My friend,

Thank you for meeting with me again in this way. Your presence is felt and deeply honored.

When we check in with ourselves on a Soul level, there is a part of us that already knows exactly what is about to be revealed to us in this Energy Forecast.

For a while now, the forecasts have revealed to us how the Divine Feminine is pouring Herself into the heart and mind of every living, breathing being in existence.

Our mind would like to think that it’s only happening to our planet, since that is what immediately impacts us the most. However, our Spirit knows that the resurgence of the Divine Feminine is touching every facet of existence.

The Healing of the Masculine

One of the most important roles for the Divine Feminine in the third dimension is to heal and alchemize the aspect of the masculine that long ago forgot its divinity.

For eons of time in our third dimensional reality, humanity has been influenced primarily by the aspect of the masculine energy that separated from its divine source.

What has remained is the aspect of masculine energy that represents the illusions of fear and survival.

It is quite clear that this aspect of masculine energy that long ago forgot its divinity is trying hard now, exerting a big push to keep its controlling grip on humanity.

This can be seen easily in many branches and sects of religious organizations, governments, and corporations that rely heavily on using fear to promote their agenda.

It’s through the Divine Feminine that this forgotten divine aspect of masculine energy will heal and return to its patterns of pure perfection.

It’s through the Divine Feminine that the Divine Masculine will return to our third dimensional experience.

The Divine Feminine represents Divine Love.

The Divine Masculine represents Divine Action. 

Divine Love is the most powerful energy in all of existence. It’s where everything comes from. It’s the sacred heart and womb from which everything is birthed.

Divine Love knows no judgment. It only knows wholeness and completion.

Divine Love expressed, is compassion.

For eons of time, humanity was led to believe (through the teachings of the aspect of masculine energy that had released all connection to its divinity) that the Source of all existence was a man—a powerful male energy that lived up in the sky somewhere.

This type of conditioning lent itself perfectly to fueling the fear and survival-based patterns that led humanity to give its power away to a select few.

But now, something tremendous is happening.

The fear bubble of humanity has popped, and the collective mind (though scrambling a bit) is now able to fully drink in the Divine nourishing Love of the Divine Feminine.

This is allowing the part of masculine energy that has ignored its divinity to heal, and to remember its divinity once again, within all of humanity.

For many who were steeped in the fear and survival patterns, there is a learning curve taking place, as they adjust to a new way of being that is in line with their I AM presence/Spirit self—the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspects of themselves.

It’s important for us to give those who are finding it challenging to transcend their old fear and survival patterns, the space to integrate and to heal.

When fear no longer has a hold over the consciousness of humanity, freedom ensues.

We can contribute to the healing of the masculine, so that we can set ourselves free from its old paradigms.

We can do this by choosing to be a compassionate presence for ourselves and for humanity as a whole, as we all adjust to the changes that are shifting us out of the old, fear-based patterns.

Compassion is the ability to observe humanity’s resistance to change, without judging that stance, or trying to fix or save it.

From this space of compassion, we can embody and express unconditional love toward ourselves and humanity.

When we and humanity receive deep and nourishing love through compassion, we see that the collective mind and our own minds are much less likely to resist the healing and transformation now occurring in our world.

Through compassion, we can support the Divine Feminine with Her healing of the masculine energy that had forsaken the beautiful divinity that it is a part of.

Video - "Embody & Harmonize With The Creator's Love Within You !"

Freeing Ourselves

In November, we will see more than ever the old deeply rooted survival patterns we have been identifying with come to the surface to be addressed and resolved.

This will allow us to get clear on whether we want to continue repeating those survival patterns, or whether we’re now ready to move in a direction of complete freedom from the past—freedom from the illusions of limitation and fear we once created for ourselves.

One of the most effective ways we can begin to move into complete freedom, is to question all of the fear/lack-based thoughts that our mind has about itself, others, and life in general.

Let’s look at a few thoughts that the mind can bring up to us sometimes: 

“I feel like I’m a total loss with money. I never seem to have enough.”

You may have had a similar thought at some point in your life—many people have.

If and when you do have a thought like this, ask your mind the following:

“Is this absolutely a 100 percent Universal truth, that I never have enough money, or that I never manage money in positive ways? Even if that were completely true, would I want things to stay that way?” 

Answer with a simple Yes or No.

