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Creating A New Matrix For Our Life Path By Patricia Cota-Robles

The Template For Humanity’s New Life Path

I AM my I AM Presence, and I AM One with the I AM Presence of all Humanity. As One Breath, One Voice, One Heartbeat, and One Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love I proceed.

As I invoke this Activity of Light for myself, I invoke it on behalf of every person on Earth in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.

Now as I lift up in consciousness, I Ascend into the Realms of Illumined Truth. I pass over the Bridge to Freedom which is the Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love that connects Heaven and Earth.

I enter the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light which is the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline frequencies of Solar Light associated with the New Earth.


The entire Company of Heaven is standing in readiness now, and I send forth a Clarion Call into the Universe invoking my illumined brothers and sisters to come and help me in this moment of transformation. The Cosmic Tone of my Clarion Call reverberates through all dimensions, and the response comes from every corner of the Cosmos.

I see the luminous Presence of Legions of Divine Beings descending into the atmosphere of Earth. They take their strategic positions above the planet and as One unified consciousness of Divine Love, the Beings of Light begin Inbreathing into their Heart Flames the most intensified frequencies of our Father-Mother God’s 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame that Humanity and the Earth have ever been able to receive.

In response, the I AM Presence of every person on Earth prepares to serve as an Open Door through which this unfathomable Gift of the Violet Flame will now flow into the world of form.

On the Holy Breath, the Threefold Flame blazing in every person’s heart begins to expand and expand until it envelops their physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies.

As One collective consciousness, we now experience a beautiful Blue Flame blazing through our left-brain hemisphere. This Sacred Fire is pulsating with NEW frequencies of our Father God’s Divine Will, Power, Authority, and the First Cause of God’s Perfection. 

Now, we experience a beautiful Pink Flame blazing through our right-brain hemisphere. This Sacred Fire is pulsating with NEW frequencies of our Mother God’s Transfiguring Divine Love, Adoration, Oneness, and Reverence for ALL Life.

As these NEW frequencies of the Masculine and Feminine Polarities of God are balanced within every person’s physical brain structure, we experience NEW frequencies of the Yellow-Gold Flame of Christ Consciousness being activated within our spiritual brain centers and our Crown Chakra. This Sacred Fire represents the Enlightenment, Divine Wisdom and Illumination of the Sons and Daughters of God.

Now all is in readiness and through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth we empower the template for Humanity’s New Life Path.

As One Unified Consciousness we affirm:

I AM the full expression of my I AM Presence here and now in the world of form.

I remember who I AM, and I Love and respect myself as a Beloved Child of God.

I AM enveloped in the invincible protection of God’s Light and Love as I sojourn through ALL of my Earthly experiences.

I AM manifesting perfection in my physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies.

I AM vibrantly healthy and eternally youthful.

Divine Love perpetually flows through my Heart Flame. I AM creating wonderful, loving relationships in every aspect of my Life.

I AM fulfilling my Divine Purpose and reason for Being.

I AM financially and creatively rewarded in my job. Day by day, I AM open and receptive to the Infinite flow of God’s Abundance.

I AM financially FREE!

I AM reaching my highest Divine Potential in all of my experiences as a son or daughter, a woman or man, a wife or husband, a mother or father, a grandmother or grandfather, as a relative, a friend, a coworker, a teacher, a way shower, a steward of the Earth, a Lightworker, and a cocreator of Heaven on Earth.

I AM an exponent of Divine Family Life, including my place in

the Family of Humanity.

My Heart Flame is the Open Door through which flows the Infinite Light of God’s Divine Love, Eternal Peace, Abundance, Wisdom, Enlightenment, Illumination, Harmony, Balance, Happiness and Abounding Joy.

Through my thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories and beliefs I AM a living example of Divine Truth, Integrity, Honesty, Tolerance, Acceptance and Reverence for ALL Life.

I communicate openly and honestly with every person I come in contact with and

I AM a compassionate and thoughtful listener.

I continually ask for guidance from my I AM Presence and I intuitively receive information and viable solutions to the various situations surfacing in my Life. I also receive guidance that will assist me in easily fulfilling my Divine Plan.

I now realize through all levels of consciousness that I AM a powerful Instrument of God during this auspicious time on Earth. With this knowing, I Consecrate my Life Force to Loving ALL Life FREE.

To assist in this Holy Endeavor, I invoke the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection to instantly transmute into Light every thought, feeling, word, action, memory or belief I have ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, both known and unknown, that would in any way prevent the patterns for the template of my New Life Path from tangibly manifesting in the world of form.

I realize that I AM a multidimensional Being of Light, and that I abide simultaneously in both the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light in the Heavenly Realms and the physical world of form on the New Earth.

Now, in the Realms of Cause my Life reflects the Immaculate Concept of all that I have invoked through this newly created template of my Life Path.

