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The Prayers You Offer For Others Are Your Ticket To Higher Consciousness By Shanta Gabriel & AA Gabriel

For this week's issue, the message from Archangel Gabriel is reminding us about the Power of Prayer.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week

The prayers you offer for others are a ticket to Higher Consciousness,
because the gifts and blessings sent out in Light and Love have a tenfold return.

Shanta's Message .....

Sometimes it is difficult to know what to do when faced with situations that seem beyond our comprehension, but that is a time when we can fall back to the power of prayer. Offering a prayer is a proactive way to give something positive to any difficult situation.

There have been many studies on the efficacy of prayer. All of them have found that healing follows the energy in our prayers. We may never see the results of the blessings we are offering to others, but we can trust that it had a beneficial effect, because that is the promise from science as well as from a spiritual viewpoint.

When we pray for others, it settles our minds and hearts in a way that nothing else can. There is an All-knowing Intelligence within the Light of the Divine working in the field of energy that we create with our prayers.

This energy fills and surrounds us with a healing Love that will never abandon us and can be sent where it needs to go for the Highest Good of all concerned. We are always connected with this Divine Presence, through our focus, our thoughts, and most especially through our prayers.

Divine Presence,

Thank you for helping me to remember that God exists within all. May I always remember this truth as I ask that Divine Light totally fill and surround each person involved so that this situation may be lifted up into the power of Divine Love for healing.

With every breath I take, I AM receiving precious Love into my being so I can radiate more Love into the world. May all beings receive Divine Love into their hearts and be blessed. May I remember that there is a benevolent outcome in every situation when Divine Love is present.

I gratefully receive my tenfold return from all the prayers that I offer to the world. It is in Divine Order for us to receive what we give. Thank you for helping me to be a clear channel for God's loving energy and the blessings flowing through me to the Earth and all humanity.

Thank you God. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel

Video - Experience Your Infinite Love & Light Self By Melanie Beckler"

Archangel Gabriel's Message .....

Dear One,

Sometimes it feels as though prayer is the only thing you can do for another person, even though you wish you could do more. Prayer is, however, the greatest gift you can give.

When you pray for another, you are sending a blessing of Divine Love and increased light-filled energy. This can bring them an expanded perspective on their life, an awareness of a Greater Power working within them as Love. They may not know why they feel better, they just know they do. God's love is the power that can heal all things. All you have to do in prayer is ask that another be filled with Divine Love and a perfect outflow of energy from a Higher Source will occur.

Prayer is often the last thing one thinks about when situations become disturbing. In truth, prayer is most helpful as the first and not the last resort. You may not know what is best for another, but their Higher Power does. Each person has a guardian Angel ready to respond to the prayers offered for another. It is very simple just to pray that the Angels bless someone and lead them to their highest good. Praying for such divine outworking has tremendous potential and power. It opens the door to the place where miracles occur.

When you pray for a miracle in any situation, you are letting the Universe know that you are willing to receive it. A conscious opening occurs. Ways are revealed which have not been previously thought of. It is the natural order to have miraculous occurrences in life. Your awareness of this truth increases your faith and belief in Divine Solutions. This belief is what opens the door. Your faith is the healing elixir in all situations and prayer sets it all in motion.

All that is released to Divine Spirit, with the intention of perfect outworking for the highest good of all concerned, is blessed. This blessing increases the return of energy to the person offering the prayer. There is no real way to measure the energy of God's return blessings, but ten times seems to be something the mind can accept. However, prayers offered only with the thought of tenfold return do not carry the powerful intention of a miraculous outworking. A pure surrender to the Divine Will is necessary, with the intent to allow a greater power to work through each person and each situation. This is the way to create miracles.

Prayer is a simple thought, a blessing given freely. It needs no special place, time or words. Your heart carries this spiritual energy, and has the intention for good. This is all you need to bring blessings to the life of another and into your world. As a bonus you are blessed also. This is a universal gift to you for desiring good in your world and in the lives of others. It is the Grace of God. Receive it freely, with gratitude.

