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Ascension Meditation

                                                                                  Ascension Meditation

Let's go to our sacred space now and affirm, "With Divine Love, I now call upon all of the beautiful Solar & Cosmic Beings of Light helping with the ascension of Gaia & mankind including but not limited to: Mahatma, Buddha, Jesus Christ, St. Germaine, Lord Kuthumi, the Order of Melchizedek, Sanat Kumara, Babaji, Baba Muktananda, Archangels Michael, Jophiel, Chamuel, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Zadkiel, Metraton, Sandalphon, the angels of the Sacred Fire,  the Seven Mighty Elohim, Helios & Vesta, Vywamus, Lord Maitreya, the Great Director, Lord Maha Chohan, the Holy Spirit, Mother Mary, Quan Yin, Sai Baba, beloved Chohans of the Seven Rays, El Morya, Djwhal Khul, Serapis Bey, the angels & Devas & elementals & directing forces of nature, the heart & Soul of Gaia, & any other Divine Beings helping us with our ascension - to help myself & every human being and Gaia experience inner peace, joy, & Bliss and manifest in every moment of this eternal moment of Now everything affirmed in this meditation and attunement, or better. I ask at this time that I be prepared for initiation into the Higher Christ Consciousness, & into my Christ Avatar Blueprint, and I also ask for Divine help in experiencing the Consciousness of these as they unfold in me in every moment. And I also ask that I receive my full quotient of the Ascension & Mahatma energy that's divinely perfect for me in every moment. With Divine Love and Joy and Gratitude, I place myself in every moment in service to Father/Mother/God; in service to all of the beautiful Beings of Light helping Gaia and mankind; and I place myself  in service to the “I Am Presence of every human being and to all of Gaia in every moment. Thank You God - and So It Is!"

Let's begin to create our energy matrix and make sure we are firmly grounded on Gaia for Divine protection. Affirm now, "In the name of my I Am Presence, & by & thru the magnetic power of the Sacred Fire vested in me, I now call forth from Source in the Central Suns and from Gaia all of the Rays of the Sacred Fire Love & all of the Love, Light, & Creative Intelligence that empowers the Light & Divine Action in every moment of my Invincible Electronic Ring of protection. I send  a Golden Cord of unconditional Love to the heart of Gaia, and I Am grounded in the crystalline heart of Gaia in every moment; and I ask & command this Intelligent Love & Light Energy of my electronic ring to repel from my body & from my aura all discordant thoughts & influences & lower vibrations in every moment, and keep my body & aura always closed to all lower vibrations & always open to all Divine Higher Vibrations & communications; & I ask & command this Intelligent Love & Light energy to also protect my physical body from all actions of violence, & intents of violence in any & every moment. And I call forth the Universal Law of Action and Divine Intervention from all the Beings of Light to have all actions of violence against human beings & against Gaia -  cease and desist! Thank You God - and So It Is!"

Affirm now, "I now concentrate my energy body, & I also expand it evenly in all directions. I now open my Cosmic Star Portal, and I open my Earth Star Portal as well; and I now open & activate my Soul Star Portal, as well as my Celestial Soul Star Portal.  I now activate my Prana Tube, & extend it thru all of my higher chakras to Source in the Central Suns, & down thru my central channel and my root chakra to the heart of Gaia.  

Now, let's center ourselves on our heartbeat, and breathe in & out deeply using your diaphragm with no pause between your breaths. Keep your awareness on your breathing & your heartbeat, and with each in-breath, 'feel' yourselves being energized with the energies of Divine Light and Love, and 'feel'  the energy of Love as it continually flows into you with each breath through all of the Star Portals connected to you, then your higher chakras and your central channel and thru your whole body & aura. And with each out-breath,  breathe out all discomforts, stresses and strains.   

Now affirm or decree, "I now merge my Consciousness with the Planetary Crystalline Christ Grid... with the Solar Christ Grid... with the Cosmic Christ Grid... with the Group Soul of all of the Light-workers on Earth...  with the "I Am Presence" of every human being... with Gaia and all the Devas & directing forces of Nature... and with all of the beautiful Beings of Light helping mankind. I now call to me a holographic merkaba sphere of unconditional Love to enfold me and remain anchored in my heart chakras.

