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Day 1-May 23, 2013 

I thank Shirley Free from the Children of the Sun for putting all this together. Enjoy May 23 with the Goddess of Purity.

Goddess of Purity


Day 1, Goddess of Purity:

Goddess of Purity represents the White Ray of Purity to the Earth bringing wholeness and perfection of the Christ self through the flame of the Mother's Presence. You may call upon the Goddess of Purity and her Great Central Sun's Immortal Flame of Purity and Love to come forth into you being and world, restoring everything to Divine Purity and Balance, opening the way that you, your family and all humanity may go forth, the fulfillment of the Divine Plan of life on Earth. Her sacred Fire Love offers assistance in cutting free from the illusions of human creation and to expand awareness into Christ Consciousness. Her flower is the Lily.

Her Amazing Gifts to Receive This Day

Receiving the Diamond-Shining Purity of Sacred Fire Love

From Radiant Rose Academy class Oct. 2011 "...Her gift. It never changes – Master Power Flame of Her Diamond Shining Purity of Her Sacred Fire Love. But there is not too many Ascended Ones that describe their specialized Sacred Fires that way because the Master Power Flame indicates the flame that comes from the Great Central Sun or the Great Elohims and the Goddess of Purity just happens to have a relative in one of the Great Elohims."

Now dear hearts to those of us who have been raised to a great activity in our system of worlds of importance, of action, and one of the great qualities in which a world, a civilization, life survives such as Purity, do I come to you and offer again and again and again that which is our great gift to Life. And I know that some of you precious hearts that have been around a little longer will remember that I have come and that I have offered you the use of the Great Master Power Flame of Diamond-Shining Purity of Sacred Fire Love. Now dear hearts I understand that in your world you have these things now that are bands that are placed around the wrist, they’re not really made of a metal or jewellery, they are made of some hard rubber or plastic in memory of or to honour some cause, do you know what I am referring to? (Yes)

Hmm, well I am simply asking myself how might it be in your life if you in the waking hours of your life, if you just compelled yourself to stop, and if you are with others to do it quietly; if you were alone then to call out to your Great Presence and all of us in the Ascended Realms and especially myself and the Great Elohim of Purity just to fill you and charge you and flood you and enfold you with our Master Power Flame of our Diamond-Shining Purity of Sacred Fire Love. And what might happen if you throughout the course of a day throughout the course of a day made a genuine and sincere and heart-felt call making sure that your connection to your Presence and your connection with your Presence is as certain as your attention and acknowledgement of its Great Life within your heart. Now dear heart, walk with me on this. So in any moment of your day where you can stop what you are doing and affirm inwardly:

"I acknowledge the Great I AM that abides within my heart and above me and everywhere present, and I call to the Great I AM Presence and the Ascended Ones, the Angels, the Goddess of Purity, the Great Elohim of Purity to fill me and charge me and flood me and enfold me in their Great Master Power Flame of Diamond-Shining Purity of their Sacred Fire Love." Now in that moment you could visualize a rush of White Fire surging around you in a sphere and as it surges around you in a dome-like sphere and you visualize this for ten seconds, and then you visualize it taking the form of a pearl, a life-sized pearl that you feel yourself within, larger than you. And then you seal that moment by owning it: "I AM the Master Power Flame of such Diamond-Shining Purity of Sacred Fire Love blazing in through and around me and out into my world all throughout this day."

Gift of the Luminous Pearl-Goddess of Purity's

Eternal Jewel of Life

& Calls for the Cosmic Christ Flame of Eternal Purity

"Mighty Presence of Life, I love you, I bless you, I thank you for the Life that You have given me, and I dedicate my life to being in service to You."

…The first call that I want you to make is,

"I call forth, my Beloved Presence, Beloved Goddess of Purity, I call forth the Great Central Sun's Cosmic Christ Feeling of Purity, anchored within my feeling side of life, to be a permanent and sustained activity of my Life. I call forth the greatest blessings of the Great Beings of Light in the Great Central Sun, and I call forth the Mightiest Violet Flame Miracles of Eternity -- Mightiest Violet Flame Miracles of Eternity -- into my mental, my physical and my feeling side of life.

