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At Your Innermost Core Lies Your Power of Bliss & Peace
By Melanie Beckler

In the past couple of days I've gotten so many little signs and messages from Spirit.

Reminders and synchronicities ... About the profound impulse from Source love and wisdom now ...

Pulling, prodding and beckoning us all in one way or another to return "home" to the awareness of the presence of Truth within.

And right in alignment with this little theme...

The angels shared this message with and through me this morning:

"At your innermost core there is the light of Bliss and Peace ...


Remember that you can choose to drop into this in any moment through Stillness.

To witness Truth beyond the limitations of doubt, and fear, and beyond the perspectives of the busy lower mind.

To know Truth within you ... To breathe, expand, and lift ...

To remember that I Am."


The words "I Am" hold immense power. "I Am" is more than mere words, and with a certain level of awareness, these two words offer a powerful perspective that can shift your awareness and empower you to change your life.

So what is the power of I Am?

With love and bright blessings,

💫🌟 🌼 ✨ 🙏 ✨ 🌼 🌟💫
Video - Archangel Blessings Meditation -

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