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The Truth of Mary Magdalene’s Journey

by Mary Magdalene and Natalie Glasson

5th August 2016 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

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Natalie: Recently I had the opportunity to visit the Grotte de la Sainte Baume which is a cave in the south of France where it is said that Mary Magdalene spent much of her time after the Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus. The cave is on the side of a mountain, and it takes about a 45mins steep walk through glorious and luscious woodland to reach this sacred place. Before entering the cave, I began to communicate with Mary Magdalene to discover the purpose of my visit and why I was being guided to visit the Grotto. Below is what I received, information that Mary Magdalene wanted to share not just with me, with everyone.

Mary Magdalene: It is an honour to connect with you, and I shower you in the vibrations of the Divine Goddess and Goddess Isis. Even as a child I wore the symbol of the Golden Serpent. A symbol of being initiated into the teachings of the Divine Feminine and Goddess Isis. I was and remain a High Priestess of Goddess Isis dedicated to the power, magic, and love of the purest form of the sacred Goddess. It was my training which paved my way to my union with Jesus as well as preparing me to continue the teachings shared with both of us, after his ascension. The teachings Jesus shared were born from love and given in love, they represented the union of the masculine and feminine vibrations of the Creator in harmony and oneness, awakening the same within all. During the times when Jesus shared his teachings, I would also receive the same downloads of energy and inspiration. As a representative of the Divine Feminine, I acted as an anchor, grounding the sacred energy into the Earth and consciousness of humanity.

It was after the ascension of Jesus that I was guided to continue to share the detailed teachings and healing practices I had received with others. One of my greatest purposes at that time was to share my wisdom with those devoted to the Goddess as they would retain the purity of the teachings while preserving them for generations to come. The divine directions and tasks given to me by the Creator seemed endless at that time. I was to develop the presence of the Goddess in many people so this energy may continue to nurture the world and the teachings of Jesus, as well as healing some devastation which occurred in humanity due to misunderstanding when Jesus left the Earth. I was to distribute energetic codes, templates, and healing as well as physical scrolls, objects, tools and crystals of spiritual value in certain sacred places. My purpose was to support the preservation and continuation of the healing and awakening Jesus had begun.

I had another very beautiful role, a role which everyday healed my heartbreak of physically losing Jesus, even though I understood the truth of the matter. This role encouraged me to be determined to achieve the tasks given to me by the Divine Creator while also filling my days with fun, love, and laughter. In my opinion, it is the most sacred role of a women, I was given the gift of being a mother. Sar’h was the creation of the Divine Creator to embody my energies as Mary Magdalene and Jesus’ sacred vibrations; she really was the image of the union of us both in more ways than seemed possible. A sacred gift to the Earth and me. She carried many names, the Golden Chalice, the Golden Serpent and the Union of the Divine in Manifestation, to name a few.

Our destination, Sar’h and I, along with a few sisters of the light was France. Our purpose when arriving in the South of France was to begin the process of distributing the many sacred energetic and physical scrolls, tools and templates which had been placed in our possession. These were to be given to specific people and hidden in certain places to preserve their safety. We were greeted and supported by the members of a Goddess Isis Temple dedicated to the Divine Feminine. These women of such profound inner beauty supported our mission and later lead us to a space of sanctuary near their temple. Our sanctuary was a cave in the South of France known now as the Grotte de la St Baume. Sar’h was three years old when we arrived at our new home which was a hiding place for us and a space where I could continue to teach.

Natalie: During my time in the cave the presence of Mary Magdalene was very strong even though this area like a church now has been overseen for many years by monks. The Divine Feminine vibrations still remained within its energy. As Mary Magdalene appeared in my third eye before me, it was Sar’h whom she pushed forth to me. Sar’h seemed to me to be about twelve years old when Mary Magdalene was bringing her into my awareness. Mary Magdalene wanted Sar’h to share some of her insights into her life in the cave. I had never consciously met Sar’h before, so it was a new experience for me.