"Beloved Goddess of Purity, from thy Temple of Light, I call forth Your own Cosmic Christ Flame of Immortal Purity, blazing through my mind, passing through my body, reaching deep into my feeling side of life. Enfold me, saturate me, flood me, with Your Cosmic Christ Flame of Immortal Purity, and cause it to be a sustained activity within me and around me, and to become immortal, to become an eternal part of my life until my Ascension.

"My Beloved Great God Presence, Beloved Mighty Vesta -- Twin Flame of Helios, Twin Flames of the physical Sun -- Beloved Mighty Vesta, anchor your Mighty Heart Flame as Guardian and Purification of the home. Anchor your Mighty Heart Flame in the centre of my home, Beloved Vesta, Great Being of Light. Anchor, Mighty Goddess, your Heart Flame of the physical Sun in the centre of my home as a permanently established sustained action of the Sacred Fire that becomes the greatest purifying, raising and healing activity in every room of my home, and a great healing raising activity to everyone therein. And expand, Beloved Vesta, expand that Heart Flame every day, as Guardian of the Home. Expand Your Light so that its radiation goes out throughout the neighbourhood, and throughout the city, throughout the land, as a great lifting, raising and healing Presence to all life in this city."…

… My Dear Hearts, so often your calls are not fulfilled. Your feelings, your feeling side of life has a great Magnet's Presence to it. And even you did not turn your attention upward, but you remained conscious and full of desire, the Magnet's Presence in your feeling body would magnetize to you everything you desire without even turning your attention upward. That is a truth. So why is it not working? Why? Because fear and doubt do not allow the magnet in your feeling body to draw to you what you truly desire. The magnet stops working. Fear and doubt close the door on your feeling body and the great magnet that would naturally attract to you everything you desire, cannot function…

…I thank you, I thank you, I thank you. There is no end to the forms of Cosmic Christ Sacred Fire Purity. Call it in. Call it in in all the ways that you can. I am sure that each of you can fill fifteen minutes, every day. And Dear Heart, just do it, and know that you will have results. And they will be results that take every problem out of your life. God bless you, God bless you, and in the mighty words of Saint Germain, there is very little We could do for the people of Earth if there was not this portion of humanity that is seeking the Light and the Higher Knowledge of their own free will. And it is for this reason that We say to you, and We mean it with a heart filled with gratitude, thank God you have awakened. And I commend you to the Light within you and to all the protection of the Sacred Fire's Cosmic Christ Purity and Protection of the Ascended Host with you each and every day.

....If you will reach up:

"Beloved Mighty 'I Am' of my Being, I reach up and I reach up to you and I reach up to the Goddess of Purity. O Beloved Goddess of Purity, through my own Beloved Presence, I call upon you to assist me to feel, to experience, the Great Central Sun's Feeling of Eternal Purity. I call that forth into my mind, into my body, into my feeling side of life. And I ask that the Great Central Sun's Feeling of Immortal Purity become a sustained and expanded and Immortal action with me throughout my life on Earth."

"Beloved Goddess of Purity I call upon You and ask You to fill me with your Cosmic Christ Flame of Eternal Purity. Goddess of Purity, I call upon Your Angels, I call upon Those Angels of Cosmic Christ Blue Lightning of Indestructible Purity and Power to descend into my life and release their Cosmic Powers in, through and around me that just love to silence all discord, density; all appearances and all qualities that try to act up in me that are not Love."