With every breath I take, these patterns for my Life Path are being magnetized from the Realms of Cause and breathed through my Heart Flame into the physical plane of Earth. Through our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love, this invocation of my Life Path is being amplified one thousand fold.

And so it is. Beloved I AM that I AM.

God Bless You,

Patricia Cota-Robles

Take Your Joy Seriously! By Ann Albers

Ann .....

Hi Dear Friends!

This week the angels encourage us to return to our natural state by seeking joy. Sometimes that is easier said than done, but with practice it becomes habit and a a quick way to shift the direction of our lives.

Love you all!
♥ Ann

Message From The Angels .....

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Before you came to earth, you intended to experience life with a spirit of adventure, discovery, and desire. You intended to create joy, seek joy, and share joy, for joy is a celebration of love and love is your natural state of being.

When you do anything with joy, you tune into the pure creative energy of the universe. When you take delight in anything in your present moment, you open to the flows of grace. When you savor a sip of your coffee, delight in the smiles of your children, or simply admire a passing cloud, you are feeling nothing less than the presence of the Divine.

Your joy need not wait for perfect conditions. You can always seek it in the here and now. To feel joy, you don't require health, wealth, or love. If you are sick you can find joy in the comforting touch of a loved one, in your favorite blanket, or in the sweet peace of sleep. If you feel impoverished you can find joy in the vast abundance of natural delights and the wealth of kind souls. If you are feeling lonely you can savor a perfect moment of smelling a rose, sitting in silence in front of a beautiful piece of art, or listening to the strains of an uplifting song.

Finding joy is simply an act of choosing to focus upon what gives your heart delight. Take a moment. Look around you. Look within you. See what can give your heart delight right here and now. Is it a color? A texture? A piece of furniture or a car you love? The thought of the waves rolling in upon the ocean? The memory of a cool breeze? A loved one? The smile of one you loved a long time ago? Look around and look within. You will discover so many ways to find and acknowledge joy in the here and now.

The heart naturally seeks joy. The mind easily negates it.

The heart says, "What a beautiful day!" The mind yes, "Yes but admiring the sunshine won't pay the bills!"

The heart says, "I am so blessed. I have loved many times this lifetime!" The mind says, "Yes but there is no one now!"

The heart says, "What an incredibly beautiful color." The mind says, "Yes, but so what! Admiring beauty won't change your life."

These “Yes, but's…” rob you of an exquisitely joyful experience of life.

Joy will actually help you pay the bills. if you are a positive person, people are inclined to assist you. If you are look for the good others will see good in you. In joy you are more likely to be offered jobs, given promotions, and to be inspired to create work that you love.

Joy will bring wonderful people into your life. You know from your own experience that you are drawn to people who seem to be in love with life. They are captivating, alluring, fascinating, delightful! Love seeks itself in another.

Joy can change your entire life. Joy is your guide and your compass. Joy leads you into circumstances that can give you a whole new understanding of who you are and what you are capable of doing. Seeking your joy can bring you new ideas. Maybe that blue color you admire becomes your new brand color, or maybe you decide to take up painting. Maybe it reminds you of how much you love the night sky, so you take a walk at sunset and meet the love of your life... Joy guides you.

Take your joy seriously dear ones. Look for it in the here and now. What pleases you? What thoughts make you feel the most uplifted and happy?

Don’t wait for circumstances to look right. Don’t wait for others to behave as you wish. Create joy now. Seek joy now. Then you will become a beacon of light in this world and a light that the world wishes to love in return.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

Video - "11:11 New Moon Ascension Angel Card Reading" By Melanie Beckler

Message From Ann Albers .....

Hi Everyone,

I just came back from a visit with my family, including my two little nieces. There’s nothing that can capture my heart so quickly as hearing delighted squeals of “Aunt Ann! Aunt Ann! Aunt Ann!” I could have melted into a puddle as I heard their joy when they came running to the door.

I was immediately dragged down the stairs of their new home to the "dance room" – a large unfinished basement that my brother and sister-in-law are in the process of remodeling. For now there at two-by-fours on the walls, and a carpet on the floor – nothing else. To the adults it has potential. To two little girls it is the perfect playroom!

My oldest niece (who is seven) grabbed my hand and took off running with me. We both squealed and giggled as we raced from one end of the basement to the other, catching each other's hands, twirling, dancing, and finally collapsing on two little pink bean bag chairs, only to get up and do it again. Joy knew no bounds in the "dance" room! Eventually, tired of running, I was invited into the "Secret Lair" - a card table with copious amounts of painters tape artfully woven around the sides so we couldn't been seen. Never mind the painters tape was expensive... it was a glorious blue and oh it offered possibility!

