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Copyright © Ben-Arion. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include the following links at the top of the article: and

Everything moves in Cycles within this universe, one of these cycles is now coming to and "end" and this planet is in a process or event which can be compared to an Upgrade of an "old computer", a new software is being downloaded into the Consciousness of Humanity and Earth has "known" about this for a long time.

As every cell in our body communicates with the rest of the body, the earth communicates with every human being on earth, but also with Planets, vast star systems.

We are a part of an even larger cycle within this universe, which unfolds on many planes of existence. Everything is switching or adapting itself to a higher frequency, and just as we would switch channel on a radio, there is "noise-disturbance" in between the Existing planes. Change is a process, our minds need space to adapt and Calibrate within these Higher Frequency Bands. It's a very real thing, as everything is Vibration, Sound and Light. We are transitioning into a new Higher Perspective of What Life IS – the truth can no longer be hidden.

Don't wait for anyone else to manifest your dreams! Act and know that you are the source of your creations. I've notice that many people wait for things or their dreams to happen. We can't wait for Heaven on earth, as it is we who have to Attune to that lifestyle. Of course we get a lot of support. Don't wait for any channelled messages to tell you the latest news about what's happening, as you are the news itself and your decide what you want to happen.

Instead of trying to change other peoples behaviours, focus on your Own behaviour and Feelings, as this is within your "power" to transmute and Heal. See yourself as a Cell within a body and your Radiation will effect the other cells, as Frequency affects matter. When your "instrument" is in harmony, other cells will "listen" to that and "adapt".

There is no External reality as it may seem – there are as many realities as there are people! There is enough for everyone. There is a Higher Field of Love that many people listen to at this moment "in time", and some people will hear and others not. You can't blame any politicians, any sources outside yourself for what is happening, as everyone is connected. This is why most people get stuck, because they believe in what's outside of themselves, instead of acting for their highest joy NOW, no matter what the world is like. The system is designed to keep people in the limited mind and repeat the same things over and over again.

What will happen or what will not happen, doesn't matter. As Change is like a flower, it has everything stored within our DNA and we cannot struggle to "not experience" it, but it's much easier if we can Embrace and Choose the highest Joy for ourselves in each moment and let life unfold. Don't wait any longer for anything to happen outside of yourself before you act on your Dreams! Be the one that now boldly set sail with joy, as what we call "the Veil" between our world and the Higher spheres are Gradually shifting.

Manifestation will follow your thoughts and intent, so it`s all about receiving and focus on what you want in life rather than what you don't want. There is no one outside yourself that Creates reality, as you are the creator of your Life Experience. All people may not want to follow the path of Truth, Love and Peace, but you do. So be the change! That's why you are here – to Live and be an example of the change, we call ascension.

Wait for no one or nothing as you are the One who are LOVE IN ACTION.

You are here to empower people to see that what we call external reality is a reflection of your inner Attitude and Beliefs. The core of Empowerment that I want to remind you about is to KNOW that you create life from What you speak, do and believe, which has nothing to do with what is outside yourself. Don't compare yourself with others or worldly circumstances, choose to Create from your Heart, instead of being a Victim because your believe you have no power. Reality will not change until you choose to BE the change.

Act from your willpower with Love and intent, and Life cannot do anything else than change. Life may seem disconnected and random, but it is connected and every choice you make, everything you "radiate" will have an effect on the Overall consciousness, as Empowered thoughts and feelings transmutes Lower thought forms. One part of our "role" here on earth, is to Ground the "Higher Frequency" into the earth and its consciousness, or we can also say that we are Conduits or antennas for mother Earth, so she can receive this energy.

You don't need to know the "truth" outside of yourselves which is mirrored to you in symbols, truth cannot be found in the world. Truth isn't a thing or a certain belief, truth is the "symphony" of Love, that you can feel when you are Centered and Fulfilled by your Inner space. It's an Energy beyond Concepts, Ideas and duality. So stop looking for truth outside yourself, in people, in events, instead give yourself the time to Slow down and reflect on the Inner peace, which is who you truly are.

