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Goddess of Liberty
ascended master Goddess of Liberty ascended masters

Service to God in Life

* Also known as:
o Lady Liberty
o Liberty
o Mother Liberty
o Demeter 9
o Ceres 9

* First Public Dictation / Discourse:
o October 13, 1937 New York City, New York U.S.A. 4

* Divine Quality
o Liberty
o Freedom
o Illumination - Represents the Second Ray on the Karmic Board. 6

* Divine Ray & Sacred Fire
o Liberty Flame
o Threefold Flame

* Office in Hierarchy
o Serves as One of the Lords of Karma - the Karmic Board for this planet 5
o Spokesman for the Karmic Board 6
o Holds the God Consciousness of Liberty for our world. 6
o The Goddess of Liberty is the Hierarch and Initiator with the Lords of Karma under the Solar Hierarchy of Leo, testing the lifestreams of Earth in the quality of God-Gratitude, and sensitivity to - and appreciation of - every part of Life. 6
o Interceded for the Earth and secured the Dispensation for the release of the Cosmic Light in the 1930's after the old occult laws had been set aside 5

* Angels
o Angels of Liberty
o Angels of the Lords of Karma
o Legions of Liberation

* Historical and Literary References
o The Goddess of Liberty was known in antiquity to the Greeks as Demeter. 9 She was named "The Goddess of Liberty" for Her complete and wholehearted identification with the Divine Quality and Flame of Liberty - Her "God Consciousness" of Liberty. Her statue on Liberty Island (formerly Bedloe's Island) in New York harbor portrays the figure of Longfellow's "Lady with a Lamp," whom he prophesied "shall stand in the great history of the land, a noble type of good, heroic womanhood." She is the archetype of the "Woman clothed with the Sun" and the new age woman - inspiring the nations to Illumined Action by the Torch of Illumination and the Book of the Law. 6

* Retreat
o Temple of the Sun - While embodied on Atlantis, She erected the Temple of the Sun where Manhattan Island now is. With the sinking of Atlantis, the physical temple was destroyed, but the etheric counterpart remains on the etheric plane where she continues to focus the Flame of Liberty on the central altar surrounded by twelve shrines dedicated to the Twelve Hierarchies of the Sun. 6

* Electronic Pattern:
o A Hand with a Torch 5

* Appearance:
o Larger in stature than the people of Earth 5
o Usually wears white with blue 5

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Goddess Of Liberty.......

"I AM the Spirit of Liberty, the Guardian Presence of that Virtue from the Heart of the Great Sun of this System, endowed with the Responsibility, the Obligation and the Opportunity to cultivate and keep Liberty and Love of Liberty alive within the consciousness of the evolutions progressing upon the planets of this System.

"It has been My Service through the ages, since I first accepted the assignment of magnetizing, condensing, holding and radiating the Quality of Liberty from the Electronic Belt around the Sun, to nourish and develop the desire for Liberty within all Life, to keep alive within the minds and hearts of the people of the planets that Innate Cosmic Quality which is part of their own God Heritage.

"Many, many of the Virtues which represent the Twelve-fold Nature of the Deity would have been completely forgotten, were it not for the Temples in the Electronic Belt around the Sun and the Beings Who, within those Temples, concentrated the Positive Ray of that Virtue which They represent, as a Pressure into the atmosphere which is breathed into the outer consciousness with the breath. The Virtue of Liberty and Love for Liberty has been guarded and guided by My Lifestream into the hearts of those who have been chosen, by their own affinity to this Quality, to establish and sustain Foci of Liberty at various points on the Earth's surface and, at various times on the screen of Life, particularly when the Light of Liberty grew dim and tyrants and despots refused to allow the Flaming Presence within the heart to express through the masses. . . . "

" . . . Into many a heart have I anchored My Flame, by the side of many an earnest man and woman have I stood and, pouring the pressure of My Love of Liberty throughout that one, enabled them in the face of personal peril, to stand against despotism and tyranny. Then they built again a sanctuary of Liberty of conscience, Liberty of opportunity and Liberty to pursue that course which their hearts desired. . . . "

" . . . One day, when your service to this planet has been completed, when you have taken the stand within the Immortal Flame of Life within your heart that you will not take dishonest liberties with Life, when you allow the Christ-Spirit in mind and feelings, in word and action, to go free, one day you will have served enough! That shall be the happiest day in all My experience when I say to you: 'Beloved, you are at Liberty to be released from the wheel of birth and death forever, at Liberty to come home and go out no more.' For this moment I long, as every mother longs for the return of her children to their perfect estate, and for this I serve with you and by your side. Use not Liberty Lightly! USE IT WISELY, in the consciousness that what you do with Life today will build your tomorrow. . . . "

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