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

The prayers you offer for others are a ticket to Higher Consciousness, because the gifts and blessings sent out in Light and Love have a tenfold return.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel
May 12, 2019

Video - "Experience Your Highest Vibration Of Love With Melanie Beckler"


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Conspire With Love To Open Our HeartFire Gateways By

Rhea Dopmeijer

With each breath, we conspire with Love
to open our HeartFire Gateways.

For this today ...

Breathe into the HeartFire, the Light of Love that lives
at the center of each breath. Feel all the elements of the body
breathing together, conspiring to act in Harmony ...
pulsing Life force energy into and through the sacred temple
of the body.

Now be still in this center-point, between in-breath and out-breath,
Creating space ... openness ... room for Love to gather and flow.

Breathe in ... hold ... Breathe out.

Breathe in Love ... hold this Love,
feeling it flood in the inner space of your Being.
Release with Gratitude.


When present to this space between the Breath,
filled with Love,
what changes in the quality of experience?
What wisdom comes thru, when we allow ourselves
to settle into the stillness, into the silence, into the
Heart of the flow of Love?

And to enjoy another beautiful message from Rhea called "Bringing Home the Light of Love", just click on this link:

Video - "Powerful Activating Energy Transmission From The Bosnia Pyramids" By Judy Satori -


Commencing The Creation Of Your Channel By Ascended Master Kuthumi Via Natalie Glasson

Master Kuthumi's Message .....

It is my intention today to explain to you about channeling and to assist you in realising your own channel and ability. During my communication, when I speak of the ‘channel,’ I am not referring to the person, but the funnel of light that is their channel.

To channel is not a new ability that humanity has activated. In many respects, channeling is a natural and common ability all have. Many people channel without realising it throughout their day; they may feel inspired to say certain things to people which is what they needed to hear at that time to lead them onto the correct path.

People also channel books, music, art, healing, and creative expressions without realising because it is a natural and normal ability, they have had for such a long time, they do not even realise their ability as it feels familiar and easy to them.

The Definition of a Channel

Every person on the Earth can channel and most are channeling without realising.

This may be a very profound statement for some people to accept. In order to realise this, we must first understand the definition of a channel.

To channel is to link into energy or to build a connection that allows you to draw upon energies that may not presently be realised within your being. To channel is to connect to a well of consciousness that may be beyond your current reality on the Earth.

We must remember at this point that every person on the Earth is linked to each other as we are all aspects of the Creator. Each person is then linked to soul groups which are interlinked and are connected to the light of the Creator.

Therefore, when we channel, we could say that we are establishing a connection with another aspect of our being or energy. When you connect with someone physically you cannot truly feel or understand what they are experiencing in their own reality.

When you connect with a consciousness or light being you can truly feel their emotions, thoughts, and energies existing within you, interpreting these through your sensations.

The Anchoring of a Channel

A channel is often described as a tunnel or funnel created from light that exists within a person’s physical body. The funnel of light usually anchors into one of the person’s chakras. It depends on the person’s level of growth as to whether the funnel, which is narrower at the bottom and wider at the top, anchors into the crown chakra, third eye chakra, throat chakra, heart chakra, solar plexus chakra, sacral chakra or root chakra.

The crown chakra is your link to the spiritual planes, your soul group, and the Creator. A channel will always begin by anchoring into the crown chakra. When the channel is only anchored into the crown chakra, it can sometimes mean the channel is new or not yet fully developed.

When the funnel of light anchors into the third eye this usually means the person will receive many visions through their channel and will use their channel to see into the spiritual worlds. This can sometimes mean the information pouring through the channel cannot always be physically expressed.

This is a very powerful way to work if you wish to use your channel for your own personal guidance and growth solely. Sometimes when the channel is anchored into the third eye the mind can have a habit of influencing the energy or consciousness flowing into the person if discipline is not exercised.

