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Actualization of the Inner Christ ~ the Return of the Second Sun (with Light language frequency codes)
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In this magical month of December, we experience the sacred Cosmic Fire of One Unity Consciousness, of Solar Christ Consciousness, and the actualization of our Inner Christ, through our Beloved I Am Presence, and the Overlighting of Helios and Vesta, Sanat Kumara, Lord Buddha and the Ray Masters from Shamballa.

Through the recent Aion Portal alignment on November 23rd, we came together collectively as One Unified Cosmic Heart, lifting all Life into a greater level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness. And on November 28th, as we experienced Comet Ison on its closest passage to the Sun, we assisted in activating the Cosmic Heart of All Creation through our hearts, and the hearts of all Humanity.

The gift of Comet Ison, this Comet of Love, activated many of the new Earth Templates through the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun, Overlighted by Helios and Vesta, and the many Legions of Light from On High, additionally illuminating the God Self within all Life on this sacred earth.

As these New Earth Templates of Light activated through the 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love, wrapped in the beautiful Copper-Gold and Pink-Gold flames of Helios and Vesta, we further activated our Golden Hearts through the Divine Liquid Light of our Mother/Father God, becoming the open hearts, and leading the way through the Pathway of Divine Love in this Golden Age of Light.

And now, in this month of December, as we experience the Solstice on December 21st and 22nd, we are offered the opportunity to actualize the Inner Christ, the Second Sun within our hearts, and receive our six multidimensional Light Body activations, through the Overlighting and integration of our Beloved I Am Presence and all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High.

We are invited into the Ashram of the Cosmic Christ, the collective Christed Light of all Ascended Masters, existing within Shamballa. Shamballa is the etheric Spiritual Headquarters for our sacred earth, and houses the Ashrams of the twelve earthly rays that collectively take us into One Unity Consciousness. Shamballa, etherically located between the Himalayas and Gobi Desert, was originally built for Sanat Kumara, who came here from Venus eons ago, offering at that time to be our Planetary Logos and to hold the sacred Flame of Divine Love and Christ Consciousness for all Life on this earth plane. Approximately forty five years ago, Sanat Kumara returned to Venus, and to his Twin Flame, Lady Master

And now, as we come into a deeper remembrance of our service work, that we are here as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, we are lifted deeper into Solar Christ Consciousness, the thirteenth ray of Solar service, which is a combination of all twelve rays, with a focus on the second ray of Love-Wisdom.

Throughout this year of 2013, we have been experiencing the sacred Cosmic Fires of Helios and Vesta to know ourselves as these Solar Christ Conscious Beings of Light. Through the realms of Illumined Truth and the Patterns of Perfection, surrounded in an etheric electronic ring of fire, the causal body of Helios and Vesta, we have transmuted our earthly ego allurements and cosmic karmic patterns, amplifying our own Light frequency as these physical vessels of Light, through the Solar Flares and Photon rays of Light, to truly know ourselves as Divine Love, as these co-creating Master Beings of Light.

As the radiance of these sacred Cosmic Fires of Helios and Vesta activate within each sub-atomic particle within our Beingness, through our energy fields and through the 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love, we connect into the Group I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light, the collective Christed Light of every man, woman and child on this earth plane choosing to experience this Golden Age of Light. And in this grand, unprecedented activity of Light, amplified through the Solstice energy, we experience the return of our Second Sun, merging and integrating the energy of our Beloved I Am Presence in this global renaissance of Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness as the I Am Avatar race.

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  • And thank you for replying Pat. I love Anrita's channellings & meditations as well.

    Blessings of Love & Light,


  • Anrita does excellent channellings.

    Thank you Steven.


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