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Beloved Lady Master Nada

Day 15- June 6, 2013

Lady Master Nada~Chohan of the Sixth Ray

Her name means "voice of the silence" and reflects the humbling of the personality into nothingness, leading the way for the true Christ Self to emerge. Lady Nada is a very influential Divine Feminine Presence who has assisted many civilizations to their height. She helped to bring the Ascended Master Teachings to Humanity together with Saint Germain. We may know her from the Temple of Divine Love in Atlantis where great healing and love was directed to the world through the use of cosmic light rays. Nada and her Ruby Fire assists us in efforts of energy transference and directing healing to mankind. With great magnetic Presence from the Great Central Sun, she amplifies our talents and the drawing forth of our Causal Body Gifts. Lady Nada supports the opening of the second chamber of the heart, which resonates the Pink Ray into the auric fields of the body to support the evolution of our emotions into feelings of unconditional love and compassion, enabling us to evolve into a higher state of consciousness. Her symbol is the ruby pink rose. With purple and gold rays emanating from her solar plexus, her symbol is the pink rose. Her stones are the diamond, pearl, topaz, and ruby.

Lady Master Nada’s Gifts

Flame of Divine Inspiration


Lady Nada’s gift to Life is Her great Flame of Inspiration. She planted this Flame in each of us. She blended the Gold (Light) and Rose Pink (Love) Unfed Flames. Inspiration is required in order to engage the other flames.


Call to Lady Nada to expand in me the three great Unfed Flames of Love Wisdom and Power to usher in the sacred marriage of Light and Love as the very Life by which I live and rush through me the great Joy and Inspiration of the great raising activity of Resurrection.


When I get my heart flame to become one with your Heart Flame, you’re going to find precious hearts that when that INSPIRATION begins to surge, and I mean release surge after surge and it will begin softly and gently and then as beloved Asun spoke that you are entering the Sacred Fire enough for your Higher Mental Body to release more power into your outer self, then I will amp up the surges of my own inspiration and we will get you on a momentum that will be unstoppable and no matter and I continually and I feel as I look upon the record of almost every Ascended master will speak thru this messenger no matter what you end up facing in the outer world, it will not be able to touch you, because of the Great Ascended Master momentum is behind you that will just plough thru or burn away whatever confronts you.

Lady Nada & Lord Sananda Channeling

"Beloved Mighty I AM Presence that I AM that I love and adore, I come to you and embrace you with my heart flame’s Love and Gratitude, and thru you I pour my Love and Gratitude to Beloved Ascended Master Lady Nada.

Beloved Lady Nada I accept your Flame of Divine Inspiration that you offered to place and anchor it  into my heart and mind – that Great Cosmic Feeling of Inspiration.

Beloved Lady Nada daily come to me and fuel, fire, charge, surge and raise within me and each of Akasha’s family, all those qualities and attributes that dwell within each of us that make us feel so happy, joyful and inspired. Place that into our outer awareness.

I invite you Beloved Lady Nada into the garden of my heart, the garden of my consciousness.

Beloved Lady Nada use your authority as the Ascended Master Lady to restore into my outer intellectual consciousness those divine eternal memories from those times in those former golden ages that we have walked together and you were visible and tangible to our physical sight.

And as each night I call upon my H M Body to take me in the Light Body to the inner schools of learning, may I recall and retain as I awaken in the morning the consciousness and remembrance of that which I received. I call upon you beloved Lady Nada to have that gift re-established again within my being and my world, as I know my heart is calling to you to do that for me.

I will remember your presence Beloved Lady Nada, I will REMEMBER you OFTEN AND CALL UPON You, because you said – I WILL BE THERE EVERY MOMENT you call. And then assist  me in bringing forth that which is my Life’s calling, that which brings up in me that feeling of happiness and joy, so that I can be that fiery furnace of inspiration to all I contact.


I shall stand my ground and hold true to my hearts’ calling – and you Beloved Lady Nada see to it that your FLAME OF INSPIRATION becomes so CONCENTRATED around me that there will be no force in the outer world that can touch me.