Next up was watching Disney's "Tangled," eating a great meal, then down to the basement again for more play. This time they became my "baby birds" and I had to "feed" them worms made of colorful beads strung together. I don't think I've had that much fun in ages!

Children naturally seek joy. They don't think about what to do. They just follow their fancy. If "The rules" interfere, they come up with something else that sounds fun. We made bracelets, whispered secrets, saw the latest cool toys, and snuck a few bites of Halloween candy... There was no limit to their creative joy-seeking potential.

There's no limit to ours either.

The angels have taught me to prioritize joy. I don't always remember to do so, but frequently I do. I'm sitting outdoors typing this message on the portable computer, munching popcorn, and delighting in the birdsong and beautiful day.

Joy has brought me abundance many times. Years ago I took a boat tour while visiting Hawaii. The gentleman who owned the tour company stopped me as I was leaving. "You are so happy you made everyone on the boat happy! I have a free slot tomorrow. Come back and I won't charge you!" This was a $150 tour! I joyfully accepted.

Joy has brought me interactions with beautiful people. I sat listening to music once in the butterfly garden, eyes closed and a blissful smile on my face. "Do you always look like that when you sleep," someone asked me? "Like what?" I asked. "Happy," came the response. I can't count the number of times people have stopped and talked to me, starting the conversation with, "You look happy..."

Joy has brought me a new life. I just followed my bliss – one step at a time –  right into this career, when I didn't have a clue what I'd be doing.

Joy makes me productive. I got off an airplane last Saturday, and woke up at 4am to drive up north and go hiking on Sunday. A joyful outing gave me the energy to answer the hundreds of emails that I'd missed during my trip.

Joy is not frivolity. It is a sign that we are listening to our inner compass, and aligned with the Presence of the Divine within. It is not something handed to us always by the outside world and it is something that others can seem to easily steal. In the end, we get to choose our focus however, and the angels remind us with a great deal of love... to choose joy!

Here are some pointers this week to help you find the joy life offers...

1. Don't wait for great conditions. Seek Joy now

Give up the excuses and countless reasons why life isn't or can't be joyful. I've had bills, ill health, and betrayal but that isn't a reason to avoid seeking joy. In fact seeking the joy in life is what healed me each time.

Look for things that make you happy. I scan the places I visit for things that are interesting or beautiful. I look through a familiar grocery for new treats. I look back over my day before bed and give thanks for all that has been good. There are always things to appreciate and enjoy in life. A single piece of dark chocolate offers bliss if that's your thing! A single melody can turn the day around. A single flower on the forest floor reminds me of life's miracles.

2. Choose joyful thoughts

Too often we focus on "reality" –  meaning what is in front of us. If you can think joyful thoughts about "reality" by all means do. If no, handle "reality" then instead of worrying, spend time imagining your problems solved, as well as your dreams and desires. Changing your mental focus brings greater joy. I can think one happy thought in the midst of an onslaught of negative ones and it gets me back on track.

You'll handle "reality" better if you can imagine a happy outcome.

3. Be kind to yourself if you can't get there

Sometimes we're lost in the throes of our humanity and find it too difficult to find joy. If you've experienced loss, betrayal, or a number of other very human experiences that are just plain tough. be kind to yourself. Comfort yourself in a healthy way. Sometimes the most joyful thing you can do is curl up under a blanket and sip some hot tea.

Little joys lead to bigger ones however, and even these small choices will help you heal and return to a focus of joy once again.

Life doesn't always present its joyful side and yet as the saying goes, "Seek and ye shall find..." Practice choosing joy as often as you can, and watch life shift to become more joyful!

Love you all!

Video - "Embody & Harmonize With The Creator's Love Within You !"

Learning to Trust Yourself By Shanta Gabriel

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message from Archangel Gabriel is helping us to remember that we are not alone. We are being inspired and guided at all times by Love that never ends. When we can trust this process, we not only empower our intuition, we feel much happier.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week


Trust in yourself and trust in the Angelic energy working through you.

Shanta's message .....

Many times I have found it easier to trust others more than myself. I have noticed that trust seems to be a common thread for many people.
Learning to love and trust ourselves is one of the most powerful ways for us to serve in the world. The love that we give to ourselves is well deserved. If you are reading this, you have worked a long time to evolve and become a good and truly heart-centered person.
It is vitally important to honor the work that you have done for yourself to feel more integrated. Further, the Earth needs us to find this love and respect within as a key element to her evolution. The love and trust we give to ourselves brings us into the wholeness and well-being that is necessary in our development as well as for the wholeness and well-being of the planet.
We can feel inspired by others and we can learn from our many teachers, but to trust that we are being divinely inspired in every moment is paramount at this time. When we begin to trust our inner guidance, we have more access to Divine Wisdom. It is like a muscle that becomes stronger with use.
And then there are Angels...
Experiencing a personal relationship with Angels is beyond the mind's capacity to understand. Beneath the level of everyday awareness lies the spirit that is your true state of being. When you turn the light of clear seeing into yourself anew, a beautiful world opens to you and life responds by offering the magic of awakening energy.
When everything suddenly feels enchanted, you are being lifted up on wings of Angels to be carried into the realms your soul remembers. It feels like Home, and your inner self rejoices in the experience of the Love that awaits you. This is the gift being offered to you by the Angelic Dimensions.