Due to unconscious programming people tend to think and focus more on what they don't want instead of what they really want to Be, Do or have within their lives. The unconscious mind attaches itself to the Problem instead of focusing on a solution. To give you an example, if someone read a negative post on a particular subject and this person is wasting all their energy on trying to defend or change anyones belief, then they are just feeding their unconscious mind, with more fire, instead of the solution that would give them more energy and inspiration. You cannot create a solution on on the same frequency level as the problem.

You have to Raise your vibration by choosing more harmonious and conscious thought patterns and let you feelings be your guidance system. When you feel good, you know you think thoughts that serve you. If you feel very drained, it's an indication that you aren't in harmony with your highest vision and intent.

True Freedom is to Know that you are the creator of your Experiences and that no one else can impose themselves unto you, but many times we let people impose their reality unto ours, again due to the unconscious programming that we have no power.

What we call reality is much of a distraction, as it will give you more of the same over and over again, until you change your mind. If you truly want to live a life without Addictions, without struggle, you slowly lighten up that bulb of awareness within you, tune into feelings of Gratitude, Happiness or whatever makes you feel lighter, and hold this state as long you are capable. It's like training your muscles, because if you repeat something often enough it will be what we call a habit, and your habits will become your lifestyle.

Don't let the "state" of the world show you the way to your Joy, but create your Joy from within! Life does not "happen" to you, life is created by you. When you start to take "responsibility" for your Inner peace and always Act without getting stuck in what we call "outer reality" you become a magnet for change. You cannot change this world if you are encapsulated in a sphere of Fear, believing in everything you see around you.

You have to break yourself free by raising your Frequency, and this will also help you to Feel everything and see everything with a "higher" understanding.

It's better to broadcast thoughts of Love, which will raise the collective thought patterns, instead of "clinging" to your fears of the "external world". This is what media does best, to create fear and hopelessness into the minds of people.

You are more capable to assist or help people when you are grounded in your Knowing, that all people have the power to create worlds, within them. You have to be a living example of this Lifestyle and your Life will touch many people's hearts, as everything is connected. Your focus on Raising your Frequency, so it's a match with higher thought forms, like joy etc, will effect this world and its Collective consciousness, so people who may be "unknowing" will be guided to their "destination". You are here to Live your truth and Anchor this Knowing, and live it In every moment. Walk the Talk.

If someone "judge" people they don't know in real life, it is like guessing how a fruit will taste before you have actually tasted it. You don't have a clue...

It is very comical that people actually give most of their energy trying to Change other people or convince them of something, instead of Living their OWN DREAM and passion. This is what matters! Walk the talk, don't only write about the Walk. Never judge anyone outside yourself, this is mastery, as you KNOW that they are just a reflection of your inner fears and beliefs. Many people are not aware of this, so be an inspiration and do not Respond to their limited projections. Love them, as they are. We have all been there.

My simple advice is to "KNOW THYSELF" as everything you project from your mind is about "you". No matter what other people do, say or believe, you are the Creator of your life experience.

People say that some are wrong and some are right, but they are equally correct, as we all create our perspectives, we are creating self fulfilling prophecies. If you ask for it, believe, project it, vibrate it, you will receive it! That simple...

Stop looking outside of yourself for answers. As you progress to mastery of self, you will KNOW that you are responsible for your life, this is what the "Planet Earth School" is teaching us, with patience and Love. If anyone Judges you, it's not about the other person in truth, as it's only a "limited" spectrum of thoughts and beliefs that creates "separation" instead of understanding.

We have been unconsciously programmed throughout this lifetime to depend on external things, letting it decide for us how to feel instead of choosing a state we prefer just simply because it's a part of us, and letting it Blossom.

