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You Are A Divine Expression - Spirit Into Matter - By

Shanta Gabriel

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

For this week's issue, our message from Archangel Gabriel reminds us that God's Love is always with us and all we have to do is remember to open and receive it.

The Gabriel Message Card for this week


Your way to Harmony is by remembering who you are in every moment
... a Divine Expression, Spirit into matter.


 Shanta's Message .....
Harmony as a spiritual principle was first introduced to me by Archangel Gabriel in 1991. Prior to that I had no awareness of what Harmony meant and why Harmony was so important to my life.

I found that Harmony represents alignment with my Source Energy. It is connection to my Higher Self and my guidance working in and through all that I am. When I am in balance I feel a sense of Peace and Harmony within myself. In short, when I am in Harmony, I am happy.

I started using Harmony as an intention. I would go into situations and ask to be in Harmony with all who were involved. I asked to be in Harmony with my Highest Good and with my Soul's Purpose. I asked to be in Harmony with the Truth of my Self.

Most of us are familiar with the idea of harmonies in the music of choirs or symphony orchestras. It is glaringly obvious when it is out of harmony. Disharmony makes us very uncomfortable. In fact, that is my clue — when I am not in harmony, I feel uncomfortable. When I actually become aware of how uncomfortable my body feels, I can take positive action. From that point I can start to breathe into my heart and come back into alignment with myself and with my higher guidance system. That is Harmony.

I looked up the word harmony in the dictionary. The definitions are mostly musical, although there is one that says, "the quality of forming a pleasing and consistent whole." This sounds like perfect Divine Order to me — living in a pleasing and consistent wholeness. It even sounds like a worthy goal for my life.

In the dictionary there is also a reference to physics in the word harmonic. It is defined as relating to component frequencies of a complex oscillation or wave. To me this relates to the power of Divine Light. We are standing in the midst of powerful waves of high-frequency light. When we are in Harmony we can integrate this empowering force within our being and direct the light to bring new creativity through us. As we use these harmonic frequencies, it allows us to work with others in more Harmony because from this place of high frequency alignment, we are all in Harmony with our own Truth.

When we are in Harmony with ourselves it is easy to remember that we are all becoming a more Divine Expression of who we are on the Earth. We are each here in this life to blend our most Divine selves in Harmony with our most human selves, allowing all life to evolve.

Divine Presence,

Thank you for bringing more Harmony into every area my life. May I hold the spirit of Harmony within my being and ground it on the Earth so there can be more Harmony in the world.

May all that I do and say be in Harmony with my Soul’s Highest Reality. May all government systems be in Harmony with the highest good of the people. May the blessings of Harmony prevail within the heart of all beings. And so it is.

Video - "Vlog 109 - An Activity of Light To Accelerate Humanit's Return To Christ Consciousness" By Patricia Cota-Robles -
Archangel Gabriel's Message.....
Dear One,

Who you are is so much more than a body in the material world. Your very essence is part of a greater whole — God in whom you live, move and have your being, the Source of all Life.
This Presence expressing through you is the gift you give to the world. Imagine what earth would be like if all people remembered they were the Divine Essence expressing in a physical world. There would be so much more love, and so much less fear. In the essence of God, there is no separation into race or religion. There is no separation of any kind. It is all a great connected Wholeness.
When you remember that you truly are spirit and your purpose is to bring God through you into the physical world, different choices can be made. In the world of spirit, love, compassion and trust are key elements. In the world of spirit, joy, harmony and peace exist in all situations. There is freedom in your mind when you allow this truth to be in the forefront of your consciousness.
Release the need to believe as others do. Be the one who remembers God and speaks the truth. Be the one who blesses the world with the power of your remembering. If it is not appropriate to speak this truth, silently bless all people and situations when they are brought to your awareness. You will be a powerful force for good.
When you find others who are in agreement with you, and who know the truth of their Divine Expression, pray together. The power of remembering truth when two or more are gathered, creates an exponential leap of love and light in the world. Join together in a conspiracy of love to bless all people and situations where fear is the predominant emotion.
Many people believe there are better ways to live than what is apparent in the cities of the world. Many have even withdrawn to lead more separate and quiet lives. Never, however, doubt the power of one. One person can bring tremendous good to the world when they radiate Divine Light from the consciousness of greater Harmony, Truth and Love.
The energy of loving prayer and blessings strengthens the link all people share — oneness with God. When more people send love, blessings and prayers toward others, the very vibration of the planet is increased. An increase in vibration stimulates more Love and Light.

Harmony, Peace and more Love are then generated.
This is the way to heal the world — moment to moment, each person blessing others and bringing Love into every situation, instead of fear. These actions not only assist all beings, they renew our faith in a benevolent and loving Presence within all things. From this place all are healed.