If your answer was Yes, you might want to think about the following:

Is it possible that you observed poverty consciousness in your family while you were growing up, and unconsciously decided that feeling helpless about finances was how a grown-up functions in the world? 

It’s possible that even if you did inherit a poverty consciousness, you are still able to experience abundance at times. You may also still have a strong inner drive to become prosperous in life.

And is there is even the tiniest chance that your feeling lost where money is concerned is just something your mind created, to keep you dealing with finances the way your parents did?

In doing so, you could safely be a part of the family—doing and believing what they did and believe, as every child desires to do, so they will feel loved and accepted.

If you answered Yes to that, this could be a moment of deep realization for you.

Because when we realize that every experience in our lives is a result of us choosing that experience on some level, whether it was a conscious choice or not, we no longer need to hold victim/survival patterns as our truth.

As we realize that it has never been about how hopeless we are at money. Rather, it was about us needing to create strong links to family, so we didn’t grow up feeling alone in the world.

As we realize that, we can then forgive ourselves for what we think are our shortcomings.

We then begin to take our power back, and we become the conscious Creator of our life again.

Let’s look at another thought that may be deeply ingrained in our consciousness:

“I would love to find a new life partner—someone I really resonate with, who offers me solid friendship, love, and support. But I just don’t think he/she is out there. So I’ve stopped looking.”

If you’ve ever had a thought like this, ask yourself:

“Do I know this to be an absolute truth? Is it true that if someone doesn’t have the right partner now, they never will? Or is it possible that there are people who have met a wonderful partner at different times in their life, sometimes without even expecting it?”

See what comes up for you. That first thought might have come from what you’ve seen in the movies—that only young people with a certain kind of good looks or higher income levels find love. Or it might be a belief based on your or others’ past experiences, even though our past does not define our future.

Or it might be that in your family or community, there’s a belief that “if someone doesn’t settle down by the age of 30, they never will.”

All of this has led you to believe that a loving partnership has eluded you, and that you might as well give up at this point.  

Yet every area of our life responds powerfully to how we feel about it—what we believe to be true or possible. 

Your chance of meeting someone who is right for you has more to do with your holding open the possibility of meeting someone wonderful—and that you have plenty to offer a new partner.

That is far more powerful than what you’ve been outwardly taught about relationships.

When we look at any good thing in life with low expectations and disbelief, believing the worst of it instead of the best, we separate ourselves from it.

When we look at the belief that says, “I would love to find a new life partner—someone I really resonate with. But I just don’t think they’re out there, so I’ve stopped looking,” we can clearly see that that is a judgment based on fear.

As a result of this judgment and self-protectiveness, we have not only blocked ourselves from allowing in new opportunities to meet someone new.

We have also dishonored the whole energy of love and what it can be in our lives, on a romantic level and otherwise.

You can see that when we begin to question our thoughts, we create an opening in our consciousness through which we can expand into higher states of consciousness, and ultimately, into complete freedom to be our higher selves.

You may be feeling some resistance toward what you’ve just read, or experiencing some guilt or sadness about judgments and beliefs you’ve held in the past. Know that those ideas were formed during a time when we were all simply doing the best we could with what we knew at the time.

In the past, our mind simply chose to operate in survival mode, which is another way of saying that it decided to make protecting itself its ultimate priority.

But what if it no longer needs to use patterns of separation and fear to protect itself?

What if the mind can finally remember that our Spirit has kept us safe all along, even when we thought otherwise?

Doesn’t that free up space for us to try new things that will help us expand into greater states of aliveness, awareness, and being?

The mind has become very comfortable in identifying with survival patterns, so that when celestial openings occur in our personal and global consciousness, the mind experiences a lot of discomfort.

Our only job when that happens, is to be a compassionate presence for the mind as it adjusts and shifts out of the old patterns. This requires that we simply observe the mind’s resistance, without trying to fix, change, or save it.

Just observe and send it love, and the mind will no longer feel like it needs to resist the shifts that are happening.

The mind can then, in its own time, relax into our warmth and compassion, as a child feels safe in the loving arms of their parent or caregiver.

What Happens When We Are Free?

We when are free, we choose to create joy and happiness for no reason.

We transcend fear.

We enjoy a full life.

We let go of the need to blame others.

We take full responsibility for being the Creator of our own life.

We are kind, loving, and compassionate.