Sar’h shared some visions with me. The first being a procession of women dressed in white wearing the mark of the golden serpent walking up through the woodland to the cave. Sar’h told me that they came to visit them in the cave everyday bringing food and anything they needed. She said she enjoyed their visits as some of the initiates of the Goddess Isis Temple were of similar age to her or even younger, so she had time to talk and play with them before the daily ceremony lead by Mary Magdalene. She told me how she loved running through the woodland with her friends, like her they did not really know what the outside world was like, however, they enjoyed sharing stories of their inner plane experiences. Sar’h shared that she also enjoyed the daily ceremony held within the cave as it allowed her to see her mother at work, the power, grace and wisdom she exuded.

The second vision Sar’h shared with me was of herself during night time embraced in her mother’s arms within the cave as her mother shared her memories of Jesus. She would ask her mother to share everything she knew about her father from his birth to his ascension. Sar’h said she loved these times the most as sometimes in those intimate moments of sharing with her mother her father would appear as an energetic form in the cave to share some time with them. Sar’h told me that she enjoyed living in the cave as she had everything she needed. I believe Mary Magdalene’s sharing of Jesus’ lifetime with Sar’h was her way of guiding Sar’h through her own initiations and preparing her for her adult life.

Mary Magdalene: After fifteen years when Sar’h was eighteen years old, I knew it was time to support Sar’h in the next stage of her life. I had known from the moment we arrived at the cave that in fifteen years time Sar’h and I would leave the safety of the cave and travel to a sacred Druid community in England. Our destination is now known as Glastonbury. I knew her purpose was to marry and remain with the Druid Community so our journey to England was both exciting as I knew a new life awaited Sar’h while also being heart breaking as I knew I would be making the journey back to France without her.

It was not long before Sar’h was in love and married to a soul who was deeply familiar to her, a soul she had journeyed with many lifetimes together. They had many children and a very blissful life. Sar’h took on the role of sharing the teachings of love passed down to her from her father and myself. Her healing powers were breathtakingly beautiful. Sar’h spent fifty years in Glastonbury. At the age of sixty-eight she journeyed to Scotland where she lived for the remained of her life passing over when she was around eighty years old.

I, Mary Magdalene returned to the South of France and lived out my days within the temple of Goddess Isis with the women who had cared for Sar’h and I for fifteen years.  I no longer need to live in the cave to protect my daughter and ensure her safety, so I enjoyed my time surrounded by the beautiful souls of the temple. I visited the cave now and then when I felt that Jesus wanted to appear to me and share some time with me. I travelled a little around France. However I had completed my tasks given to me by the Divine Creator, so I was able to spend much time in peace and solitude, sometimes reliving my memories other times in deep communion with the Creator. I ascended leaving my body behind when I was around the age of one hundred.

I wanted to share the truth of my journey after the ascension of Jesus so we may connect on a deeper level, and so you may further access the truth of my being and soul.

I am Mary Magdalene

Thank you.

More Channeled Messages from Mary Magdalene

Capsule of Wisdom

No 123

Galactic Activation and Healing for

Your Inner Child, All Children and Inner Children

of the Earth

Support your inner child and the inner children of the Earth in transforming to aid ascension


 Channelled from Master Kuthumi

2nd August 2016

In Capsule of Wisdom No 123 Master Kuthumi comes forth with a powerful ascension activation specifically for your inner child, the inner children of every adult and the children of the Earth. It is time to bring healing to your inner child and the inner children of the Earth, to support each in receiving awakening, all the necessary energies and light to aid them in expressing the essence and truth of their beings, as well as stepping into the next stage of their ascension. Through this powerful activation you will create a healing and download of the consciousness of innocence and truth to be anchored into the Consciousness of Humanity. Every person upon the Earth and even new born children connect with the Consciousness of Humanity which is a source of information. With your support the limitations, negative programming and fear held within the Consciousness of Humanity will be rele ased so that new born souls and inner children no longer hold onto this energy, imprinting it into their realities.