Affirm now, "In the name of my I Am Presence, & by & thru the magnetic power of the Sacred Fire vested in me, I now call forth from Source in the Central Suns and from Gaia a pillar of Light & Sacred Fire Love to continually bathe my whole Being & with my every breath be extended thru the Christ grids to all of Gaia to perform its Intelligent functions in redeeming & requalifying all misqualified energy in me & every human being & in Gaia in every moment." This Divine Love and Light energy includes all of the Rays of the Sacred Fire Love & all of the Light & Creative Intelligence needed in every moment that helps manifest my own ascension along with the ascension of every human being and all of Gaia. So affirm now, "With my every breath, the Sacred Fire Love and Light from Source and from Gaia  that I Am simultaneously breathing in is performing its 'Intelligent Functions' of redeeming & requalifying all misqalified energy in me, and with every out breath, the Divine Love & Light is again performing its 'Intelligent Functions throughout Gaia, our Solar System, and all of creation."  as it is extended thru the Christ Grids. Thank You God - and So It Is!"

And now, for further clearing, & to help your body accept all of the 5th dimensional Love & Light Energy, affirm, "I call to me now , thru my 'I Am Presence' and thru the 'Mahatma', a Divine Energy from Source which is electrical aqua-blue in color." Visualize this energy without concentrating too hard,  just allowing this Divine aqua-blue energy to flow through you... to flow completely through your cellular structure.... completely through your molecular & atomic structure.  This electric aqua-blue Energy is also a great conductor of Higher Divine Energies for you & for Gaia. Now, as this electric aqua-blue Divine Energy from Source in the Central Suns flows through your Cosmic Star Portal and your whole Being, visualize it  passing thru your Earth Star Portal to the crystalline heart of Gaia... then throughout Gaia. Now visualize this channel of energy that extends thru you from Source to Gaia becoming wider... and stronger... and clearer. This electrical aqua-blue energy is clearing out all the debris, helping all your physical body chakras come into harmony and balance.

Now, affirm, "In the name of my I Am Presence, & by & thru the magnetic power of the Sacred Fire vested in me, I now call forth from Source in the Central Suns the Divine Mahatma energy." And simply keep it flowing thru you by letting the name "Mahatma" repeat itself in your mind like a mantra, allowing its Divine gold aspect to flow through you and your channel into the Earth. Just allow the word 'Mahatma' to flow through your mind. This will link you with the 'I Am Presence' from Source in the Central Suns. Now bring this energy through your central channel. Allow it to radiate into all of your body. Let it fill every organ and gland.... the pineal gland,... pituitary gland,... thyroid..., thymus..., adrenals..., gonads, and all of your DNA. Let all of your four bodies be filled with the Mahatma energy, so your physical body, your emotional body, your mental body, and your etheric body are continually saturated with this Cosmic Light. And allow this Divine Gold & Silver Energy to start permeating your cellular, molecular, atomic, & subatomic structures..., and also your aura. Now feel your aura expanding with the energy of the Mahatma. And as you fill your aura and your whole being with the Mahatma, allow it to flow through your feet and your Earth Star Portal into the Earth and into the heart of Gaia. If you are having difficulty with anything, ask the Archangel Sandalphon to help you (or ask any other Divine Being of Light you are attuned to). He always appreciates being called on.