When the funnel of light anchors into the throat chakra then expression of information or consciousness flowing through you is very easy. Wisdom, in this case, is the sole purpose of activating the channel or funnel of light.

A channel that anchors into the heart chakra is often one that expresses immense love in every energy or consciousness that flows through. Many healers anchor their channels into their heart chakras in order to assist with their expression of energy.

When the channel is anchored into the heart chakra it symbolises that everything is influenced by love and so the purity of the energy and words flowing are more prominent. Anchoring the channel into the solar plexus and sacral chakra is less common but can assist in the expression of emotions and creativity.

When the channel is anchored into the root chakra this can signify two things: either the person brings forth energies and information that are focused within the physical reality and the Earth, or that the channel has in fact anchored into all chakras and the physical body truly embodies the channel.

This is the ultimate goal of anchoring a channel or funnel of light into your being, when the channel is anchored into all chakras there is a seamless bond between the physical body, personality, mind and emotions and the channel.

A person who has anchored their channel into their entire chakra column allows energies and wisdom to flow through with very little disruption or shift in the person’s energy or appearance. It also means that all chakras are working to express the consciousness and energy flowing. There is a need for the channel to anchor into all chakras before anchoring into the root chakra and entire being.

Video - "Master Kuthumi Commencing The Creation Of Your Channel" By Natalie Glasson

Creating a Channel

A channel or funnel of light can take a long time to be created as it is formed from the energy of the person synthesised with the light of their guides and the Creator. To create a strong channel, one must take time to ensure it is created with high vibrations of light and the correct intentions.

Time is needed to allow the person to adjust to the channel as the additional light can create many shifts in the person’s energy. At first the channel it can be very small and thin, but with time it becomes thick, strong and expansive.

A person will evolve through many stages of using and experiencing their channel and understanding how best they can express the light, love, and consciousness they are connected to. We can imagine a channel as an antenna or an open vortex of energy.

Your intentions will create the actual bridge of light that aids the connection; it is your intentions that determine which energy or source of light within the Creator’s universe you connect your energies with.

The channel is not necessarily the connection or link between you and a certain healing energy, consciousness, ascended master or angels, the channel is the means to connect, the means to embody and to filter energies into your being and reality. A channel is a tool of connection, expression and embodiment.

The definition of channeling is to allow energy to flow through your being; this is also the way to build a channel. When we realise it is a simple connection, we see that many people channel or express energy throughout their day, often from an aspect of their own being.

Some people can channel or express a negative consciousness of energy from themselves due to their focus or mood; this doesn’t necessarily harm them, it simply means they express negative energy through their actions.

A person can also channel or express a beautiful and positive energy or outlook from their own energy, essence or consciousness which allows them to succeed in their actions and experiences with ease.

You naturally link into an aspect of your being depending on your focus; you channel or express energy throughout the day because channeling is transferring energy. But this doesn’t mean that the purest part of your soul is projected.

When you begin to build a channel through the process of self-realisation, through anchoring light and holding an intention of connecting with higher, finer or quicker vibrations of light - you are achieving this to embody or realise a greater aspect of the Creator within you.

It is a bridge of light that in many ways allows you to overcome the existence of separation and merge with other aspects of the Creator’s soul. Separation causes much suffering on the Earth and yet through the forming of a channel you can feel a strong bond and unity with all that is the Creator.

Every person channels or transfers energy in a different way and expresses diverse energies. This is because of the vibrations of consciousness they connect with and their own level of spiritual advancement.

To transfer energy or to channel does not necessarily indicate you are a spiritual based person, it is your actions, thoughts, and intentions while you are not channeling or transferring energy that aids your spiritual growth.

Many times, we see on the Earth that those who have created bridges of light and have manifested a channel forget to alter and transform their way of life in order to work alongside and intensify the power flowing through the channel.

