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Pure Silver & Golden White Light Equinox Meditation By Joanna

Greetings beautiful LoveLights  

Welcome to this Sunday's 'pre-equinox' meditation! Welcome all joining in this group meditation for the first time, and gratitude as always to all bringing your Inner Divine Light through this circle, and around the Earth through myriad expressions of Unconditional Love!

This weekend we're anchoring a deeper integration of the Silver & Golden-White Light vibrations currently settling into Gaia's energy field, loosening and shifting residual density, before opening to a high activation of pure Diamond Light during the Equinox on March 20-21st 2019.

Begin with breathing deeply into your heart and gently relax. Breathe…relax…know you are cradled in the eternal LoveLight of Source and countless guiding, supporting, protecting Beings of Love….cradled in the pure Light of your Soul….connected in every moment with the Heart of beloved Gaia, and with all assisting soul groups and higher dimensional light-grids around this planet and Solar System.

Feel yourself bathed, embraced and always supported by the infinite Love of your Soul, your soul families in the higher dimensional layers of Light, by those guiding and guarding the planetary Shift, and the eternal Source of all Life. Deep joy flows with this loving group and all around the Earth focusing for ascension, within this great Wave of Loving Transformation.

Feel the warmest, most peaceful lovelight filling you as you breathe into your heart, and feel this light radiating from you like a Star as you breathe out, serene, blissful, in harmony with the Universe. Honour the divine soul expression of the Infinite Source you are ~ we all are ~ all life is ~ and as you breathe in the Light of Oneness, and breathe out, imagine a soft stream of Silver Light is flowing down through your central column from the Heart of Source, pooling in your Heart Star. Feel the silky liquid vibrations of this light bathing your heart, freeing all thoughts and feelings into bliss and graceful ease.

Now imagine a bright Golden-White stream flowing from the Heart of Source, blending with the Silver Pool in your heart centre, shimmering and radiant as your heart and whole being accepts and embraces pure Infinite Divinity.

This blended light continues streaming through you; it has no beginning and no end, shining into Infinity. Now see this light also radiating horizontally from your heart centre, so you are now the centre-point of a cross of silver-golden-white light, flowing infinitely through the multiverse, endless and eternal.

Imagine/feel two diagonal flow-streams now, crossing through your heart centre, so that you now have an 8-fold flow, you are the centre of an 8-point Star, the Star of Divine Order that realigns all energies, all vibrations, within and around you, around all this loving group holding this unified focus, into natural higher vibrational alignment with Divine Creation, with the codes of unlimited universal Love.

As you breathe deeply, feel this light flowing through you, through the Star of Love you Are, light and soft as a feather, deep as the deepest oceans. Feel the vibrations shimmering within you. Pure Joy! And radiate this joy outward through your Star-self to Gaia's Heart, to our Sun, Solaris, to all humanity and all living beings in, on and around the Earth and everywhere.



We call through our Heart Stars the Highest Light of Eternal Love, through the pure Silver Light of Transcendence and the Blissful Golden-white Light radiating from the Source of all Creation to and through the Heart of all Life on Earth and Everywhere, realigning all vibrations to Divine Freedom in Love, in loving awareness of the Sacred Spirit within all energy, all beings, through the infinite expanses of Light. 


All is One Love. All is Well in every moment, and we affirm this through the Love we Are, divine and eternal. And So BE It.



Love & Gratitude to you all, dear friends, lovers and anchors of Ascension on Earth and everywhere, through all the dimensions of Light,



*If you enjoy meditating with musical sounds, here's a suggestion for this meditation: Koshi Bells at 432Hz

Video - "Full Moon Equinox Angel Card Reading For The Week of March 17-23" By Melanie Beckler -

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