We express ourselves authentically and honestly.

We try new things, expanding out of our comfort zone.

We experience a strong connection to our Spirit and intuition.

We open ourselves up to receiving ALL of our blessings.

We are generous and giving.

We let go of competition and lack-driven behaviors.

We are healthy and vibrant.

And much more!

Video - "Let's Embrace Our Magic & Full Potential By Emmanuel Dagher"

The 11-11 Portal of Healing

On November 11, 2018, we will move through an important and powerful portal of healing known as the 11-11 portal.

This year will be extra potent, because it aligns with an 11 (2+0+1+8=11) year.

So, the alignment computes to 11-11-11!

This specific 11-11 portal will be celebrated by millions of way-showers and cosmically aligned soul family from all around the world. They will meet via synched up meditations and heart-unifying celebrations.

This will tremendously magnify the healing effects of the 11-11 portal for humanity.

This particular 11-11 portal of healing will allow the Divine Feminine to heal the aspects of masculine energy that has forgotten its divinity. She will go deep into the heart and psyche of the masculine and bring nourishing love and light to all of him, including the parts that have rarely been touched.

The Divine Feminine will bask all of humanity in her love. She will alchemize rigid and fixed thoughts and behaviors into expressions of ease, fluidity, peace, love, openness, and flexibility.

She will also remind us that together with her, we are the source of our abundance, and that as we appreciate all of our blessings, she will shower us with infinite new blessings.

We will also notice things feeling lighter, so that we can focus more on the energies of fun, play, joy, and creativity.

Below is a heart-opening process that will help us to connect with and be fully open to the 11-11-11 portal of healing.

This process can be done anytime throughout the day of November 11th.

However, if you’d like to make it extra special, set your alarm for your local times of 1:11 am, 11:11 am, 1:11 pm, or 11:11 pm, and try this process around these times.

The 11:11 Awakening Process

Step 1: Close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths.

Step 2: Smile with your right eye only (eyes still closed). Hold for 10 seconds.

Step 3: Smile with your left eye only (eyes still closed). Hold for 10 seconds.

Step 4: Imagine what it would feel like if your third eye in (the space in between your eyebrows) was smiling. Hold that feeling for 10 seconds.

Step 5: Move the smile down from the third eye to your mouth and cheeks (a regular big smile). Hold this smile for 10 seconds.

Step 6: Move the smile from your face down into your heart. Imagine what it would feel like if your heart was smiling big.

I like to see my heart as a cartoon heart-person, with a cute happy face with little dangly legs and hands, wearing a top hat, and doing a tap dance for me.

The key is to use an image that makes you feel happy and brings you joy. Envision your heart smiling and putting on this show for you, for at least 10 seconds.

Step 7: Say out loud: “I am fully open to receiving and giving unconditional love now, with ease and grace. And so it is!”

Step 8: Express at least 5 things you’d like to create more of in your life, and affirm them out loud to the Universe.

Step 9: Express gratitude to yourself and to the Universe for opening yourself up to all of the new blessings life has in store for you.

Step 10: Open your eyes, and observe over the coming days, weeks, and months, the new blessings that enter your life.

And that’s it!

May the month of November bless you and your loved ones in the most nourishing and supportive ways.

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,


Video - "Emmanuel Dagher - Let's Embrace Our Highest Divine Self"

Ancient Activation Shift by Master Kuthumi Through Natalie Glasson

Blessings of love and truth, I, Master Kuthumi, bring forth to you. I am the World Teacher alongside Master Sananda, together we oversee the spiritual education and ascension of all beings at a planetary and earthly level. It is our purpose to be of service to you, to gift you information and knowledge as well as awakening transformation and enlightenment within you.

We created contracts with each of you before your incarnation onto the Earth. In these contracts your soul stated the reason for your incarnation and what your soul wished to discover and awaken, we then shared how we could be of service and support your soul. 

We wish to make you aware of the contract, so you may realise that you can call upon us to activate wisdom within you, awaken knowingness and instigate transformation to be of service to your soul’s incarnation upon the Earth.

Invocation: ‘Master Kuthumi and Master Sananda, I call upon your energy, love, wisdom and presence to be with me now. Support me in opening to receive all you feel guided to share with me, let me receive with a clear mind, heart and being, so I may benefit fully from the experience.