Beloved Lady Nada, upon your Ascended Master counsel I know there is no limit to the Unfed Flame of Life, and I move into that place where I AM accepting 100% and I AM declaring:


Beloved Lady Nada get your Heart Flame become one with my Heart  Flame , so that the Divine INSPIRATION begins to surge, in me thru me and as me.

I accept the truth you shared with us Beloved Lady Nada that with that Great Inspiration Flame no matter what I end up facing in the outer world, it will not be able to touch me, because of the Great Ascended Master momentum that is behind me, that will just plough thru or burn away whatever confronts me.

Beloved Ascended Master Lady Nada I welcome you to be one of the Ascended Masters that will come to bring forth great gifts thru me, and other students of Akasha’s family.  Come and assist me to draw forth that renaissance master within me by the power of Your Master Flame of Inspiration.

From this day forward may your Presence Lady Nada be always with me and be felt by me as I welcome you Lady Nada together with My Beloved I AM to pour forth thru me into all my works and all that I AM involved in, and all that I touch.

When the human starts to act up - rise up, and I shall say to that human, that outer self, the little I


I will not struggle with you any longer, go into the Sacred Fire, I release you, for I have no further use for you. I AM CHOOSING TO BE ALL THAT I AM."

The Gift of the Great Central Sun’s Cosmic Flame of Eternal Peace and Harmony and Love

I offer each of you that which is my authority as The Heart Realm of The Physical Sun, that which you can call The Great Central Sun’s Cosmic Flame of Eternal Peace Harmony and Love, and in that time that you set aside each day turning your attention away from the world and lovingly place your attention upon God the I AM Presence in your heart and your own individualized I AM Presence that stands above you pouring your Love as you have been asked. And then dear hearts remember all the gifts that are offered you. And if this could become one of your favourite gifts that you just love to call in every day that you just love to turn to myself Vesta, to Mary, to Akasha, to Quan Yin, to Nada, any one of us, and you call upon us to just surge in through and around you as we love to say, the Great Central Sun’s Cosmic Flame of Eternal Peace and Harmony and Love, then that can be like anchoring of that Sacred Flame around you.

Your bodies, your minds, your feelings will begin to absorb this Sacred Fire Element, it will become One with The Sacred Flame within your own hearts, it will one day cause your own physical heart to have a golden glow all around it and to begin to unfold as it builds a pink glow the heart realm within your own hearts.


And then dear heart because the need is great if you would call upon our Great Central Sun’s Cosmic Flame of Eternal Peace Harmony and Love into the atmosphere of Earth, into the structure of the Earth itself, into the powers of nature, the forces of the elements, into all life upon the Earth and ask that mighty flame to make you a Golden Sun’s Presence of that flame everywhere you walk, then I say to you this will build and build and build around you. As it builds around you it will cause such a mighty desire to grow within you a desire for peace for harmony and for love, and it will ensure that your will comes under Resurrection.

"Beloved Mighty I AM Presence of each of us we call upon you so charge and bless mighty Lady Master Nada with all thy love and gratitude that may open the way for her to come closer and closer to each of us as demands of the outer world for us to rise and become the Christ selves, to hold the balance upon this earth, that we may be fuelled and fanned with Lady Master Nada’s great flame of inspiration that is like a mighty ocean wave that lifts us and raises us with ease and grace as we move with that current of Pure Love, so grateful and so blessed we are for eternity."

And every day, Dear Heart, in your morning prayers and your afternoon and evening prayers, you can reach up to the Great God Presence above you and within you, and say,


"Mighty Presence of Life, release now, from out of Thy Divinity, release Thy Mighty Consuming Flame through my mental, physical and feeling body and all the energy of my world, and consume everything that is Love, everything that is not Peace, and everything that is not Harmony, that I might go forth and fulfill the Higher Purpose of my life with no further limitation."

…If you will invite me into your attention, to keep your attention mindful, I will do this.


"Lady Nada, join me in my attention. Come forth, in your Ascended Master Mind and Ascended Master Illumination, and keep me mindful as to the power of my attention."

So, my Dear Hearts, tonight I wish to give you a gift. If you will accept that gift and apply it in your life, because your consciousness is a unique individual cell in the consciousness of all humanity, then the synthesis of consciousness that is taking place on the Earth… All humanity ultimately will receive the ideas that I Am sharing with you tonight. Due to a hidden spectacle of Light that will take place in the Venus Eclipse that is coming June 8th, my Dear Heart, a spectacle of Light that is going to produce the next most expanded state of consciousness in which one individual on Earth can receive an idea, focus on that idea, and that idea can weave itself through the consciousness of all humanity, so that all human beings receive that idea.