People will ride the Cycle of Duality until we choose to take responsibility for our "projections" (everything we say, think and do). Then you are Free. But it doesn't matter what I say here as many people will try to find other people to be responsible for their lives.

So ask yourself....


You always get the core of what you believe. Some may believe that they have to Struggle to get the Results they want, and some believe that it's very simple to get what you want, and both are very correct, as it's all about their relationship with self. As you start to truly vibrate your inner Beliefs, they will start to manifest, initiations will come to see if you have truly mastered Unconditional Love, no matter what people think or believe. To raise your vibration is an inner Choice, and something you focus on in every moment, it's not a part time thing.

2012 and onwards is all about creating your Life, and being a conscious creator. What will happen? Let go of Dates and start creating from your heart right Now. Dates will not matter anymore as you aren't a victim of outer circumstances.

To raise your frequency is actually a very real and physical process, it's not a NEW AGE belief. It's a science in itself, frequency is what matters. People can deny this as long as they want to, but those who know this truth will take charge of their lives and Let go of their victimhood and create good in their lives because they know they are worthy and whole. You aren't separated from humanity, you are humanity individualized.

Love is the TRUE REALITY! Let your heart Be Free and Know that you aren't dependent on what other people think about you.

Take back your power and Forgive. We are mirrors for each other. All reflections come from you! The illusion truly is that you can never be a Victim of outer circumstances, but it may look like it is... This is the "Veil" of separation. That's why it's important to "Be honest to yourself and forgive yourself". Because it’s all a part of you.

The "BLAME GAME" is an illusion, you only blame yourself!

People that are Aware of themselves and their energy, only seek to embrace people with positive energy without force, by focusing on "Solutions" and not "problems", by choosing their words from a Place of Love. But all people aren't aware of what they project, because they are sub-consciously programmed to "think" in a certain way, and this is what the "earth school" is teaching us... to understand that we are The Creators, every thought creates and effect "Physical" Matter in "obvious ways". So take back your power and be a conscious creator.

I will state once again that your thoughts, feelings and intent will create your so called reality, so learn to master these inner qualities as they are the "core foundation" for your life.

2012 is not about destruction or that we will disappear somewhere else, we will stay here and Now and Ground what we already now. We "know" we aren't alone in the universe, and it will be a gradual transition into this understanding of Universal Brother and Sisterhood.

You always have a choice to create from Love or Fear, no matter what happens in the "world", and it's good to practice Meditation and to understand that you are the bearer of peace and love.

Everyday in every moment I live through my heart, I know that my heart knowing guides me, even when I'm not conscious about it. I am not writing to convince, I am not writing to Change anyone. I Walk the Talk in everyday life, as anyone else and it's important for people to understand that you have to change your Thoughts and Practice on Becoming consciously aware of your inner Energy and Emotional Frequency. Take responsibility as you Create what we call reality, no one else will create it for you. People get stuck in other people's lives and think that they have to adapt to them or any certain rules. LOVE is not a rule, love is what matters.

People who think and believe that they are victims, will continue to attract that until they understand that they created it all. The universe is not judgmental, it gives everyone what they believe in and think about. Doubt and fear are the only Blockages, and these are becoming more and more obvious, as they cannot hide from you anymore. You have to stare them in the face and release them. It's a process and it's different for everyone. I live a life in joy, in what we can call abundance, and it's not about money, it's actually about Feeling good and knowing that you created it to begin with. This is true FREEDOM.

I do not know Anything Except Myself. For those who don't know me personally, I am very focused and determined when it comes to create within Physical reality, as it's my speciality. The ego is no longer a threat to me, as it is more a part of who I am. You can have an Ego and be spiritual, it is not a problem, as long as you are aware and present.

Don't deny that you are a Human being here on Earth and don't try to remove such a Divine gift. Play with it and if people don't like you, it's not a problem either, because you cannot hide forever, you know That personality of yours is a part of you. This is why people do not always feel good, because they Adapt to things and people they truly do not prefer, instead of creating consciously what they do like. If you suppress your joy and Inner spark, you will feel drained but if you Encourage and take small steps towards your Vision, you will thrive.

