’s

Mistakes Provide Us with Unlimited Learning Potential ~ Melchizedek’s Weekly Message for August 18 – 25, 2013 ~ via Julie Miller August 18 – 25, 2013 ~ via Julie Miller Posted: 18 Aug 2013 07:28 PM PDT Mistakes happen and there is no one that likes to make them. Without mistakes the learning you accomplished afterwards would not have occurred. When you allow the mistakes to guide you correctly, you will progress forward along your current journey with confidence and you will achieve. Any…

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Latest videos from Anrita Melchizedek for 5 Aug 2013

Latest videos from Anrita Melchizedek for 5 Aug 2013 Published on 2 Aug 2013 Activation of the Crystalline Sun DNA Templates Mp3 download In this Golden Age of Light, we now have the opportunity to activate our Crystalline Sun DNA Templates, the crystalline matrix of our fifth dimensional I AM Avatar Bodies of Light. The 2012 shift in consciousness took us ever deeper into the…

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The Melchizedek & Pleiadian Light Network ~ Illuminations with the Archangels ~ Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary Co-created ~ via Anrita Melchizedek

The Melchizedek & Pleiadian Light Network ~ Illuminations with the Archangels ~ Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary Co-created ~ via Anrita Melchizedek Posted: 25 Jun 2013 09:42 PM PDT Let us start, sweet ones, this guided visualization, where you will connect with Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary, Archangel of Healing and Truth, by breathing deep into the body, feeling this deep love within yourselves, feeling this deep Love to all Life. Finding a rhythm in your breath,…

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A Message as Co Creators.....A Transmission From Elders.....By Anrita Melchizedek.....

~ A Transmission from the Elders co-created by Anrita Melchizedek Welcome, sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now, in this sacred month of July, as you experience the sacred Cosmic Fire of Wisdom through the Overlighting of Helios and Vesta, your god-parents and the Solar Logii for this solar system. Sweet ones, when we talk about wisdom we are talking about Ancient Wisdom and the wisdom that you hold within yourselves; and through this, your connection to the many…

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