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This Initiation began two days back. On request of my friend, i was checking the state of Mental body in case of Schizophrenia. It seem the entire system is perfect for the client except for the Mental body is fragmented and high in spin... Working for integrating the energy aspects and creating a very strong Mental body, I found that this is the plane where we are cut off from our HIgh Frequency spiritual body. Only after reaching a high level of integration and balancing this layer turns very transparent to allow unhindered flow of energy.

This began a new level of activation. In Flower of Life, the source level energy scale has been reached yet at many layer in physical body and social life there are patches of dense energies left. This activation further clears off all and activates the source light on all layers.

We have known of Crystalline grids allowing electromagnetic frequencies to enter the energy filed of a person, and with the Crystalline body its a natural state of holding and flowing with the frequencies without a need to really channel or call energy.

The expansion goes like Liquid Light without Form or Structure and showing the Brightest lights and at some points tinge of celestial colors.

To activate the session...lie down...

close eyes... and call....

......."Crystalline Body"............

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  • Thank you. :)

  • Thank you

  • Merci Sukhendu je vais experimenter.

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