Now move your attention to the area of your back, between your shoulder blades, where your thymus gland is. Many  would know it as the higher heart. Direct this Love & Light Energy of Mahatma to flow in and energize your heart chakras, your One Heart, and your Higher Heart. Feel yourself opening up to these feelings of unconditional Love... these feelings of lightness... these feelings of lightheartedness. Visualize and 'feel' your heart chakras opening up like a satellite dish, drawing in the Divine Gold & Silver energy of Divine Love, of the Mahatma. And now as this energy of love is flowing through you, I'd like you to just say out loud: "Beloved Father/Mother/God, I now choose to accept the Mahatma Energy into my entire Energy Matrix.I Am the Mahatma.  I choose to allow a full and open radiation of my Divine Self  to All That Is — Now....I AM THAT I AM.. ..Trigger the Light, the Light, the Light. Trigger the Light, the Light, the Light. OM000mmm...OMooommm...OMoooommmm (AUM). Thank You God, and So It Is!"
Now, letting "Mahatma" continue to repeat in your mind, I would ask you to see this Light flowing more and more into your cellular structure. Using your mind's eye, your third eye, see this Light permeating the totality of your physical body... your emotional body... your mental & etheric bodies....  Using this Divine Mahatma Energy, you will find that there is no resistance from the past holding you back. No resistance stopping your cellular structure from becoming Light. This energy of Mahatma has never been misused, so therefore you don't have cellular memory about being harmed by this energy. So see & 'feel' this Divine Mahatma Energy as particles of Crystalline Gold & Silver Light  expanding throughout your cellular structure... throughout your atoms and electrons... throughout your DNA,  and into your aura. And again say out loud, "Trigger the Light, the Light, the Light..  OM000mmm...Omooommm...OMooommm" And as you repeat the words, "Light. Light, Light, 'feel' the Light expanding further within you. See & 'Feel'  yourself becoming Light.

Now affirm out loud, "I Am a Fifth Dimensional Being of Crystalline White Light.... I AM Divine Cosmic Love... I Am an Angelic Crystalline Being of Light.... I Am a Cosmic Christ Avatar.... I Am That I AM." And now also say out loud, "Now you know & understand, subconscious mind & ego, that what you have just witnesed on all levels of my being has nothing to do with the 3rd dimension. My four body system is now Fifth Dimensional. I Am That I Am. Thank You God, and So It Is!"

And now I would ask you to visualise your four body system.. First of all be aware of your physical body, to which your etheric body is attached. Then your emotional body, which is about nine inches beyond your physical body. Then your mental body, which is about sixteen inches beyond your emotional body. And beyond your mental body is your spiritual body, which is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. And know that one of the reasons you are in a physical body is because you have your emotional body in which to experience and 'feel' everything in life.

So now, as you continue to let 'Mahatma' repeat in your mind, as you breathe out, see & 'feel' those things which are no longer needed in you being released from those areas of your cellular body that are not in harmony. As you breath out, breath out the fear from your cellular structure. As you breathe in, breathe in the energy of Mahatma, this silver and gold energy. After each in breath, affirm, "I am the Mahatma." And as you breathe out affirm, "I am free from fear. I am Love."

Now we will just take a brief moment to again allow that Divine Gold and Silver Mahatma energy to flow through  thru our Solar Stars into our cellular structures and entire energy matrix, and through our Earth Stars into Mother Earth. And now see and 'feel' yourselves becoming enlightened, becoming beings of Light, with your whole Being sparkling with Particles of Crystalline Light. Now affirm out loud, "I Am an Angelic Crystalline Being of Light."

And now, as you continue to breathe in the Mahatma Energy, concentrate again on your out-breaths, breathing out to release that crystallized third dimensional consciousness. Affirm out loud, "With my every breath, I Am breathing in the Mahatma Energy, and I Am breathing out & releasing all misqualified energy & all crystallized 3rd dimensional beliefs."  On the out breaths see & 'feel' everything you no longer need in you of the 3rd dimension leaving your physical body, passing through your emotional body, through your mental body and into your etheric body. See and  'feel' the crystallizations of fear, and any crystallization' s of misqualified energies being transformed into Light.

Now let us concentrate on the opening of our physical body chakras, starting with the base chakra. Visualize your base chakra spinning counterclockwise in a vortex, & with every breath you take, see the Mahatma Energy spinning completely thru your base chakra. And as you breath out of your base chakra that is now a spinning vortex of the Gold And Silver Mahatma Energy, see and 'feel' all these energies that have disassociated themselves from the Light moving out through the emotional and mental and etheric body's, into the Light. Again 'feel' the Mahatma Energy enlightening your cellular structure, and see and 'feel' that your entire four body system is becoming Light. Your entire four body system is becoming Love. Affirm out loud, "I Am Love. I Am Light. OMooomm.... OMoomm.... OMooommm...."
Now see and 'feel' the Gold & Silver energy of Mahatma spinning in a counterclockwise vortex and completely permeating your physical body.... and energy body... and flowing thru your base chakra & releasing into the Earth all these accumulated energies that are not of the Light. Again, concentrating on the Mahatma Energy in your base chakra, repeat out loud, "Trigger the Light, the Light, the Light. Expand, expand, expand into the Light. Expand into the Light. My 1st chakra is fully open and activated and balanced—Now!.I Am Faith. I radiate Divine Grace    OMooomm.... OMoomm.... OMooommm.... "                                                                                                        