"Goddess of Purity, I desire to return to a Being of Love at all times. All my thoughts, all my feelings, all my words, all the images that I hold inside me, all my reactions, my responses, all my approaches, my interactions -- it is my desire that everything within me and how I interface with the world around me, my loved ones and others, that all be a state of Love. And that I might do this, Goddess of Purity, anchor within me Your Luminous Pearl of Eternal Love within my mind, and Your blazing Luminous White Fire of Indestructible Purity and Power, and hold it within me and around me, and pour it forth out into my world as a blessing to all life on Earth."

I enfold each of you in My Eternal Jewel of Life. All of Us in the Ascended Masters' Realm are given a great condensation of Light to be Our special gift to Life. What you understand as jewels – Diamonds, Rubies, Sapphires -- when you understand these precious gifts your Earth offers you are condensations of Light, the marriage of your physical Sun with your Beloved Earth and Her Kingdoms that produces those wonderful little jewels of Light called Rubies or whatever. Mine is the Pearl.

And if you will call upon My Luminous Pearl to be placed within your mind and heart, then I can allow that gift and Its great Luminous Purifying Presence, to keep you pure of mind and heart. And that, too, my Dear Hearts, will allow your own Inner Light to grow most beautifully and perfectly.

It's not that We want you to want Us in your life, We just want you to give Us the permission to give you what We know you require to be Light, to be Pure, so that your own Inner Light, so that your own Great God Presence that is your true spiritual identity, may express through you and fulfill itself in this world. May the Light of God and the Eternal Honour Flame of Purity be a gift that I offer you that you remember to ask for each day, to remain with you, as Immortal as you are. God bless you and the Light of Days.

Another Incredible Gift

Cleansing and Purifying the Three Signature Cells in Your Biological Physical Body

Tree of Life Class July, 2012 ©The Radiant Rose Academy Inc

Goddess of Purity: The three signature cells in your biological physical body also have printed in them the original divine blueprint of an ideal matrix for your mental body and your feeling body. So, if the Master Power Flame of my Diamond-Shining Purity can get into the three signature cells of your body cleanse them of all history of duality, of all history of imperfection, activate the memory of when you lived in perfect bodies in the first two Golden Ages.

I have been called today to initiate the purification of the three signature cells that every one of you have in your physical bodies. If those three signature cells could be purified by a being who by their ascendancy and stature is considered a Cosmic Being, then dear heart the activity of the purification, well let us say it can almost be done overnight, and if I could drive, and I will use the great Angels of Purity.

What are the 3 Signature cells ?

As you know your physical body has millions of cells to it and there are three cells that we call the three signature cells and when you lose your body in the change called death and you understand that you've been on this Earth way too many times you've had many reincarnations, many embodiments upon this Earth. Now what you didn't know when you weren't awake is that when your body went through the change called death and you left your body in previous embodiments, your Guardian Angel, escorted three cells out of your body, and they're called the three signature cells, and took them up to the Plains of Bliss where you went to rest and ready yourself for your next lifetime.

When you come back into embodiment and the moment your mother delivers that beautiful body into the world and the moment the she or the midwife gives the little tap on the baby's back, and what does the baby do? Ahhhh...but before that, the baby takes a deep breath, and its in that moment dear heart that the wisdom of your Higher Discerning Intelligence releases the life force of your Higher Self through the pineal gland of the little baby and before that moment the baby was, the life was supported by the life of the mother Through the umbilical.

So, first breath and in that moment the life force from the Higher Self is descending into the pineal gland and the life force is when you come back into embodiment you're in your Light Body you're ready to hop into this brand new little body that's been created for you. Some of you for the experience will hop in before the body's even delivered to have that experience - all about experience. And so the three signature cells of your previous body by your Guardian Angel is turned over to your Higher Self.

So here you are, you come back, you're in your Light Body, and the body that you're going to use is born, the little baby takes the first breath, inhales the life force, and down the life force from the Higher Self is the three signature cells of your previous embodiment. And they begin to marry with the cells of your newborn body.

