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Experience The Beauty of Love In the New Earth

(The initiations mentioned in the title of this discussion come from meditating with the video)

Can you imagine what life on Earth would be like if each and every individual responded to the events of life with unconditional love?

So much would change from this simple shift in perspective.

Many of the world's problems would be healed and uplifted by simply viewing life through the lens of love.

It may seem as though this shift is a long way off for the masses...

But really, for those who are tuned into the power of love this New Earth is already here.

As you choose love in your life, you pave the pathway for others to see and choose love as well.

Love truly holds the power to transform all of humanity. And this shift, that can empower all of humanity and all consciousness, starts with you.

It starts with your willingness to tune into love in the moment, to return to love when you are challenged, and to hold a space of love and compassion for all.

The time is now and you are ready, to experience the beauty of love.

You are ready to experience the 'New Earth' and the new possibilities available through walking the path of love.

No matter where you are on your path, there is always room for progress.

Can you imagine what life on Earth would be like if each and every individual responded to the events of life with unconditional love?

So much would change from this simple shift in perspective.

Many of the world's problems would be healed and uplifted by simply viewing life through the lens of love.

It may seem as though this shift is a long way off for the masses...

But really, for those who are tuned into the power of love this New Earth is already here.

As you choose love in your life, you pave the pathway for others to see and choose love as well.

Love truly holds the power to transform all of humanity. And this shift, that can empower all of humanity and all consciousness, starts with you.

It starts with your willingness to tune into love in the moment, to return to love when you are challenged, and to hold a space of love and compassion for all.

The time is now and you are ready, to experience the beauty of love.

You are ready to experience the 'New Earth' and the new possibilities available through walking the path of love.

No matter where you are on your path, there is always room for progress.

There is no limit to how much love and light you can experience in your life.


Blessings of Love & Light to all,

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