Where I am at the moment is about fine tuning the inner sensations of Frequencies, as truth is found within. Let your focus simply be, feel as good as you can NOW, and if you don't feel that good, act and behave to the best of your ability as you already Are what you are seeking. What you are seeking is seeking you, as Frequencies are magnetic and it's a Law within this Physical universe, that what you focus and think on most of the time will make itself known to you in some way.

There is no outer reality that affects us. Reality is a mirror of our inner state of mind or thoughts. If you feel stuck in life, something as simple as giving yourself the time to Stop with whatever you are doing and do something that changes your focus, could get you closer to what you do want.

Every thought is like a seed, and your vision can be, in every now, to plant thoughts that give you energy and a Habit of Trusting instead of Uncertainty. Your lifestyle is what you want it to be, you can blame someone else for a while, but your understanding will hit you in the face as you become more aware of the Unlimited Universe that is within you.

It will feel impossible at first, taking those small steps in trust, if everything is the opposite of what you want. Begin to acknowledge that you've created everything that you experience Right now and accept it, and tell yourself in any way you know, that it's time for change. Be and Follow your Heart's Vision, you may not know how, but you know it will be possible. This is the Leap, that we all make at some time. When the wheels start to spin, it will be easier and easier to Trust that what you Think and Feel is what will manifest. It is all very simple.

You have everything in your life because it's a match of your frequency, your Brain is a Frequency transmitter of great magnitude, your are broadcasting 24-7. Don't be afraid your thoughts. They are a program or like a tape recorder that has repeated itself so many times and you feel safe hearing that same show. To reprogram this unconscious tape, begin to do things differently, this is where the wheat is sorted from the chaff, as making things differently is not always for everyone. You have to break these cycles of habit, through conscious choice. The universe will work with you, always.

You create All of it, this is why outer events within this world will not affect you, if you're not in some way Indulged in it. This is not ignorance, this is mastery, because if you train your mind to be in a Frequency of Love for longer and longer times, this is your mission, you will notice that much of Duality will become an illusion, as you know everyone is the creator of their own lives.

You become the gateway for people to access another way of Living their lives. I will give you an example, if someone listens to Disturbing-hateful music on a radio channel, and did know how the "radio switch" worked, that person would immediately switch frequency to something that is in harmony with his/her higher Vision.

Everyone are where they should be, else they wouldn't be there. So don't let yourself believe that what you see within this world is about saving anyone, you are here to consciously tune into another higher Love frequency, and those who are likened in frequency, will follow, it's a natural evolution. It will come in waves, this is also called ascension in a "cool word". The world is truly within you as you look upon it, what do you see? Because everything you see is Yourself - mirrored.

People who are focused on the lack of things, will create more lack as this is a Universal Law. This is why it's important to slowly work with yourself, towards a more harmonious range of feelings. Feelings are the language of the soul. You know what is good for you and the right way, when you feel good.

It is our unconscious mind that is showing itself in this world, and we're all One mind. So what you see in this world is also a hidden part of yourself. As there can be no separation.

I want to be more practical in my techniques and way of integrating a Lifestyle that makes you feel good and that inspires you to create your dreams. This is not always easy, but it's possible. There is a structure, there is universal law within this universe, just as the law of gravity, there is the Law of attraction. Your brain is a Frequency transmitter and your feelings can be compared to an inner GPS guidance system.

When you feel good you are in what we call a Higher frequency band, and this means you are in tune with the universe. So the simplest tip a can give you now is to feel as good as you are capable to within this moment.

It may not always be a feeling of Bliss, but you can begin with appreciation of everything you have within your life, as this is a Good start. Instead of trying to change what outside you, that you aren't satisfied with, understand that it is so because you are in tune with it, else it wouldn't be there. You cannot experience what you aren't a match to in frequency. The world isn't happening to you, you make it happen.

