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Divine Silence Is The Most Powerful Prayer By Jessica Woods
We simply have to remain silent, and feel gratitude for life itself and all the gifts that we have already received. In return, life will continuously give us new blessings and opportunities to be grateful for. This is how we tune in to the universal flow of love, joy, and abundance.
As a consequence, the idea of asking, praying and being focused, lose their meaning because the act of asking through the mind is an act of the ego, limiting our Higher Self.
By transcending the ego, we leave our Higher Self free to manifest in the Unity. When we do not create joy and abundance, even when we wish for it, this means that our ego is still obstructing what we wish for, continuing to project, onto our lives, images that we created through judgment and limiting beliefs.
It is therefore not solely by asking, praying, or being focused that we can manifest our true Divine Presence. By experiencing the silence of the mind in meditation, and the Divine Peace and Love in our Heart - we leave our Higher Self free to create and manifest Divinity in all aspects of our lives, and we finally open our lives to the experience of love, joy and abundance that is the birthright of every human being.
In the Oneness, prayer is the stillness of the mind. Reset your thoughts and clear your mind and your Higher Self will be free to create your new reality filled by the Love in the Oneness, the Love in Unity Consciousness.
When you recognize and embody your True Divine Presence, you embody God's Full Presence and Blessings on Earth.
Thy will be done in the Oneness.

Human Angels

Video Link: Archangel Michael • Just Listen -
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