Master Kuthumi invites the Galactic Core to deliver the essential activation supported by the Fairy Kingdom with their powerful abilities of creation. Enjoy the process of observing the healing, awakening and transformation of your inner child and all inner children, synthesising this with your being. Not only will it create harmony within your being and the world it will support your current stage of ascension as well as the ascension of all souls in children bodies now. Be a source of transformation and a support for children upon the Earth in these vibrant days of ascension guided by Master Kuthumi.


I do hope you enjoy,

Many blessings,


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Archangel Haniel

Archangel Haniel
Connect with Archangel Haniel By Melanie Beckler

Channeling the beautiful love, and frequency of Archangel Haniel is truly an incredible experience.

Haniel vibrates with incredible love energy, with joy, vitality, and passion for life… But for me the most noticeable characteristic is the incredible energy of the Divine feminine that exudes from her presence.

Yes, you read that correctly… I see and experience Archangel Haniel as being female.

Of course, the reality of Archangels is that they’re neither male or female… But certain Archangels like Archangel Michael always feel very masculine to me when I connect with their energy. Archangel Haniel on the other hand is incredibly gentle, nurturing and distinctly feminine.

But while Haniel is gentle, loving, and incredible nurturing when she flows her soothing energy, and emotionally healing light, she also has a sort of electric energy and wildness about her… She has a fiercely powerful intensity that is incredible and she’s always available to fly deep in the the heart of heaviness, unafraid of messy emotions, challenging times, and sticky situations because she has the power to help shift all of these things.

I am honored and grateful to have Haniel looking out for me, and watching my back, and if you feel drawn to Haniel, she’s always willing to help those who call upon her with sincerity, openness, and a willingness to heal, grow, and transform.

Connect with Archangel HanielWorking with Archangel Haniel 

Haniel is a hugely powerful ally for anyone dealing with heavy emotions, struggling with women’s issues, sensitivity, or those who know they’re meant for so much more and are having trouble rising to the occasion and stepping into their full light.

Haniel also assists with new beginnings, helping those who call upon her with aligning with good luck, and creating positive change. She offers protection, harmony, and grace and will assist you in staying poised and centered in the midst of whatever is happening in your life.

When called upon, Archangel Haniel will dive into those lower energies and heavy emotions you may still be carrying, cleansing and transmitting all worry and lower vibrations back into love with her blue orb of healing light.

Call upon Archangel Haniel and imagine her pearly blue and white orb of light all around you, to activate your innate healing abilities, tune into strong moon energy, cultivate your inner strength, and your boost your psychic abilities like intuition and clairvoyance.

Ready to get to know Archangel Haniel?

Invoking the presence of Archangel Haniel is as easy as asking her to be with you.

“Archangel Haniel, thank you for connecting with me now and wrapping your brilliant light and love around me. Help me to let go of heavy emotions, and lower energies so I can access the full extent of my personal power, my spiritual gifts and abilities… Thank you for helping me to shine my full light.”

The angel messages I’ve channeled with Archangel Haniel carry her vibrational energy signature and presence.

Listen to the Free Angel Message .MP3’s with Archangel Haniel belowto lift your energy into vibrational resonance, and to tune into the light, love, and power of Archangel Haniel now.

These angel messages will not only connect you with the love and presence of Archangel Haniel, but will also guide you to more clearly connect with your own Angels and Guides. Set to beautiful music from Thaddeus, these uplifting angel messages will leave you feeling refreshed and well connected.

Free Angel Messages with Archangel Haniel

Increase Your Clarity of Connection With The Angelic Realm

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archangel hanielClick the link above to listen or right click to save to your computer.


Here are additional free angel messages with Haniel you can access now:

Healing Your Inner Goddess– Free Angel Message with Archangel Haniel

Inner Child Healing ~ Free Angel Message with Archangel Haniel

Divine Alignment Meditation ~ Free Angel Message with Archangel Haniel

Love Your Pathway to Infinite Possibility ~ Free Angel Message with Archangel Haniel

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