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The Book Of Enoch

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To who so ever will understand, the history of "mankind" is known to have begun approximately 4.3 million years ago. The old testament of the bible is the "r...

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  • Dear Beverly,

    I do not know how to change the color here.....but you can copy and paste on the light color page and will able to read.....Though I can read am sorry for this....


  • Messages from the Masters

    These messages are brought to you in the Sacred Language of Light. 

    I was told by an Egyptian Elder, Sufi Holy Man that the languages I speak are the same language that was spoken at the time of Adam and the "clicking" is also a language from the Star system Sirius.  I already knew that the main language I spoke was the Adamic or Enochian Language of Light that is a mix of many ancient languages that origninated as the first language of this time cycle, so this was wonderful confirmation for me from a culture so different to my own and to know that this was recognised and accepted in the land that I feel so very connected to and know I have a strong purpose to assist. 

    This language is known as the Sacred Language of Hibiru and holds immense Light and Power.  The language had been lost to us since the Fall but is now here to re-awaken us to the lost knowledge and Light that we all know and understand. 

    The Sacred Sound Keys of Enoch that hold the mysteries of awakening are within the languages spoken through these messages; they are Potently Powerful, Transformational, Awakening and deeply healing to the Core Soul level. Please do not listen to while driving and be sure to drink lots of water and allow yourself time to integrate the frequencies from the messages.

    The "keys" Enoch speaks of, turn out to be sound keys, keys to be vibratory matrix of reality itself, the mythic "Power of the World". The Enochian knowledge describes sonic equations, encoded within the ancient mantras and god names, capable of directly affect the nervous system and producing profound effect of healing and higher consciousness states....As the ancient texts declare, "If you would speak with the gods you must first learn the language of the gods."

    It is not important to interpret these messages, the purity is in it's purest form and to interpret would taint the purity of the message by allowing the Ego to take control.

    In Trust I share with you


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