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Astral Body, Emotions, Thoughts and more

Just wanted to share-

Something I've noticed. It is hard to have negative or distorted thoughts when
emotions are pleasant and satisfied.

Emotions are calmed by soft smooth music tones, also soft smooth human voice
tones, surrounding in colors (clothes, flowers), fragrant smells. When one
doesn't have those, slow deep breathing can calm the emotions.

There is a linkage. Calm body, calm emotions, calm thoughts, more spirit


One more way the emotional body communicates= pictures. Put up a calming picture
or a photograph of a memorable positive event and the emotional body calms.

Pictures feed into the emotional body which transfer into thoughts (mental body)

Just like tones feed into the emotional body which transfer into thoughts
(mental body)

This is why the media "emphasizes words" - they become tones and transfer better
into emotions and thus thoughts. This can be used for positive or negative
purpose (which are best thought of as choices of experiences for the entities
and not good or bad). Notice how loud sudden tones distort and constrict your
aura while soft smooth tones smooth/unify your aura

"As they say, you are what you eat."  - You are what you immerse yourself into.

Guard your thoughts and emotions, search for the distortions and face them, face
your fears and your shadow and you will find the narrow path to wholeness.
Continue to immerse yourself in unifying experiences to build radiancy.

It is less work one has to do when the physical body becomes the astral body
(chakras, sound/color, pictures and light). No judgment day but your "self
judgment" needs to be faced.


When people fall in love, beautiful arcs of rose light can be seen between their
hearts, and a beautiful rose color is added to the normal golden pulsations I
observe in the pituitary gland. When people form relationships with each other,
they grow cords out of the chakras that connect them. These cords exist on many
levels of the auric field in addition to the astral.  The longer and deeper the
relationship, the more cords and the stronger they are. When relationships end,
those cords are torn, sometimes causing a great deal of pain. The period of
"getting over" a relationship is usually a period of disconnecting those cords
on the lower levels of the field and rerooting them within the self.
A great deal of interaction takes place between people on the astral level.
Great blobs of color of various forms whisk across the room between people. Some
of it is pleasant and some not so pleasant. You can feel the difference. You may
feel uneasy about someone across the room who is apparently not even aware of
your presence; however on another level a lot is happening. I have seen people
standing next to each other in a group pretending not to notice each other, when
on the energy level there is a whole communication taking place with lots of
energy forms moving between them. You have no doubt experienced this yourself,
especially between men and women. It is not just body language; there is an
actual energetic phenomenon that can be perceived.. For example, when a man or
woman fantasize about making love with someone, say in a bar or at a party,
there is an actual testing in the energy fields to see if the fields are
synchronous and if the people are compatible."
from Barbara Brennan, Hands of Light pp.50-51

Whereas the Etheric body is usually described by clairvoyants as being of a
uniform grey, blueish, or violet colour, and consists of a matrix or network of
lines of force (the nadis, previously referred to), the Emotional body as
described here is said to full of amorphous or ever-changing swirls of colour,
the colours (and sometimes the shapes as well) representing the predominant
emotional characteristic of that person.  This is also in keeping with the
Theosophist Leadbeater's description of the aura and the - as he termed it -
"Astral Body".  In this emotion-colour equation, an angry or agressive person,
for example, will have a great deal of dirty red in his aura, an intellectual
person a lot of yellow, a spiritual person blue or violet, and so on.  It is
actually possible using a sort of intuitive imagination to sense these colours
to some extent.  We even have them in everyday language "he saw red", "green
with envy" etc.  Here we enter the realm of "thought-forms."
The aura and the Subtle Bodies

The aura can be considered a series or composite of subtle bodies.  Each of
these subtle bodies  is also a specific psychic energy field or aura containing
thought-forms, ideas, emotions, desires, blocks, fixations, attached entities,
and various other things that might happen to be floating around in your
psyche.  But because each kosha or aura is at a different "vibratory" level, it
only contain things that pertain to its own particular nature. The Physical
Mental aura for example contains thoughts, ideas and knowledge about things in
the world, as well as dogmatism and wrong ideas (which take the form of rigid
structures and fixations) and is mainly yellow in colour.  While the Physical
Emotional aura contains desires, likes and dislikes, as well as numerous
insecurities and neuroses, which take the form of energy blockages; and is
multi-coloured.  When a formation from the Emotional aura gets together with a
formation from the Mental aura, you have a structure called a complex (it was
Carl Jung who first defined that term; he studied complexes through word
association tests; if a patient took a long time to say a word, it meant there
was a complex or resistance there).  Our personalities are just chock-full of
complexes and other such multi-aura-derived structures.

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