Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

System’s Founder :Tawan Chester

The Joy & Laughter energy is to help open pathways for energy to flow between you and the Universe in a more productive manner. It will also dictate the purpose of the energy that is flowing. Your intent is what causes the energy to flow. The results you achieve will depend on the effort and energy that you put into it.
Results do vary from person to person and the only limitations are the ones that you make.

System’s Description
Joy and Laughter energy is a simple energy to share a little sunshine to all that you meet.

It’s said that laughter is the best medicine and the more joy you spread during the holidays the happier
most people are. Sometimes it doesn’t take a lot of work or effort to pass around a little sunshine. The smallest act of kindness from the heart can mean so much toanother person.

To receive attunement:

Set your space in a manner that you are comfortable with.You may also invite helpers to assist you (God, Ascended Masters, Angels, etc)

Say mentaly:
I now receive Joy & Laughter Reiki from Amba. It will fully integrate and anchor into my energy field at the highest and safest frequency possible. It will serve my highest good at all times. The energy will flow in your body about 15-20 minutes. During this time
you may experience any number of sensations while the energy is running (tingling, lights, aroma, etc), or you may feel nothing at all, but energy is still working.

To Use the Energy

After you have been attuned to the energies of an energy system, you can activate and work with it. For the best results, you will want to work with the energy as often as possible. Always connect with the energy then work energetically from the center of your being outward. At no time do you work from the physical
problem or situation. The best way to approach anything is from the ethereal unseen realm. You can also work energetically throughout and across various dimensions. Doing so can sometimes bring about swifter or longer lasting changes.



This system is my gift for members here.



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  •  Thank you Amba


  • Thank you!!!

    Love& Blessing

  • Thank you AMBA- it was just exactly the treatment I needed to go forward. Many blessings to you~!

  • thank you Master

  • Lovely! Thank you very much Amba!  Love& Blessing

  • Lovely! Many thanks Amba!  Love&blessing

  • super, thank you Amba :)

  • Thank you!!! :D

  • Dear Amba,

    Joy and Laughter are very essential for having good energy level...

    Thanks a lot for your help...


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