Master Kuthumi and Master Sananda, please begin a transmission of energy to me so I may receive and awaken the wisdom my soul wishes me to be consciously aware of at this time in my ascension.

Please imprint into my being the energy and enlightenment that will serve me in the future, so I may bring this into my present manifestation at a greater speed. Please support my soul and my soul’s existence upon the Earth now and in my ascension. Thank you, and let it be.’

Take time to experience the transmission of energy fully anchoring into your being. This practice can be achieved as often as you wish and throughout your entire ascension process, we, wish to be present and of service to you always.

Ancient Energy at Your Core

While re-establishing our connection with you and reawakening the contract of service we wish to provide to your soul allows you to access ancient wisdom, knowingness and truth within your being, there is a deeper activation taking place.

Within your soul and the core of your soul, even within the core of your soul group there is stored ancient wisdom and truth. Ancient wisdom and truth are the knowledge, techniques, energies and understanding which no longer exist upon the Earth and sometimes within the Universe of the Creator.

It is civilisations, their purpose and teachings which your soul and even your soul group has forgotten. This wisdom and truth can be so ancient that it holds keys of energy and even DNA stands of light which manifested during the original expressions of the Creator.

While some of this wisdom and knowingness is no longer essential or needed upon the Earth and the inner planes, there are aspects which need to be rediscovered to create a wholeness and completeness in the knowledge of humanity and beings upon the inner planes. Akin to key pieces of wisdom that complete the larger picture of all that is the Creator that is awakening and downloading within your being.

This ancient and much needed energy is hidden at the core of your soul, it has been long forgotten. When activated it will also reawaken a new energy surge and cycle within your being which will assist in empowering your sensitivity to and awareness of your spiritual abilities, your guides, your ascension process and the inner planes of the Creator’s Universe.

When an aspect of the Creator is hidden, even if it is wisdom or conscious awareness, it creates a blockage in your energy system restricting the full flow of your power, vitality and light. While this may go unnoticed through several incarnations, generations and civilisations without causing any problems to your ascension process and the expansion of your being, there will come a point when your vibration can no longer tolerate the blockage, causing healing and a release to take place.

That time is approaching. I, Master Kuthumi, alongside Master Sananda have put an energy in motion assisted and magnified by the Creator to bring the ancient wisdom and truth to the surface once more, and for the blockage to be released. We believe that many light workers are ready to experience a deep release and freedom of their energy flow within their being, resulting in ancient wisdom and truth unfolding into their conscious awareness.

The energy we have put into motion will only serve and work with those who are ready and willing, it will not cause any trauma or distress of any kind. Instead it will be like a bubble bursting, illusion scattering with an overall sensation of freedom and relief in your energy flow. You will notice your energy field expanding and growing in power which will be inspiring.

The energy that Master Sananda and I have put into motion will also cleanse and purify the ancient truth and wisdom awakening from your core, this means that all unneeded energy or wisdom will be dissolved eternally. Therefore, there is no need to be concerned about being distracted by unneeded energies or worrying about being confused, the wisdom awakening will be perfect to inspire and further awaken you.

The result of this activation is one of feeling and recognising the wholeness and completeness of your being as an expression of the Creator in your physical incarnation upon the Earth.

Invocation: ‘I call upon the presence of Master Kuthumi and Master Sananda to download their loving, wise and high vibrational energies into my being now. Allow me to feel your presence pulsating throughout my being, anchoring into my cells and conscious awareness.

The purpose of the synthesis of our energies is to prepare me to receive the new movement of energy you are bringing forth and to reawaken the ancient wisdom and truth from within my being. ‘

Breathe deeply, enjoying the sensations of our integration with you and as we prepare your energies to receive the activation.

‘Master Kuthumi and Master Sananda, please align me to the new movement energy transmission you are now bringing forth for the planetary level. Let me receive the energies, frequency and light, penetrating into my entire being and soul to awaken the ancient wisdom and truth held within the core of my soul.

May the awakening of ancient wisdom and truth be smooth and easy, liberating my being and releasing any or all blockages within my energy system and flow.

I am liberated, empowered, magnified and enlightened.

The purpose of this activation is to increase my energy flow, strengthen my sensitivity and connection with the Creator as well as supporting me in retrieving and remembering what I need to in order to recognise the wholeness, completeness and totality of my being as an aspect of the Creator.