Now the next thing to remember, these are the same three signature cells of that were in your first embodiment and all the people of Earth came to Earth 14 ½ million years ago, that shows you how old those three signature cells are. So when you've finished using a body and you go through the change of death, three signature cells go up, and you come back they come back down, they're added to your new body and blend with the cells of your new body. So your body technically is carrying the history of every physical body that you've ever used. Except that there's been dispensations, dispensations such as what happened to Jesus, and in the crucifixion the Cosmic Christ Blue Lightening Force that hid Jesus' body as it was on the cross was also removing a portion of the accumulating discord or duality that was building in the three signature cells of the people of Earth.

Goddess of Purity amazing gift: The cleansing of the 3 Signature Cells from ALL duality/imperfection

Protocol: for about 10 mins. during your day:

Remember pour your love and gratitude first to your beloved I AM presence , the Great Divine Director; creator of the 7 Sacred Weeks and then to Beloved Jesus Christ Emanuel, the Ascended Mothers that are in charge of this great outpouring of 7 sacred weeks and then the Ascended Master of the Day .

(be still and be open to receive the gifts, her blessings for 10 minutes)


  `*.¸.*ॐ Wonderful Loving Happy Ever Expanding Now In All to All ¸.*”˜ ˜”*.¸♪♫ღ☼ ♪♫ღı̴̴̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡*̡̡.¸♪♫ღ☼ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡|̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲|̡̡̡ ̡.¸♪♫ღ☼ ̴̡ı̴̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡̡. I Love U ı̴̴̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡.¸♪♫ღ☼ ̡͌l̡*̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡|̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲|̡̡̡ ̡ ̴̡ı̴̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡̡ .¸♪♫ღ☼

Seven Sacred Weeks Daily Decree

Decree before beginning the daily invocation for the Ascended Master of the Day:

Mighty I AM Presence

Mighty I AM Presence of every human being, embodied and those awaiting embodiment

To the Great Author of the 7 Sacred Weeks, Great Divine Director

To the Ascended Masters who are directly participating in the great out-pouring

Mother Akasha

Mighty Cyclopea

Lady Nada

And the Ascended Jesus Christ

I command and demand the Will of Akasha’s Rose Pink Ray, the all Christ illumination of the Ascended Jesus Christ Golden Ray and the Purity and Transformation of Saint Germain’s Violet Ray ensures the Victory, that the Wheel of Progress will move to its next notch, demanding the most powerful outpouring of Cosmic Light Rays into the mental and feeling of all human life, into the atmosphere, into all life on the Earth and in the Earth.

I command it in the name of every I AM Presence of the I AM Star seed to this Earth.

I command it in the name of Mighty Helios and Vesta, our God Parents in our own physical Sun.

I command it in the sacred names of the 7 mighty Elohim.

I command it in the name of the Great Cosmic Beings of the Great Central Sun,


I command it in the Infinite I AM Presence of the Great Central Sun, fulfilled the Ascended Masters way.

Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM.


Beloved Goddess of Purity Invocation

Goddess of Purity, Beloved Mighty ‘I am’ of my Being, I call upon you now to fill me with your Cosmic Christ Purity, and enfold me now in walls of Violet Flame protection. Make me such a blazing Presence of Light that discord just cannot see me. I call upon you to expand my Light that my Light go forth from me each and every day and open doors of opportunity and help me to fulfill my Higher Purpose.

I call upon you to give me the Illumination and comprehension of the Divine Plan for my life on Earth.

Goddess of Purity, I Am an open door for Your Great Cosmic Qualities, Your Great Cosmic Light and Love to come into me and be Life's Great Correcting Presence.

I Am an open door to your Ascended Master Immortal Cosmic Christ Love of Eternal Purity coming forth into my being and world, restoring everything to Divine Purity and Balance, opening the way that I may go forth in the fulfillment of the Divine Plan of my life on Earth.