The 2nd chakra is the polarity chakra, and it is important to integrate the two polarities, male and female. So visualize your 2nd chakra spinning counterclockwise in a vortex, & with every breath you take, see the Mahatma Energy spinning completely thru your sacral chakra. See & 'feel' Shiva & Shakti, the feminine & masculine aspects of the Mahatma Energy merging as one energy as it rotates counterclockwise in your 2nd chakra. See this Divine Gold & Silver Mahatma Energy turning to white as it spins, merging in Father/Mother/God's White Light. Now affirm out loud, "Trigger the Light, the Light, the Light..... My 2nd chakra is fully open and activated and balanced—NOW! I Am Balance. I radiate the Divine Light of Union. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm.... OMooommm....."

Now let us move to the third chakra. Again, breathe the Mahatma Energy deeply thru your 3rd chakra, and visualize your solar plexus  chakra spinning counterclockwise in a vortex. And with every breath you take, see the Mahatma Energy spinning completely thru your 3rd chakra.  See & 'feel' your third chakra becoming permeated with the Mahatma Energy... becoming empowered with this energy... becoming clear with this Divine Energy. Visualize again the Mahatma Energy spinning in the counterclockwise vortex throughout your whole Being and clearing out all the accumulated misqualified energies. See & 'feel' this. And again, trigger this chakra with the Light, saying out loud,"Trigger the Light, the Light, the Light. I am Light. My 3rd chakra is fully open and balanced and activated—NOW! I Am Purity. I radiate the Patterns of the Immaculate Concept.  I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm.... OMooommm...."

Now let us go to our fourth chakra and breathe the Mahatma Energy deeply thru your 4th chakra. Visualize your heart  chakra spinning counterclockwise in a vortex. And with every breath you take, see the Mahatma Energy spinning completely thru your 4th chakra.  See & 'feel' your heart chakra becoming permeated with the Mahatma Energy... becoming empowered with this energy... becoming clear with this Divine Energy.  Visualize again the Mahatma Energy spinning in the counterclockwise vortex throughout your whole Being and clearing out all the accumulated misqualified energies. See this chakra spinning in a balanced way, energized with this Divine Gold and Silver Mahatma Energy. And again, see & 'feel' your heart chakra becoming Love & Light. And when you are ready, affirm out loud, "Trigger the Light, trigger the Light, trigger the Light. Expand, Expand, Expand. I AM Love. I am Light. My heart chakra is fully open and balanced and activated—NOW! I Am Divine Compassion. I radiate Divine Love. I AM THAT I AM. OMoooommm.... OMooommm.... OMooommm...."   Now allow your heart to open even more, and see and 'feel'  this expansion of the Light, this expansion of the Love within your One Heart, and within your Higher Heart.

Now we breathe the Mahatma Energy deeply thru our throat chakra. Visualize your 5th chakra spinning counterclockwise in a vortex. And with every breath you take, see the Mahatma Energy spinning completely thru your 5th chakra.  See & 'feel' your throat chakra becoming permeated with the Mahatma Energy... becoming empowered with this energy... becoming clear with this Divine Energy.  Visualize again the Mahatma Energy spinning in the counterclockwise vortex throughout your whole Being and clearing out all the accumulated misqualified energies. See your throat chakra spinning in a balanced way, energized with this Divine Gold and Silver Mahatma Energy. See & 'feel' the Mahatma Energy, this energy of Love activating your throat chakra,  so that what we speak has the Divine Energy of Love.... so that we may convey the idea and the energy of Love with our voices to others.... so that we may verbally channel this energy of Love..... And again, as you see & 'feel' your throat becoming Light, becoming Love, say out loud,
"Trigger the Light, trigger the Light, trigger the Light. I am Love. I am Light. My throat chakra is fully open and balanced and activated—NOW! I Am Humility. I radiate inner peace. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm.... OMooommm...."

