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Healing With Saint Germaine & The Violet Flames

Hey all of you beautiful viewers, I just want all of you to know that originally I recorded this video live solely as a personal healing session for myself and not for public viewing, for some deep healing occurred with some emotional releases that would have embarrassed when I was younger if I knew others could see them.

But my Divine Inner Guidance encouraged me to go ahead and upload it for everyone to see - so here we go.....

And Ascended Master Saint Germaine came through me and volunteered to lead me and help me in this healing session for which I Am Supremely Grateful. You see for many years I have experienced a deep rooted energy blockage that is the root cause of the asthmatic symptoms that I have experienced throughout my life, and this energy blockage, also called a Samskara in Vedic Scripture, originated in a past lifetime of my Soul.

Energy blockages form energetic patterns that block the flow of our prana, our life force energy that can cause most any kind of health problem, and they often stem from any trauma or intense experiences of anger, fear, hatred, etc. that we were not able to fully release when they first occurred in this lifetime, or sometimes in a past lifetime.

With Divine Guidance, we can often heal such energy blockages by being with one's Full Divine Presence that encompasses our Whole Being, and calling forth The Supreme Love of the Creator with the Violet Flames, & the Supreme Love of Mother Earth & of our Soul.

When the mind is quiet and we are One with our Full Divine Presence encompassing our entire being, we can, with practice, become aware of any energy blockage in our being and begin a healing process.

I Am Supremely grateful that Father/Mother/God has Blessed me with my healing & channeling ability that are just beginning to blossom into their full potential.

Deep rooted energetic blockages like the one I'm working on healing, transforming, and releasing can often be painful & then joyful when being healed & release, so I ask everyone to please forgive me for my emotional outbursts in those instances.

And as always, if you wound up enjoying or appreciating this video, please give it a 'Thumbs Up' and also subscribe to my YouTube Channel if you have not already subscribed.

So thank you all for watching, and let your hearts open and receive these Infinite Blessings from the Creator's Energies that help you experience Supreme Love, Healing, Peace, Joy, & Abundance every day that you are on our beloved Mother Earth !

Video - Healing With Saint Germaine & The Violet Flames



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