Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

Ho'o pono pono


Benditos compañeros de camino: hoy les traigo un video realizado con mucho amoroso trabajo (es que hay tantos trucos técnicos que aún no domino!!), con la intención de acercarles la técnica de sanación de los kahunas hawaiianos, llamada Ho'oponopono.


Desde que la conocí en 2007, la utilizo y he comprobado en muchas ocacsiones y por distintos motivos, su eficacia y sencillez. Se trata de asumir la responsabilidad por lo que nos sucede, y entregar el proceso a la Divinidad.


Un abrazo de mi alma a la vuestra!!!
In Lakech, Hala ken

Ho'oponopono healing Huna forgiveness meditation

Are You Ready To Experience One of The Most Powerful Healing Techniques Known to Man?

Ho'oponopono Is Helping Thousands of People Reclaim a Peaceful, Loving Existence

This is the first professionally recorded Ho'oponopono meditation, specifically focused on improving your relationships with others, healing your past, and righting all your wrongs.


Are your personal relationships struggling?
Is your past haunting your present?
Do you lack energy and a zest for life?
Have you given up hope?


Then you have stumbled upon the right place...



Dear Reader;

From the outset my aim with this program was maximum impact, maximum effect, and maximum results. As you can hear from the sample provided, the exercises within this program have been engineered to the highest quality, and to compliment this attention to detail, the program is accompanied by a unique sound design, compiled by Denver Clay, a leading authority on how sound effects affect the conscious and sub conscious mind. The entire program is specifically targeted to enhance your mood, and assist you in relaxing into your meditative zone.


Why You Need Ho'oponopono In Your Life...

With today's fast-paced lifestyle, many of our core human needs are being neglected. Our personal relationships are suffering, we lack love and the ability to be empathetic, we forget to focus on our inner self and concentrate solely on the outer person, the ego, and the material things in life.


Our personal problems are being temporarily plastered over and unresolved, leaving us exposed to mental trauma and daily suffering, albeit conscious or unconscious. Recognizing the need for self-healing, I have specifically targeted this meditation at curing modern day ills. I am offering you the chance to get back to being a balanced, happy, focused individual, capable of maintaining personal relationships successfully and simultaneously managing a busy lifestyle.



What is Ho'oponopono?

Ho'oponopono is the ancient Hawaiian method of self-help that rids the mind, body, and soul of toxic energies. These are the same energies that block your life with mental obstacles, preventing the presence of Divine thoughts, words, deeds, and actions. With every Ho'oponopono meditation you undertake, you break down negative energies that are blocking your pathway to a happier existence.


You Owe It To Yourself and Those Around You To Eradicate The Toxic Energies Negatively Affecting Your Life

The concept of this meditation was borne out of a high demand from a number of my clients seeking to reclaim a peaceful, loving awareness. Over the last 15 years I have lost count of the number of people whom have come to me feeling drained, lifeless, and somewhat depressed. The answer, however, is always the same: you need to source more positive energy, more love, resolve your personal conflicts, and in effect, heal yourself.


"But Eric, how can I do that? "



It All Begins With An Intention...

When one begins to let go of the past and address unresolved emotional conflict, a new energy starts to emerge and arise within. This letting go and summoning of new positive energy can be achieved through Ho'oponopono meditation. Each practitioner must understand though that the success of Ho'oponopono is wholly dependent on consistent application. The more you put Ho'oponopono to use, the more fruitful the outcome will be.


Just Imagine Being Able To....

Live life free of the past
Heal all scars from past relationships
Reclaim A Peaceful, Loving Mind
Eradicate negative toxic energies
Be fully present and happy in the moment each and every day


...And that's just the beginning!


Just 14 Minutes A Day Is All You Need To Change Your Life


Here is my promise to you...


A program designed to fit in with your hectic schedule.
An immediate pathway to peace and contentment.
A program that can be implemented anywhere at any time of the day.
An ancient meditation practice that has been used for resolving interpersonal conflicts for centuries.
A new, improved, better, faster, stronger, more resilient, more successful you!


Why Not Give Yourself a Chance to Experience This Epic Healing Meditation Today


We truly hope you enjoy the program. Here's to the new you.


Eric Von Sydow and Denver Clay


P.S. Please drop us an email and let us know how you are getting on, we would love to hear form you.

Ho'oponopono Cleansing Memories Within

As you watch this video you can focus on any problem, issue, relationship or concern and the healing images will assist you in letting go of the memories that created the problem memory. Feel the peace of the words and music take you to the clear zero state of freedom, free from being run by past memories and beliefs .

Alot of the images are ho'oponopono cleaning tools that you can eat or have around you .To visit my website's Ho'oponopono resources page with links to many ho'oponopono websites and info visit ~



To copy and save some of these images check out Photos on my Ho'oponopono Lovers facebook wall and join if you wish to receive posts

The recording by Al Mc Allister saying the Ho'oponopono phrases, "I love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you" can be downloaded from my Rainbow Healings website page
* Al's website is at:


Michael Woolcock is the tech creator of this video and has his own Spiritual Art and Poetry website at


Aimee Rousseau's Healing paintings infused with ho'oponopono cleaning energy are the painted fruits, flowers and butterflies in the video . From the link below you can read up about each painting and what its clearing on in you and the story behind each one , you can buy these as cards and prints and in a calendar from her wonderful website



HO'OPONOPONO Forgiveness Meditation - KG Stiles, Intuitive Energy Healer
Ho'oponopono means to "make right" and is the Hawaiian for forgiveness.


Ho'oponopono restores your light or energy body and your e-motion, or energy in motion. Through your light body you are connected with all of life. Through your e-motion you are always affecting everyone around you by your thoughts, words, feelings and actions.


"When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free." ~ Catherine Ponder



Ho'oponopono in essence means to make things right with your ancestors, or to make right and create peace and harmony with the people you have relationships with; those with whom you are entangled, or connected, and and most especially with yourself.


In the Eastern cultures there is a tradition of honoring your ancestors. Being aligned with and cleansing ancestral relations is considered absolutely essential for prosperity at all levels of your life. Without reverence and gratitude for one's ancestors prosperous circumstances will always be severely limited. In Japan, China, and the Hawaiian tradition it's important to cleanse any past problems you may have had in relationships, especially with one's relatives.


There may also be family patterns you do not want to continue. Generational themes are passed along through the family lineage, like depression, poverty consciousness, addiction, or other unfortunate character traits. Ho'oponopono allows you to cleanse your ancestral lineage. This cleansing and healing of relationships within your family lineage brings you the highest and greatest good


Ho' oponopono Song - I Love You

Ho'oponopono - Feel it!
Self I'dentity through Ho'oponopono is a wonderful tool for self-healing and causes a great improvement in all areas of your life.

hooponopono and mandalas

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  • I'm so glad that you like the post. It makes me happy to know people are getting something from it. I have posted a blog about Hooponopono, much more details about it. See below for link. Love and Blessings to you both. Melodie


    Here is a link directly to it "Hooponopono". Enjoy the read, it is interesting.






  • what a beautiful and comprehensive posting, thank you so very much...

  • Thank you Lu. I also love your work here. Love and Blessings. Melodie

  • thank you dear Melodie, you always add wonderful posts and information,


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