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The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network

My precious friends and family,

I would like to thank you all for your ongoing support and Love as I continue to hold a focus in being reunited with my children. I have no further news on the legal side at this time, and have not been able to contact the children. However I know that they are safe and as I tune into them daily, I feel this connection of Love very deeply.

Over the last week I have been working on many levels to see myself and my ex-husband coming together as a family of Light with the best interests of the children at heart.

This journey took me initially through the Christed Timelines of Divine Love into parallel realities in which I had been unforgiving and unloving with this particular Soul in order to balance this karma/negative energy. Traveling through the Christed Timelines is indeed a beautiful journey, one of the many gifts that we are given at this time as we move into the New Earth frequencies of Divine Love in order to bring about the rebalancing of duality consciousness through the Divine scales of Justice. We are able to change any of our past or present realities through our ability to forgive, Love and let go and in so doing, we are presented with the greatest gift of all, the Path of Transcendence, which will take us into the fifth dimension and One Unity Consciousness.

Additionally, I was interested in pre-birth contracts. For I know in my own personal story and in many of your stories too, we have experienced great challenges, and many are still experiencing great challenges. These challenges carry a common theme, and each perceived challenge presents us with an opportunity to come into a deeper experience of Love. We are so magnificent in our Light, that we choose these experiences to truly know ourselves as these transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, and through our thoughts and actions, to show others the path of Love and compassion. These contracts have taken us into choosing families and friends in which we perhaps did not experience being loved, or seen; where we perhaps experienced betrayal, heartache, abandonment, victim and persecutor consciousness, pain and loss, to name a few. And we chose these contracts for we each saw a way in which we could step deeper into Divine Love, through loving ourselves, through appreciating ourselves, and with this, to truly experience the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God and the ability to Love all Life regardless of where they are in their levels of conscious awareness. These experiences were chosen on this plane of polarity through the Law of Duality. In its most simplistic form, the Law of Duality seeks balance through the interplay of Light and dark, yin and yang, day and night, and this Universal Law comes into play through these pairs of opposing forces to bring about a greater equilibrium.

And in this dance, my ex-husband has become one of the greatest teachers for me to truly open my heart at the deepest levels of my beingness. After receiving permission to connect through his Higher Self and Beloved I Am Presence, I experienced myself in a beautiful Temple of Divine Love, amplified in the radiance of his Love at this dimensional level. As the tears flowed, I found myself saying, "I am sorry that I was not able to truly see you or Love you, but I am ready now to open my heart to you on all levels of my beingness and I truly do see you, in all your magnificence and Light". As I experienced myself within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, and my heart opened to truly Love him, I knew that he was presenting to me the gift of being able to open my heart unconditionally and deeply to all humanity, and in particular, to Love all men. My journey in this lifetime has taken me through physical, sexual and verbal abuse so that I could truly know myself as a Cosmic Flame of Divine Love. To deeply Love and appreciate myself, and to deeply Love and appreciate others, and to know that I have always experienced Divine Love.  

I was then guided into the Akashic Records, and from here, was able to see that my greatest challenge in this lifetime has been the perceived abuse I experienced through the men around me, and was indeed too the non-integration of the Divine Feminine within me through this perceived abuse. This aspect of myself needing to fully embody the energy of the Divine Feminine was brought into being as I truly understood my gift in this was to Love all men, and to truly see all men and appreciate them, and no longer play the duality game of victim/persecutor consciousness, the power and control games and all the old patternings and imprintings that we have choose to play and replay to know this is not want we want in our lives.

And the gift we are being given collectively now and that is being experienced in this dimensional shift through the Path of Transcendence is our ability to truly forgive and Love, to trust and surrender to the Divine and know that the highest outcome will always prevail through the courage and Love that we hold collectively as the I Am Avatar Race.

This plane of duality can only be transcended when we enter the fifth dimension as we create a balance and equilibrium through our collective Light and co-creation of Heaven on Earth. What I have come to realize is that in the darkest shadows is the potential for the greatest light and indeed too, within the greatest light is the potential for the greatest shadow, which is why we have been experiencing increased levels of both shadow and light within our own lives, to show the way through forgiveness and Love, and to shift the etheric net around Mother Earth through Divine Love, so that all Souls may choose the Path of Transcendence. As we hold the focus of One Unity Consciousness, as we experience the New Earth Templates of Divine Love with the assistance of the many Legions of Light from On High and our Beloved I Am Presence, all pathways before us are pathways of Light. These pre-birth agreements and karmic patternings will be absorbed into the infinite Patterns of Perfection, and we will no longer need to know our Selves through pain and suffering but only through Divine Love.  And this journey commences in our ability to truly Love ourselves and others, to truly appreciate ourselves and others.

I do not consciously choose this journey of heartache and pain to know my Self but it has become one of the most transformational journeys I have been on, and I know that the Pathways of Divine Love we have created through our collective stories is what will bring about the Ascension of ourselves and our Beloved Mother Earth. In opening our hearts to one another, and to all Life, we are given the greatest gift of all, the return to Source.

I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful network of Family and Friends of the Light and each one of your perspectives and sharings have resonated with me in so many ways and assisting in my journey at this time. I truly appreciate you all so very much. I am further blessed to have a master teacher and good friend out here from Australia at the moment, Qala Sri'Ama. Qala is in South Africa with a planetary focus and doing some amazing Light Work called The Andromedan Transmissions, which is in part the healing of our feminine bodies and a further focus is being brought to the children of Africa who need this feminine energy to heal.  Qala and I have been further guided to co-create a transmission of Divine Love together in the form of a telewebinar and I will send these details out to early next week, should you be interested in joining this telewebinar Friday September 7th. For further details on Qala, and her sacred Light Work, you can view her current itinerary at

As I experience my Divinity, I experience yours too my precious friends and family. For as I See My Self, I See You Too. And now, as I hold the focus through the Christed Timelines of the safe return of Benjamin and Caelin and the coming together with my ex-husband as a Family of Light, I hold the focus for you too in bringing into your reality all that you are needing in this Now through  Divine Love. And as we collectively co-create our Heaven on Earth, we move beyond the planes of duality into the Cosmic Heart of All Creation, experienced for us in this dimensional shift as the New Golden Age. It is my honor and privilege to be traveling this collective pathway of Light with you, and I know that we are all going to make it, supporting and loving one another along the way.


From my Heart to your Heart, to the Cosmic Heart of All Creation.


Blessings in Love

Anrita Melchizedek



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