Beloved Mighty 'I Am' of my Being, I reach up and I reach up to you and I reach up to the Goddess of Purity. O Beloved Goddess of Purity, through my own Beloved Presence, I call upon you to assist me to feel, to experience, the Great Central Sun's Feeling of Eternal Purity. I call that forth into my mind, into my body, into my feeling side of life.

And I ask that the Great Central Sun's Feeling of Immortal Purity become a sustained and expanded and Immortal action with me throughout my life on Earth.

Beloved Goddess of Purity I call upon You and ask You to fill me with your Cosmic Christ Flame of Eternal Purity. Goddess of Purity, I call upon Your Angels, I call upon Those Angels of Cosmic Christ Blue Lightning of Indestructible Purity and Power to descend into my life and release their Cosmic Powers in, through and around me that just love to silence all discord, density; all appearances and all qualities that try to act up in me that are not Love.

Goddess of Purity, I desire to return to a Being of Love at all times. All my thoughts, all my feelings, all my words, all the images that I hold inside me, all my reactions, my responses, all my approaches, my interactions -- it is my desire that everything within me and how I interface with the world around me, my loved ones and others, that all be a state of Love.

And that I might do this, Goddess of Purity, anchor within me Your Luminous Pearl of Eternal Love within my mind, and Your blazing Luminous White Fire of Indestructible Purity and Power, and hold it within me and around me, and pour it forth out into my world as a blessing to all life on Earth.

Goddess of Purity, take out of my feeling side of life all disbelief and all belief that things must be difficult and hard.

Goddess of Purity, I call upon your Luminous Pearl to be placed within my mind and heart and I allow this gift and Its great Luminous Purifying Presence, to keep me pure of mind and heart.

Goddess of Purity, please give me what you know I require to be Light, to be Pure, so that my own Inner Light, so that my own Great God/Goddess Presence that is my true Spiritual identity, may express through me and fulfill Itself in this World and may the Light of God and the Eternal Flame of Purity be a gift that you offer me this day, to remain with me, as Immortal as I AM.

Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!


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If you are so inclined to do white fire flame calls this day, I know it will be a  incredible day as these calls are very powerful.

 and ensure you drink a glass of water before the calls. 

White Fire Flames Call

PREPARATION: First try to complete for 15 minutes, entering into the Sacred Violet Royal Purple Flame calls. Call upon your 'I AM Presence' and your Higher Christ Self to blend the perfect amount of the Royal Purple and Rose Pink Flames for you at this time, with the White Fire Flames, as you may not be quite ready yet for the pure and intense White Fire Flames; ensure you are well hydrated.


I call to you my 'Beloved I AM Presence', and through you to The Mighty Elohim, Beloved Mighty Saint Germain, Akasha, Asun, Emanuel and Mother Mary; Great Ascended Ones, come to me now and assist me by charging me and pouring your love to me as I enter into the White Fire Flames, and

Sweep the White Fire Flames through me (x 3) Almighty Infinite I AM Sweep the White Fire Flames through me (x 3) Give Thy Eternal Command Sweep the White Fire Flames through me (x 3) By the Mighty Elohim's Cosmic Power Sweep the White Fire Flames through me (x 3) Glory and Grace each hour.

Exchange the action word 'Sweep' with the following, moving through the verse with each action word:

Explode, Boil, Spin, Expand, Compel, Fire, Flash, Force, Flood, Surge, Charge, Sustain

'Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM!’

When we put our body to sleep, we may also ask our Higher Mental Body to take us to the Temple of Light of the Ascended Master of the day, to receive Their great love and blessings and bring this gift back into our physical being to support us in every aspect of our daily lives. God bless you Precious Heart!


Goddess of Purity Retreats

The Purity Retreat over Madagascar

The retreat of the Goddess of Purity on the island of Madagascar has existed for hundreds of thousands of years and has survived numerous cataclysms. Souls come here to study the fourth ray of God’s purity. In the retreat is a replica of the diamond of identity of each soul destined to evolve on planet Earth. The retreat releases cosmic purity and Christ consciousness.