People who criticize others and don't feel good about themselves actually create this reality themselves, mostly unconsciously, they cannot see or understand what they think and project create their entire life. People who are skeptics and judge others, will attract more that strengthens their beliefs of this perspective, as you always receive a reflection.

You can only be in "charge" of your own feelings and thoughts, and this is very important to understand, as you aren't a victim of anything outside yourself. You are where you are right now because you created it. This is empowerment and the first step towards Being a Conscious creator, what we call an Ascended Master – to take responsibility for EVERYTHING that is Projected within this reality. Do you think a Master from the higher dimensions would ever come here and Criticize and engage in what is Wrong within this world? Or do you think the master would Point people into the direction of that they Can choose exactly what they want, as everyone is living their creations in full 3-D experience.

People are confused and depressed due to that their Energy bodies are clearing, and it's depressing for a while, to let go of the "old self" and its limited beliefs, because it was a part of your identity. It's not wrong to feel as you feel, it's very good actually.

So what do you choose to be, do or have? As there are no right or wrong answers, there are no external forces that tell you what to do. People are ready when they are ready to understand this.

When I see what we call negative people I just see a part of myself that is confused and cannot see or understand what they are projecting. The mind can become so confused and programmed that it is actually responding like a robot, so it's not his or her fault. This is what many people go through, they let go of their robotic side and become humble and Loving towards one another, through forgiveness. People who are aware of their Actions and words, do things with intent and do never project hate towards any other living being. This is self mastery.

No one outside yourself can control you, you actually only let people control you, and this is hard to understand. Your job isn't to behave as others want you to behave. Your life is about defining yourself and what you Want to experience within this life. Some people feel offended by others on the street or on the internet, but if you truly know who you are and what you stand for, you wouldn't let anyone hinder you. There isn't even a need to defend yourself against negative people, as the simple act of defense, make the negativity even more real.

There isn't any external negativity, all negativity is within you and you are the one in charge. Focus daily to hold a High vibration, and I promise you that your feelings will Go up and down like an elevator, and it feels like everything is just "happening" to you, but the longer you focus on keeping this Loving feeling, you will notice that you are in Charge and the best thing you can give someone is your Joy.

Don't let people depend on how you feel. People who feel that you have a responsibility towards them, to act and behave in a certain way, to make them feel happy, really have to find this within themselves. This isn't always an easy lesson. You can of course be a Guiding Light of Hope, because you create happiness from within, rather than depending on something else.

Ascension isn't always a simple path, as it's all about understanding your responsibilities, and some don't want to take responsibility of EVERYTHING within. As we create our Realities, sometimes people get stuck in other's creations.

There are wars and conflict on this planet due to limited awareness and understanding. Your simple act of taking care of yourself, and stopping the War within your mind is a huge step for humanity, as we are all like interconnected cells on Mother earth.


Don't let anyone else tell you what to believe, or how to behave, as you are the creator of your life, and whatever people choose to believe or do, will create the perfect reality for them, until they choose something else and understand how their thoughts and feelings relate to each other.

You create your everyday life and what we call the future. So everything you Think NOW is like a Seed of Potential.

Please remember that all people who comes into your life, it may be annoying people, or people who reflect what you don't like, are part of your experience, because you have invited them, Vibrationally. Some people may say absolutely no and deny this, but I'm just telling you how it is. There are always two perspectives in a drama, and it's not about who is right and who is wrong, it's about who is most aware of their inner self and consciously chooses to move on and truly forgive without wanting anything, as you know you are not responsible for anyone else. You will be more of a help to the other person in a drama if you Choose to act from a Higher Point of Awareness.

Be The Highest Vision of Yourself

Copyright © Ben-Arion. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include the following links at the top of the article: and

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  • Thankyou for sharing... so true.

    Sending you love, light & blessings.

    Namaste Lara


  • Hi Chris




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