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Giving From Joy By Ann Albers & The Angels

Giving From Joy By Ann Albers & The Angels

Message From The Angels .....

Your Mother Earth wishes to thank you, for through your prayers, your love, and your kindness, you have soothed her hurting heart and given her the strength and incentive to remain steadfast in her unconditional love. The volcanic explosions that could have happened did not, and it is thanks to each and every one of you.

Many of you who are sensitive were in tune with the earth without even knowing it. Many of you found yourselves weary and no longer willing to take on the drama of others, no longer willing to embrace one-sided relationships, no longer willing to pretend you were OK with situations and relationships that weren’t authentically serving your joy.

Dear ones, God has never asked you to suffer for the sake of others. This year, more than most, many of you woke up to that reality. Many of you are choosing more peace, more calm, more joy, more inner focus, more honesty, and more love.

We in the heavens have been working with you very closely to keep you strong as you release an old paradigm of service through slavery and martyrdom, and embrace a newer, higher-vibrational understanding of service as giving authentically from your heart and your joy.

As you approach the holidays, try to give from the new paradigm. Try to give what is joyful to give and focus more on the joy of giving, rather than on the duty of doing so. 

Try to sink into your heart and ask yourself, “How would I like to share my love with family and friends? How can I share from my authentic self? How can I be deeply honest with myself and those around me, as I embrace the season.” Look at the activities you love, and those you’d rather leave behind and be true to yourself while being kindly honest with others.

As you honor your own heart, you give others the great gift of permission to do the same. As you give from your joy, you feel Joy running through your being. Grant yourself this honesty, this truth, and this joy dear ones. Then, you become the Light of the Season, shining purely and clearly throughout your world.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

Video - "Angelic Sound Waves To Heal Mother Earth" -


Message From Ann .....

Hi Everyone,

Years ago Thanksgiving preparations seemed like such a huge project and a challenge. Now 30 years later, the meal, although huge, is easy to prepare. This year, I cooked one thing at a time, slowly with love. It all flowed so easily it barely felt like work. It became instead, a moving meditation. The meal is filled with love and I found myself teary eyed with gratitude for the chance to slow down and share with my dear ones.

I used to give both from joy and from duty – what I thought was expected of me. Now I give only from my own heart and my own joy... and that feels like love.

Like so many of you, I felt the earth intensely earlier in the year. She was tense, weary, and discouraged. She was sad about the tension and division within and between humanity.

I put out a call, as did many others, and millions of us prayed. She is now breathing more easily, feeling more encouraged, and happily, during the holidays feeling our love. As we remain true to self, we remain in that love, serving both our own spirits, and the rest of humanity, as well as our Mother Earth, through our joyful vibration. After all, a mother's greatest joy is seeing her children happy!

So this holiday season, be true to you, beautiful you! Take a good hard look at what you do out of duty vs. what you do out of joy, and slowly, one step at a time, shift your giving to be more authentic, more joyful, and therefore, more of a true gift to the cosmos.

Here are a few tips to remaining more authentic.

1. Question your traditions

I love tradition… most of the time. However, every now and then something drops off my list because it is no longer fun, or no longer fits my life. For example, I used to bake over 100 dozen Christmas cookies and give them to everyone I knew! Now I do very little baking compared to that, both because I have less time, and also because many of my friends, and myself, are off gluten, flours, and excess sugar the majority of the time. Things change over time. We change.

Continue the traditions that give you joy, and cross the burdensome or impractical ones off the list.

2. Be honest about invitations

During the season many receive a host of invitations. Be honest about where you spend your time. Although there are so many events and gatherings to enjoy, too much is not always a good thing.

People may be disappointed if you can’t join them, but only temporarily. They'll soon go on with other plans and you’ll be relieved because you’re living honestly.

Decline invitations if you must do so in order to maintain peace, balance, and sanity in your life.

3. Gift from joy

If it is not joyful to buy "obligatory" presents for someone when you feel you must, try doing something you can enjoy instead. Donate to a charity in their name. Take them to an event or do something with them or for them that you will also enjoy. Pray for help!

A simple gift, given with love is always more honest and more loving than an expensive one given out of duty.

This holiday season, be true to your own beautiful heart and you will become one of the shining lights of the season!

Love you all!

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Video - "I Am Divine - Shift Into Heavenly Frequency & Radical Self Love" By Mei-Ian Maurits -



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