It has a large central dome, onion-shaped,  and four smaller domes projected from the corners of the square building where angels of purity minister the flame of purity under the direction of the Goddess of Purity, the hierarch of the retreat. The Goddess of Purity invites students to come to her retreat to be cut free from the illusions of human creation, maya, glamour and karma, and to increase in Christ consciousness.

There is a physical focus that is entered through the side of a mountain and an etheric retreat above it. The physical part of the retreat is maintained as a school where students may travel in their finer bodies, but the etheric retreat is frequented only by masters or advanced initiates of the fourth ray.

The maintenance of this focus of purity is essential to the balance of currents on the planet. Angels of purity carry light rays from the flame to the four corners of the earth, to mankind and to elemental life who drink in the radiance of purity with the hope that they, too, might one day inherit immortal life.

Sisters of purity tend the physical focus and the flame, which is a counterpart of the great flame in the etheric temple. The flame is a transparent white, so pure is its essence. In the physical retreat, the sisters of purity, unascended adepts of the flame of purity, have maintained life in the physical form for over a hundred years.

The Goddess Of Purity On The Flame Of Purity In Her Retreat:


"Purity, beloved ones, begins with a single crystal - the crystal of your own consciousness. And from the point of the flame within the center of the crystal begins the expansion of the consciousness of purity. The pure in heart see God through the crystal of their own consciousness, which they have made God's consciousness. When you have mastered the many facets of the single crystal, then other crystals are added unto you with many more facets; and each crystal denotes another step of initiation to the brothers and sisters of my retreat here in Madagascar.

"In our beautiful island in the sea, we have consecrated the crystal diadem of purity, which is the consciousness of God; and as the flame passes through the crystal - the mingling of the mist and the crystal, the unformed and the formed - there is the release of the Cosmic Christ consciousness to the earth."1

"Here in our temple, ...the focus of God-purity is a testimony of the grand design of the universe on behalf of every lifestream evolving upon this planetary home. And do you know, precious hearts of light, that in our focus is a replica of the diamond of identity of each soul destined to evolve upon this planet? This is the service of the brothers and sisters of our retreat, to nourish the divine design."2

Call to attend the Goddess of Purity’s Retreat in Madagascar

      In the name of the Christ, My Own Real Self, I call to the Heart of my Mighty I AM Presence, to the Angel of the Presence, to Beloved Archangel Michael, Kuan Yin and the Maha Chohan, to take me to the etheric retreat of the Goddess of Purity in Madagascar, according to the will of my Holy Christ Self and the direction of the Maha Chohan. I ask to be cut free of all illusion and delusion so that the Christ light might shine through me.

    (personal prayer)

     Beloved Goddess of Purity, help me to remember upon awakening all that will help me to fulfill my mission on earth and the mission of my twin flame. I accept this call manifested through the power of the Christ and am thankful for its realization. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, Amen.


Goddess of Purity’s Retreat over San Francisco

The Goddess of Purity has a focus over San Francisco, where one of seven of temples of Lemuria stood before the sinking of that continent. The retreat intensely radiates the Mother flame, the ascension flame and the flame of cosmic purity throughout the entire region.

Call to attend the Goddess of Purity’s Retreat over San Francisco

In the name of the Christ, My Own Real Self, I call to the Heart of my Mighty I AM Presence, to the Angel of the Presence, to Beloved Archangel Michael, Kuan Yin and the Maha Chohan, to take me to the etheric retreat of the Goddess of Purity over San Francisco, according to the will of my Holy Christ Self and the direction of the Maha Chohan. I ask to receive purity's flame for the victory of the Mother Light within my heart and base-of-the-spine chakra, especially as it pertains to the gift of the working of miracles.

(personal prayer)

Beloved Goddess of Purity, help me to remember upon awakening all that will help me to fulfill my mission on earth and the mission of my twin flame. I accept this call manifested through the power of the Christ and am thankful for its realization. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, Amen.

