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Choose What Resonates With You Vs Right & Wrong

By Ann Albers & The Angels

Happy New Year! It's 2021 – a year of embracing the diversity in the One!

As we move out of the old, outdated 3D paradigm of absolute right/wrong into the new 5D paradigm of resonance, the angels talk about how we can live and let live, love and let love, and navigate the differing opinions on how to solve the world's problems while maintaining our own peace, and integrity. Let us enjoy the unmasking of our souls!

Love you all!
♥ Ann

The Angels Message .....

One soul at a time, you are coming to the realization that you live in a vibrational reality in which unmasking yourself means a lot more than simply removing a piece of cloth from your face.

You unmask yourself by sharing the truth of yourself with the world. You can unmask yourself by wearing a face mask if that is what makes you feel safe and comfy. You can unmask yourself by removing the cloth, when laws permit if that is what feels right to you. You can unmask your sadness and loneliness by being honest about it and reaching out for help. You can unmask your joy by inspiring and sharing it with others. You can unmask your fears and upsets by expressing pent up rage, or you can unmask your deeper Self by expressing love in even the smallest of ways.

As part of your "unmasking" we ask you to rephrase some often-asked questions. Instead of asking, "What is the right thing to do? What is the right belief? What is the truth?" ask yourself, "What resonates with me? What feels right to me, right now? What is my truth – for me?"

You can never presume to know what is right for another soul's path and their growth, but you will always know, in each moment, what is right for you. The resonant choice simply feels good in the here and now. When you focus upon a choice that resonates with you without worrying about what anyone else thinks, your entire body will begin to relax.

When your thoughts and your choices are aligned with your soul, you will feel peace, joy, and a rightness and lightness in your being. It doesn't matter what anyone else is doing, thinking, or believing. What resonates with you, defines what is right for you.

For example, some of you will resonate with taking the new vaccine. You will feel good about it and protected by it, and it will work well for you. Others of you will not resonate with the vaccine and will choose to ensure your well-being in ways that do resonate.

We know this stirs up a lot of concerns for those of you on various sides of the highly charged issues upon your earth. You fear that if others do what they want vs. what you feel they should, then they could harm you. We will reassure you time and again that no one, and nothing is in charge of your vibration and your vibration alone will dictate your experience of reality.

So how to navigate seemingly disparate realities? Go within. Create from within as we have been teaching you. Imagine what you want to experience in life, then enjoy your days. Live and let live. Wait for your guidance. The Creator of universes lives in all things and all beings, and can easily orchestrate a harmonious dance of reality, even with all the diverse desires, beliefs, and concerns.

For example, some of you will embrace the vaccine and feel all others should do the same in order to end the pandemic. You can be upset and angry at those who choose not to take it. You can become self-righteous and vengeful and hope they get sick, all the while making yourself sick with stress. A far kinder approach would be to unmask your soul's deeper wishes by going into your inner world and imagining a life a life where all are healthy, happy, harmonious, and free. In creating this focus, you will be guided and this will become your personal experience of reality.

Others of you will oppose the vaccine and be very upset if you feel you have to take it for work, travel, or some other activity you wish to enjoy. You can choose to be angry and indignant and feel victimized. You can take it and self-righteously, unconsciously, create adverse reactions just to say, "I told you so." A far kinder approach would be to unmask your soul's deeper wishes by going into your inner world and imagining a life without you taking the vaccine where all are happy, healthy, harmonious, and free. Or you can go into your inner world and imagine taking the vaccine but allowing everything non-resonant to pass right through you. In creating this focus, you will be guided and this will become your personal experience of reality.

No matter what you choose, choose to love the reality that resonates with you – the one you are creating inwardly and focusing upon. Then wait with faith and trust for the 5D guidance to steer you in your 3D world.

You are, dear ones, are truly #inittogether, each with your own unique, beautiful, and precious and perfect expressions of love. You were never all meant to agree. You were never meant to impose your will upon another not to allow others to impose their will upon you. You were intended instead to live and let live, love and let love, and to live in a vibration of love, starting with love and acceptance for self and spiraling out eventually to embrace all of creation.

Love, after all, is the vibration that lifts you above problems and into solutions that fit your individual lives, beliefs, and perspectives. Love raises you above discord and into harmony, above illness and into well-being. As you choose to live in love and express love in the smallest moments of appreciation or kindness you raise yourself into a cooperative dance with life – one in which you fit exactly as you are, and one in which you allow others to do the same.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

Video - "Shine Your Innermost Light" By Melanie Beckler


Ann's Message .....

Hi Everyone,

Happy New Year! Are you ready? It sounds like we're all going to be working this year to stop judging, start discerning, live and let live, and let ourselves be ourselves, no matter what anyone else is doing.

One of the reasons I rarely share my personal views on many global subjects is because I do not want you to choose what I choose, simply because I choose it. I want you to be you, whatever that means to you.