My Dear Hearts, this is what I, Nada, ask you tonight, so that you don't have to make mistakes, so that you can conserve and economize your energy and your efforts and your time -- I ask that once again in your prayers, in your meditation, that you would just turn to your own Beloved Great God Presence. say in your prayers,

"Mighty 'I Am' Presence of my Life, God of my Being, and great Host of Ascended Masters, show me, reveal to me, that which is the next thing that you want me to know".

If there's a condition in your life, and you want to make the right choice, and you don't want tomake a mistake, say to that great Presence,

"Reveal to me what you want me to know about this condition. Tell me what you want me to do".


There are two parts there, tell me what you want me to know; tell me what you want me to do. Have you got that? And if you will just turn -- between

you in these beautiful human forms and your Mighty 'I Am' Presence Higher Self that lives in its own Realm of Light, each of you has a Higher Mind. Now I know that Akasha calls this your Christ Self, and that is correct. In our Octave, We call it your Higher Mental Body. Now, for tonight let's just refer to this as your Higher Mind…

"Mighty 'I Am' Presence, my own Beloved Higher Mind, great Host of Ascended Masters, Beloved Jesus, Beloved Saint Germain, Goddess of Light, Nada, our own Akasha and Asun, Great Host of Light, reveal to me what you want me to know about everything that is going on in my life. Show me what You want me to do. What is the very next most important thing, and give me the power and the strength and the courage and the determination and the inspiration to do what has been revealed to me. I love you, I bless you and I thank you".


Always finish with Love and Gratitude. And then, Dear Heart, I find that it would be wonderful just to follow that with declaring an acclamation of Truth:


"God, the Mighty 'I Am' Presence of my life, within me and above me, is the only acting Presence, Power, Intelligence, Protection and Perfection, acting and expressing in my mind, my feelings, my body and all the energy of my world"


...Then just go on about your day. That, too, is so important. So often, the limitations in your outer lives are created by human concepts that just have not let go… once a day issue that decree.


If you will do that every day, there is just no way on Earth that you will have a flow of ideas, of inner promptings, of inner feelings, of intuitions, and if there is a day of density, then your Presence will use some outer means to get that message to you. This has never failed what has been offered to you today. I have offered this in every former civilization on the Earth in which I have been given the credit as being the inspiration. But We do not accept credit, and nor should you, Dear Hearts -- for all credit for anything that is good should always be given to the Light of God that beats your hearts. It has never failed -- I have never seen it fail. And if you will just make up your mind,..

"It is not necessary for me to ever make a mistake again. I acknowledge God, my own Mighty 'I Am' Presence, within me and above me, and every day I will just compel myself to go my Presence and the Ascended Host and say, "Reveal to me what you want me to know. Show me what you want me to do. Fill me with the power to have mastery and to be victorious in these things. I love you, I bless you and thank you, and acknowledge you, the Mighty 'I Am' Presence, the greatest source of Power and Perfection in the Universe as the only acting Intelligence in my mind, my body, my feelings and my world".

Full Discourse here:

Innovation to Lady Master Nada


Mighty Presence of Life, release now, from out of Thy Divinity, release Thy Mighty Consuming Flame through my mental, physical and feeling body and all the energy of my world, and consume everything that is not Love, everything that is not Peace, and everything that is not Harmony, that I might go forth and fulfill the Higher Purpose of my life with no further limitation.



Lady Nada, join me in my attention. Come forth, in your Ascended Master Mind and Ascended Master Illumination, and keep me mindful as to the power of my attention.


Mighty 'I Am' Presence of my Life, God of my Being, and great Host of Ascended Masters, show me, reveal to me, that which is the next thing that you want me to know. Reveal to me what you want me to know about this condition. Tell me what you want me to do.



