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Authentic Lemurian Crystals


½ polished/ ½ natural


The holy vibration of the Mystical Marriage rings throughout all cells in time heralding an adjoining of what appears disconnected. A doorway of empowerment and remembrance is birthed on a solar level. This year is about trusting the cycles of time and the universe in a way that surpasses all earthly notions of what can and cannot be, accomplished. It is about the untapped wellspring of divine potential birthed in a way that man can understand. This year you will drink from what has been hidden in plain site. This year leads you home to heart without losing yourself in the tidal wave of emotion.


The Mystical Marriage begins as one Marries the Light and renews their Divine Mission Vows. Time-spent veils are lifted exposing what cannot be seen nor explained. The seven senses of light are activated stimulating an inner grander vision beyond a pre-destined foreseeable future. It is time to come into alignment with your soul agreements and DNA contracts in order to birth your true selves. The turning point of evolution speeds up to meet itself.  Movement through the heavens will be seen without constraints of time.  Nothing is hidden, no matter how hard it tries to veil itself. 2012 sits in a place where magic and miracles are seen as necessary events. 


These very magical crystals from Brazil are true lemurians, ½ polished and ½ natural. They are peach hued and full of soft powerful energy. The Lemurian mine was closed by the government a couple of years ago. These beauties come from the owner’s private collection. They are some of the most beautiful stones I have ever seen. These crystals are thought to have been programmed long ago by powerful Lemurian elders a race of advanced interplanetary beings. The first Lemurian Crystals were discovered at a mine in the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil.   These Crystals are a blend of unseen mystical realms, other presents, and possible futures. The energy in Lemurian crystals multiplies and focuses the overall energy of natural quartz many times. They contain & transmit messages of equality and unconditional love from ancient advanced civilizations. Lemurian Crystals are pre-programmed and come to us with the purpose of being “activated.




The union of The Christ and The Magdalene has always been seen as a mystical marriage. Never truly documented but always felt as a deep truth. The Magdalene gently pushes forward into the hearts of the masses. The remembrance of the Divine Union of what is holy and intended awakens after a long impatient sleep, shifting the core of earthly DNA.  The mystical marriage runs thru all time and space balancing the divine male with the holy female and the divine female with the holy male.   Marrying them cell by cell, memory by memory. 


The key that unlocks that Mystical Marriage is not a certain time or date. The Key that is sought is the divine alchemical experience of loving self first and then only then will true love follow. You can only love another to the degree you love yourself! By allowing the marriage of light and self to take root you offer the world another strand of love and hope.


The knowledge of the Magdalene is worth its weight in gold. It changes history and asks one to see with a new lens. All that one holds as a truth will eventually fulfills itself in prophecy. All thoughts have come to past and live in some part of time.  The Mystical Marriage calls from the ancient past whispering softly through the events of the now. Your soul seeks a connection with that which seems fleeting and hidden from view. Your heart feels the presence of the Christ and the Magdalene forcing to the surface a deep love that has been invisible much to long. The Mystical Marriage, the holy union of self, sits in The Temple of Heart, healing in a mirrored room, allowing one to see themselves complete and not fractured or fearful.


What does this mean to you and me? This crystalline alchemical exchange signals a new light. Time once obstructed by karmic indifferences is now healed as we all connect with the mystical marriage of heaven and earth. For the true love that is sought by humanity can only be seen within the deepest void of self, then and only then will the world mirror that connection. 




These crystals hold seeds of the pink heart light, use them as you would an embryo that is filled with love, wisdom and truth all held within the safety of a future time. Hold them and let their pure reflective beauty mirror your own. Let them fill you up with that which is holy. Fill them knowingly with your hopes and dreams and know that these beautiful crystals seed a brighter future with their pink hued light.


As you touch the Mystical Marriage Crystals you enter the heart of the Magdalene and the Christ.  Your soul seeks a connection with that which seems fleeting and invisible. Your heart feels the presence of that which is holy. The encoding of the Divine Marriage Lemurian Crystals is aligned with a deep love of that which is holy, sacred and beautiful. It portrays two sides of two hearts that had the strength and courage to love without expectations. It shows two who were not afraid to bring the timeless teachings of light to those who feared and doubted.  At this time in earth’s evolution we the people are being asked to stretch into a place that is so vast that we feel we could lose ourselves forever.  In that place we are being asked to fill the empty space with a belief that seeks its counter point on earth as the Mystical Marriage of the sacred male and holy female.


Lemurian Seed Crystals are believed to be a gift to the earth from the far off reaches of the Universe brought to earth during the time of ancient Lemurian. The Hall Of Records of Lemuria is held within the striations and cloudy formations of these crystals.  Instead of being shiny, they appear frosted and matte like.  The consciousness of Lemuria has never left, and has been kept alive within the crystalline seeded records. Lemurian crystals create an interstellar connection between earth and the center of the galaxy. They contain & transmit messages of equality and radiant love from ancient to advanced civilizations


These crystals are ½ polished and ½ unpolished pure raw beauty. They are sure of themselves and have no forethought of being misused, by anything or anyone. As soon as one holds them they begin their work in an effortless fashion that both calms and lifts the spirit. They ask you to go to the place of creating deep in your heart. let your heart dream be set free by the soft pristine beauty of these Mystical Marriage Crystals.






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  • Brillient dear Friend. Thank you so much. Great Post as usual. Love Melodie


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