There are some Angels that have been with you from the moment of your soul's first incarnation as well as Angels that came to you for this lifetime. There are also Angels that show up when you are in a challenge that will benefit your soul's growth in this lifetime. You have Angels that you can work with to over-light all your relationships as well as work projects. And there are legions of Angels who are specifically working to support all of humanity through the Shift of the Ages we are experiencing.
Because we live in a Free Will Universe, it is necessary for you to invite the presence of Angels into your life. Every one of these beings of Light is at the beckoning of your Higher Self.
Your Higher Self knows the Angels from whom your soul would most benefit. It is your job to be in contact with this most exalted part of your being and let this benevolent friend, your Higher Self who is your Soul's voice, bring to you the help and guidance that you are seeking.
The Angelic Dimensions are actively involved in the mass awakening currently underway on the Earth. It takes humans to make the difference, however, because the Angels cannot change the Earth without our conscious evolution. Humanity is the key to making the Earth into a heavenly place so we can all live in a higher dimensional reality.
Even our small steps make a large difference. I have heard it said that if we take one step toward God, the Divine takes ten steps toward us. When we allow the Angels to work in and through our lives, this assists in awakening the consciousness of all humanity through our learning to trust and love ourselves.
Divine Presence,
Thank you for blessing me with a deep connection to my Highest Self and the Angels that are here to work with me in this lifetime. Thank you for helping me learn to trust myself in powerful and consistent ways. May I remember to honor and respect all that I have been through and all that I have done to become more whole and integrated in my life.
Thank you for opening my access to the Angels that help me within all my relationships and the situations that surface in my life. I ask for clear wisdom and guidance every step of the way.
May each person receive the love from the Angels that awakens new depth and freedom within their heart. And may we always know how closely and sweetly we are being held in Wings of Pure Light. Thank You God. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
Video - "Experience The Levels & Dimensions Of Your CHrist Consciousness"
The Gabriel Messages Book #38

Trust in yourself, and trust in the Angelic energy
working through you.

AA Gabriel's Message .....

Dear One,
As the light within you grows stronger and brighter, you will find yourself bringing more wisdom and love to your world. You will begin to trust more deeply in yourself and know you are divinely guided at every moment.
Trust is an energy that grows the more you use it. Like a muscle that strengthens with exercise, so it is with trust. It comes not from the power of your doing, as much as it is an allowing of energy to flow through your being.
Trust comes from a deep level of faith. At the core of your being you know there is a Higher Power at work. You can turn your life over to this Divine Presence and things will begin to move in positive directions. Learn to listen more to your intuition than to what society tells you is true. Learn to listen to the voice of your higher self, which is your connecting link to the Divine Source. Remember that you know, deep within, what is best for you. Your higher self knows the answers to all the questions you ask.
Trust the Angels to help you with this process of connecting to God within you. They are an incredible resource awaiting your invitation. Begin to ask your guardian Angel for help in small ways. Follow the guidance you receive and you will find yourself trusting ever more deeply in this wondrous energy working through you.

You will notice your life becoming simpler, and everyday activities becoming easier, due to an ever-increasing compassion and clarity within, and due to the grace of the Angels. This grace blesses every step you take and every word you say. This grace also becomes stronger the more you allow it to work in your life. It is a gift for you, but first you must ask, and then you must allow yourself to be open to receiving the good available to you.
These simple acts of trust can transform your world. Remember, your direct link to Divine Grace strengthens when you...

Trust in yourself and trust in the Angelic energy
working through you.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel
November 4, 2018

You Are a Beacon of Light!

A Guided Meditation to Support You

Beacon of Light" width="250" class="CToWUd a6T"/>In this meditation, Archangel Gabriel invites the new frequencies of Light to activate the Force of All Creation to blend your Divinity with your humanity — and you become a Beacon of Light to the world.

You will experience the activation of Faith in your heart, bringing you into your natural state of Love with an alignment to the Light of Source Energy. From this place, you can remember that you are never alone.

Using the Microcosmic Current of the breath, you are connected to the Manifestation and Liberation Currents of the body. This breath technique is said to be the most powerful technique in Qigong for elevating spiritual awareness. Regular practice increases strength, intelligence and vitality.

Available Here -

Video - "Archangel Kristiel Transmission: Downloading 6D Divine Feminine Light-Codes"

By Steve Nobel -

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