Mighty 'I Am' Presence, my own Beloved Higher Mind, great Host of Ascended Masters, Beloved Jesus, Beloved Saint Germain, Goddess of Light, Nada, our own Akasha and Asun, Great Host of Light, reveal to me what you want me to know about everything that is going on in my life. Show me what You want me to do. What is the very next most important thing, and give me the power and the strength and the courage and the determination and the inspiration to do what has been revealed to me.



I love you, I bless you and I thank you!



God, the Mighty 'I Am' Presence of my life, within me and above me, is the only acting Presence, Power, Intelligence, Protection and Perfection, acting and expressing in my mind, my feelings, my body and all the energy of my world.

Lady Master Nada’s Retreats

The Rose Temple, retreat of the Lady Master Nada, is located above New Bedford, Massachusetts near Cape Cod.

The Rose Temple is designed after the pattern of a rose, each petal is a room representing an initiation in the flame of love. In the center of this retreat burns a flame of love that once burned in the Temple of Love on Atlantis, before the sinking of that continent. From this retreat, it radiates divine love and healing to the entire planet. Nada invites students to come to her retreat to study divine justice and public service. She teaches us how to become our brother's keeper and how to unfold the sensitivity of the heart.


Etheric Retreat Of Lady Master Nada~The Rose Temple


This retreat is the etheric counterpart of the Temple of Love on Atlantis where Nada once served as a priestess. In the center of the retreat there burns the flame of divine love, tended by brothers and sisters of the third ray for the healing of earth's evolutions by love.


Call to attend the Temple of Love


    In the name of the Christ, My Own Real Self, I call to the Heart of my Mighty I AM Presence, to the Angel of the Presence, to Beloved Archangel Michael, Kuan Yin and the Maha Chohan, to take me to the etheric retreat of Beloved Nada over New Bedford, Massachusetts, according to the will of my Holy Christ Self and the direction of the Maha Chohan. I ask to be taught how to love in ministration and service to life, in order to develop the heart sensitivity necessary to receive the gifts of diverse kinds of tongues and interpretation of tongues.



Prayer to Lady Master Nada


Call in the name of your own Christ Self to Lady Master Nada to invoke assistance of the Flame of Love on your spiritual path.

In the name of the Christ, my own Real Self, I call to the heart of the I AM Presence and to the angel of the Presence, to Archangel Michael and Archangel Chamuel to take me in my soul and in my soul consciousness to the Rose Temple retreat of Lady Master Nada over New Bedford Massachusetts. I ask to receive the instruction of the law of love and to be given the formula for the victory of the love flame within my heart. And I ask that all information necessary to the fulfillment of my divine plan be released to my outer waking consciousness as it is required. I thank thee and I accept this done in the full power of the risen Christ.



The Arabian Retreat of the Great White Brotherhood

Transfiguring Flames of Divine Love



The Arabian Retreat is comprised of many buildings that were hermetically sealed by the masters before a cataclysm covered them 125 feet under the sands of the Arabian Desert. The retreat has a chamber 300 feet high with large columns decorated with hieroglyphs, as well as adjoining council chambers, all resembling a greco-roman style of architecture. The retreat also contains a television chamber and a radio chamber, where any event on earth can be observed or heard at any time. In a chemical laboratory, students learn how to create antidotes to germ warfare. In other chambers, records of previous civilizations are kept and students learn to use the seven rays of God for the blessing of mankind. The retreat focuses the flame of peace. Jesus is in charge of this retreat and serves there with Lady Master Nada and legions of Peace.


Call to attend the Arabian Retreat


  In the name of the Christ, My Own Real Self, I call to the Heart of my Mighty I AM Presence, to the Angel of the Presence, to Beloved Archangel Michael, Kuan Yin and the Maha Chohan, to take me to the Arabian retreat with Jesus and Lady Master Nada, according to the will of my Holy Christ Self and the direction of the Maha Chohan. I ask to be instructed on the flame of peace within my heart and solar plexus chakra, especially as it pertains to the gifts of diverse kinds of tongues and interpretation of tongues.


Again Blessings to Radiant Rose Academy for this information, & calls, Lightbearers Worldwide for the pictures and information on the Retreats and finally the Rainbow Scribe for the Invocations.

This video is from a channeling I did last month of Lady Master Nada I thought I'd include for those who missed it, or for those who liked it & wish to revisit it. Enjoy.


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