When a person remains focused on their physical reality and repeating habits of judgment, fear and negativity, then the channel can become tainted and can lower in energy vibration. This means higher vibrations of light are unable to flow through the channel.

In order to accept high vibrations of light through your channel, your funnel of light, your physical body and thoughts must also hold the equivalent or higher vibrations of light.

With this understanding, we begin to see the channel or funnel of light is actually a support for light anchoring into the physical body, stabilising the light so the body can cope with new energy vibrations entering into its consciousness and space.

It is important not to see channeling as a way to achieve spiritual development, mastery or ascension. Channeling is simply a tool of connection and anchoring light, which of course aids ascension, but only to a certain level. Learning to channel or transfer energy is like learning to meditate, it is a foundation for further processes of growth and advancement. And it is a way of connecting your energies with the Creator and deciphering the will of the Creator.

Building a Channel

There are four things that are needed in order to build a channel:

1.   There is a need to identify from the consciousness of your soul and your guides whether

this is the correct time for you to begin to build a channel.

Invoke your guides to surround you and to send their energy deep into your being, for this will build a connection between you. Then ask your soul to step forward, assisting you in experiencing its unwavering loving presence.

When you are ready simply ask, ‘It is my wish and desire to begin to build my channel so I may experience a deeper connection and bond with the Creator and exist as a channel and beacon of the Creator’s light on the Earth. I ask my soul, guides and the Creator, Is it appropriate at this stage of my spiritual growth to begin this work of building a channel?’

Then listen peacefully with the intention of openness and acceptance. You may gain your answer in a variety of ways... as a word or voice within your mind, as a feeling or emotions, as a vision, or as a simple knowing.

If you receive a yes then you can continue if you so desire, if you receive a no then there is a need to respect this answer. To trust in your answer even if it is not one that you desire is the key.

If you do receive a no, please understand it is simply because of timing. You may need to experience a situation or energy in order to prepare you for manifesting your channel. You can also practice anchoring light into your body as a preparation for building your channel.

2,   There is a need to create an intention of using your channel for your highest good and to know that it will allow you to achieve a higher level of integration and connection with the Creator’s soul.

Many people wish to become channels or transfers of energy in order for fame, to boost their ego, or so they can be recognised as an evolved spiritual being. This intention will not anchor a pure channel and may cause problems of integration or acceptance of the pure energies of the Creator.

In order to manifest a pure channel, your intention must also be focused and pure. This is something I, Master Kuthumi, cannot teach you, your intention must come from the heart of your soul.

3,   I, Master Kuthumi, wish you to consider focusing on disciplining and mastering your mind to create only positive thoughts, bringing peace and balance to your entire being and connecting with your inner soul. It is important to remain happy, joyous and energised even when faced with a negative reality, allowing every aspect of your reality to be an opportunity of growth, mastery, and self-realisation.


4,   I, Master Kuthumi, encourage you to anchor light with the intention of boosting your energy vibration, developing your connection with the Creator, and building your channel. In many respects, it doesn’t really make a difference which quality or vibration of light you anchor, simply ask to anchor the most appropriate vibration of light for you.

Overseen by my guides, soul and soul group, I invoke the most appropriate light, quality, consciousness and energy from the Creator’s soul of the most suitable vibration for me to pour into my crown chakra and melt into my chakra column.

I invoke the light of the Creator with the intention of increasing the volume of light within my body, aura, and entire being, developing and building my connection with the Creator’s loving presence and building my channel with ease from the purest vibration of light suitable for me.

Assist me in experiencing and understanding the light of the Creator as it merges with my own energies. Thank you and let it be.’


You can ask for this several times a day as it will energise and cleanse your energies as well as support the building of your channel. These four steps are essential for the building of your channel, they may seem simple and, in many cases, obvious however they are essential.

With constant support,

Master Kuthumi

More Master Kuthumi -

Free audio download of Natalie's message -

Video - "God/Goddess Reunification Meditation" By Steve Nobel


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