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I have noticed lately that we all seem to be awakening to the same things at the same time.  It has always been so, but the level of synchronicity now is truly astounding.  Reality spirals into life at so many different “levels”, each of us will experience a different event and flavor of the same energy.  I feel that this is the predominate feature of oneness…sharing simultaneously the impulses of lovelight steaming to us from the Galactic center. Soon I feel this will become undeniable; we will look around and see our Brothers and Sisters in the light of shared growth and experience.  Awareness of sharing life in this way will lead to familiar feelings.  Familiar feelings will blossom into friendliness in ways we can only dream of now.  Imagine the Joy of recognition felt when these barriers of reason, race and religion are seen for what the truly are…ideas of separation.


As we look upon each other with difference in mind.  Spirit is faced with the same dilemma.  We see our selves growing in awareness and expansion.  Spirit sees us as one.  We hope to please God by being “good”.  Spirit sees us as perfect.  We cannot shake sense into our fellow man…”Wake up you fool, we are one”…Nor can Spirit hope to shock us into recognizing our oneness with the totality of all at once.  Both of these scenarios are the same.  Seemingly different in scope and grandeur, we can unlock them together with the same key; the key of friendly familiarity. 


We all hope to be loved and recognized as relevant. Separating ourselves from each other is obvious when hatred is present.  Difference is often accepted when specialness has created the chasm of space between each other.  Let us together look at our relationship with Spirit.  Do you see your self as lesser than the Masters and Angels?  Does the shining of your Heart seem insignificant to the brilliance of the Sun?  How much more expansive does the star filled sky seem, compared to your Hearts ability to soar with inspiration?  Let us together see how friendly Angels can be.  How Masters have familiar personalities, much like yours.  Today strive to recognize how brilliant your Heart is, how it shines constantly, illuminating every corner of your world.  Tonight dare to compare your mind with the stellar magnificence of the Milky Way.  See the purity of your soul twinkling as Venus sets in the west this evening.  Allow the wonders of nature and the magnificence of God, to be friendly and familiar.


I believe the realization of life is more relevant than perceived creation.  See you’re self in the sunset.  Hear your life in a bird’s song.  Feel your passion in water that flows everywhere.  We are all this beautiful.  I will believe it for you, if you will believe it for me.  Soon we will all believe it together.  Unity and oneness is less about the endless battle with the ego and more about all of life being familiar, less about finding clever ways to be in Gods favor and more about finding a Friend in God.  Let us together realize how Spirit longs to be our friend.  Allow ourselves the audacity to be familiar with all that is.  The boldness to realize our selves as the embodiment of the Universe and think the thoughts of the Goddess herself. 


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  • Thank you soooooooo much sear Indra........your post make me smiling and crying in same time.....tears of love.....and from my heart.............Namaste......Amba

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