Now we go to our 6th chakra. And again, breathe the Mahatma Energy deeply thru your 6th chakra. Now visualize the Mahatma Energy spinning in the counterclockwise vortex throughout your pineal gland and your third eye chakra. See & 'feel' your 6th chakra and your pineal gland becoming permeated with the Mahatma Energy... becoming empowered with this energy... becoming clear with this Divine Energy. Visualize again the Mahatma Energy spinning in the counterclockwise vortex throughout your whole Being and clearing out all the accumulated misqualified energies. See & 'feel' the Mahatma Energy, this energy of Love flowing thru and permeating and activating the crystalline palace in your pineal gland... and activating your third eye chakra. See & 'feel' the Mahatma Energy activating our clairvoyant and channelling abilities, that we may use them in association with the Light... that we may channel words and images which will help the rest of humanity to realize the Love within each person. And as you see & 'feel' your 6th chakra and pineal gland enlightening, affirm out loud, "Trigger the Light, trigger the Light, trigger the Light."My sixth chakra is Mahatma. My Third Eye is fully open & balanced and activated—NOW! I Am Selfless. I readiate Divine Will. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

And now let us move to our crown chakras, which is like a thousand petaled lotus.  And again, breathe the Mahatma Energy deeply thru your 7th chakra. Visualize the Mahatma Energy spinning in the counterclockwise vortex throughout your crown chakra. See & 'feel' your 7th chakra becoming permeated with the Mahatma Energy... becoming empowered with this energy... becoming clear with this Divine Energy.Visualize again the Mahatma Energy spinning in the counterclockwise vortex throughout your whole Being and clearing out all the accumulated misqualified energies. See your crown chakra becoming an open lotus flower with the Gold & Silver Mahatma Energy cascading into it, permeating your crown chakra with Divine Love & Light from Source. The Mahatma is flowing through your thousand petaled lotus, through your open channel, through all your open & balanced chakras, and through your Earth Star Portal, into the Earth & the crystalline heart of Gaia. Again, when you are ready, affirm, "Trigger the Light, trigger the Light, trigger the Light. I am Light." My Crown chakra is fully open and balanced and activated—NOW! I Am Group Avatar. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm.... OMooommm...."

Now visualize two meters, or five to seven feet above your crown chakra a star. We will call this your Source Star. This, my brothers and sisters, is your twelfth chakra. Now visualize a Golden Thread between Source in the Central Suns and your twelfth chakra... then between your 12th chakra and your crown chakra... then extend the Golden Thread throughout all of your chakras into the crystalline heart of Gaia. When you have this pictured in your mind,(or affirmed in your mind with faith),  direct the Mahatma Energy to flow thru this Gold Thread. See and 'feel' the Mahatma Energy, this Divine Energy of Love & Light flowing thru this Gold Thread  from Source in the Central Suns, thru You, to the Crystalline Heart of Gaia becoming stronger and clearer. Once you have built this channel, practice taking the Mahatma Energy from Source, thru You and into Gaia, and back to Source, over and over again... and each time 'feel' it becoming stronger and clearer...  until there is nothing but Light. So, expand, expand expand... And as you build this golden thread, it will expand into a channel thru which you will be able to bring your thru creative abilities, your Christ Consciousness, your  Avatar Blueprint, and much more -  all of which are inherent in you.