I want you to embrace the political views that resonate with you, to take the approaches to well-being that resonate with you, and to behave in ways that make you feel good. I share what works for me only in the hope that it gives you food for thought, and helps you more clearly examine and define your path and what resonates with you on your own personal journey.

After years of working with angels, I'm clear that my way is not "the right way," nor could it ever possibly be the only way. It's simply right for me. It resonates with me, and with many of you, but not all and that's how it should be.

Some of you wrote me last year with the kindest expressions of love, both with and without agreement. Others wrote with sincere desire to sort out your own truths. Still other expressions felt like daggers twisting in my gut when the hatred, anger, and fear that some aimed at me caught me unaware many times last year.

There were many times when I was inspired to serve tirelessly, and honestly a few times where I fought an internal battle to even care about continuing this work because it hurt to be used as an emotional punching bag.

What has saved me, time and again, was the angel wisdom that everyone has a right to their expressions, and I, like everyone else, have the right to decide which energies I take in.

Many of you grappled with similar concerns last year. In addition to the global challenges, many of you lost long-term friends over political differences. You were on the receiving end of angry family members who were so scared that they came unglued over the different perspectives on how to live safely amidst a pandemic.

You were trying to be compassionate even when others weren't so kind. You did your best. I did my best. We all did our best. Given the intensity of the challenges last year, I think that's something to be proud of.

Collectively, we are learning a new way of being. We are learning to give up the outdated paradigm of an ultimate right/wrong way to handle anything. We are learning to pay attention to our own energy more and to do only what resonates with us.

We are learning to trust our internal guidance – for ourselves – without requiring anyone else's agreement. We are learning to withdraw our attention and energy from situations and people who insist that we must agree with them, rather than engaging in the impossible age-old dance of attempting to please everyone.

We are learning to discern rather than judge, and to live and let live at a deeper level than ever before.

This requires faith and trust in a higher power that guides us all in a perfectly orchestrated dance defined by our very own desires. It requires faith that if you do what resonates with you, you are safe, protected, loved, and guided. It requires a trust that you are worthy of your own dreams, and a belief that the universe can deliver them far more elegantly and peacefully than we could figure them out on our own.

My wish for you this year is that you trust your own heart, that you accept your own thoughts, feelings, and desires without the need for others to agree, and that you find peace in the knowing that in God's eyes you are perfect exactly as you are, even as we continue our eternal expansion.

It is time to dive heart-first into a new year with faith and trust that what resonates with us is exactly what our soul is guiding us to do.

Here are a few pointers to help you explore the idea of resonance:

1. Practice with simple decisions

Think of different foods you might have for you next meal, or simple options for a decision whose outcome isn't terribly important to you. Tune into your body. As you think of each option see which one your body resonates with. Which one makes you feel happy? Which decision lights you up? Which feels better?

Practice looking at various things and various people, even if only on TV or the Internet, and notice how your body feels, and how your mind feels. Do you feel discordant or resonant? Practice choosing things, people, and situations that resonate with you, rather than over-analyzing who or what should. Notice how you feel as you make these heart centered, resonant choices.

2. Practice shifting your focus

Sometimes we can't physically remove ourselves from a situation or person that doesn't resonate with us so the only choice we have is to choose a more resonant focus. Say you're stuck in a job you don't like for the time being, even as you're creating a new one.

You can choose to focus on whatever you can in the current job that does resonate with you. Choose to focus on the future job you are creating, that really does resonate with you. Do your best to use your mind as a tuner and tune into the aspects of the situation that do resonate. In this fashion, you'll draw kinder and more resonant situations to you in all areas of life.

3. Accept yourself. Accept others.

"Live and let live" is a motto the angels love. We often forget to apply it to all the various aspects of ourselves! At times we all get tired, cranky, fearful, or sad. We want to feel better, but sometimes we don't. At these times let love resonate with you. Accept yourself. Sweet talk yourself. Give yourself a hug and say, "It's OK to be human honey."

Love always resonates and as we give it to ourselves, we more quickly shift out of those other non-resonant states of being. The more you accept and love yourself, the more you can allow others to be who they choose to be as well.

I suspect it will be a year of exploring a deeper, more soulful definition of freedom than ever before – the freedom to choose thoughts, feelings, and actions that resonate with us, and the freedom to release those that don't.

May we all focus on the realities that resonate with our individual perspectives, trusting the Creator of universes to sort it all out and guide us in a dance of health, harmony, and above all... Love! Happy New Now!

Love you all!

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I lovingly call forth God's Infinite Blessings with the Highest Divine Energies of Your Soul's Love, Enlightenment, Healing, Violet Flame Blessings, & Blessings of Your Soul's Peace, Joy,, & Abundance that are Divinely Perfect for Each of You in every moment !

Steven Hutchinson

Video - "Rising Sun Meditation" By Steve Nobel -


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