Master Kuthumi and Master Sananda, please support me in moving through this sacred activation and awakening process of the original energies of the Creator with ease and perfection now. Thank you, and let it be so.’

This activation may be very deep, drawing you into the core of your being and essence, you may find yourself falling asleep or being unconscious of what is taking place. This is natural, simply allow whatever needs to take place to take place. Allow all expectations to fall away and be present with the unfolding of energy within your being. You may feel guided to experience the activation several times to fully receive the ancient wisdom and truth held within your being.

In loving guidance and truth,

Master Kuthumi

More Master Kuthumi -

Free download of Natalie's message -

Video - "Experience The Levels & Dimensions of Your Christ Consciousness"

Confessions of A Spiritual Perfectionist By Matt Kahn

My friends and I have a running joke. We like to say, “I am not a perfectionist, but I’m working on it.” This light-hearted one-liner is a bird’s eye view into the infrastructure of intensity I lived in during the early developmental years of my spiritual journey.

To the best of my ability, I forged into inner explorer mode, eager to glean each insight and accomplish each milestone to the point where I was so worried about getting it wrong that I wasn’t able to enjoy the perfection of my evolution. Perhaps this rings true for you as well.

While all of us living on planet Earth are empaths of varying degrees of awareness, embodiment, and integration, the majority of empaths who are aware of their energetic sensitivities are also recovering spiritual perfectionists.

Because an energetically sensitive being has an inferior ego, or conditioning fed by low self-esteem, it is nearly instinctive to engage the endless potential of the Universe with an ongoing fear of making a mistake, doing something wrong, worrying about missing a window of opportunity or being left behind the highest curve of expansion.

I site these examples as experiences I have had and survived, only to discover a Universe operating by such a level of perfection and grace it is categorically impossible to ever step outside of the spotlight of your unfolding destiny. Often times, when the ego hears of such a perfection, it feels defeated by the will of the Universe, as if it’s competing with the Cosmos for your undivided attention.

All too often, the ego only feels useful if it believes it controls everything. When it discovers a depth of alignment beyond the grip and grit of personal control, it mopes in a state of uselessness as if it plays no purpose in life’s incredible journey.

Since everything is a unique and equal expression of one eternal truth, the ego plays a pivotal role in your evolution, albeit not the role it imagines or wishes to portray.

As you awaken, your ego’s job is to unravel in order to create space for the soul to emerge. It’s as if the ego has parked its car in the numbered space of your energy field, unaware that it is momentarily parked in that spot, until the soul is ready to move its vessel into position.

While the ego might adopt a belief in being the caretaker of the parking spot, even working tirelessly to keep it clean and clear of debris, it is maintaining the integrity of a parking space so the soul has a place to be parked. Upon finding out this surprising twist of fate, the ego can often become territorial with the parking space of your energy field, even perceiving the soul as an invasion to fend off.

It’s not that ego refuses to let go, as much as ego delays letting go until it feels as if it has gotten everything perfect. In reality, no matter how perfectly the ego does its dance, it always imagines an even higher level of perfection to attain, which perpetuates the tendency of holding on to its belief in control. Using this analogy, the ego asks the soul to be patient as it feverishly cleans the parking space for its arrival, always finding some pebble to move around as it works to get everything just right.

"...the ego asks the soul to be patient as it feverishly cleans the parking space for its arrival, always finding some pebble to move around as it works to get everything just right."

Even if the ego were to imagine getting everything perfect, its role now shifts into the same amount of effort to maintain the perfection it worked so hard to cultivate. Because it will never be free of the nonstop effort of chasing or maintaining perfection until it lets go, the more often the repetitive tendencies of ego are openly met with relaxed loving attention, the easier a transition can occur where the ego exits the parking lot to allow the soul to move into place.

In order to assist in your transition out of the perfectionistic patterns of ego and into the glory of your soul’s true essence, here a few helpful tips to aid in the process:

1. You are always doing everything correctly, even when you think you’re getting it wrong.

While the ego believes achievement occurs as a result of doing things correctly, the soul understands that both right and wrong are merely ways of interpreting the nature of outcomes.

The soul knows that every experience is correct since it brings you into communion with the exact emotions needing to be felt in order to resolve the past and inspire the awareness of greater insights. It’s never a matter of seeing something wrong or right, but how much time you are meant to spend percolating in various emotional states in order to access the gift of expansion.