And now call upon the Violet Flame of St. Germain to bathe your entire Being and transmute any remaining negativity & misqualified energy into the perfection and purity of Source....and call forth your mighty I AM Presence, the Mahatma Energy, and any Ascended Masters or other Divine Beings you are attuned to, and ask them to enter each chakra and  and remove any remaining unwanted energies & blocks.... and then perfectly balance & attune each chakra .Now affirm out loud, "I am now clear & balanced in the Divine Blueprint of my "I Am Avatar. The Mahatma Energy and prana and Kundalini are flowing freely throughout all of my chakras and subtle energy pathways and my whole Being in every moment .I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I now call forth the Golden Twelfth Ray to bathe my entire being in Christ Consciousness. I affirm that my entire being and all seven bodies are now filled with this luminous golden energy pouring down from God, my mighty I AM Presence, and the Ascended Masters. [bathe in this golden Light for at least 15-30 seconds]

I now ask and command that the God-force and the Mahatma come into my living light merkaba vehicle. [ See the merkaba vehicle as a double-terminated crystal that surrounds your entire body, with another horizontal double-terminated crystal going through it at the level of the heart chakra, horizontally]. See yourself in this vehicle and allow it to spin counterclockwise. This will help to quicken your vibrational frequencies. This spinning allows you to become even more attuned to the cosmic pulse and frequencies of God and the God Force.] I affirm that my living light merkaba vehicle is now activated with the Mahatma Energy. I AM THAT I AM - OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."."

I am now ready for the Ascension process to begin. Beloved God and Mahatma, I now call for my Soul to fully descend into my consciousness and my entire four-body system, (if it has not done so already). I AM THAT I AM—OOOOOMMMMM

I now call for the Ascension Flame to descend and enter my
consciousness and my entire four-body system. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I now call for the full activation of my Alpha and Omega Chakras. My Alpha and Omega Chakras are fully activated & balanced. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I now call for the Amrita, fire letters, sacred geometries, the patterns of the Immaculate Concept, and the key codes from the Keys of Enoch to become fully activated within me. I affirm I am fully activated. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I now call forth the full activation and creation of my full potential 36 strands of DNA
within my physical vehicle. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I now call for the full activation of my pituitary gland, and I direct my pituitary gland to create only life hormones, and to stop producing death hormones. I affirm my pituitary gland is producing only life hormones—NOW! I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I now call forth and fully activate my Monadic Divine Blueprints within my conscious, subconscious, and super-conscious minds and four-body system. I affirm my Monadic Blueprint is now fully activated. I AM THAT I AM—OOOOOOMMMMMM

I now call forth and fully activate my Kundalini energy as guided by my monad and Mighty I AM Presence. I affirm my kundalini energy is rising in accordance with divine will .I AM THAT I AM—OOOOOOMMMMMMMM

I now call for a Spark of Cosmic Fire from the very presence Father/Mother/ God to illuminate and transform my entire being into the Light of God. I affirm I AM God. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I now call for a full galaxiatonal alignment to perfectly align all my meridian flows within my consciousness and four-body system, with those of the entire galaxy. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I now call for and fully claim my physical immortality and complete cessation of the aging and death process. I affirm I am now youthing and becoming younger every day. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I now call for perfect radiant health to manifest within my physical, emotional, mental, and etheric bodies. I ask and command that these bodies now manifest the health and perfection of Christ. I affirm that I am the perfection of
Christ—NOW! I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I now call for my 16th chakra to descend, moving all my chakras down my chakra column until my 16th chakra resides in my 7th (crown) chakra. I affirm that my 16th chakra is now my crown chakra. I AM THAT I AM—OOOOOOMMMMMMM