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:
Your way to Harmony is by remembering who you are in every moment...
a Divine Expression, Spirit into matter.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
March 17, 2019
Video - "Easy Morning Ritual! Start Your Day Off Right In In Less Than 5 Minutes" By Melanie Beckler


Empower Your Divine Self Image By The Celestial White Beings Via Natalie Glasson

Benevolent Love, Blessings and Bliss, we, the Celestial White Beings, share with you. We come forth at this important time of ascension to remind you of your purpose of cultivating a fresh, empowered and intimate relationship with the Creator. All the energies, ascension downloads and activations of this time are directing and supporting you in exploring who you are as the Creator, your communication and connection with the Creator, as well as your expression of the Creator manifested.

This is a most beautiful time for simplicity and we, the Celestial White Beings, invite you to interweave the Creator’s vibration of simplicity into every area of your existence both physically and spiritually.

It is not the time to try to be too complicated in your creations, thoughts, and manifestations. If you do find that a situation or experience is too complicated, challenging, seems impossible or overwhelming, then call upon the Creator’s energy of simplicity to anchor through your being.

Let simplicity permeate your mind especially, assisting a new clarity, connection with the Creator and a new way of being/doing in the situation.

A wonderful practice is to call upon our energies, the Celestial White Beings, to ground and channel into your entire being. Feel, sense and acknowledge our support.

Then state; ‘I invite the Creator’s energy and quality of simplicity to synthesise with my entire being. Let me be divinely influenced by the energy of simplicity, creating peace, harmony, and clarity in all areas of my being and life.

I fully surrender to the healing vibrations of the Creator’s simplicity. In doing so not only am I able to experience clarity of mind, I also experience a deeper unison and connection with the Creator. Thank you.’

Enjoy the presence of the Creator and the gently pulsating vibrations of simplicity for as long as feels appropriate.

Your Divine Self Image

In accessing and embodying the Creator’s energy of simplicity you are creating space within your being, mind, and reality for you to engage with your Divine Self Image.

Your divine self image is your view of yourself which is beyond boundaries, limitations, and illusions. It is your essence, your relationship with the Creator and your expression of the Creator. Your divine self image is your knowingness of your oneness and unification with the Creator as well as the immense support the Creator constantly shares with you.

Your divine self image is beyond your personal and human self image. It is constantly evolving and shifting as you integrate more fully with the Creator.

Even to grasp a glimpse of your divine self image can be deeply inspirational, awe-inspiring and enlightening. Accessing your divine self image allows you to recognise all you are capable of as a sacred being and expression of the Creator. You allow yourself to become a reflection of all that is the Creator, exploring and understanding this reflection upon the Earth.

In order to support your experience of your divine self image, we, the Celestial White Beings wish to share with you an invocation which predominantly acts as a cleansing and an affirmation of your dedication to connecting with your divine self image.

Video - "Empower Your Divine Self Image" -

Invocation For Accessing Your Divine Self Image

‘I am now open and ready within all levels of my being, conscious and unconscious, to awaken more fully to the vibrations and my embodiment of the Creator, and align my belief systems and their manifestations with the purest vibration of the Creator available.

I now express a conscious acceptance and acknowledgement of my conscious desire to experience a deeper connection with the Creator.

I invite all beings and souls of pure love, Guides, Ascended Masters, Angels, Archangels, Goddess beings, and Nature spirits to support me in a beautiful awakening as I consciously merge myself with the divine Creator.

I am now ready and choose to let go of my personal self-image of myself, and my human limited image of myself, and erase all the programming and energetic restraints that no longer serve me. I choose to accept and acknowledge my divine self-image with its limitless and expansive consciousness, energies and fulfilling eternal love.

I am now ready and choose to erase all thoughts, emotions, creations, and programming connected to and created from limited consciousness and a limited mind, and erase all beliefs that energise and create lack, suffering, pain, and fear in my reality and within my being.. I choose to accept and acknowledge my divine self-image with its limitless and expansive consciousness, energies and fulfilling eternal love.

I am now ready and choose to erase all belief systems that form and create my acceptance of separation with all aspects of the Creator. I choose to accept and acknowledge my divine self-image with its limitless and expansive consciousness, energies and fulfilling eternal love.

I am now ready and choose to erase all beliefs and their vibrations connected to my unworthiness of connecting with and experiencing the Creator fully. I choose to accept and acknowledge my divine self-image with its limitless and expansive consciousness, energies and fulfilling eternal love.

I am now ready and choose to erase and bring to completion all disbelief in the Creator and in myself eternally. I choose to accept and acknowledge my divine self-image with its limitless and expansive consciousness, energies and fulfilling eternal love.

I am now ready and choose to erase my weak reflection of the divine, choosing to exist as a strong self-acknowledged reflection of the divine, fulfilled with the love of the Creator. I choose to accept and acknowledge my divine self-image with its limitless and expansive consciousness, energies and fulfilling eternal love.