While the ego believes doing things in a more correct order will help it gain access to more positive feelings in a shorter amount of time, the soul abides in the awareness of truth -- knowing you are meant to feel, think, believe, and choose exactly as you will to build up the momentum created in states of repression and discomfort in order to catapult into the opposite spectrum of higher energetic and emotional states.

If you ping-pong back down, it is only to discover greater wounds to be healed, which builds up pressure to accelerate you into even higher moments of expansion than before. This means, if you take the time to be at peace with exactly the way things are and have played out, life will guide you exactly where you wish to be, as long as you allow the Universe to work on its preferred timeline of events.

"...if you take the time to be at peace with exactly the way things are and have played out, life will guide you exactly where you wish to be..."

2. You may not get what you want, but you will always feel the way you desire.

This might blow a giant cannonball through the old understanding of the law of attraction, but it’s worth deconstructing in order to give you fresh perspective and space to breathe. Imagine something that you want to attract into your reality.

Notice that it is an object that has been associated with a belief that bringing this into your reality will also bring with it all the positive emotional states you wish to feel more often.

Because an energetic healing period is the time you are meant to spend in lower states as a way of building momentum and skyrocketing into higher states, there is no inherent connection between what you want and how you hope to feel.

It is merely a limiting spiritual belief fed by an assumption that you will feel differently once your personal circumstances appear differently. In truth, you are destined to feel much better, most likely before the logistics of your circumstances may be ready to shift.

It’s not as if the Universe doesn’t wish to give you what you want, but it works in accordance with delivering to you exactly what you need, in order to become who you were born to be.

Ultimately, the process of envisioning different circumstances is only meant to get you in touch with how you wish to feel. Once established, the Universe brings to you all the encounters and moments of healing to help you inevitably feel as you’ve envisioned.

When aligned with the soul, you are able to imagine better circumstances as a foreshadowing of intuitive knowing when not needing different experiences to permit different feelings. When incubating in the ego, you only imagine feeling better once your life circumstances change to your ego’s exact specifications.

When you are able to honor what you want, while accepting that it may not be the very thing you need in order to feel how much better you’re already destined to feel as more of your healing journey is completed, an alignment with a greater depth of maturity helps unravel beliefs of superstition within the ego’s grip.

3. The Universe isn’t fragile.

How often do you tip-toe around in your reality, hoping not to disturb the sacred ground of existence with limiting ideas, over thinking, or the triggering of negative emotions? While there is much benefit to being tactful with your words, actions, and responses, you are living out the necessary highs and lows of your evolution in a very durable reality.

A reality that is dressed up as a planet that has survived ice ages, volcanic explosions, and even held space for the arrival of meteor showers can surely endure the impact of your most limiting thoughts.

Especially if needing to be deprogrammed from old paradigm beliefs in the law of attraction, you are likely to think that any degree of imperfection will cause the Universe to frown upon your behavior and delay the arrival of your deepest desires.

When trying to “get everything right” as a way of seducing the Universe to give you more of the things you want, it is a moment of inauthenticity conveyed through expressions of spiritual materialism that obstructs the vantage point of your clearest view.

"When you understand that not live in a fragile Universe, you are well on your way to recovering from the pitfalls of spiritual perfectionism."

The Universe is not fragile and remains as indestructible as the destiny that unfolds throughout each passing breath. You may need to make fear-based choices in order to build up courage and resonate with more inspired options, or spend time in tumultuous circumstances until you are ready to step into the unknown; but isn’t that what the play of life is about? Life is a living journey of expansion, where you are becoming aware of all that you know and remembering all that you are — one incremental choice at a time.

Your life is a work of art in progress. As most artists will tell you, it’s impossible to bring the magic of art to life without initially making a mess.

When you understand that you cannot make a mistake, do not require life to bring you different circumstances in order to feel better about yourself, and do not live in a fragile Universe, you are well on your way to grounding your empathic energy and recovering from the pitfalls of spiritual perfectionism.

Once each day isn’t a series of fear-based rituals or constantly checking things off your endless spiritual to-do list, you are able to meet the mystery of your existence as openly and authentically as it always meets you. From this space, you are able to see the importance of each momentary milestone and explore the infinite spectrum of personal experience without anything to manage, remember, control, or keep straight. This is where the immaculate potential of a spiritual journey truly begins.

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