Note: The Goddess of Purity shares spiritual retreats with the Goddess of Light (in the Andes) and the Queen of Light (above Sicily) where they focus an action of the Trinity to the earth, and together these hierarchs draw the action of the cosmic three-fold flame on behalf of her evolutions.

Blessings to Radiant Rose Academy for this information, calls, pictures and videos, The Temple of The Presence and Lightbearers Worldwide for the pictures and information on the Retreats and finally the Rainbow Scribe for the Invocations and other information shown here.

God Bless You for sharing this Light to the World

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  • Thank you Steven :)

  • The seven sacred rays..
    Divine Purpose:

    This intervention creates a window between the human world and the Ascended Octave. It is a portal in the fabric of time in which the great cosmic signature of some of the primary Divine Guardians of our race enter deeply into our consciousness, being and world. Through the power of our attention, we may receive their gifts of support, activity of the Sacred Fire, record of their own ascension and their all enveloping magnetic love.

    Through our call, they come to teach us how to communicate with the greater aspect of our true self and to expand the activity of the Sacred Fire in our body. The Sacred Fire is used to liberate ourselves from the human consciousness and to pierce the veils of limited human perception. At this time, this especially concerns the dismantling of one of the last major veils...the false belief of good versus evil, right versus wrong.

    Once this veil loosens, the consciousness of the Higher Mental Body , the illumined and unified Christ Mind, can more easily assimilate as part of our new I AM Race Divine Blueprint.

    For 49 days, may we acknowledge and receive this immense gift by placing daily focus upon the designated Ascended Being of the day. We are invoking their Divine Signature and radiation to pour in, through and around ourselves, our loved ones, our groups, communities, cities, nations and world.

    When we put our body to sleep, we may also ask our Higher Mental Body to take us to the Temple of Light of the Ascended Master of the day, to receive Their great love and blessings and bring this gift back into our physical being to support us in every aspect of our daily lives. God bless you, Precious Heart!

  • 49 Days, 49 Masters, 49 Gifts

    The Seven Sacred Weeks takes place twice a year, for 7 weeks each time. Beginning on the 4th Thursday of May and then beginning again on the 4th Thursday of November, on the American Thanksgiving Holiday, every year.

    For seven weeks and 49 straight days, we are offered a glorious opportunity to come together to receive Divine Intervention from the Ascended and Angelic Host during these greatest concentrated time periods of love and joyous celebration upon the Earth.
    "Seven Sacred Weeks" is a radiation governed by a mighty Divine Dispensation and granted to the Earth from the Ascended Master Realms and is overseen by the "Great Divine Director" who is the Great Cosmic Being who governs our System of Worlds. This Divine Intervention of the Great Divine Director is part of the intervening Cosmic Light Rays outpouring to the Earth at this time. This Mighty Cosmic Being has been an integral part of a Divine Plan for Humanity and the Earth and works very closely with Saint Germain to bring in the new Seventh Golden Age. Divine Purpose:This intervention creates a window between our 3rd Dimensional Octave and the Ascended Master Realms. It is a portal in the fabric of time in which the great cosmic signature of some of the Ascended Host of our race, Angels and Great Cosmic Beings pour Their Light and Love and Hearts Flames deeply into our consciousness. Through the power of our attention, we may receive their gifts of support, activity of the Sacred Fire, the attainment of Their own ascension and Their all enveloping magnetic love.

    For 49 days in twice a year, may we acknowledge and receive this immense gift by placing daily focus upon the designated Ascended Being of the day. We are invoking their Divine Signature and Ascended Master Radiation to pour in, through and around ourselves, our loved ones, our groups, communities, cities, nations and world.

    When we put our body to sleep, we may also ask our Higher Mental Body to take us to the Temple of Light of the Ascended Master of the day, to receive Their great love and blessings and bring this gift back into our physical being to support us in every aspect of our daily lives. God bless you Precious Heart!

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