I consciously choose to connect, accept and embody the Creator, believing in the Creator with the power of my soul and Divine Self-Image Presence.

I choose to accept the actualisation of the Creator within my being and reality with a firm and intense inner power, belief and knowingness. In truth, I accept freedom within the great expansive source that is the Creator.

I now recognise my inner belief and knowingness, affirming my divine connection to the Creator.’

Take time to sit with the presence of your divine self image for as long as feels appropriate.
In eternal bliss with you,

The Celestial White Beings

More from The Celestial White Beings -

Free audio download of Natalie's message -

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Embracing The Light Meditation By Joanna


Greetings beautiful LoveLights  

A warm welcome to this Sunday's LoveLight meditation ~ with love and thanks to all joining in here for the first time, and as always to everyone bringing your Inner Divine Light through this circle, and around the Earth together through so many expressions of Unconditional Love!  

For those who joined in this or other Equinox meditations and activities, we hope you had a wonderful experience with the light that flowed through the alignment! For this post-Equinox meditation, we’re continuing with deeper integration of the Divine Diamond Light vibrations rippling through the Earth's energy field since a few days before the Equinox, and continuing to ground through node points around the planet ~ and indeed through the conduits we all are for this pure Ascension Light around the Earth.

We'll continue to focus through our Hearts and through the crystal properties within our physical bodies to ground this bountiful flow into and through our bodies and energy fields, as loving receivers and radiators of the Diamond Light for All.


Begin with breathing deeply into your heart and gently relax. Breathe…relax…know you are cradled in the eternal LoveLight of Source and countless guiding, supporting, protecting Beings of Love….cradled in the pure Light of your Soul….connected in every moment with the Heart of beloved Gaia, and with all assisting soul groups and higher dimensional light-grids around this planet and Solar System.

Feel yourself bathed, embraced and always supported by the infinite Love of your Soul, your soul families in the higher dimensional layers of Light, by those guiding and guarding the planetary Shift, and the eternal Source of all Life. Deep joy flows with this loving group and all around the Earth focusing for ascension, within this great Wave of Loving Transformation.

Feel the warmest, most peaceful lovelight filling you as you breathe into your heart, and feel this light radiating from you like a Star as you breathe out, serene, blissful, in harmony with the Universe. Honour the divine soul expression of the Infinite Source you are ~ we all are ~ all life is ~ and as you breathe in the Light of Oneness, and breathe out, imagine a shining stream of Diamond Light is flowing down through your central column from the Heart of Source, pooling in your Heart Star. Feel the shimmery quality of this light bathing your heart and whole being, blissful and serene.





See/feel this beautiful Diamond Light of Ascension filling the star merkaba around your physical form. You merkaba spins smoothly and evenly, in perfect equilibrium, as it is supercharged with this fine sparkling light. Keep breathing in this light, let it pool in your heart centre, and radiate outward to fill your merkaba as you breathe out.

Now bring your focus to your cellular level, into the watery molecules and crystalline structures throughout your body…and hold the intention for graceful, easy integration of this sparkling Diamond Light, allowing it to settle deeply within all these crystals throughout your body…flowing into the calcium crystals within your bones and the calcite crystals within your inner ears, into the apatite crystals in your tooth enamel, into the many crystal formations within your body organs and fluids.

See the Diamond Light ‘lighting up’ your DNA-RNA strands until they shine like starlight. As it flows and anchors within your physical body’s ‘crystal attributes’, any disharmonious constructs melt into this Light and transform into patterns of pure Divine Order ~ into glowing, shimmering well-being.

As you bathe in this glorious Light, feel the Star you are radiating the Diamond Light, as though you are a divine crystal transceiver ~ receiving and transmitting this light in unison with the Diamond pulses radiating from Gaia’s Heart, and from a multitude of loving beings, all around the Earth, connected with our Sun and the Galactic Central Sun, anchoring golden solar codes into the diamond radiance spread around this planet.

Just as this Light vibrates within our crystalline structures and watery cells, so all the crystalline and fluid aspects of the Earth, the oceans, and within all living beings, vibrate and resonate with this Light in this Now. Know that as this Light is settling now more deeply into your being, it is integrating all around the Earth.





We call through our Heart Stars deepest integration of the pure Diamond Light of Eternal Love, infused with the Golden-White Light radiating from the Source of all Creation to and through the Heart of all Life on Earth and Everywhere, ascending all vibrations to Divine Presence in Love, in loving awareness of the Sacred Spirit within all energy, all beings, through the infinite expanses of Light. 

All is One Love. All is Well in every moment, and we affirm this through the Love we Are, divine and eternal. And So BE It.




Love & Gratitude to you all, dear friends, lovers and anchors of Ascension on Earth and everywhere, through all the dimensions of Light,


 Video - "Body Elemental Meditation: Connecting Younger Self And Higher Self" By Steve Nobel -


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