Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

All Discussions (763)

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Kuan Yin's Prayer


To those who withhold refuge, I cradle you in safety at the core of my Being.

To those that cause a child to cry out, I grant you the freedom to express your own choked agony.

To those that inflict terror, I remind you that you shine with the purit

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Ananda Giri - Oneness


Moola Mantra
Sat Chit Ananda Parabrahma
Purushothama Paramatma
Sri Bhagavathi Sametha
Sri Bhagavathe Namaha

This mantra evokes the living God, asking protection and freedom from all sorrow and suffering. It is a prayer that adores the great creator an

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Living In Heaven


Living in Heaven

Beloved ones, you are deep in the midst of a most wondrous shift, where everything about your life is going to change. Where you leave behind how it used to feel to live in a world created by thought - flat, linear and focused

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