I now call for my 15th chakra to descend and enter my 6th (third eye) chakra. I affirm that my 15th chakra is now my Third Eye. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I now call for my 14th chakra to descend and enter my throat chakra. I affirm that my
14th chakra is now my throat chakra. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I now call for my 13th chakra to descend, enter and reside in my heart chakra. I affirm that  my 13th chakra is now my heart chakra. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I now call for my 12th chakra to descend, enter and reside in my solar plexus chakra. I affirm my 12th chakra is now my solar plexus chakra. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I now call for my 11th chakra to descend, enter and reside in my 2nd chakra. I affirm that my 11th chakra is now my 2nd chakra. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I now call for my 10th chakra to descend, enter and reside in my base chakra. I
affirm my 10th chakra is now my base chakra. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I now see the rest of my chakras, nine through one, descend down my legs and
into the Earth in a corresponding fashion. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I now call for the complete and full stabilization of my new 5th dimensional chakra grid system within my consciousness and four body system - NOW! I affirm my 5th dimensional chakra grid system is now stabilized and anchored within my consciousness and four-body system. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I now see my chakra system lighting up like a Christmas tree, with my 1st chakra becoming a large ball of PEARL WHITE LIGHT. My 2nd chakra now becomes a large ball of PINK-ORANGE LIGHT. My 3rd chakra now becomes a large ball of GOLDEN LIGHT .My 4th chakra now becomes a large ball of PALE VIOLET-PINK LIGHT.
My 5th chakra now becomes a large ball of DEEP BLUE-VIOLET LIGHT.
My 6th chakra now becomes a large ball of GOLDEN-WHITE LIGHT.
My 7th chakra now becomes a large ball of VIOLET-WHITE LIGHT.
My entire chakra column has now been ignited with the 5th dimensional
frequencies. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I now call forth with all my heart and soul and mind and might the collective help of my eleven other soul extensions in my ascension process—NOW! I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I call forth the combined collective help of the 143 other soul extensions of my monadic group in my ascension process—NOW! I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I now call forth the complete descent and integration into my being of the raincloud of all knowable things! I Am the Divine Home of all Knowledge. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I also call forth the Ascended Master Serapis Bey and his Ascension Temple energies from Luxor to descend and become fully activated within my Consciousness and four-body system NOW! And I call forth an ascension column of Light to surround my entire being - Now.  I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

 I now affirm the balancing of all karma from past and future lives. I AM
THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I now call forth the Light of a thousand suns to descend into my being and raise my
vibrational frequencies one-thousand fold. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I now call forth the Holy Spirit to merge with my four body system and to remain anchored in my 3rd eye chakra.. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I call forth the perfect attunement and completion of my dharma, purpose, and mission
in this lifetime in service of God’s plan. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I call forth my 5th dimensional ascended self, who is already ascended within the understanding of simultaneous time, to meld its consciousness with my unified field and aura. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I hereby call forth the great Father/Mother/God Flame to now descend and integrate and blend its greater flame with my lesser flame on Earth. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I invite the Mahatma Energy through my Monad, my I AM Presence, my Soul and my entire four-body system to illuminate me and all those that come into contact with me with Father/Mother/God’s most perfect Divine Blessings in every moment, and I further affirm I am grounding this energy for the healing of Mother Earth & every human being. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

Be still and know that I AM God. I AM THAT I AM—I Am the Mighty I AM Presence on Earth forevermore—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I AM the Ascended Master (say your own name). I AM God living in this body as (say your name). The Mighty I AM Presence is now my real Self. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I AM the Truth, the Way, and the Light. I AM the open door which no one can shut. I AM the Light that lights everyone that comes into the world. I AM the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Victory. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."
I AM the Ascended Being I wish to be. I AM the raised vibration of my full Christ and I AM potential. I AM the AUM made manifest in the world. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I AM the realized manifestation of the Eternal Self. I AM the embodiment of Divine Love in action.. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I AM now One with the Monadic Plane of Consciousness on Earth. I AM now living in my glorified body of Light on Earth. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I now affirm my ability to transform my four bodies into Light and travel anywhere
in God’s infinite universe. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I fully affirm that I am physically immortal, and I can, if I choose, remain on Earth indefinitely without aging. I affirm that I will age no more. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I see every person, animal, and plant as the embodiment of the Eternal Self. I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

I AM now the perfect integration of the monad, soul, and personality on Earth. I Am the Light of the World. I AM now a fully ascended being who has chosen to remain on Earth to be of service to all sentient beings! I AM THAT I AM—OMoooommm.... OMooommm...OMoommm."

Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth!
Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth!
Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth!
(Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts!)


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  • The words in the meditaion are imbued with the power & Divine Blessings of the Holy Spirit, Archangels,and angels to help you manifest what is being affirmed in the meditation. And I also give my heartfelt thanks to everyone who posts wonderful things for our spiritual growth. And for the meditation & attunement I posted, I give special credit to Dr Joshua David Stone, Carol Ann Tessier, Solara An-Ra, Tiara Kumara, Meg Benedicte, and many other embodied spiritual teachers I have had over the years, and most of all to the Holy Spirit, Ascended Masters, & Archangels who continue to inspire me.

    Love & God's blessings,


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